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Submitted to the final assignment of English Lecture


Department of Fisheries Processing Technology

Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science
Diponegoro University
Farhan Ali



Carbohydrates are the most abundant compounds in the face of the body
whose composition is Cn H2O. Carbohydrates are derivatives of aldehydes or ketones
of polyhydroxy alcohols or derivatives of the hydrolysis of complex compounds.
Carbohydrates produced by plants are food reserves stored in roots, stems, and seeds
as starch (starch). The starch in everyday life is known as starch, which is a glucose
and a food supply reserve for plants. In plants, starch is mainly found in roots, tubers,
or seeds. (Sumardjo, 2008). The carbohidarates can be performed by kanji-iodine test
to determine the starch content of the ingredients, the molisch test to determine the
glucose content, and fehling test for food content information. The result of the kanji-
iodine test is a purplish-blue color. The result of the molisch test is a purplish blue
ring. The result of the fehling reagent test is a red brick. Cellulose is a carbohydrate
that is widely found in nature, especially in the protective cell walls of the plant. This
material is the main target for many types of bacteria and fungi in the soil that break
down cellulose into sugar or glucose. Cellulase enzymes that play an important role
in the food industry, especially in the production of glucose which can be used in the
manufacture of fructose syrup dextrose and many others.( Yosmar et al, 2013)

Keywords: carbohydrates, iodine, molisch, fehling


Indonesia is a country rich in natural resources. There are so many that can be
used by the Indonesian people, especially in the food sector. The Indonesian sea itself
is very wide which has various kinds of flora and fauna. We as Indonesian people
must protect our natural wealth. Do not get damaged or until other people or other
countries steal the natural resources that we have. Lots of other countries enter
Indonesia without permission and steal our fish catches. we and the government
together maintain and build strong defenses to protect our sovereignty. Natural
resources that are stolen on average are marine animals or fish. fish themselves are
aquatic animals that have many benefits and a lot of flowers that are good for our
body. Like protein, carbohydrates, vitamins and still many others. Carbohydrates
themselves are organic compounds that contain Carbon atoms, Hydrogen and
Oxygen, and in general Hydrogen elements and oxygen in the composition produce
H2O. In the body carbohydrates can be formed from several amino acids and some
from fat glycerol. However, most of the carbohydrates are obtained from food
consumed daily, especially sources of food products derived from plants. Sources of
vegetable carbohydrates in glycogen form glycogen, only found in muscles and liver
and carbohydrates in the form of lactose are found only in milk. In plants,
carbohydrates are formed from the reaction of CO2 and H2O through a process of
photo synthesis in plant cells containing leaf green (chlorophyll). The sun is the
source of all life, without the sun the signs of life will not be found. (Siregar, 2017).

Carbohydrates are defined generally as compounds with the formula Cn

(H2O) molecule n. Carbohydrates are derivatives of aldehydes or ketones of
polyhydroxy alcohols or derivatives as a result of the hydrolysis of complex
compounds. Carbohydrates produced by plants are food reserves stored in roots,
stems, and seeds as starch (starch). The starch in everyday life is known as starch or
starch, which is a glucose and a food supply reserve for plants. In plants, starch is
mainly found in roots, tubers, or seeds. (Sumardjo, 2008).
Carbohydrates are white solids that are difficult to dissolve in organic
solvents but are soluble in water (except for some polysaccharides). Carbohydrates
are divided into three groups: Monosaccharides, oligosaccharides, and
polysaccharides. Monosaccharides are non-hydrolysable carbohydrates in a simpler
form, distinguished by the number of C atoms in the molecule, and the aldehyde or
ketone constituent groups turn into aldose and sinus. Monosaccharides are simple
sugars that have one asymmetric carbon atom, for example: glucose, galactose,
fructose, mannose, and ribose. Oligosaccharides; is a carbohydrate composed of two
to ten molecules of monosaccharides coupled by covalent bonds. Usually known as
disaccharide, for example: maltose, lactose, and sucrose. Polysaccharides; is a
carbohydrate containing more than ten binding monosaccharides. When hydrolysed
can produce more than 6 molecules of monosaccharides, for example: glycogen and
starch (starch) are glucose polymers. Serves for carbohydrate storage. The
classification of carbohydrates is generally based on the complex chemical structure.
Based on its complexity, the carbohydrates are distinguished over simple
carbohydrates, better known as monosaccharides, and compound carbohydrates that
include oligosaccharides and polysaccharides. (Sumardjo, 2008).
The purpose of kanji iodine complex test, molisch test, and fehling test is to
found containing carbohydrates of the foods. Iodine, molisch, and fehling is used as
an indicator of the color of the presence of carbohydrates in a food ingredient. Foods
that contain carbohydrates, will change color when exposed to iodine, molisch, and

The tools used are dropper drops, watch glasses, reaction tube, beaker glass,
and water bath. The materials used are 2% kanji solution, iodine solution, fehling A
and fehling B, water, molisch, and H2SO4.

a. Kanji-iodine complex test

The method of kanji- iodine complex test are to provide 10 drops of 2% starch
solution placed on the watch glass and add 1 drop of dilute iodine solution. See the
final result of the starch solution.

b. Molisch test

The method of molisch test are droping 1 ml of 2% kanji solution or glucose

into the test tube, than add 2 drops of moly reagent (10% α-naphthol in alcohol) and
gojog several times. After that, tilt the test tube and pour it carefully 3 ml H2SO4
form a layer on the bottom. Finaly, observe the colors in the boundary plane between
the acid and the water solution. (Hutagalung, 2004)

c. Fehling test

The method of fehling test are filled 1 ml glucose or kanji solution and filled with 1
ml of Fehling A and 1 ml of Fehling B, then shaken out. After that, Place the test tube
in a boiling water bath for 10 minutes, then observe it. (Pontoh, 2013)

Result and Discustion

a. Kanji-iodin complex test

The end product of the starch solution after dropping the iodine solution is a
purplish blue starch. This occurs because of hydrolysis of starch with dilute mineral
acids, iodine produces glucose molecules. However, if the starch is hydrolyzed with
amylase, not glucose is obtained, but maltose. Hydrolysis of amylum by the effect of
amylase enzymes into maltose molecules does not run spontaneously, but hopes with
the intermediate result of dexrin. Three important dextrins as a result between
hydrolysis of amylum are amylodextrin, which with iodoum gives purple color.
Enricridekstrin with iodine gives it a red color, and the extrododin with iodine gives
no color. Starch is insoluble in water and in starch analysis, gives blue with iodine.
The result of hydrolysis of starch / starch is glucose. Hydrolysis of starch will occur
on heating with dilute acid which will be formed amylose which gives blue color with
iodine. The positive reaction is marked by changes the color becomes blue. The
estimated blue color is the result of complex bonds between starch and iodine
( Manatar et al., 2012).
b. Molish test
The end product of the glucose or starch solution after dropping the molisch is
carbohydrates are done by addition molish reagents signify a positive carbohydrate,
appearance of a purple ring. One mL sample solution was given 2 Molish reagent
drops and 1 mL of sulfuric acid concentrated through the tube wall. The positive test
indicates the presence of marked carbohydrates the formation of a purple complex
between 2 liquid layer ( Nurjanah et al., 2012).

c. Fehling test

The end of the glucose or starch solution after dropping fehling reagens and
heating it is there is a red brick deposits. ten drops of reagent fehling A and 10 drops
reagent fehling B was added 3 ml of the test solution then heated for 20 minutes then
it will formed red brick deposits (Yosmar et al., 2013).


The carbohidarates can be performed by kanji-iodine test to determine the

starch content of the ingredients, the molisch test to determine the glucose content,
and fehling test for food content information. The result of the kanji-iodine test is a
purplish-blue color. The result of the molisch test is a purplish blue ring. The result of
the fehling reagent test is a red brick.

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