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Ultrasound in Med. & Biol., Vol. 34, No. 2, pp.

183–195, 2008
Copyright © 2008 World Federation for Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology
Printed in the USA. All rights reserved
0301-5629/08/$–see front matter


● Original Contribution




*Wolfson Medical Vision Laboratory, Dept. Engineering Science, University of Oxford, Parks Road, Oxford, UK;
and †Nuffield Dept. of Obstetrics and Gyneacology, John Radcliffe Hospital, Headington, Oxford, UK

Received 5 Mar 2007; revised 29 May 2007; in final form 25 Jul 2007.

Abstract—This article presents a semi-automatic method for segmentation and reconstruction of freehand
three-dimensional (3D) ultrasound data. The method incorporates a number of interesting features within the
level-set framework: First, segmentation is carried out using region competition, requiring multiple distinct and
competing regions to be encoded within the framework. This region competition uses a simple dot-product based
similarity measure to compare intensities within each region. In addition, segmentation and surface reconstruc-
tion is performed within the 3D domain to take advantage of the additional spatial information available. This
means that the method must interpolate the surface where there are gaps in the data, a feature common to
freehand 3D ultrasound reconstruction. Finally, although the level-set method is restricted to a voxel grid, no
assumption is made that the data being segmented will conform to this grid and may be segmented in its
world-reference position.The volume reconstruction method is demonstrated in vivo for the volume measurement
of ovarian follicles. The 3D reconstructions produce a lower error variance than the current clinical measure-
ment based on a mean diameter estimated from two-dimensional (2D) images. However, both the clinical
measurement and the semi-automatic method appear to underestimate the true follicular volume. (E-mail: © 2008 World Federation for Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology.

Key Words: Three-dimensional, Freehand, Ovarian follicle, Volume reconstruction.

INTRODUCTION diameters is taken as the measure of follicular size. It is

this measurement which is then used within the treatment
Measurement of ovarian follicles
management process. However, diameter is not represen-
Measurement of ovarian follicles is a routine part of
many fertility treatments, necessary for correct treatment tative of the true follicle size, its volume, for non-spher-
management. A follicle is a fluid filled volume within the oid follicles (Penzias et al. 1994). Manual measurement
ovary in which an oocyte develops. In fertility treat- of the follicular volumes from three-dimensional (3D)
ments, the size of the follicle is used as an indicator of ultrasound have been shown to be more reproducible and
oocyte maturity and, is, therefore, used to assess the a better estimate of the true follicular volume than esti-
optimum time for aspiration for in vitro fertilisation mates based on the mean diameter measurement (Kyei-
(IVF) or for inducing ovulation. It has also been shown Mensah et al. 1996b; Forman et al. 1991; Kyei-Mensah
that follicular size is predictive of final IVF treatment et al. 1996a). Unfortunately, manual measurement from
outcome (Saith et al. 1998). 3D ultrasound is slow and still subject to observer error,
Currently, the clinical measurement takes the form therefore, we wish to perform this measurement auto-
of a mean diameter. This is typically assessed from a matically.
single two-dimensional (2D) B-mode ultrasound image Most previous methods for the segmentation of
where two diameters are measured approximately or- follicles from ultrasound data have only considered sin-
thogonally as illustrated in Fig. 1. The mean of these gle 2D B-mode images. Sarty et al. (1998) used graph-
searching techniques within a manually defined region-
of-interest to find the follicle walls within the B-mode
Address correspondence to: Dr. Mark J. Gooding, Wolfson Medical
Vision Laboratory, Dept. Engineering Science, University of Oxford, image. The user-defined region was made of two con-
Parks Road, Oxford, UK, OX1 3PJ. E-mail: centric circles, one within the follicle antrum and the

184 Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology Volume 34, Number 2, 2008

the centre of each follicle was found using the 3D topol-

ogy of the intensity information. From each of these
centre points, between 200 and 500 “rays” were sent
radially outwards until a significant edge was detected
using a multiscale one-dimensional (1D) filter. These
points were then used to produce a 3D reconstruction of
the follicle using spherical harmonic models. A limited
validation was performed but good agreement was found
with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) based measure-
ments and true anatomy as comparators for three bovine
Fig. 1. An example ultrasound image of ovarian follicles. The
follicles appear as dark homogenous regions. The measurement Volume segmentation and reconstruction from freehand
currently used in clinical practice is the mean diameter of each 3D ultrasound data
follicle found from a single 2D B-mode ultrasound image. For
the follicle with measurements shown, the measurement re- Despite the increasing availability of mechanical
corded in the patient’s notes would be 16 mm. and 2D phased-array 3D ultrasound machines, research
continues in the development of freehand 3D ultrasound
systems. This is partially as a result of availability of
other outside the follicle wall. The algorithm then as- freehand 3D systems within the research setting and the
sumed that the best delineation of the inside wall of the need for integration with existing ultrasound machines in
follicle is the path of highest intensity gradient within the clinical setting. However, freehand ultrasound also
this region, where there is low intensity inside and high offers its own advantages over mechanical and phased-
intensity outside. The outside edge of the follicle wall array systems. These include the ability to image vol-
was found in a similar fashion. Krivanek and Sonka umes of arbitrary size, accommodating large organs, the
(1998) extended this by introducing a watershed segmen- flexibility for the operator to select good views and to
tation algorithm to find the follicles automatically, al- increase data acquisition density in important areas and
though user interaction was still required to choose the the ability to compound data to reduce problems of
appropriate follicle for further delineation. Potoc̆nik and speckle, acoustic shadowing and other artifacts. A complete
Zazula (2002a) performed automated detection in single review of freehand 3D ultrasound systems is beyond the
ultrasound images by smoothing and thresholding to scope of this article and we confine ourselves to considering
detect dark homogeneous regions. Segmentation was only the state-of-the-art for segmentation and volume mea-
achieved by enlarging these regions using a region grow- surement from freehand 3D ultrasound. Those interested in
ing method, based on both intensity and intensity gradi- a comprehensive study of freehand 3D ultrasound systems
ent, to find the follicle boundaries. Finally, rule-based should refer to (Fenster and Downey 1996; Rohling and
selection was used to remove false-positive detections. Gee 1996; Rohling et al. 1999; Prager et al. 2002; Gee et al.
The authors extended that work to consider sequences of 2003; Mercier et al. 2005).
images using a Kalman filter to improve the detection Generally, the process for object reconstruction
and segmentation over the sequence by predicting the from freehand 3D ultrasound data is a process of seg-
boundary position in each image from its neighbouring mentation followed by surface fitting, as illustrated in
images (Potoc̆nik and Zazula 2002b). Cigale et al. (2006) Fig. 2. Segmentation of each 2D ultrasound image is
use support vector machines to classify regions of an carried out separately, whether manually or automati-
ultrasound image as either being follicle or background. cally and 3D image and surface reconstruction proceeds
Rather than generating an explicit segmentation results on this classified data. Volume measurement can be
are presented in terms of the percentage of follicles made from the surface reconstruction or from knowledge
detected. of the object area in each image and the image position.
Zimmer et al. (1996) and Muzzolini et al. (1993) Volume reconstruction methods following this approach
proposed generic ultrasound segmentation methods generally used manual segmentation [e.g., (Legget et al.
which they demonstrate on 2D ultrasound images of 1998; Treece et al. 1999, 2000, 2001; Bogush and Tuz-
ovarian follicles. However, their lack of explicit interest ikov 2005)] with some authors reporting use of semi-
in the application mean that no quantitative validation of automated or automated segmentation methods prior to
segmentation accuracy is performed. volume reconstruction [e.g., (Ye et al. 2002; Ahmad et
The work of ter Haar Romeny et al. (1999) is unique al. 2006)].
in considering segmentation of follicles from 3D ultra- Manual segmentation of multiple images is a time
sound, captured using a 3D probe. Within the 3D image, consuming task and is unlikely to be accepted as a
Volume segmentation and reconstruction from 3D ultrasound data ● M.J. GOODING et al. 185

This was performed along the length of the vessel at

20 voxel spacing. A deformable model was then cre-
ated from the boundary locations and evolved with
terms attracted to gradient and to make a smooth
surface. Song et al. (2002) create simulated ultrasound
images from a surface model for each real (cardiac)
ultrasound image. The surface model is then evolved
to maximise the similarity between the simulated im-
ages and the real images. This approach is only ap-
propriate for organs for which a surface model can be
generated. Similarly, it is necessary to have a good
method for ultrasound simulation, which may result in
a high computational overhead to the method. Zhang
et al. (2002) use radial basis functions to interpolate
the pixel data in 3D space, without restricting the
reconstructed image to a voxel array. A simple iso-
surface segmentation and object reconstruction is per-
formed for ultrasound phantom data with high contrast
boundaries in the images.
We adopt this approach of performing image seg-
mentation and object reconstruction after image recon-
struction to exploit the additional spatial information
Fig. 2. Figure showing the process that most systems have used available to the follicle segmentation process. Following
to reconstruct objects. Segmentation is performed before image
(Zhang et al. 2002), we endeavour to keep the image data
in a world reference space, rather than confining it to a
voxel array. However, we opt for a region-based ap-
proach to image segmentation.
clinical solution to the problem of volume measure-
ment for tasks with high patient throughput. Conflict-
ing boundary locations may exist, from both manual or
automated 2D segmentations, on to which the surface
must be interpolated. These conflicting boundaries are
treated equally since the boundary position provides
little information about the underlying image, al-
though potentially a confidence in boundary position
could be included.
In contrast to segmentation being performed in
2D, a number of authors have used the process shown
in Fig. 3, whereby segmentation occurs on the 3D
image after image reconstruction has been performed
from the freehand ultrasound data. In such an ap-
proach, image compounding and 3D spatial informa-
tion can aid object segmentation and surface interpo-
lation. For example, Barry et al. (1997) and Allott et
al. (1999) use a commercially available tool to seg-
ment freehand 3D ultrasound data in phantoms and in
rabbit cardiac data. The 3D ultrasound data is recon-
structed into a voxel based 3D image to enable seg-
mentation using this tool. Similarly, Zahalka and Fen-
ster (2001) first reconstructed the freehand ultrasound
image on a voxel array when segmenting images of the
carotid. From a user selected seed point within the Fig. 3. Figure showing a process that performs object recon-
carotid a 2D plane, rays are extended at 5° within the struction on compounded data. Segmentation is performed after
plane on which potential boundary points are located. image reconstruction.
186 Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology Volume 34, Number 2, 2008

Overview of this article set method is a weighted combination of these three

In this article, we present a method for the segmen- desires. This can be expressed as the speed function:
tation and surface reconstruction of follicles from free-
hand 3D ultrasound, to allow volume measurement. F ⫽ ␣Fimage ⫹ ␤Fsurface ⫹ ␥Fsmooth (2)
First, we present details of the algorithm used, which
incorporates segmentation and surface fitting into a sin- where Fimage drives the image segmentation, Fsurface
gle step. Segmentation is performed using intensity in- drives the surface interpolation and Fsmooth is a regulari-
formation and a dot-product based similarity measure. sation term used to keep the resulting object surface
The ultrasound data is processed in the 3D domain to smooth. Parameters ␣, ␤ and ␥ are used to weight the
take advantage of the additional spatial information com- data driven and model driven terms and, also, to generate
pared with 2D ultrasound but is not necessarily restricted a similar evolution rate between the surface interpolation
to a voxel array. However, freehand 3D ultrasound often and the image segmentation. We will now consider the
results in gaps in the data meaning that the surface must choice for each of these terms separately.
be interpolated where there is not data to segment. Then,
details of the implementation are presented, including Image segmentation term
how region-competition between neighbouring follicles The choice of segmentation term used will be mo-
is achieved within the level-set framework. The Experi- tivated by the particular application intended, in this case
mental Methods and Results sections detail the valida- ovarian follicle delineation. Modification of this term
tion of this method in a clinical setting in comparison will be necessary for other applications. An extensive
with manual measurement and aspirated follicle vol- review of ultrasound segmentation methods by clinical
umes. The Discussion largely focuses on explanations application is given in (Noble and Boukerroui 2006).
for measurement error. Finally, we conclude by consid- For follicle segmentation, a region-based approach
ering possible directions for future research. is proposed using image intensity values to guide the
segmentation because there is a clear distinction in both
METHODS intensity and texture between the follicle and the sur-
rounding tissue. This can been seen in Fig. 1. Edge
Our segmentation and object reconstruction is
information has not been incorporated at this stage for
posed within the level set framework, a powerful method
simplicity but may be considered in future development.
which finds application in many fields including medical
The region-based segmentation term is similar to those in
image segmentation and object reconstruction (Sethian
(Zhu and Yuille 1996; Paragios and Deriche 2000; Kadir
1999). The main equation solved by the method is:
and Brady 2003), where the difference in probability of
⭸⌽ region membership of each voxel is used to guide the
⭸t ⱍ ⱍ
⫹ F ⵜ⌽ ⫽ 0 (1) segmentation. In (Zhu and Yuille 1996) and (Paragios
and Deriche 2000), the probability of region membership
where the embedded function, ␾(t), is evolved over time is defined a priori by modeling the region probability
using a speed function, F, such that the zero level set, ␾ density functions (PDFs) using a parametric mixture
⫽ 0, at time T ⫽ ⬁ is the optimal solution for the model. We modify this approach for use with freehand
application of interest; in this case, the segmentation and 3D ultrasound data by using a nonparametric approach as
surface interpolation of freehand 3D ultrasound data. in (Kadir and Brady 2003) and choose to estimate the
This method has been applied to many different appli- region PDF at each iteration from the current segmenta-
cations by varying the choice of the speed function F. tion. A nonparametric model is used because the true
In this research, we opted to use freehand 3D ultra- distribution of the intensities will depend on factors such
sound, primarily on account of equipment availability as the particular ultrasound machine used and its settings
but also because freehand 3D offers a number of advan- (Tao et al. 2006). For example, variations in the latter
tages such as integration with existing systems. How- might occur to take account of the particular patient
ever, freehand ultrasound does have the disadvantage being scanned. It is easier to use a nonparametric model
that the physical space may not be uniformly scanned rather than to try to estimate a suitable parametrisation
leading to gaps in the data acquired. Therefore, the aim for all possible machine/patient variations. We model the
of the 3D object reconstruction method is two-fold: to region PDFs by taking a histogram of the data for that
segment the image data into different regions and to region given the current segmentation. These PDFs are
interpolate the surface where there is no image data. We updated at each iteration of the level set evolution. We
also desire a smooth object surface as this reflects the chose to use one bin per intensity value since the rela-
physical object, namely the follicle, that we are model- tionship between the differing intensity values is unclear
ing. Therefore, the speed function used to drive the level and may vary between cases as the ultrasound machine
Volume segmentation and reconstruction from 3D ultrasound data ● M.J. GOODING et al. 187

settings are changed. For region competition, it is nec- r. The mean probability of membership of a region can
essary to compare points on the boundary of each region be seen to be the scalar product of the window PDF
with the neighbouring regions. A small spatial window vector with the region PDF vector.
around each point on the boundary is used to estimate the
local PDF. The use of a small spatial window also
enables the data to be considered in its real-world posi-
p(r|W) ⫽
nw 兺 p (I(x)) r (5)
tion rather than constraining it to a voxel array (although,
calculation of the level-set update does occur on a voxel
array). It is assumed that coincident pixels from multiple
⫽ 兺 p (i)p (i)
w r (6)
images will not be in identical positions in the world
co-ordinate system due to calibration and sensor errors. ⫽pdfv(W) . pdfv(r) (7)
Instead, they will be close to each other. However, the
⫽㛳pdfv(W)㛳 㛳 pdfv(r)㛳cos␪ (8)
use of a small spatial window to calculate the local PDF
means that all values close to a particular location will be where pdfv(W) is the PDF vector of the window and ␪ is
included. This may also include neighbouring pixels the angle between the two vectors. Consider when the
from the same image in a similar fashion to (Zhu and window is being compared with two different regions.
Yuille 1996; Paragios and Deriche 2000; Kadir and The norm of the window PDF vector is common to both
Brady 2003). The window PDFs are compared with each values while the “similarity” of the two PDFs is mea-
of the region PDFs by calculating the probability of sured by the angle between the vectors. It follows that
region membership to be the probability of all of the where the length of the region PDFs are different, the
observed intensities occurring in union. So the probabil- similarity will favour the region with the PDF, which has
ity of belonging to region r given a window, W is given the largest 2-norm. A region following a uniform distri-
by bution has a smaller PDF magnitude and would, there-
fore, have a lower mean probability than a peaked dis-
p(rⱍW) ⫽ 兿 p (I(x))
r (3)
tribution that is an equal angle away from the window
[Zhu and Yuille (1996); Paragios and Deriche (2000); A better similarity measure between the window
Kadir and Brady (2003) express this in terms of the and region distributions is found by normalisation of the
summation of the negative log probability, following similarity with respect to the magnitude of the PDFs.
Leclerc (1989) by considering information encoding.] Normalisation of the window PDF is not required be-
Given that region probability distribution is based on the cause this is common to any comparison between alter-
current segmentation, this may lead to a situation where native regions. This becomes a “nearest neighbour” clas-
there exists an intensity within the window which has not sifier in terms of the angle between the two PDF vectors,
yet been observed in the region, which should belong to where the similarity, S(x) at point x between region r and
the region. Despite all other evidence within the window window W is given by
indicating membership of such a region, taking the prod-
uct leads to p(r|W) ⫽ 0. As such, this calculation of pdfv(W) . pdfv(r)
S(x) ⫽ (9)
region membership is more suited to situations where the 㛳pdfv(r)㛳
population distribution is known a priori.
The speed of the curve at point x in the level set evolu-
An alternative approach might be to take the mean
tion is then taken to be the difference in the similarity of
probability that a sample from the window belongs to the
the window with the current region of the point and any
region to which it is being compared. The mean proba-
competing region (including the background). The speed
bility of membership of region r for window W is given
function for the level set evolution used is:

p(r|W) ⫽
nw 兺 pr(I(x)) (4)
Fimage ⫽
pdfv(W) . pdfv(i)
⫺ max

pdfv(W) . pdfv(j)

where nW is the number of points in the window.
However, this measure favours less uniform distri- It should be noted that this similarity measure is one of
butions of data within window. To illustrate this, con- many that could be used for comparing nonparametric
sider the PDF of each region or sample window, as a distributions. A closely related measure which has been
vector. We will call this vector the PDF vector and use used in image processing is the Bhattacharyya distance
the symbol pdfv(r) to represent the PDF vector of region (Rathi et al. 2006), B(x) ⫽ 公pdfv(W) · 公pdfv(r).
188 Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology Volume 34, Number 2, 2008

The Bhattacharyya distance gives greater weight to segmentation term. Since this term is only being used to
differences in low probability intensities within a distri- keep the interpolated part of the surface smooth, its exact
bution and thus favours broad distributions over narrow value is unimportant so long as the solution is plausible
ones on the boundary. In comparison, the proposed dot- and stable. The choice of ␳ and the density of the data
product measure favours narrow distributions. In prac- will therefore affect the choice of time step used in the
tice, there is very little difference between the proposed level set iteration in order to keep the solution stable. It
measure and the Bhattacharyya distance for this applica- was found empirically that ␳ ⫽ 101 was suitable for the
tion. freehand data being used. Although it is possible to use
higher values of ␳, e.g., ␳ ⫽ 21 , in areas far from the data,
Surface interpolation term where d is large, a small time step would be required to
Where there is no ultrasound data to drive the level- keep the evolution stable. A low time step will lead to
set update, the surface must be interpolated to fill the more iterations being required to reach the desired solu-
gaps. Zhao et al. (2000) present a method for surface tion.
reconstruction from unordered boundary points. That We, therefore, used

冋 册
method handles sparse data, interpolating smoothly be-
tween points. The speed function produces a weighted ⵜ⌽ d ⵜ⌽
Fsurf ⫽ ⵜd · ⫹ ⵜ·
ⱍ ⱍ ⱍ ⱍ
minimal surface to this edge data. The speed function of ⵜ⌽ 10 ⵜ⌽
the level set is given by
where d is the distance from the point of evolution to the

F ⫽ ⵜd ·
ⱍ ⱍ
⫹ ␳d ⵜ ·
ⵜ⌽ ⱍ ⱍ 册 (11)
nearest point where the current boundary intersects an
image plane.

where d is the distance to the nearest data point and ␳ is Surface regularisation term
a weighting factor controlling the smoothness of the Segmentation of noisy images often leads to image
ⵜ⌽ boundaries, which are not smooth. In many natural im-
surface. The first term in the speed function,ⵜd· , ages, we would not expect irregular boundaries and a
minimises the distance between the surface and the data regularisation term is used to “smooth” the segmentation.
ⵜ⌽ For segmentation methods based on the level set method,
points while the second term ␳dⵜ· , minimises the evolution according to level set curvature has been com-
surface energy. The scaling of the curvature term, monly used for this purpose. This, in part, is probably as
ⵜ⌽ a result of the historical development of the level set
ⵜ· , according to distance from the data points means method as a method for studying solely curvature-depen-
that the surface is more flexible near to data points, dant speed (Osher and Sethian 1988). Curvature does
whilst being more rigid away from the data. provide some measure of smoothness, as flow under
This speed function is suitable for interpolation of curvature is equivalent to minimising the length of the
our segmentation surface in the absence of data. How- curve. However, using curvature alone causes three
ever, since image segmentation is being performed at the problems with regard to object surface smoothing. First,
same time as the surface interpolation, there will not be once the surface is optimally smooth, eg, a sphere, cur-
a fixed set of edge points available. This means that edge vature is non-zero and the shape will continue to shrink
points and the corresponding distance function, d, must (Delingette 2001). Second, curvature is not scale-invari-
be updated at each iteration. The edge points are consid- ant in that a small object exhibits higher curvatures and
ered to be where the zero level set, i.e., our current small deviations from a small object will also have
boundary, intersects an image plane at the start of each higher curvatures than similar deviations from a larger
iteration. From this, the distance function is computed object. Finally, depending on the application, the surface
using the fast sweeping method (Tsai et al. 2003). may have areas of high curvature which require preser-
The interpolation is largely governed by the first vation, and as such anisotropic smoothing may be re-
ⵜ⌽ quired (Tasdizen et al. 2002). Given that follicles are
term of this function, ⵜd· with the second term nonrigid fluid filled structures, the use of isotropic
acting to keep any solution smooth. The addition of the smoothing in this case is appropriate, therefore any regu-
regularisation term also helps to maintain a smooth so- larisation term developed need not consider this to be an
lution. However, it is necessary to maintain the ability to issue. The problem of the surface collapsing has been
smooth the interpolated surface independently to the examined by a number of authors. The simplest solution
global regularisation since the global regularisation must is given in (Sapiro and Tannenbaum 1995), whereby the
be appropriately weighted against the strength of the mean curvature of the entire surface is subtracted from
Volume segmentation and reconstruction from 3D ultrasound data ● M.J. GOODING et al. 189

the local curvature. So for a sphere, where the curvature reduced, the complexity of the method increases to some
is constant, the mean curvature is the same as the local extent. However, the reduction in the number of level set
curvature and the speed function is zero. Deviations from functions is an important consideration in terms of mem-
the mean curvature are penalised. ory required, as implementation of these methods for 3D
Including this term still leaves a measure, which is analysis will also increase the memory required to store
proportional to object size. A small deviation from the the level set function(s).
mean curvature of a small object will be penalised more To address this, we employed an extension of the
that a small deviation from the mean curvature of a large method of (Kadir and Brady 2003). That approach only
object. For a single object, the weighting parameter be- requires a single level set function regardless of the
tween smoothness and the data driven term can be ad- number of regions to be encoded. A class label for each
justed such that the terms balance at an appropriate region is found at each iteration with nonconnected fore-
result. However, in the application of follicle measure- ground classes assigned different labels. A thin region of
ment there are normally several follicles of different background class, ␾ ⬎ 0, is maintained between differ-
sizes for which the data driven term will have a similar ent regions. If regions collide and should not merge (as
strength and it is unlikely that it would be possible to find will occur in our application), the speed function of the
a single weighting term that would be satisfactory for all statistically weaker region is set such that the region
of them. If smoothing is too strong, smaller follicles will shrinks locally. This method has advantages in preserv-
not be segmented (the level set will collapse) and, if the ing the ease with which regions can be merged, while
smoothness weighting is too weak, large follicles will not preventing class overlap and significantly reducing mem-
be smooth. Our solution is to apply a degree of scale ory cost. Their method needs modification to be suitable
invariance by scaling the regularisation term proportion- for our application. First, the binary speed function used
ally to 兹 3
Vobject where Vobject is the current volume in (Kadir and Brady 2003) does not allow for easy
estimate for the object. Clearly, this assumes spherical implementation of a curvature-based regularisation term.
objects and becomes less appropriate as the object differs A binary speed function is used in order to guarantee that
from a spherical shape. the surface will move a single voxel at most. This is done
Therefore, the final choice of regularisation term is to create an easy implementation, where merging and
given by competing regions can be controlled simply by adjusting

冉 冊
the sign of the speed function. An extension to nonbinary

Fsmooth ⫽ 3


speeds can be achieved by adjusting the time step in the
evolution process, in order to ensure that the maximum
change in any position on the surface is less than one
where ␬ is the curvature of ␾, Vmax is a constant and voxel each iteration. Competition is managed by detect-
Vobject is the current object volume. The constant Vmax is ing locations where regions are competing, then both
used to keep the surface regularisation term, Fsmooth, in a regions have their speed functions set to move the
similar numeric range independent of the stage of the boundaries apart at this point. The region with the stron-
menstrual cycle. This weighting could also be in the ger data term will then fill into the gap faster than the
weighing constant, ␥ of eqn 2 but we believe it has more competing region. Competition progresses in this way,
intuitive meaning if considered in Fsmooth. allowing the stronger region to push back the weaker
region. Competing regions can be forced back, in fol-
lowing with (Kadir and Brady 2003), by setting the speed
as a constant. It has been found empirically that any
Use of a multi-class level set method discontinuity in the level set function is quickly rectified
In our application, we wish for the multiple follicle by the curvature regularisation term. Maintenance of ␾
regions to compete during the segmentation process. as a signed distance function to the surface is discussed
Therefore, they must be given separate class labels. later.
However, in its basic form, the level set method can Second, finding region labels at each iteration
represent two classes, ␾ ⬎ 0 and ␾ ⬍ 0, separated by the proves a time-consuming part of the implementation in
boundary ␾ ⫽ 0. Four main solutions to this problem (Kadir and Brady 2003). To keep track of region
have been proposed in the literature (Paragios and De- labels, they opt to use a connected components algo-
riche 2000; Vese and Chan 2002; Lie et al. 2003; Kadir rithm to build a new region label map at each iteration.
and Brady 2003). All of these methods achieve the end In practice, this is unnecessary, and it is possible to
goal of being able to separate multiple regions within an maintain a label map by detecting class changes, thus
image but require a different number of level set func- avoiding this time consuming step. Only two instances
tions to be used. As the number of level set functions is of label change can occur. Detecting a change from
190 Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology Volume 34, Number 2, 2008

foreground to background is simple; at each iteration the narrowband on which the level set function is up-
any voxel where ␾ ⬎ 0 should be set to the back- dated and an extended narrowband on which the signed
ground label on the region label map. By maintaining distance function is maintained iteratively. The extended
a single background voxel between competing fore- narrowband is slightly wider than the narrowband. A
ground regions, when a background voxel changes to narrowband width of four grid spaces is sufficient to
a foreground region, the region to which it belongs can encapsulate the zero level set at all times as we are
be set by detecting the class to which any neighbour- aiming for the zero level set to be moved by less than one
ing foreground voxels belong. grid space at each iteration. The extended narrowband is
about two grid points wider than the narrowband since it
Efficient storage of ultrasound data is only required to keep the gradient smooth at the edge
Each of the data sets produced using the freehand of the narrowband, such that the level set function can be
ultrasound system detailed in the next section occupies updated accurately all the way to the edge of the nar-
approximately 400 MB of memory (180 images; 640 ⫻ rowband.
480 pixels, of which about 40% are masked off as
nonultrasound content; 1 byte per pixel intensity ⫹ 3 ⫻ EXPERIMENTAL METHOD
4 bytes for floating point position of each pixel in the
world co-ordinate space). Although loading this data into Freehand 3D ultrasound acquisition
memory directly would be possible for high-end com- The freehand ultrasound system used in this work
puters, for easier implementation, some efficient storage consisted of a Faro arm (Faro Technologies Inc., Lake
method was required. However, we can take advantage Mary, FL, USA) rigidly attached to a 5 to 7 MHz
of the particular PDF based segmentation method we transvaginal ultrasound probe connected to a Toshiba
use. Firstly, only the PDFs of a local window and of each PowerVision SSA-270 (Toshiba Medical Systems,
region are required to calculate the similarity measure. Otawara-shi, Tochigi-ken, Japan). A PC workstation
Secondly, calculation of the speed function only occurs (Dell Inc., Round Rock, TX, USA) was used to record
at each node of the level set array. Therefore only the position information while the ultrasound machine re-
intensities associated with each node are stored, rather corded the images independently. The images were
than the pixel positions. When calculating the region transferred in a digital format to the workstation after the
PDF, all points associated with a particular level set node scan for processing. Temporal calibration between the
are attributed to the region to which the node belongs. ultrasound machine and the workstation was performed
This moves away from the goal of segmentation occur- using the method described in (Gooding et al. 2005b).
ring in a world reference space since we have essentially Spatial calibration was performed using a cross-wire
confined the image data to the same voxel array as the phantom as described in (Atkinson et al. 2001). One
level set function. However, this is a result of implemen- hundred eighty images were acquired during each scan at
tation need rather than a requirement of the speed func- approximately 12 Hz using the ultrasound machine cine
tion defined, and as such the speed function could still be function. Further details of the freehand ultrasound sys-
applied in the world reference space. tem can be found in (Gooding et al. 2005b).

Narrowband implementation Clinical testing protocol

The level set method can be quite slow for calcu- Testing the accuracy of the reconstruction for in
lating curve, or surface, evolution, particularly when vivo data requires that ground truth is identified to com-
compared with active contours. We adopt the so-called pare with the reconstruction results. Comparison with
narrowband method, as described in (Peng et al. 1999), manual segmentations would reveal the accuracy of the
to speed up the processing of each iteration. This method boundary compared with the clinician’s belief of where
uses the fact that we are only interested in the position the follicle boundary is in each image (which may not the
and evolution of the zero level set and the assumption correct boundary). Additionally, the manual segmenta-
that the other level sets are moving parallel to the zero tions would require reconstruction into a volume in order
level set as a signed distance function. Rather than cal- to compare volume measurements. To assess the volume
culating the update of the level set function over its entire measurement accuracy, it is necessary to find an accurate
domain, it is only updated on a narrow band around the and independent measurement of follicle volume. Folli-
zero level set. This band is then moved such that it cles are aspirated within the routine practice of IVF to
always contains the zero level set. collect the oocytes from each follicle. Measurement of
To avoid re-initialisation of the level set function, the fluid at the time of aspiration provides a reasonable
our implementation of the narrowband method follows ground truth measurement for the follicle volume (Brun-
(Peng et al. 1999), requiring two bands to be considered: ner et al. 1995; Kyei-Mensah et al. 1996b). Although
Volume segmentation and reconstruction from 3D ultrasound data ● M.J. GOODING et al. 191

error is possible if the follicle is not fully aspirated or, if to 5) for ␣, ␤ and ␥, respectively. Initially, the typical
extra fluid/blood is taken, the volume of aspirate is still a values were used. ␤ was generally increased in cases
good reference for comparison. Reference volumes could where the contrast between follicle and background was
be obtained using MRI (ter Haar Romeny et al. 1999), low. Low contrast could lead to regions with weak
however, this method is not used within routine practice boundary strength. Increasing the smoothing would help
for fertility treatment, making this method unacceptable to constrain the surface in these areas, whilst still en-
for use with patients. abling the data to be segmented in areas where the
The accuracy of the reconstruction system was boundary contrast was stronger. ␥ was decreased in cases
compared with aspirated follicle volumes and the mean where the data was dense and interpolation over sparse
diameter estimate. Local ethics committee approval was areas was not required. Only integer values of each
obtained for this study. Ovaries from 11 consenting parameter were used. A detailed scanning protocol may
patients undergoing IVF treatment were scanned prior to remove the need for tuning ␤ or it may be possible to
oocyte recovery using the 3D system. The mean diameter automate their tuning based on analysis of the image/data
measurement was also made during this scan. All folli- sparsity.
cles within the scanned volume were reconstructed after
the scan. To aid identification of each follicle at the time
of aspiration, three methods were employed: (1) the
clinician who would perform follicle aspiration was The data acquired consisted of 23 follicles from 11
present at the time of the 3D scan: (2) labeled diagrams patients for which aspirated volume, reconstructed vol-
were drawn for each scan by the scanning clinician and ume and diameter measurements were available. A fur-
(3) still images were printed of a number of image planes ther 15 follicles were available for which there were only
showing significant follicles. Although, ideally, all folli- diameter and aspirated volumes because the entire ovary
cles would be measured in each ovary, if an ovary had not been acquired during the 3D scan. This resulted
contained more than about six follicles, identification of from sonographer in-experience at using 3D scanning
follicles at aspiration is very difficult. Therefore, only the equipment and is not considered a drawback of the
follicles for which the aspirating clinician could be con- segmentation method. However, it demonstrates the need
fident of a correct identification had volumes measured for experience with the new scanning methods. The
and recorded during aspiration. This was typically one relatively low number of follicles in this study is a result
follicle per ovary. Aspirated volumes were recorded to of the difficulty in identifying follicles at aspiration once
the nearest 0.5 ml. The assumptions made in recording a the first follicle has been aspirated. This problem was
mean diameter are that the follicle is spherical and that also identified in (Kyei-Mensah et al. 1996b), where only
the diameter is representative of the follicle size and, the largest follicle was measured in each of 25 patients.
hence, its volume. To test this assumption, the volumes Two of the follicles for which all measurements were
of the follicles were estimated from the clinical diameter available were subsequently excluded from the analysis
measurements using a spherical model, for comparison because their reconstructed volume was much larger than
with the aspirated volume. their aspirated volume indicating that the follicle was not
fully aspirated.
Parameters used in reconstructions The results of volume estimation from the diameter
For the experiments presented in this article, recon- measurement and from the reconstruction system are
structions were performed using a level set grid spacing shown against the aspirated volume in Fig. 4. Qualita-
of around 0.8 to 1 mm, depending on the size of the tively, it can be seen that the measurement made by the
ovary. Tests performed at a range of resolutions indi- 3D system has a lower spread than the clinical data.
cated that this order of resolution seemed to provided the However, it is also apparent that both measurement
best segmentation speed without quantising volume mea- methods underestimate the true volume by about 25% to
surements noticeably (1/1000th of a ml per voxel). The 30%. The reasons for the underestimate are considered in
reconstruction method was initialised manually with a the Discussion section. This underestimation was found
small sphere within each follicle. The reconstruction to be significant for both the clinical diameter based
parameters were varied on a patient by patient basis as volume estimation (p ⫽ 1.3 ⫻ 10⫺4, F ⫽ 19.9) and the
they are dependent the ultrasound acquisition. The ultra- computer based method (p ⫽ 1.3 ⫻ 10⫺6, F ⫽ 46.1).
sound machine settings were left to the sonographer to Taking this underestimate into account, the range of
avoid interference with the clinical exam and as a result variation of the clinical data is similar to that found by
were not consistent, leaving the tuning of parameters (Forman et al. 1991).
unavoidable in this instance. The typical values (and The variances of the measurements from the linear
range) were 1.0 (kept constant), 5.0 (5 to 10) and 3.0 (1 fit to the data were found to be 0.43 ml2 and 1.89 ml2 for
192 Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology Volume 34, Number 2, 2008

Fig. 4. Graph showing the reconstructed volume measurement and the clinical volume estimate (based on a spherical
model) plotted against the aspirated volume for ovarian follicles. The 3D reconstruction can be seen to have lower
variation; however, both underestimate the true volume.

the computer-based estimate and clinical estimate, re- DISCUSSION

spectively. The 3D reconstruction system was found to
The segmentation and object reconstruction ap-
have a significantly different variance to the clinical
peared qualitatively good, however, both the computer-
measurements (p ⬍ 0.001) using an F-test (F ⫽ 2.67).
based measurements and clinical measurements tended
(Neither set would be rejected as a normal distribution to underestimate the true follicular volume. Although
using a ␹2 test.) The variance from the best fit for the 3D lower error variance of the computer-based measure-
reconstruction system is about quarter that of the clinical ments suggest that this method would be useful in the
estimate and, therefore, can be considered to be out- measurement of follicles, it would be desirable to under-
performing the current clinical measurement method in stand and correct for the underestimation.
this respect. It should also be noted that the variance of Since this underestimation occurs with both the
the measurement error will be affected by the quantisa- clinical and computer-based measurements, the cause of
tion of the aspirated volume, and that both are of the the measurement error must affect both measurement
same order of magnitude. Measurement of the aspirate
volume was made to the nearest 0.5 ml in order to
minimise any disruption to the oocyte collection proce-
dure. This quantisation will need to be reduced in future
validation studies to fully assess the variance of the
measurement error.
Figure 5 shows the reconstruction of the ovary
shown in Fig. 1. The foreground follicle in Fig. 5 is the
one for which measurements are shown in Fig. 1 and the
diagonal line illustrates the plane in which Fig. 1 was
acquired. The nonspherical shape of such a follicle and
the difficulty in finding the maximum diameter, cause the
mean diameter measurement to be less representative of
the follicle volume. Figure 6 show a selection of images
planes with the segmentation overlayed together with the
corresponding follicle volume reconstructions for that Fig. 5. This figure shows the 3D object reconstruction for the
ovary to illustrate the quality of the computer-based ovary shown in Fig. 1. The diagonal plane illustrates the
segmentations. position of the image of Fig. 1.
Volume segmentation and reconstruction from 3D ultrasound data ● M.J. GOODING et al. 193

1550 m/s, which would only account for a 2% error in

In contrast to the physical causes considered
above, it is thought that the most plausible explanation
for the underestimation is a clinical misunderstanding
of the location of the true follicular fluid boundary
within the ultrasound image. Any error in clinical
understanding will be reflected in the computer-based
segmentation since the segmentation method de-
scribed was developed with the guidance of ultra-
sonographers such that the boundary targeted by the
segmentation is that which the ultrasonographers con-
sider to be the follicular fluid boundary. The clinicians
involved in this research measure to the limit of the
antral fluid within the ultrasound image, whereas
Kyei-Mensah et al. measured the follicular boundary
as “the rim of the follicle wall so that the follicle
margin was the margin of annotation” (personal cor-
respondence). As expected, the position of the delin-
eated boundary from the computer-based segmenta-
tion can be seen (in Fig. 6) to follow the limit of the
antral fluid. This difference in boundary delineation
position is sufficient to explain the error in volume
found, and it is noted that (Kyei-Mensah et al. 1996b)
found good agreement between volume measurement,
made by manual delineation of 3D ultrasound, and
aspirate volume.
Fig. 6. A selection of computer-based segmentation results Correcting for this error requires modification of
overlayed on the appropriate image plane. The corresponding
3D reconstruction of all follicle in the ovary is shown adjacent the segmentation term within the level set method
to each image. The position of the delineated boundary can be because the follicular wall has a different appearance
seen to follow the limit of the antral fluid, which we now to the follicular fluid and does not fit the assumption of
believe to represent an under estimation of the follicle volume. visual similarity used by the region growing method.
However, it should be noted that the presence of this
bias is not a barrier to use in a clinical context. The
methods. Factors relating to the reconstruction system, apparently constant scaling between the true volume
such as calibration error or choice of level set grid size, and the reconstructed volume means that the recon-
cannot account for the observed underestimation since structed volume is still a good measure of follicular
they do not affect the clinical measurement. size and the 3D system has lower error variance than
The measurement of the follicle aspirate is common the clinical measurement. A preliminary study into the
to the assessment of both measurement methods. Whilst use of this system in a clinical setting is presented in
it is plausible that the follicles could retain some fluid (Gooding et al. 2004).
during aspiration, this effect would lead to the ultrasound
measurements being overestimated. It is very unlikely
that extra fluid is systematically taken during aspiration
and, therefore, this is not considered as a possible cause In this article, we have presented a method for the
for this error. reconstruction of follicle volumes from freehand 3D
The other main factor affecting both clinical and ultrasound. Surface reconstruction is performed using a
computer-based measurement is the ultrasound acquisi- level set based region competition method within the 3D
tion itself. The B-mode images are formed within the domain. Performing surface reconstruction and segmen-
ultrasound machine using the assumption that the speed tation within the 3D domain allows the benefits of 3D
of sound within soft tissue is 1540m/s. If this assumption spatial information and data compounding to be used.
is wrong, the size of objects within the ultrasound image The method also incorporates a term which enables for
will be affected. However, in (Gooding et al. 2005a), the surface interpolation in areas where image data was not
speed of sound within follicular fluid was found to be acquired during the 3D scan.
194 Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology Volume 34, Number 2, 2008

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