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The International Criminal

Court on Trial
A Conversation With Fatou Bensouda

he quest for a permanent global matters, that those who commit these
court to try perpetrators of the crimes should be held to account.
world’s worst crimes began as The ICC is also the first permanent
early as 1872. But it was only in 2002 institution at the international level
that the International Criminal Court, looking towards the victims. This is the
a standing tribunal now backed by 124 promise of the ICC: that the victims of
states, finally came into being. Ten years atrocity crimes will see that justice is done.
later, in 2012, Fatou Bensouda was sworn
in as the ICC’s second chief prosecutor. A What are the ICC’s greatest
former deputy prosecutor at the court, accomplishments?
Bensouda had also served as minister of First, the existence of the court itself as
justice in her home country of Gambia an independent and impartial institution
and worked at the International Criminal is an important achievement. But also, just
Tribunal for Rwanda. In November, she recently, [the Malian jihadist Ahmad al-
spoke with Foreign Affairs’ deputy manag- Faqi] al-Mahdi was tried for the destruc-
ing editor Stuart Reid in New York. tion of cultural property in Timbuktu.
He has pled guilty and been sentenced.
Seven decades after Nuremberg, how This is the first time that any perma-
far has the world really come in terms of nent institution has been able to do this.
prosecuting crimes against humanity? A lot of work is also being done at the
Very far. After those trials, you’ve seen the court with regard to sexual and gender-
establishment of the ad hoc tribunals of based crimes. In most of the cases that
Rwanda, the former Yugoslavia, Sierra are before the ICC judges now, we have
Leone, and East Timor to try atrocity brought charges for sexual and gender-
crimes. But one of humanity’s proudest based crimes. My office wanted to lend
moments should be the creation of the ICC. emphasis to this very serious crime. In
It is not an ad hoc tribunal. It’s a perma- the coming weeks or so, I’m going to

nent international judicial institution with launch another policy, on children

the mandate to try war crimes, crimes affected by armed conflict. All atrocity
against humanity, and genocide. This really crimes are serious. But for some, we need
shows the resolve of the international to show that wherever they occur and we
community to say that accountability have jurisdiction, we will highlight them.
Also, just recently, Jean-Pierre
This interview has been edited and condensed. Bemba, a former vice president of the

48 F O R E I G N A F FA I R S
at The Hague,
October 2016
The International Criminal Court on Trial

Democratic Republic of Congo, has been investigate very complex situations. It

charged as a military commander for the has even sometimes investigated ongoing
crimes committed by his troops [in the conflicts, which requires us to take extra
Central African Republic in 2002–3]. precautions and ensure that the investiga-
The judges found him guilty. It sends a tion is done in a fair, impartial, and effec-
very strong message that commanders tive way. I don’t agree that the court is an
can be held liable for failing to give the expensive venture. We’re just investing
right orders to their troops and allowing as much resources as are needed to do
these crimes to happen, even if they are the work we have been set up to do.
not [on the battlefield] themselves.
The ICC has indicted 32 people for
What are the biggest disappointments? genocide, crimes against humanity, or war
First, the court is still in its infancy. But crimes but secured just four convictions.
perhaps one of the things that I regret Why the low success rate?
about the court—and I don’t even know I would not call it low. Given the length
whether I want to call it a regret—is the of time the court has existed, the results it
various challenges that it is being subjected has produced so far are fair. We have had
to with respect to cooperation, witness our setbacks. We have had our challenges
interference, and attempts to politicize the in prosecuting these cases. Consider the
court. Also, there is the issue of not having very complex nature of the investigations.
the resources we need. My office, which is Even proceedings at trial take time. Still,
the engine of the court, has had to stay we have been investing a lot in how to
some cases and deprioritize some cases. make the proceedings more efficient.
Côte d’Ivoire is an example I like to Sometimes, it’s completely beyond our
give. I have wanted to start the case on the control. For instance, in the Kenya cases
other side of the investigation. [In investi- [concerning post-election violence in
gating the post-election violence that the 2007–8], there are issues of interfering
country experienced in 2010–11, the ICC with witnesses, issues of cooperation,
has brought charges against the former issues of obstructionism, in particular.
president, Laurent Gbagbo, and his allies
but not against supporters of the incum- How serious a problem is witness tam-
bent president, Alassane Ouattara.] But pering, and what can be done about it?
mainly because of resources, I have had to In almost all the cases that we’re han-
put it on the back burner. We’ve of course dling now, we see this phenomenon
started our investigation into the other rearing its ugly head. We have been
side, but it could have happened earlier. taking steps to ensure that it doesn’t
happen. We have been able to secure
Some have put the amount of money the conviction of five people in the
that the court has spent since its cre- Bemba case for witness tampering.
ation at $1 billion. Why is it so expen- In the Kenya cases, three people have
sive? And is there anything that can be already been indicted for interfering with
done to make it more efficient? witnesses. Arrest warrants have been
When investing in justice, nothing is too issued against them. But Kenya, which
expensive. The court has been set up to has the obligation to surrender them, is

50 F O R E I G N A F FA I R S
A Conversation With Fatou Bensouda

not doing that. In the Kenya situation, that the ICC should have a police force. But
what we have seen was really unprec- even if we created an international force,
edented. The level of witness tampering it could not just go into any sovereign
and obstructing the court has resulted in state and say, “I’m arresting this person.”
either having to withdraw the case, as I
did in the Kenyatta case [against Kenya’s Syria is one of the world’s most tragic
president, Uhuru Kenyatta], or one of human rights disasters at the moment,
the judges declaring a mistrial, as in the but the ICC seems unable to touch it
Ruto case [against Kenya’s deputy because the permanent members of the
president, William Ruto]. UN Security Council will never agree to
We are doing what we can. We have refer the case to the court. Is there
been able to bring these [witness- anything the ICC can do in Syria?
tampering] charges. But for that, you need To understand the jurisdiction of the
extra resources, because the resources ICC, know that we investigate when
we have are really to do our core these crimes happen on the territory of
business: investigate and prosecute. a state party or are committed by a
national of a state party. In the case of
One criticism of the ICC is that it relies Syria, we don’t have territorial jurisdic-
heavily on the cooperation of states. As a tion because Syria is not a state party.
result, incumbent politicians who commit What I have been looking at closely
crimes have little chance of facing justice are nationals of states parties who are
if they stay in power, creating a sense of among the ranks of ISIS [also called the
victor’s justice and giving incentives for Islamic State] and are involved in the
leaders to cling to power. Is this a legiti- commission of these crimes. I have been
mate problem? Can it be overcome? requesting more information from states
States have decided to create this inde- whose nationals are part of ISIS. I’m
pendent institution to stand for account- asking whether they are investigating,
ability and to push back against impunity whether they are prosecuting, and what
for atrocity crimes. It is a voluntary act. information can be shared with us so we
This institution is a court. But it’s also a can take the next steps. This is pretty
system that we have decided to create. much the only way in which the ICC can
The institution does the judicial work, look at Syria. What we have seen so far,
but each of the states that have ratified though, is that among the top echelons
the Rome Statute has given an obligation of ISIS, it’s nationals of Syria or Iraq,
to cooperate with the court. and both states are not parties to the
This institution was created without Rome Statute.
an army or police. But the army and the
police of all the states parties to the Rome Because a UN Security Council referral
Statute have the obligation to assist the requires all five permanent members to
court. This demonstrates the resolve of the vote in favor, doesn’t that mean that the
international community, because giving court will inevitably focus on smaller
this institution the mandate to investigate cases and countries, undermining both
and prosecute is almost like giving up part its scope and its legitimacy?
of your sovereignty. Some people argue First, under the Rome Statute, there is

Januar y/Februar y 2017 51

The International Criminal Court on Trial

a provision that the UN Security Council the ICC do more to seek out non-African
can refer cases to the ICC, but a referral cases? Are you worried about the
does not automatically mean that the ICC perception of an Africa bias among
will take the case. In all situations where African people and governments?
we’re intervening, I do an independent This accusation is not backed by the
assessment as prosecutor of whether or relevant facts. Much time and money has
not to move forward with the case. And been spent to have that rhetoric all over
the same criteria that we apply to those that the ICC is only concentrated on Africa.
situations also apply to a referral from This is not correct. We have been conduct-
the UN Security Council. ing preliminary examinations outside of
Recall the reason why the UN Security Africa for some time now, in Afghanistan,
Council has this power under the Rome in Colombia, in Palestine, in Ukraine.
Statute. I believe that the wise negotiators You also have to look at how the cases
of the Rome Statute wanted to allow in Africa got to the ICC. In most cases,
referrals in situations where a particular it is African states that have sought out
state is not a party to the Rome Statute the ICC to get it to investigate atrocity
and these crimes are taking place. Even crimes that they claim they are not able
though a state is not a party, the UN to. It has not been the prosecutor using
Security Council can, in the interest of proprio motu powers [to investigate on
peace and justice under Chapter VII of the his or her own volition]. In fact, last
UN Charter, refer this situation to the ICC. month, we had a referral from Gabon.
With respect to [the fact that a referral So the narrative that the ICC is biased
from the UN Security Council requires the against Africa is not matched by what is
support of the five permanent members], actually happening on the ground.
the ICC’s net can be cast much wider than Unfortunately, this narrative is gaining
just among its state party members. In traction because some people are very
instances where crimes have been commit- much interested in it, and they have spent
ted on the territory of a state party by time and money to ensure that it looks
nationals of non-ICC-member states, we do like the ICC is only going after African
have jurisdiction. A case in point is Georgia leaders. But I bring it back to the victims.
[where the ICC has opened investigations In the situations where we are investigat-
into the 2008 war with Russia, which has ing and prosecuting in Africa, the victims
withdrawn its signature from the Rome are African. They deserve justice.
Statute]. I’ve already said that we’re going
to look at the conduct of all the parties who One of the people making arguments
were involved in that conflict. Likewise, in about the ICC’s supposed Africa bias
Afghanistan, we can look at the conduct of is Yahya Jammeh, the authoritarian
the Taliban and the national government, president of Gambia. You served as
but also of the international forces. So this his justice minister. Do you regret your
net can be cast much wider than just among time in his government?
states that have ratified the Rome Statute. Not at all. It was a call to duty from my
state, and I rose to the challenge. I don’t
So far, however, the ICC has cast its net have any regrets that I served my people
exclusively in Africa. Can and should first and foremost. My record is clear. I

52 F O R E I G N A F FA I R S
A Conversation With Fatou Bensouda

tried to give it my best, to contribute to saying they’re renewing their commit-

the rule of law and justice in my coun- ment to the ICC. It demonstrates that
try, and I think I did. there are still many countries on the
continent that are committed to the
But his government is highly repressive, rule of law.
and by the time you served, he had
already taken power in an illegal coup. Do you think there’s anything that you or
Did none of that give you pause? the court can do to stop the exodus?
Well, look, I remember that when Presi- Definitely. I believe we need to talk to
dent Jammeh took power, the military one another, have a dialogue. But we
government was allowed after two years also have to realize that the court is not
to become a civilian government and go all about the prosecutor. It is states that
through elections. We elected a consti- have created this institution, and it is
tutional government, and I served in states that should step up to ensure that
that government. I also served in the the court is supported.
previous government—maybe not in
that high a position, but I served. How important is it that the United States
ratify the Rome Statute and join the ICC?
Along with Gambia, Burundi and South Do you think that will ever happen?
Africa have announced their intention to I think that every state should be part
withdraw from the court. Why are they of the ICC. I believe that we should
doing this? Do you fear more defections? increasingly aim for universality. States
When I speak about this, I like to talk that are already in should try to bring
about it as an African—as an African who, more and more states to join the Rome
like many other Africans, cares about Statute, because this idea of a double
justice and accountability. Something standard would be much reduced if the
like this is setting the continent back. ICC had more members. Notwithstand-
We have seen the role that the ing, I believe the court is working and
African continent played in establishing will continue to work.
the ICC. African states were also the first
to refer cases to the ICC. Those acts were What’s your hope for what the court will
demonstrations of leadership by Africa. look like, say, 15 years from now?
At this moment, when the continent is I envisage that the ICC will have demon-
so plagued with conflicts and wars, we strated a strong, independent, and impar-
should be looking for ways to strengthen tial court system. I envisage an institution
our stance on the rule of law, on justice, that is very well respected in all corners of
on accountability. To not do anything, the globe. I envisage an institution that
that is taking away from that strong the victims can look at with hope, as an
position that Africa has always had. institution that will stand by us, that will
Despite these withdrawals, I con- ensure that we have justice and account-
tinue to maintain that we are receiving ability when we suffer.∂
a lot of support and commitment from
African states. I really welcome the
statements from some African leaders

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