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A Journey from Disability to Ability

Nastiest incident of my Life :
In Abu Road dated 18.12.2007 time approximately 20:30, I Was stood on road side. Truck
suddenly came towards me and hit me. I felt down and truck passed over my leg. As there were
no medical facilities available, so after primary treatment I have been shifted to Ahmedabad.
The distance between the Abu road to Ahmedabad is about 200 Km. All along the way I was
conscious and only thinking about my wife and son who was only 8 months old. At 19.12.2007
my left leg amputed from ankle. I have been discharged form hospital on 06.01.2008. In this
period of 18 days I had complete on bed rest with one position. My all activities done in bed and
felling myself useless

Photo at the time of Accident

In this period I had lots of pain and I was gone in depression. One time I also thought about
suicide, but my better half gave me courage to live. But life want to give me another pain, after
passing a month there was an infection in my amputed leg and again doctor was advice for
another amputation. At 11.02.2008 again amputation did to below knee. I have been discharged
from hospital on 21.02.2008.

Change in life after amputation :

Now after some physiotherapy exercise, I able to stand and walk with help of crutches. I felt
shame to me while walking with crutches, I was unable to carry my child who just learnt to walk,
felt myself useless for few months. I felt myself burden to my family. Most of the people showed
their mercy on me. Before an amputation I was very busy in my routine life and job but after this
I was totally free and so many negative thoughts came in my mind. At least 4 to 5 months I
suffered from lots of pain and mental disturbance.
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Photo when I started of use of crutches

Over a time, I came to know about artificial limb and decided to make it. I started use of
prostheses in July’08. For one to two months faced so many difficulties like bleeding, pain, and
swelling. But I want to live my life again and I have started more and more walk with prosthesis
and ignored the pain.

Photo of Stump while starting of prosthesis

Again I have started the Job, but I have transferred to planning department from site execution.
Before amputation I work hard on site but now I felt that I never go to site. Over a time I could
enjoy with family and also gone for vacations. Now life going tough but I accept it and started to
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live a joyful life. I drive the bike, Car. I do the cycling also. I do everything that normal person
can do.

Bike riding at Goa Para sailing at Goa

Mountain trekking at Mt. Abu Mountain trekking at Kerala

My life is being better now. I accept my disability and trying to find my abilities. Now life going
easy but not so easy. I am trying to face the challenges; I live a happy life with my loving wife
and children Manthan 14 yrs and Kavya 7yrs.

Disability turns in to ability :

Life going easy, and I came to know about TCO (The challenging One groups) on August’15.
This TCO groups have people like me and providing information regarding the world of
amputee, make me update for the same, motivate me to do more better life.

I came to know on 16.10.2015 that there was 5Km marathon in Kochi on 15.11.2015, and I
decided to take part and I request to group leader of TCO Major D. P. Singh and he allowed and
also motivate me for the same.

I started my practice and there were lots of challenges. It was too hard to walk even 500mtr at
beginning of practice. I have ulcers on stump. At some moment I thought to back out from the
marathon due to excess pain and bleeding from my ulcers. Some of people told me that you are
mad and leave this marathon idea, but due to motivation of TCO I was continuing my practice.
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Wound while practicing for Marathon

But I didn’t give up and continue the practicing by applying bandages and over a time I
able to complete the 3 to 4 Km. Now time come for marathon and I was very excited for it. We
have 20 people from all around the India. I feel very proud while organizer called us on stage
and appreciated us.

I have started my life’s first marathon on 15.11.2015 at 7.00 am and completed 5 Km. in 60
minutes. It was the mile stone for me. It was painful but it was totally enthralling experience. I
believe it is all about confidence and people like us just have to make a start somewhere and
then we keep on going.

Now I can say and show to the world that how disability turn in to ability. Never give up with your
problems, fight with them. What keeps you moving is the mental strength and nothing else. It is
a fallacy that losing a limb makes you weak. Ability is nothing but the state of mind.

After completing my first 5K (beofer that I never ran any marathon), I started participated in
marathon and by February’16 I have completed four marathon of 5Km. I thought that 5km was
easy task and why not started practice for 10K. After month of practice I have particiapted the
Mount Abu Trail marathon 20.03.2016 (My Birth date) and completed the 10K in 96 min. I have
started to participat 10K and my PB for 10K is 68 min.

By means I started to thought for 21.1K and set my mind for that and started to practice for
21.1K. While practiced it’s look very tough even completed 15K and thought that I never
completed 21.1K. In between my mind and body I heared to mind and participated in IDBI
Federal Life Insurance Marathon, New Delhi in 2017 and completed my first 21.1K in 2:38:18. It
was totally enthralling experience and at finishing line I have started crying. There were lots of
pain and ucler developled on my amputation stump after 21.1K.

Now I Started cycling also and completed by first Ahmedabad dutalon on 25.05.17 (5K Running
& 21K Cycling). I have also paced 10K – 80 mim. in SBI green Marathon Ahmedabad & 10K –
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90 mim. in Adani Marathon Ahmedabad. I have pondium finisher - 3rd rank in 36 to 60 age
categoryin (Only I physically challenged participant) in Run with Soldire, Ahmedabad.

I want to learn swimming, but managment and coach of swimming club denied to teach me and
told that he can’t teach me as there is huge risk involve as amputee. I have discussed with
Doctor Dinesh Harani who is life memebr of swimming club. He allowed me as his guest and
taught me swmiing. After week managment & coach gained confidenace in me and allowed to
me for membership. Within two month of learing swimming I have completed trithalon held at
Gandhihdam (Swimming – 750mtr, Cycling 20Km, Running 5Km).

1) IDBI life insurance marathon, Kochi. – (5Km – 60 min.)

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2) 03.01.2016 : B Safal Half Marathon (Run against Corruption) :(5 Km – 00:41:23)

3) 07.02.2016 : Vadodara International Half marathon : (5Km – 00:49:00)

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4) 28.02.2016 : Ahmedabad Mirchi Neon Marathon : (5 Km – 00:45:00)
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5) 20.03.2016 : Mt. Abu International Trail Half Marathon : (10 Km – 01:36:19)
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6) 20.03.2016 : Wing for Life World Marathon : (5.44 Km – 00:52:16)

With Olympic badminton star Ashwini Ponnapa

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7) 27.06.2016 : The Great India Run : 5 Km

With Milind Soman

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8) Surat City Half Marathon : (10 Km – 01:18:48)

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+91 81405 29995
9) Valsad Half Marathon : (10 Km – 01:12:42)

10) Rajkot Marathon : (10 Km – 01:08:37)

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+91 81405 29995
11) IDBI Life Insurance : (21.1 Km – 02:38:11) – 28.02.2017

12) Gandhidham Marathon : (10 Km – 01:20:00)

13) Ahmedabad Duathalon : (5 Km running – 00:33:27 & 21 Km Cycling – 00:57:41)

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+91 81405 29995
14) Mini Marathon Gandhidham : (7 Km – 00:57:00)
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+91 81405 29995
15) B-Safal Marathon Ahmedabad : (10 Km – 01:13:02)
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+91 81405 29995
16) Run to Add life : (10 Km – 01:09:18)
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+91 81405 29995
17) SBI Green Marathon : (Pacer 10 Km – 80 min)
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+91 81405 29995
18) Cyruns Virtual Challenge : 5.41Km (00:43:47)

19) Trithalon – Gandhidham (Swimming - 750mtr, Cycling – 21Km, Running – 5Km, Total
time 02:33:00)
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20) Indian Running day, Gandhidham: (10Km - 01:29:21)

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21) Run for Unity (Brand Ambassador) : (5.60Km - 00:41:20)

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22) Adani Ahmedabad Marathon : (Pacer of 10K - 90 min)

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+91 81405 29995
23) Run with Soldier - Gujarat University Alumini : (10K – 01:23:23 min. Pondium finisher
3rd rank in 36 to 60 categaory)

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