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Howard Velasquez Engineering Blog

Civil, Structural and Geotechnical

Understanding KL/r

Have you never tried to compress a straw? When enough force is applied with your
ngers to both ends of the straw, in some moment it will buckle. The KL/r factor is
the main characteristic that de nes the phenomena that govern the straw buckling
when is compressed.

To understand what is KL/r, we need rst to know what is K, L and r.

K represents the e ective length coe cient, L is the unbraced length and r is the
radius of gyration.

Each of this part of the equation KL/r have di erent ways to be calculated or
determined. The important thing here is to understand what is the meaning of each

K E ective length coe cient

In theory, the e ective length factor K for any column in a framed structure can be
determined from a stability analysis of the entire structural analysis—eigenvalue
analysis. Methods available for stability analysis include the slope-de ection
method, three-moment equation method, and energy methods. In practice,
however, such analysis are not practical, and simple models are often used to
determine the e ective length factors for framed columns. One such practical
procedure that provides an approximate value of the elastic K-factor is the
alignment chart method. This procedure has been adopted by the AISC, ACI 318, and
AASHTO speci cations, among others. At present, most engineers use the alignment
chart method in lieu of an actual stability analysis.

K determination – Alignment Chart Method

The structural models employed for the determination of K-factor for framed

columns in the alignment chart method are shown in the following gure.

The assumptions used in these models are:

1. All members have constant cross-section and behave elastically.

2. Axial forces in the girders are negligible.
3. All joints are rigid.
4. For braced frames, the rotations at the near and far ends of the girders are equal
in magnitude and opposite in direction (i.e., girders are bent in single curvature).
5. For unbraced frames, the rotations at the near and far ends of the girders are
equal in magnitude and direction (i.e., girders are bent in double curvature).
6. The sti ness parameters, L=SQR(P/EI) of all columns are equal.
7. All columns buckle simultaneously.

The member capacity for axial compression and for exure is dependent on the
spacing of elements which provide bracing along the length of a member.

r – Radius of Gyration

In structural engineering, the two-dimensional radius of gyration is used to

describe the distribution of cross-sectional area in a column around its centroidal
axis. The radius of gyration is given by the following formula:

r = SQR (I / A)

Where I is the second moment of area and A is the total cross-sectional area.

KL/r Calculation Example

Continuing with the straw example, let’s assume that it has an OD of 5 mm and ID of
4.8 mm, L = 200 mm and K factor = 1.

The cross-section Area A is 1.5439 mm^2.

A = 1.5439 mm^2

The second moment of area I is de ned by the formula

I = 0.25 p (rOD^4 – rID^4)


I = (0.25) (3.1416) (2.5^4 – 2.4^4) = 4.62 mm^4

r = SQR (I / A) = SQR (4.62 mm4 / 1.5439 mm^2) = 1.73 mm

KL/r = (1) (200) / 1.73 = 115.59

What is the force that can produce buckling in the straw?

To resolve this question, we need rst to de ne a Compression Stress Fa on the

gross-section area. For the example, let’s use a ASCE standard that is very used by
us in our tower design department. Using Chapter 3 of ASCE / SEI 10-15 standard
de nes Fa for axially loaded compression members as:
Let’s imagine that the straw is made of Polystyrene (PS) which modulus of elastic E
is approximately 3.5 GPa and Yield Stress 4.17 ksi.

Summary of data in kgf, cm:

A            =             1.5439 mm^2     =             0.01539 cm^2

Fy           =             4.17 ksi                =             293.18 kgf/cm^2

E             =             3.5 GPa                =             35690.07 kgf/cm^2

L             =             200 mm               =             20 cm

r              =             1.73 mm              =             0.173 cm

K             =             1                            =             1

Calculating Cc:

Cc = p SQR (2E/Fy)

Cc = (3.1416)  SQR (2*35690.07 / 293.18)

Cc = 49.02

Due to KL/r = 115.59 > Cc = 49.02, formula 3.6-2 shall be used.

Fa = p2 * E / (KL/r)^2

Fa = (3.1416)2 * 35690.07 / (115.59) ^2

Fa = 26.39 kgf/cm^2

Which means the Compression Stress Fa that produces buckling on the straw.

The force F will be the amount of Force that needs to be applied to the straw until its
failure due to buckling.

F = A * Fa = 0.01539 cm^2 * 26.39 kgf/cm^2

F = 0.41 kgf


All these calculations helped us to understand the importance of KL / r as an

intrinsically related characteristic of buckling failure in a compressed member. In
this case, a compression force of 0.4 kg (approx. 1 lb.) produces the failure of the
straw. It is reasonable and very easy to demonstrate in the real world.

Next time when you attempt to compress a straw when drinking a refreshment,
you’ll remember that KL / r factor is the responsible for its failure when you apply to
much force.



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howardvelasquez / January 5, 2017

One thought on “Understanding KL/r”

Nasredeen Ahmed Yousif

January 11, 2020 at 11:52 am
Dear Sir,
You are awesome , I like your method of explaining things !
Please keep blogging such nice technical subject

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