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EN 106 Park University Types of Writing in Human

Resource Management Essay

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EN 106 Park University Types of Writing in Human Resource Management Essay

Exploratory Assignment

For your final writing assignment, do the following:

 Spend some time researching through Park’s library guidesLinks to an external site., information
about your majorLinks to an external site., Park’s undergraduate catalogLinks to an external
site., and any other relevant web sites to learn about the types of writing done by academics in
your major and/or professionals in your intended career field. Find at least 4 sources that
address how writers write in your discipline, major, or career.
 Then, write a short, informative essay, aimed at your fellow college students, that explains what
kinds of writing is done in your major academic/career field.

Guidelines for Exploratory Assignment

Length/Due Date: approximately 400-600 words, due Sunday midnight Central Standard Time

Style/Format: This, as all essays in EN106, should be formatted in a standard scholarly format.
(Most students follow MLA or APA guidelines, which are outlined in Easy Writer.) No matter
what format you follow, be sure to do the following:

 Use 12 point, Times New Roman font, double-spaced.

 Use 1-inch margins top, bottom, and sides.
 Although no cover page is needed, you should include your name, my name, the course
number/title, and date at the upper left-hand corner of the manuscript.

Research & Documentation: This assignment must include formal references to at least 4
sources. Use your skills of quotation, paraphrase, and summary to incorporate information from
these sources, and be sure to provide in-text citations using a standard scholarly style, such as
MLA or APA. And, of course, you must also provide appropriate documentation for any other
sources you cite.

File format: Please submit your essay as a .doc, .docx, or .pdf file. These formats are available
in most word processors, including Google Docs and Open Office, and will ensure that your
instructor is able to comment on your work.

Works Cited/References: Your essay should include an appropriate bibliography, with an entry
for each individual source you reference in the body of the essay.

Titles: Include a descriptive title at the beginning of your essay that tips your readers off to your
thesis. Do not format your title with quotation marks, boldface, underlining or italics.

Cover pages: Please do not format your essay to include a cover page.

Deadline: Submit your final draft essay no later than Midnight CST on Sunday at the end of this

Use of essays for future courses: Please understand that your essay may be used—
anonymously—as a sample for future EN106 students and instructors unless you expressly
request that it not be used. Your work, of course, will only be used for educational purposes.

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