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Narrative styles and arrays of writing connects the readers to the listeners. Essentially,

attaching the emotional element into a reading or a narrative requires a mastery of emotive

language, clinches, connotation and figurative language. These elements are worthy of my

attention since it engages audience emotionally and with clarity. My writing basically depends

on the elements to enhance my explanation skills.

Foremost, Clinches provides the common point of ground with the readers and audience

through use of familiar phrase. Considerably, using a clinch in speech writing, script writing,

debating and journalism, guide the listener through the path they are familiar with into the main

content. Through a speech, I could use such words as “waking up on wrong side of bed.” The

most used phrase to show an explanation of annoyance of the situation. Using such phrase

introduces people to a common platform before further explanations of the event or scenario.

Concurrently, emotive writing attaches the emotions to content in a writing or speech.

Traction of the human emotions into reading and hearing creates a platform for convincing the

audience to react. It achieves its aim through directing the audience into a certain line of

thought. Appreciably, I would use it in argumentative, instructional, journalism and speech

writing. The apt example of the emotive language could be on description of a gun fight which

resulted in a death of a child; an innocent child was brutally shot dreadful gun fight between the

police and nasty robbers. Using such as statement in journalism attaches emotions to the listener.

The words “innocent”, “brutally”, “dreadful” , and “nasty” attaches feeling to the statement.
Surname 2

More so, figurative language such as simile metaphors, simile and personification create

an imagination of the context. The element enhances readers connection to the real-world

situations. An example is the personification of a day in a week, “Saturday was the cruelest day

in my life.” Such a statement relates the persons character “cruelty” to “Saturday.” I will be

using such element in creative writing, speech and script writing. It will serve a purpose of

explaining the scenes of the writing and narrating.

Besides, connotation attaches negativity or positivity on the explanations. The use of

words such as “exploit”, “employ” and “use” has similar meaning but in a context of explanation

the words develop either positive, neutral or negative meaning. “they were exploited”, “they

were used” and “they were employed” represents negative, neutral and positive connotation. I

will use connotation in a debate, creative writing, journalism and speech writing.

Conclusively, the combination of the clinches, connotation, emotive writing and

figurative language are useful in attaching clarity and emotion to my work. The focus and

mastery of the elements is important in enhancing my explanation skills.

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