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Recount Text

Definition of Recount Text

Recount text is a type of text in English that tells a story, action, or activity. Usually, the recount text tells
about someone's experience. The purpose of recount text is to entertain the reader, so there is no conflict
in this text. In addition, this text also aims to provide information to the reader.

The characteristics of Recount Text

 Use Past Tense sentences , like went, departed, would, woke up, and so on.
 Use adverb and adverbial phrases to express the time, place and method, such as: last September,
Pari Island, on then second day, and so on.
 Using conjunction and time connectives to sort events or events, such as: and, before, then, after
that, and so on.

Generic Structure of Recount Text

1. Orientation

Tells about background information about who, where, when events or events occurred.

2. Events

Tells a series of events that occur in chronological order.

3. Re-orientation

It is the conclusion or conclusion of the story. To close a story, we can give our opinion about the story.

B. Narrative text

Definition of Narrative Text

Narrative text is a type of text in English to tell a story that has a series of chronological events that are
interconnected. The purpose of this text is to entertain the reader about a story or story.

Types of Narrative Texts

Narrative text can be imaginary or factual. Here is an example genre of Narrative text:

 Fairy tale
 Mystery
 Science fiction
 Romance
 Horror
 Fable
 Myth and legend
 History
 Slice of life
 Personal experience
 And so forth

Characteristics of Narrative Text

 Use Action Verb in the form of Past Tenses .

 Use certain nouns as people pronouns.
 Using Adjectives that make up Noun Phrase.
 Use Conjunction to sort events.

Narrative Text Structure

The structure of the narrative text focuses on a series of stages proposed to construct this text itself. In
general, there are four stages in Narrative text, namely:

1. Orientation

Orientation or commonly called preliminary, contains about who, when, where a story is set.

2. Complication

Complication tells the beginning of the problem that causes the peak of the problem or commonly
called the climax. This part usually involves the main character of the story.

3. Resolution

This section is the end of the story or in the form of a solution to the problem that occurred. Problems
can be solved can be better or even worse which will later make the story happily end or vice versa.

Sometimes, there are resolutions that are in the form of other problems to solve. This is intentionally
created by the writer to add and maintain interest and tension for the reader. Usually, this type of
resolution is in the mysteries and horror genres.

4. Re-orientation

The part is the closing of an optional story. Re-orientation can contain moral lessons, suggestions or
teachings from the author.

C. Information Report Text

Definition of Information Report Text

Information report text is a form of text that contains a detailed scientific explanation of an object.

General Classification

General classification  is a general statement that explains the subject of the report, its description, and its
classification. This section states the classification of general aspects for things like animals, public
places, plants, and others. What does it look like, for example? Examples like this, Squad:  Coconut tree
is a tree of the palm family. It is one of the trees which lives in tropical countries. It is a tall palm
tree. Cocos nucifera is binomial name of its. Don't confuse it with the description part! 


Descriptions (information) is part of the text of the information report that provides a description of the
phenomenon or situation that occurs, both its parts, nature, habits and behavior. In essence, this section
lays out the classification presented scientifically. This section can be identified by the use of the
scientific name of the object being reported, or by describing the special features and functions possessed
by the object in question. For example like this one sentence. 

It can grow up to 30 m high. They have a single cylindrical trunk. At the top of the trunk there are pinnate
leaves. They are about 3 to 4 m long and the pinnate 60 to 90 cm long. The fruit is oval and the diameter
is about 30 cm long. It has thick husk and a hard shell. Inside the shell there is white meat and sweet

D. Explanation Text

Definition of Explanation Text

Explanation text is one type of text in English that describes a process. Speaking of processes, this text is
almost the same as procedure text . However, if the procedure text explains how to do something
(process), this text explains how the process occurs. That way, we can know that the explanation text
serves to provide information to the reader about a process.

The characteristics of Explanation Text

There are several characteristics of this text, namely:

 Using Simple Present Tense

 This text uses Simple Present Tense because this text explains facts.
 Using Action Verbs
 Action Verbs are verbs used to describe the action that is taking place. Examples are do, make,
create, and so on.
 Using Passive Voices
 The use of Passive Voices aims to emphasize the focus on events that take place rather than the
 Using Noun Phrases
 Using Technical Terms
 These technical terms refer to technical terms related to the topics discussed in this text.
 Contains an explanation of the process

Generic Structure of Explanation Text

1. General Statement

Contains general information about the topic to be discussed in the text.

2. Explanation

Contains a series of events (sequences of events) of a process that is the topic of the text. We can also
explain using the question why and how, so that the explanation we convey is more comprehensive.

3. Closing

The closing part is optional or doesn't have to be in this text. This section can contain additional
information or the author's opinion on the topic discussed.

E. Descriptive Text

Definition of Descriptive Text

Descriptive Text is one type of text in English that clearly illustrates the characteristics inherent in
something, be it human, animal, plant or inanimate objects. The purpose of this text is to provide clear
information about the object described to the reader.

Descriptive Text Characteristics

 Using Simple Present Tense

This text uses Simple Present Tense because we will describe the facts attached to an object, and one of
the functions of Simple Present Tense itself is to show a fact or truth.

 Suppose you want to describe your bed, you can use the sentence :

The color of my bedroom is blue.

 Use many adjectives.

Because the function of this text is to provide information by describing an object described, then in
Descriptive Text many adjectives will be found . Examples are big, small, colorful, and so on.

 Using a connecting verb.

Relating verb is a verb that gives an explanation to the noun that is the subject of a sentence. For example:
is, have, seem, appear, and other verbs.

Generic Structure of Descriptive Text

Descriptive Text has its own rules regarding its structure. The following is a generic descriptive text

1. Identification

This section, located in the first paragraph, aims to identify an object that you want to
describe. Indentification function is to introduce to the reader about the object that we will explain, before
we tell about the object in more detail in the next paragraph.

2. Description
This section, located in the second paragraph and so on, contains the properties that are attached to
something that you have introduced to the reader in the first paragraph.

F. Analytical Exposition

Definition of Analytical Exposition

Analytical Exposition is a type of text or oral material in English that is used to explain the writer's view
of an issue. In other words, this text is argumentative text. This type of text is very popular with
academics and can be found in scientific books, journals, magazines, newspaper articles, academic
speeches, and so on. The purpose of this text is only to make the reader or listener aware of an issue
raised by the writer or speaker.

Analytical Exposition Characteristics

 There are several characteristics of this text, namely:

 It is an argumentative text accompanied by supporting reasons.
 Using Simple Present Tense
 Use conjunctions like first, second, third, next, furthermore, additionally and so on.
 Use evaluative words like important, valuable, trustworthy, and so on.
 Using causal conjunctions for example, as a result, because, by, consequently, despite, due to, for
that reason, and so forth.

Generic Structure of Analytical Exposition

Analytical Exposition has its own generic structure. In this text there are three important parts that must
be owned, namely:

 Thesis

Contains the opinion of the author or speaker on the topic in question.

 Argument

Arguments contain opinions that support the main idea. The more opinions written down, the Analytical
Exposition Text is more interesting because the reader or listener tends to believe in an event if there are
many supporting opinions in it.

 Conclusion

Contains conclusions or restatements of the core ideas submitted.

G. Discussion Text

Discussion Text is an article that presents a probelamatic problem, contains elements of pros and
cons . These problems will be discussed from 2 different points of view. in this case there are pros and
cons, namely an article that describes the discourse or debate an issue that is discussed from a different
perspective. The writing or text of this discussion is usually found in philosophical, historical and
social writing .
Characteristics of Text Discussion

1. Using a simple present tense

2. Using modalites, such as must, should, would, may, etc.

3. Using additives, contrastive, and casual connections (using words that compare: opposite
conjunctions), such as similiary, however, furthemore, on the other hand, moreover, in addition, but,
nevertheless, but, in other sides and the consequences (cause and effect) for example: so, then. etc.

4. Focus on generic human and non-human participants.

5. Use the language of discussion: According to opinion.

6. Using thinking words like: feel, hope, believe .

H. Procedure Text

Procedure text is a type of text that aims to describe a command or instruction on how something is
achieved in the correct sequence or steps.

And usually the procedure text title starts with " How to .... " Examples include " How to make a cup of
tea ", "How to Use the Computer", and many other examples.

Characteristics of procedural text

 Usually use Simple Present Tense with the formula (S + V1)

 In the form of imperative / command form,
 Using action verbs, for example: make, take, boil, cook,
 Use temporal conjunctions, for example: First, then, next, after that, last
 Use conjunctions (conjunctions) to sort activities, for example then, while, etc.
 Use adverbs (adverbs) to state detailed time, place, accurate ways, for example for five minutes, 2
hours, etc.
 Use adverbs (adverbs) to express stages or sequences, for example the first, the second, the third,
the last, etc.

Types of Text Procedures

1. Procedure text in English has several types. Here are 3 types of procedure text that you should know
2. Procedure text that explains how something works or how to use manual instructions / operations, for
example, how to use a computer, how to record videos. how to use plaroid camera.
3. Text procedures that instruct how to do certain activities, for example, how to make a noodle, how to
dance, how to play basketball.
4. Text procedures relating to human behavior, for example, how to succeed, how to live happily, how
to be a good person.

Generic Structure of Procedure Text

Procedure text has a general arrangement scheme or generic structure. Following is the generic structure
of procedure text:

 Goal : provides information about the purpose and objectives of the procedure and predicts a
 Materials : contains a list of materials or materials needed to carry out a procedure or steps.
 Steps : list the sequence of instructions / activities to reach the destination in the correct sequence
of steps.
 Result : The result of a series of steps that have been carried out.

I. News Item Text

News item text is a text that informs readers about daily events that are newsworthy or
important. Newsworthy means to be reported, so not all events can be reported. Only important events or
events are newsworthy. If the incident / incident is not important then it is not suitable to be reported and
known by many people.

Generic Structure

1. Similar to other types of English text such as narrative text, recount text, or procedure text, news item
text also has a general structure or structure called generic structure. The Generic Structure of the
news item text is as follows:
2. Main Event / Newsworthy Event: is the main story, a part that tells a summary of an event or
important event that happened.
3. Event Background / Elaboration: tells in detail the background of the event or events that occurred,
who was involved, where and how the event occurred.

Characteristics of News Item Text

In every English text type News Item Text , there are linguistic characteristics as follows :

 Short information contained in the headline

 Focus on events
 Using action verb
 Using material process

J. Review Text

Review text is text that is intended to review a work, whether a film, a book and so on, to find out the
qualities, advantages and disadvantages of the work.

Purpose of Review text

The purpose of the Review text is to 'criticize an art work, event for a public audience' (to provide
criticism of a work of art, or others for the general public) also provide reviews, reviews, and even
criticism of a work of art, scientific, book or other forms to be known by the general public.
Characteristics of Review Text

 Focus on specific participants

 use adjectives ( adjectives )
 use ( long and complex clauses ) kalusa which is long and complicated
 using metaphors (parables)

Generic Structure Review Text

1. Introduction (first paragraph)

The introduction is located at the beginning of the review paragraph, containing an introduction to the
subject or general description of a work / object to be reviewed. The general description can be in the
form of names, uses, and so on.

2. Evaluation

The evaluation section contains a detailed description of a work, including telling the strengths,
uniqueness, quality, and things that make it interesting by giving a more detailed picture of a work or
object to be reviewed.

3. Interpretation

In the interpretation section, the author gives his opinion or view of the work or object under review.

4. Summary   (conclusion)

In this section, the authors provide conclusions in the last part of the Review text to the reader of the
works or objects that have been reviewed (the works or objects that are reviewed ). After providing an
explanation in the evaluation and the author's own views in the interpretation section, in this section the
author provides comments about the work or objects that are valued valuable or not for prospective

K. Anecdote Text

Anecdote Text is a type of English text from Narration text which tells back odd or unusual events, both
facts and imagination.

Purpose of Anecdote Text

The purpose of Anecdote Text is to tell a story about a past event that aims to entertain the reader or
listener with an unusual story or that can make people laugh by recounting odd or unusual events that are
intended to entertain the reader.

Characteristics of Anecdote Text

 Using past tense, such as: I found it last night. both simple past tense, past continuous and past
perfect tense.
for example: Last night, I met a beautiful girl wearing a swimsuit in the middle of crowded
 Uses conjuction of time, which is conjunctions which indicate the sequence of events, such as:
then, afterward, before, after.
 Using rhetoric questions, which are questions that sometimes do not need answers because the
questioner knows the answer better. This is just to interact with the listener or reader.
Example: Do you know why? (do you know why?)
 Use exclamation or exclamation like:
example: what a bad day! (really a bad day)
 Use the intensity word or word that shows the intensity to dramatize the story.
example: very, much and so on.
 Use the action verb (action verb), such as: went, writed, etc.
 Use imperative sentece (command sentence), such as: listen to this.

Generic Structure Anecdote Text

1. Abstract

In this section, the writer will start the writing by introducing something unique or bizarre so that it
invites the attention of the listener or reader and makes you curious as to how that can happen. Usually -
though not absolutely - the writer will start by asking a question.

2. Orientation

After being able to make the listener or reader curious, then the writer will start by introducing the setting
of place, actors, time of a story. This section has the same function as the Narration Text .

3. Crisis

The third part of the generic structure of anecdote text is Crisis. After the abstrack part of the author tells
a unique thing briefly, in this section then the author emphasizes the uniqueness and peculiarities that
occur so that the curiosity graph (curious) readers have increased.

4. Reaction or Incident

In this section the author ends his curiosity about the odd or unique things in the story by telling how the
perpetrators solved the problem or the anomalies that occur. And in this section usually the reader or
listener gets a tickling or funny problem solving.

5. Coda (optional / optional)

Coda is a conclusion that can be drawn in a funny story that usually will invite laughter of the listener or
reader even greater. But this generic anecdote text part is not always in the anecdote story.

L. Spoof Text

Definition of Text Spoof

Spoof text is a type of text in English that tells a comedy story that has a ending that the reader cannot
guess. This type of text is considered the most fun to learn.

Characteristics of Spoof Text

 This type of text has the following linguistic characteristics :

 Using Past Tense
 Because this text is a story or narrative text, this text uses past tense .
 Using Action Verb
 Action verb is a form of verb that describes an activity that we can hear or see.
 Use adverbs of time and place
 This text has a description of the time and place to support the story being told.
 Chronologically told
 The story is delivered chronologically until the reader feels that nothing else has been
missed. This is used for writers so that the twist is increasingly unpredictable.

Generic Structure of Spoof Text

1. Orientation

The part where the writer introduces the story to the reader through the introduction of the character,
place, time, and so on .

2. Events

This section tells about events that are still reasonable.

3. Twist

The part of the text that tells the opposite of a natural incident that is funny and unexpected.

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