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- với đáp án và giải thích chi tiết -
* Các câu bài tập dưới đây là anh nhờ chị thu lượm hộ và anh không có thời gian kiểm tra từng câu
=> nếu có bất kỳ thắc mắc về câu có vấn đề hay ra sao thì cùng bàn luận sau.

1. We're moving out soon because our house is going to be knocked _______ when the new road is built.
A. off B. out C. down D. away

2. I cannot believe that a very small dog could _______ the boy’s life. The dog should be awarded as a hero.
A. make B. earn C. save D. bring

3. Most whole milk undergoes homogenization, _______ hot milk is pumped through valves to break up and
permanently disperse the fat globules.
A. Which process B. A process in which C. Which is a process D. A process

4. Although she had been told quiet sternly to _______ herself together, she simply couldn’t stop the tears from
A. Bring B. Force C. Pull D. Push

5. It just so _______ that i was in their area that day, so i went to visit them.
A. occurred B. Happened C. Chanced D. arose

6. Although a deal has been agreed, it is not yet _______ -and-dried.

A. fried B. tried C. cut D. run

7. The rest of the team complained that Sarah wasn’t _______ her weight.
A. pushing B. pulling C. losing D. gaining

8. They live in a very_______ populated area of Italy.

A. sparsely B. scarcely C. hardly D. barely

Adverse reviews in the New York press may greatly change the prospects of a new product on the market and
lead to its failure.
A. favourable B. additional C. comfortable D. complementary


If you are at a loose end this weekend, I will show you round the city.
A. reluctant B occupied C. free D. confident

11. We _______ up a friendship the very first time we met.

A. struck B. launched C. cropped D. settled

12. The teacher explained so much stuff in just one lesson that most of the students could _______ only half of
A. break up B. get through C. let out D. take in
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13. Don't worry. We're in good time; there's _______ to hurry.

A. impossible B. no need C. no purpose D. unnecessary

14. During the lesson, if you have questions or comments, please feel free to _______ them.
A. enlarge B. increase C. go up D. raise

15. It is recommended that proper actions _______ to protect wildlife and wild places.
A. to be taken B. be taken C. to be done D. be done

16. She burst into tears when her boyfriend _______ while they were having dinner.
A. popped a question B. made a question C. raised a questions D. gave a question

17. To _______ green is to practise simple green lifestyles, which helps save the planet for further generation.
A. go B. act C. make D. get

18. She ran a comb _______ her hair.

A. on B. above C. through

19. Even the tiniest _______ of dust can damage delicate electrical equipment.
A. Speck B. Portion C. Shred D. Piece

20. _______ with being so busy both at work and at home, she became increasingly tired and bad-tempered.
A. How B. Where C. Which D. What

21. He stands up stiffly and proposes a _______ to their old friend.

A. roast B. toast C. boast D. bread

22. The police thought they would find the man they were looking for at the hotel, but he had _______ the day
A. checked out B. left over C. run down D. gone up

23. The commanders of Russia's First and Second Armies in 1914 didn't _______ with each other, and even
refused to speak to each other.
A. run into B. fall apart C. put out D. get on

24. Don't leap to any _______. Maybe your jewellery wasn't stolen after all.
A. conclusions B. conclusion C. conclude D. conclusive

25. Everything could be done by _______.

A. a nod and bow B. a nod and wink C. a wink and a nod D. a nod and a wink

26. They thought that she didn’t want to go to the disco because she didn’t like dancing. But they were barking
up the _______ tree. It was because she didn’t like the flashing lights.
A. mistake B. wrong C. untrue D. false

27. There was _______ evidence to bring charges against the man.
A. insubstantial B. inferior C. ineffective D. insufficient

28. I _______ a chill because I had been waiting in the heavy rain for 2 hours. How silly I was.
A. caught B. took C. brought D. got
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29. Gina has an eye _______ detail, so ask her to check the report.
A. with B. for C. on


Today, the elephant’s population is declining.
A. remaining stable B. going up C. decreasing D. developing

31. A person who has drunk too much alcohol would _______.
A. stagger B. swagger C. tramp D. prowl

32. If our teacher were here now, he _______ us with this difficult exercise.
A. will help B. would help C. has helped D. helps

33. Six novels a year, you say? He's certainly a _______ writer.
A. fruitful B. fertile C. virile D. prolific


This reference book is essential material for us to prepare for the next assignment.
A. necessary B. dispensable C. vital D. fundamental

35. She told me that something _______ to him.

A. has happened B. had happened C. happened D. have happened

36. The name shared by all members of a family is the _______.

A. nickname B. middle name C. sub name D. surname

37. Your way you show me is about 7 km from here. I want to _______ a short-cut, do you know any other
A. give B. take C. have D. do

38. My mother _______ the responsibility for running the household.

A. holds B. takes C. runs D. bears

39. “Who did (make up) this story?” -“Not me.”

A. invite B. invent C. intend D. intensify

40. We all have to follow the rules, and none of us is _______ the law.
A. beyond B. over C. above D. into

41. I retired when I was sixty and now I'm living on my _______.
A. wages B. pay C. pension D. salary

42. She _______ for lost time by studying at weekends.

A. got up B. set about C. made up D. put in

43. Don’t worry about the party. I’ll _______ to it.

A. offer B. care C. see D. devote
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She gave me some money to cover any miscellaneous expense.
A. ambiguous B. meagre C. abundant D. diverse


I don’t want my little brother hanging around with bad eggs on the street.
A. socialists B. workaholics C. villains D. campaigners

46. In most countries, photocopying books without the publisher’s permission is clearly a copyright _______.
A. Infliction B. Infringement C. Interference D. Interpretation

47. Eskimos build igloos from _______ of ice.

A. cubes B. bars C. slices D. blocks

48. The government _______ the flood victims with food, clothes and shelter.
A. gave B. presented C. offered D. provided

49. The runner got a huge blister on his heel where his new shoes _______.
A. scratched B. rubbed C. Scraped D. gripped

50. She had made a firm decision and wasn't _______ by anything I said against it.
A. detracted B. prevailed C. induced D. swayed

51. Things didn’t go according to plan and now I’m having a _______ ride.
A. bumpy B. heavy C. gusty D. choppy

52. Discussing this matter with anyone would _______ our professional regulation.
A. contradict B. counteract C. contravene D. contrast

53. His poor handling of the business _______ on negligence.

A. edged B. bordered C. approached D. neared

54. _______ to Jamaica fell through because we were unable to get the visas.
A. We planned to visit B. We planned visiting
C. Our planned visit D. Our planned and visited

55. When the manager of our company retires, the deputy manager will _______ that position.
A. stand for B. take over C. catch on D. hold on

56. Peter is disappointed at not getting the job, but he will _______ it soon.
A. take on B. get over C. go through D. come over

57. The company management decided to _______ more workers to meet the production schedule.
A. take on B. make out C. take over D. make up

58. It is important for students to _______ full use of university facilities.

A. take B. do C. find D. make

59. A lot of research in medical science has been _______ to improve human health.
A. made up B. carried out C. taken up D. given off
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60. We _______ full advantage of the fine weather and had a day out.
A. took B. created C. did D. made

61. Peter is not a modest boy since he often shows _______ his prizes.
A. around B. up C. off D. through

62. I wish I hadn't said it. If only I could _______.

A. turn the clock round B. turn the clock down
C. turn the clock back D. turn the clock forward

63. English was never my cup of tea. But after the lessons with Mr. Hung, I have been _______ by the bug.
A. kicked B. bitten C. pricked D. pecked

64. People often wrangle over the optimal age of a child to start formal education. (closest)
A. calculate B. ponder C. argue D. deduce

65. I was invited to the event because they needed a big _______ to attract a young audience.
A. ask B. draw C. blouse D. mix

66. The car factory has closed and 1000 employees have been made ________.
A. abundant B. redundant C. abound D. lavish

67. One of the benefits of working for a big corporation is that such large companies usually provide a good
pension ______.
A. arrangement B. scheme C. system D. schedule

68. _______, I like this town because of its peacefulness.

A. As me B. As to me C. As for me D. As far as i concern

69. I could tell _______ a glance which bags are fake.

A. in B. on C. at D. with

70. "_______ my cell phone in the testing room?" "Yes, you are."
A. Can I use B. May I use C. Could I use D. Am I allowed to use

71. Let me please _______ my memory before I get down to answering the questions.
A. resume B. ease C. awake D. refresh

72. He left last month to take _______ a new position as Director of the Trade Department.
A. after B. on C. in D. up

73. People usually look through travel _______ to decide on their holiday destinations.
A. catalogues B. brochures C. handbooks D. lists

74. They were walking on tiptoe _______ the Director's room.

A. pass B. past C. passed D. passing

75. I couldn't _______ over how well the team play!

A. make B. get C. turn D. put
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76. Telephone service to that remote village can't be _______ this year.
A. provided B. supplied C. improved D. made

77. If you don't _______ the opportunity to apply for the job, you mightn't have another one
A. capture B. grab C. hold D. catch

78. The opposition will be elected into government at the next election, without a _______ of a doubt.
A. shade B. shadow C. benefit D. hue

79. For some _______ few people touched the food at our party last night.
A. idea B. reason C. before D. prior

80. "Which is more importance? Luck or effort? - Luck is _______ effort."

A. of the same importance as B. the same importance as
C. on the same importance D. as the same importance as

81. Although the conditions weren‘t ideal for a walk, we decided to______ a go of it.
A. make B. do C. run D. carry

82. There you are: the _____person I was looking for.

A. utter B. correct C. ever D. very

83. My ______ were very kind to me when I was seriously ill

A. heart and soul B. by and large C. flesh and blood D. rank and file

84. ____ your time! We don't have to be there until after eight
A. pass B. have C. take D. run

85. Mr Anh never spoke to anyone, and kept himself _______.

A. outside B. withdrawn C. superior D. aloof

86. Brian asked Judy________ to dinner and a movie.

A. out B. on C. for D. of

87. My wife backed me _______ over my decision to quit my job.

A. down B. up C. of D. for

88. The racing car _______ after it crashed into the fence.
A. blew out B. blew over C. blew up D. blew down

89. Our car _______ at the side of the highway in the snowstorm.
A. broke into B. broke away C. broke in D. broke down

90. Jane had a difficult childhood. She _______ a broken home.

A. came from B. came over C. came in D. came up with

91. The woman _______ when the police told her that her son had died.
A. broke down B. broke away C. broke in D. broke into

92. Our teacher broke the final project _______ into three separate parts.
A. in B. into C. away D. down
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93. The firemen had to break _______ the room to rescue the children.
A. off B. up C. out D. into

94. A lot of children participated in ______ performance.

A. raising-fund B. fundraising C. fundraise D. funding-raise

95. I shook hand and _______ a few words with the manager.
A. uttered B. expressed C. exchanged D. converted

96. Weight of the moon is about _______ of the earth.

A. one of eighties B. one of eighty C. one eighth D. one the eighth

97. Be there at nine o'clock, without _______.

A. failure B. trouble C. fail D. mistake

98. A part – time job gives me the freedom to _______ my own interests.
A. chase B. pursue C. catch D. seek

99. Mr Trung gambled _______ his life’s savings before starting on his wife’s.
A. around B. away C. out D. in

100. _______ to moving away, I used to live in that neighborhood.

A. Prior B. Akin C. With reference D. In addition
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No Key

1 C knock down: phá hủy

2 C save one's life: cứu sống ai

3 B danh từ + giới từ + which / whom + mệnh đề

4 C pull oneself together: lấy lại bình tĩnh, chấn tĩnh lại

5 B It just so happens that: thật tình cờ là...

6 C không thể thay đổi, rõ ràng, dễ hiểu

7 B pull one's weight: nỗ lực, làm tròn tráh nhiệm

8 A sparsely: thưa thớt

9 A adverse: bất lợi >< favourable: thuận lợi

10 B at a loose end = free >< occupied

11 A strike up a friendship with SO: kết bạn vs ai

12 D take in = understand

13 B There + be + no need + to do st: không cần thiết làm gì đó

14 D raise question: nêu ra vấn đề

- chọn B vì take action ~ thực hiện các biện pháp

15 B - bàng thái cách dùng V nguyên thể không To với mọi ngôi

16 A pop the question: cầu hôn

17 A go green: có nghĩa là sống xanh, làm những hoạt động tốt cho môi trường

18 C run a comb through one's hair: chải tóc nhanh

19 A speck: hạt (bụi)

20 D What with = Owing to = Because of = Due to = On account of: Bởi vì

21 B a toast to sb: đề nghị nâng cốc chúc mừng sức khỏe & hạnh phúc của ai.
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22 A check out: làm thủ tục ra >< check in: làm thủ tục vào

get on with = get along with = be on good terms with sb = live in harmony: hòa thuận
23 D với ai

24 B jump/leap to any conclusion: vội vàng kết luận

25 D by a nod and a wink: nói ít hiểu nhiều

26 B bark up the wrong tree (idiom): nhầm lẫn

27 D insufficient evidence: k đủ bằng chứng

28 A catch a chill: bị cảm lạnh

29 B have an eye for sth: có đôi măt tinh tường trong việc gì

30 C declining ~ decreasing: đang giảm

31 A lảo đảo, loạng choạng

32 B câu điều kiện loại 2

33 D prolific writer: nhà văn viết nhiều

34 B essential: cần thiết, thiết yếu >< dispensable: không cần thiết

35 B lời kể trực tiếp ở quá khứ nên gián tiếp lùi về quá khứ hoàn thành

36 D tên họ

37 B take a shortcut: đi đường tắt

38 B take responsibility for doing sth: chịu trách nhiệm làm việc gì

39 B make up ~ invent: sáng tác (truyện)

40 C above the law: đứng trên pháp luật (ý nói việc không cần tuân thủ pháp luật)

41 C pension: tiền lương hưu

42 C made up: bù đắp, hiểu theo nghĩa học bù

43 C see to sth: lo, đảm đương việc gì

44 D miscellaneous: pha tạp, linh tinh ~ diverse

45 C bad egg ~ villain: kẻ xấu

Lớp LUYỆN ĐỀ Tiếng Anh Online - Hoàng Việt Hưng

46 B copyright infringement: vi phạm bản quyền

47 D block of ice: khối/tảng băng

48 D provide sb with st/ provide st for sb: cung cấp

- scratched: cào, làm xước

- rubbed: cọ xát, chà xát
- scraped: đập vụn ra, loại ra
49 B - gripped: kẹp chặt
meaning: người chạy bộ bị một vết phồng rộp lớn ở gót chân chỗ mà đôi giày mới của
anh ta cọ xát

- detracted: chê bai

- prevailed: thắng thế, phổ biến khắp
- induced: xui khiến, đem lại
50 D - swayed: dao động
meaning: cô ấy đã đưa ra một quyết định chắc chắn và không bị dao động bởi bất cứ điều
gì tôi phản đối nó

51 A have a bumpy ride: có khoảng thời gian khó khăn

- contradict: cãi, mâu thuẫn, đối lập
- counteract: phản ứng ngược, chống lại(tích cực)
52 C - contravene= violate: vi phạm
- contrast: so sánh
53 B border on:gần như,giống như
54 C ở đây cần visit là danh từ vì có to ở sau
55 B take over: tiếp quản
56 B get over: vượt qua
57 A tuyển thêm, thuê mướn

make (full) use of sth: sử dụng (tối đa) cái gì = take (full) advantage of sth: tận dụng
58 D (tối đa) cái gì.

59 B carry out research: thực hiện nghiên cứu.

60 A take (full) advantage of sth: tận dụng (tối đa) cái gì.
show off khoe khoang = blow/ toot one's own horn = blow your own trumpet = boast
61 C about
62 C turn the clock back: quay ngược thời gian
63 B trở nên đam mê
64 C wrangle: to argue with someone about something
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65 B a big draw: người/ vật có sưc hấp dẫn, lôi cuốn

66 B without a job because there is no more work available for you in a company
67 B chế độ lương hưu
68 C as for sb: về phần ai
69 C at a glance: nhanh chóng nhận ra
70 D Dựa vào "yes, you are"
71 D refresh one's memory: nhớ lại
72 D take up a position
73 B travel brochure: quyển sách hướng dẫn du lịch
74 B walk (on tiptoe) past, ở đây cần 1 trạng từ
75 B couldn't get over = shocked
- supply sth to sth/sb
76 B - provide/Supply sb/sth with sth
- provide sth for sb
77 B grab the opportunity: chộp lấy cơ hội
78 B without a shadow of a doubt: không còn nghi ngờ gì nữa
79 B for some reason (phrase)
80 A be of = have/ has
81 A to make a go of it: cố gắng và thành công trong việc gì
82 D the very person: đích thị
83 C họ hang, người thân
84 C take your time: cứ bình tĩnh
85 D keep oneself aloof: xa lánh mọi người
86 A ask sb out: rủ ai đi
87 B back up: ủng hộ
88 C blow up phát nổ
89 D hỏng
90 A đến từ
91 A tan vỡ
92 D break st down into = divide into
93 D break into: đột nhập
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94 B fundraising (adj): gây quỹ

- exchange st with sb: gặp, trao đổi (shake hand và manager )
95 C - utter (v): nói, thốt or phát ngôn
96 C 1/8
97 C without fail = sure
98 B pursue an interest: tiếp tục theo đuổi sở thích
99 B gamble sth away: đánh mất thứ gì vì đánh bạc
100 A prior to: trước khi

Tham gia các khóa học của anh để nâng trình ngữ pháp, từ vựng và kỹ năng làm đề nhé.
Anh có đủ khóa cho các bạn 2002, 2003 và cả 2004.

Khóa học cho 2002:


- Thời gian: Học Đến sát ngày thi 2020 (bất kể năm nay bọn em thi ngày nào)

- Học phí: 450.000

- Lượng bài học: + 40 Đề (tỉ lệ đề mới là 80% - anh KHÔNG lấy lại đề các trường đã đăng đâu)

+ 25 bài Ôn Tập Kiến Thức (ôn lại Ngữ Pháp, bổ sung Từ Vựng và Collocation)

+ Ôn riêng 8 Chuyên Đề có trong thi (Phát âm, Trọng âm, Đục Lỗ, Đọc Hiểu ...)

- Hình Thức Học: Nhóm Kín Facebook + Bài đăng PDF - không có video hay livestream.

* Khóa sẽ củng cố kiến thức từng phần - thích hợp cho bất kỳ mức kiến thức nào: nếu bạn vẫn yếu thì
khóa có nhiều bài giúp chỉnh lại ; nếu bạn đã khá thì đề vẫn có nhiều câu nâng cao thử thách.
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Khóa học cho 2003 + 2004:


- Học Phí: 550.000 = học đến lúc thi Đại Học 2021

- Đối tượng: Các bạn 2003 và 2004 - kể cả các bạn cần Học Lại Từ Đầu.

- Hình thức học: Nhóm kín Facebook + bài đăng PDF + video chữa bài khó -
THI THỬ XẾP RANK theo tuần - không Livestream (vì tốn thời gian).

- Lượng bài học: GỘP của 5 khóa với lượng bài học cực kỳ phong phú và đa dạng:

1. Target: giúp nâng cao Ngữ Pháp, Từ Vựng và kỹ năng làm đề.

2. Từ Vựng: giúp tập trung nâng trình từ vựng với nhiều hình thức khác nhau.

(2 khóa trên gồm: 50 Bài Học Ngữ Pháp & Từ Vựng + 25 Đề Thi Thử)

3. Luyện Đề (từ tháng 12 đến lúc thi): 45 Đề Thi Thử + 20 Bài Ôn Tập Kiến Thức
+ Vô Số bài Bổ Trợ Từng Chuyên Đề.

4. Ôn Thi Học Sinh Giỏi: Đề và Chuyên Đề dành cho các bạn ôn thi HSG lớp 11 và lớp 12.

5. Học Lại Từ Đầu: 70 Lesson + 30 bài ôn tập - giúp lấy lại kiến thức cơ bản.
(Học Lại là phần Bonus có Nhóm Riêng - bạn nào khá rồi không cần học)

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