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Applied Economics Letters, 2012, 19, 779–783

Estimating impact of infrastructure

on productivity and efficiency of
Indian manufacturing
Arup Mitraa, Chandan Sharmab and Marie-Ange
Institute of Economic Growth, University of Delhi Enclave, Delhi, India
National Institute of Financial Management, Faridabad, India
Clermont Université, Université d’Auvergne, CERDI-CNRS, BP 10448,
F-63000 Clermont Ferrand, France

Drawing on a recent data set of the Indian manufacturing industry for the
period 1994–2008, this article shows for eight sectors that core
infrastructure matters in determining Total Factor Productivity (TFP)
and Technical Efficiency (TE). Results suggest that the impact is rather
strong on both measures (elasticity of 0.32 and 0.17, respectively). This
finding is of particular importance in the Indian context characterized by
infrastructure bottlenecks and strongly supports the view that a lack of
infrastructure can hamper growth in developing countries.
Keywords: India; manufacturing industry; infrastructure; total factor
productivity; technical efficiency

JEL Classification: L60; H54; O53; O3

I. Introduction affects economic performance (Aschauer, 1989;

Munnell, 1990a, b). Some others, for example, Evans
The importance of infrastructure in the context of and Karras (1994) and Holtz-Eakin (1994), chal-
growth has been felt intensely, by both the researchers lenged these findings on methodological ground and
and the policymakers, as it is considered to be one of showed insignificant or minimal impact of public
the prime productivity stimulators. The Planning infrastructure. With improvement in empirical meth-
Commission of India has recognized infrastructure odologies, some recent studies again estimated large
inadequacies in both rural and urban areas as a major effects of infrastructure (Stephan, 2003; Everaert and
factor constraining the country’s growth (Planning Heylen, 2004; Kamps, 2006). In the case of India, Mitra
Commission, 2006). In the theoretical literature, public et al. (2002), Hulten et al. (2006) and Sharma and
infrastructure is considered to be a crucial factor Sehgal (2010) found moderate to large impact of infra-
enhancing productivity and efficiency through comple- structure on the manufacturing performance.1 In the
mentarities with other factors of production and exter- backdrop of this debate, this study makes another
nal economies of scale (e.g. Lucas, 1988; Anwar, 1995; attempt to investigate the effect of core infrastructure
Barro and Sala-i-Martin, 1995). Empirical findings on on Total Factor Productivity (TFP) and Technical
this issue, however, are inconsistent and often contrary Efficiency (TE) in the case of the Indian manufacturing
to each other. Over the last two decades, a large num- sector.
ber of studies have focused on this issue. Most have The article is organized as follows: Section II talks
noted that public infrastructure positively and sizably about the database. Section III describes our empirical

*Corresponding author. E-mail:

For detailed survey of the related literature, see Romp and Haan (2007).

Applied Economics Letters ISSN 1350–4851 print/ISSN 1466–4291 online # 2012 Taylor & Francis 779
DOI: 10.1080/13504851.2011.603687
780 A. Mitra et al.
models of investigation, as well as the econometric lnðTFPÞit ¼ a þ b lnðGÞit þ Xit þ eit ð1Þ
issues related to their estimation. Section IV estimates
these models and illustrates the impact of core infra- lnðTEÞit ¼ a þ b lnðGÞit þ Xit þ eit ð2Þ
structure on TFP and TE. Section V concludes with
policy recommendations. where a, b and  are parameters to be estimated, while
e is an error term. We also include a set of additional
control variables (X) which may affect productivity:
II. The Data on Infrastructure and the the size of the industry (Size) and the Research and
Manufacturing Sector Development (R&D) and trade intensity.2
In the related literature, a number of issues arise
In this study, we utilize the data of two-digit industry concerning estimation. These include spurious corre-
groups of the Prowess database. This database is pro- lation due to nonstationary data which may lead to a
cessed by the Center for Monitoring Indian Economy biased estimation of coefficients (e.g. Hulten and
(CMIE) and provides annual financial statements of Schwab, 1991). In order to address this question, we
firms. For the empirical analysis, we first computed first tested the stationarity of the series. We used the
the TFP and TE of eight industry groups. This was Cross-sectional Im–Pesaran–Shin (CIPS) panel unit-
root test, which is based on the simple averages of the
performed by using a two-stage procedure (for details
individual cross-sectional augmented Dickey–Fuller
on the calculations, see Mitra et al. (2002) and Sharma
statistics. Results for the tests show that the hypoth-
and Sehgal (2010)).
esis of unit root cannot be rejected at the level form;
As for infrastructure, we constructed a core infra-
however, it is rejected convincingly in the first differ-
structure index by using Principal Component
ence form. If the data-generating process for the vari-
Analysis (PCA) of initial indicators for the period
ables is characterized by panel unit roots, it is crucial
1994–2008. Variables, data sources and factor load-
to test for cointegration in a panel perspective. We
ings are reported in Table 1.
apply Pedroni’s (1999) methodology, which results
provide support for cointegrating relationship for all
our models.3
III. The Empirical Models of Manufacturing
IV. Results of Estimation
To assess the impact of core infrastructure index (G)
on the performance of industry i at period t, we specify Having established that there is a linear combination
the following models: between variables that keeps the pooled variables in

Table 1. Constructing infrastructure index

Data Factor
Variable Sector Indicator sources loadingsa

Air Transportation Air transport, passengers carried WDI 0.3391

Electricity Electricity Electricity production (kWh/capita) WDI 0.3694
Internet Information and Internet users (per 100 people) WDI 0.3391
Mobile_Tele Information and Mobile and fixed-line telephone subscribers WDI 0.3679
communication (per 100 people)
Port Transportation Port (commodity-wise traffic, 000 tones) CMIE 0.3681
Rail_goods Transportation Railways, goods transported (million ton-km) WDI 0.3587
Rail_pass Transportation Railways, passengers carried (million passenger-km) WDI 0.3688
Roads Transportation Roads, total network (km/1000 people) WDI 0.3063

Notes: WDI, World Development Indicators (The World Bank, 2011); CMIE, Center for Monitoring Indian Economy.
On the basis of the results of Principal Component Analysis (PCA), factor loadings are used as weights of respective variables
in constructing the composite infrastructure index.

Research and Development (R&D) intensity is computed as the ratio of R&D expenditure to industry’s total sales. Trade
intensity is captured by the ratio of total export plus import to the value of total sales. Size is proxied by the capital (K) of the
Results of the tests are not reported here because of space constraint, but can be made available on request.
Infrastructure, productivity and efficiency of Indian manufacturing 781
proportion to one another in the long run, we set to growth, which is not very surprising as Indian manu-
generate individual long-run estimates for all the mod- facturing is known for its low R&D intensity.
els. Considering that the Ordinary Least Square (OLS) Nonetheless, in research-intensive industries, that is,
estimators are biased and inconsistent when applied to chemical and machinery, the effect is found to be 6%
cointegrated panels, we utilize the ‘group-mean’ panel and 5%, respectively. As regards the size, impact is
Fully Modified OLS (FMOLS) estimator developed noticeable in food and beverage and nonmetallic
by Pedroni (1999, 2001).4 mineral products, which are sectors characterized by
We first estimate Equation 1, in which the impact of small firms with low productivity. This result means
G on TFP is tested for the eight industries. Results are that a policy of pro-concentration would generate
reported in Table 2. Estimated coefficients of the core productivity gains in these sectors and thus add to
infrastructure variable are found to be sizably large in competitiveness.
several sectors and for the aggregate manufacturing. In Equation 2, we shift to the impact of infrastruc-
The estimated effect indicates that infrastructure ture on TE and test the effect of core infrastructure by
explains 65% of TFP growth in transport equipments, industry (see Table 3). The overall results for TE are
32% in metal and metal products and 30% in textile. not very different from those for TFP. Interestingly, it
In other industries, it varies from being large to mod- is still transport equipments that are more dependent
erate (except in the case of chemical, where it is found on infrastructure endowment (elasticity of 0.40). In
to be statistically insignificant). On an average, results the other industries, the estimated elasticity varies
suggest that the impact on overall manufacturing is from 0.13 to 0.20.5 The estimated effect regarding the
around 0.32, which means that 1% increase in infra- overall manufacturing (0.17) also confirms that TE is
structure leads to a 0.32% TFP growth. closely related to core infrastructure. Results regard-
Results regarding other control variables are rather ing other control variables suggest that trade- and
mixed. Trade intensity is found to be positive and research-related activities do not have a sizeable
significant in metal and metal products, nonmetallic impact on the efficiency of industries, contrary to
mineral products and transport equipments, which are results for TFP, while the size variable is a determinant
relatively more exposed to foreign competition. The of efficiency growth, especially in food and nonmetal-
impact is estimated at 5–10% in these industries. The lic mineral products, as for TFP.
effect on the overall manufacturing is found to be On the whole, while the coefficients vary, in terms
around 2%, which is lower than expected. Further- of both magnitude and statistical significance, some
more, the R&D variable explains only 1.4% of TFP of the effects are perceivable across the industries.

Table 2. FMOLS result: effects of core infrastructure on ln(TFP), 1994–2008

Industry Core infra index, ln(G) ln(trade intensity) ln(R&D intensity) Size, ln(K)

Chemical -0.0787(-0.572) 0.0018(0.083) 0.0629**(3.825) -0.0144(-0.6395)

Food and beverage 0.2423**(3.259) 0.0413(1.021) 0.006(1.2705) 0.0056(0.19668)
Machinery 0.1779**(2.049) 0.0402(0.976) 0.0492**(2.055) 0.0219(0.4401)
Metal and metal 0.3291**(6.727) 0.1015**(4.467) 0.0045(0.423) -0.0931(-3.003)
Nonmetallic mineral 0.2622**(3.668) 0.0552**(2.725) 0.0058**(2.725) 0.0129(0.5726)
Textile 0.3079**(11.382) -0.0371(-1.215) 0.0023**(0.629) 0.00432(0.2081)
Transport equipments 0.6544**(11.478) 0.0913**(6.337) -0.0114(-1.547) -0.1031**(-14.778)
Miscellaneous 0.56603*(1.909) -0.1239*(-1.744) -0.0061(-0.1531) -0.0329(-0.2839)
Overall 0.315**(14.108) 0.0214**(4.4727) 0.0142**(2.9503) -0.0248**(-6.1121)

Notes: t-Statistics are in parentheses. FMOLS, Fully Modified Ordinary Least Squares; TFP, Total Factor Productivity; R&D,
Research and Development.
** and *Significant at 5% and 10% critical levels, respectively.

We have applied ‘group-mean Fully Modified Ordinary Least Squares (FMOLS)’ because we have a small sample for the
analysis. Pedroni (2000, 2001) has shown that the ‘group-mean FMOLS’ has relatively lower small sample distortions and is
more flexible in terms of hypothesis testing than other three versions of FMOLS.
It is noteworthy that chemical, in which Total Factor Productivity (TFP) and infrastructure are uncorrelated, is responsive to
infrastructure in terms of Technical Efficiency (TE).
782 A. Mitra et al.
Table 3. FMOLS result: effects of core infrastructure on ln(TE), 1994–2008

Core infra index,

Industry ln(G) ln(trade intensity) ln(R&D intensity) Size, ln(K)

Chemical 0.1974**(9.146) 0.0183**(5.1496) -0.00216(-0.8359) 0.0136(0.0136)

Food and beverage 0.1518**(4.808) 0.0148(0.863) 0.0002(0.0912) 0.0471**(3.874)
Machinery 0.14989**(10.441) 0.0101(1.491) 0.0111**(2.799) 0.0163**(1.979)
Metal and metal products 0.1514**(21.081) 0.0178**(5.341) 0.0025(1.584) 0.0188**(4.149)
Nonmetallic mineral 0.1391**(13.042) 0.02353**(7.686) -0.0005(-1.204) 0.0195**(5.799)
Textile 0.2033**(26.155) 0.0211**(2.406) 0.004**(3.687) 0.0162**(2.721)
Transport equipments 0.4056**(15.049) -0.0183**(-7.783) -0.0183**(-6.841) 0.0191**(7.563)
Miscellaneous 0.1673**(6.383) 0.0053(1.0028) 0.0036(1.226) 0.0331**(3.851)
Overall 0.1757**(37.514) 0.0189**(11.215) 0.00004(0.179) 0.0231**(11.945)

Notes: t-Statistics are in parentheses. FMOLS, Fully Modified Ordinary Least Squares; TE, Technical Efficiency; R&D,
Research and Development.
**Significant at 5% critical level.

Transport equipments and textile productive perfor- sector is still deficient in terms of integration with the
mances are highly associated with infrastructure pro- world economy. Results of this study are somewhat in
visions. This is also the case for TE in the chemical line with earlier findings of Mitra et al. (2002), Hulten
industry (which is the most productive sector in et al. (2006) and Sharma and Sehgal (2010). They
India, in terms of both TFP and TE, along with further support the argument of Mitra et al. (2002)
transport and machinery). These sectors are relatively that lack of infrastructure can bring a halt to growth in
more exposed to foreign competition and need a developing economies.
more supportive environment in terms of infrastruc-
ture to be able to compete efficiently. This means that
the pay-off associated with improvement in core
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