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Special prayer for the Second Day O most merciful Lord.

Thou Who hast always shown mercy upon

those who invoke Thy protection. I prostrate myself before Thee and humbly ask the liberation of the
Holy Souls in Purgatory, especially of those for whom I offer this novena, through the merits of Thy
Mother who stood by Thy Son during his agony on the cross. May Thy servants and handmaids suffering
in the place of purgation, deserve to receive the indulgences for the remission of punishments due their
sins, so that in due time they may merit to enter Thy kingdom of justice and love. I also beg of Thee of
grant my petition in this novena if it be for Thy greater glory and the salvation of souls. AMEN. ** Now
pray three Glory Be in thanksgiving for the grace of this novena and three Hail Mary for the Poor Souls.
Add one Our Father, one Hail Mary and these invocations: Eternal rest grants him / her, O Lord. And let
perpetual light shine upon him / her. May he / she rest in peace. AMEN. ** To be prayed after every
special prayer for the day.

Special Prayer for the Third Day O most powerful Lord, my God and Father, Thou Who hast never
refused to hear the supplications of Thy servants and handmaids, grant to the Holy Souls the strength to
beat their sufferings with the firm hope of seeing Thee face to face in hecaven. Through the merits of
the Blessed Virgin and St. Joseph who suffered much for redemption in the days of Nazareth and unto
the hour of Calvary. I humbly ask of Thee to remember those who are still in the state of cleansing,
especially those for whom I offer this novena, and Lord, please grant me the favor which I sock to
obtain, if it for the greater of God and the saivation of souls. AMEN. ** Now pray three Glory Be in
thanksgiving for the grace of this novena and three Hail Mary for the Poor Souls. Add one Our Father,
one Hail Mary and these invocations: Eternal rest grants him / her, O Lord. And let perpetual light shine
upon him / her. May he / she rest in peace. AMEN. ** To be prayed after every special prayer for the
Special Prayer for the Fourth Day O God most high, Thou Whose mercy didst make saints who are now
in Thy presence, I beseech Thee, through the intercession of St. Joachin and St. Anne, the parents of the
Blessed Virgin, to look with merciful eyes on the Holy Souls who have found grace with Thee upon their
death. Be mindful, O Lord, of Thy servants and handmaids for whom I make this novena, so that they
may be pardoned of their sins and cleansed of punishments. May they be reached by Thy hand of mercy
in order that they may merit and also receive from Thy bounty the special favor which I ask, if it be for
the greater glory of God the salvation of souls. AMEN. **Now pray three Glory Be in thanksgiving for the
grace of this novena and three Hail Mary for the Poor Souls. Add one Our Father, one Hail Mary and
these invocations: Eternal rest grants him/her, O Lord. And let perpetual light shine upon him/her. May
he/she rest in peace. AMEN. **To be prayed after every special Prayer for the day.

Special Prayer for the Fifth Day o infinite Lord, whose mercy knows no bounds, through the merits of the
Archangel Michael and in the remembrance of sorrows borne with love by the Blessed Mother when the
breast of Thy son was pierced with a Jance at Mt. Calvary and when her own heart was rent by the
sword of man's ingratitude, deign, I beseech Thee, to grant eternal glory to the suffering souls in
purgatory. Have mercy on poor sinners, O God, and extend Thy mantle of protection upon me so that
my prayers for the Holy Souls will be of avail. And humbly in this novena, if it be for Thy greater glory
and the salvation of souls. AMEN. ** Now pray three Glory Be in thanksgiving for the grace of this
novena and three Hail Mary for the Poor Souls. Add one Our Father, one Hail Mary and these
invocations: Eternal rest grants him / her, O Lord. And let perpetual light shine upon him / her. May
he / she rest in peace. AMEN. ** To be prayed after every special prayer for the day.
Special Prayer for the Sixth Day O most sweet Jesus, King of all hearts, extend Thy loving care and grant
peace to the souls in purgatory so that, through the merits of glorious St. Lawrence and the deolors of
the Blessed Virgin who was filled wvith anguish at the sight of nails in the hands of Thy son, they may
deserve to have a mansion in Thy kingdom of love. Deliver Thy servants and handmaids who are now
going through a cleansing trail, out of the prison of purgatory and remember with love and mercy those
for whom I make this novena. I pray to Thee to hear my cry for favor which I seek to receive, if it be for
Thy greater glory and the salvation of souls. AMEN. ** Now pray three Glory Be in thanksgiving for the
grace of this novena and three Hail Mary for the Poor Souls. Add one Our Father, one Hail-Mary and
these invocations: Eternal rest grants him / her, O Lord. And let perpetual light shine upon him / her.
May he / she rest in peace. AMEN. ** To be prayed after every special prayer for the day.

Special Prayer for the Seventh Day O most compassionate Lord, through the merits of Thy angels and in
remembrance of the sufferings of the Blessed Mother when she took Thy son lifeless on her lap in
Calvary, I beseech Thee to give ear to my petition on behalf of the Holy Souls, so that they may be taken
up to their true home in heaven and come to the possession of eternal joys. Eternal rest give unto Thy
servants and handmaids who have passed out of this world, especially those dear to my heart and let
perpetual light shine upon them, Lord, come to my assistance and grant the special grace which I ask in
this novena, if it be for Thy greater glory and the saivation of souls. AMEN. ** Now pray three Glory Be
in thanksgiving for the grace of this novena and three Hail Mary for the Poor Souls. Add one Our Father,
one Hail Mary and these invocations: Eternal rest grants him / her, O Lord. And let perpetual light shine
upon hìm / her. May he / she rest in peace. AMEN. ** To be prayed after every special prayer for the
Special Prayer for the Eighth Day O most loving and merciful Lord Jesus, through the merits of St. Francis
of Assissi and the glorious St. Nicholas of Tolentino, I beseech Thee to absolve the souls of all the faithful
departed from every bond of sin and may the Holy Souls, aided thee by the sufferings of Mary who say
the body of Thy Son wrapped in the white shroud, be enabled to escape the judgment of Thy justice.
puy my Thy servants and handmaids who departed from this life be led in the everlasting light and
peace. Grant them, O Lord, to pass from death to life, and may this novena which I make help them in
their sufferings. I also ask Thee to grant my petition, if it be for Thy greater glory and the salvation of
souls. AMEN. ** Now pray three Glory Be in thanksgiving for the grace of this novena and three Hail
Mary for the Poor Souls. Add one Our Father, one Hail Mary and these invocations: Eternal rest grants
him / her, O Lord. And let perpetual light shine upon him / her. May he / she rest in peace? AMEN. **
To be prayed after every special prayer for the day.

Special Prayer for the Ninth Day O Divine Majesty, our Lord and Creator, be merciful to the faithful
departed for whom I offer this novena, especially to those who on earth had done me favors, and may
they attain to everlasting rest, through the merits of the Virgin Mother who wvas filled with sorrow
upon seeing Thy Son taken into the sepulcher. Grant that they may be purified by indulgences which I
wish to obtain on their behalf so that they may receive forgiveness and unending peace. Vouchsafe, O
Lord, to the release to the Holy Spirit from every bond of sins and may they rejoice with Thy saints
forever. Grant also, I beg of Thee, the favor which I ask during this novena, if it be for Thy greater glory
and the salvation of souls. AMEN. ** Now pray three Glory Be in thanksgiving for the grace of this
novena and three Hail Mary for the Poor Souls. Add one Our Father, one Hail Mary and these
THE LITANY OF THE SAINTS ord, have merey on us. Christ, have mercy on us. Lord, have mercy on us,
Christ, hear us. Christ, graciously hear us. God the father of heaven, God the Son, Redeemer of the
World, Have mercy on us. Pray for Holy Mary, toly Mother of God. Holy Virgin of Virgins, St. Ivlichae!
St. Gabriel St. Raphael All ye holy angels and archangels. All ve holy orders of blessed Spirits, St. John
the Baptist, St. Toseph, All ye holy Patriarchs and Prophets, St. Peter. * Pray for the soul of

St. Paul, * St. Andrew, St. John, All ye holy Apostles and Evangelists, All ye holy Disciples of our Lord, All
ye holy Innocents, St. Stephen, St. Laurence, St. Vincent All ye Holy Martyrs, St Sylvester, St Gregory, *
Pray for the Soul of St. Augustine, All ye holy bishops and confessors, All ye holy doctors, St. Anthony, St.
Benedict, St. Dominic, St. Francis, Ail ye holy priest and Levites , All ye holy monks and hermits,

Mary Magdalene, At. Agatha, St. Lucy, 3t. Agnes, * Pray for the Soul of St. Cecilia, * St. Anastasia, All ye
holy Virgins and Widows All ye holy men and women, Saints of God, ray tor us, all ye saints of God. t
"hat we may be made worthy of the promises: kaist

Let us pray O God, the Creator and the Redeemer of all the faithful, grant to the souls of Your servants
departed the remission of all their sins, that through our devout prayers, they may obtain the pardon
which they have always desired. You Who grant forgiveness and desire thee salvation of mankind: we
beseech in Your mercy to grant to them who have passed out of this life, the grace to partake of
everlasting bliss by the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary and of all Your saints. AMEN,

Closing Prayers Enter not, Lord, into judgment with Your servants and handmaids, for in Your sight shall
no man be justified, save You grant him remissions of all his sins. Therefore, let not we bescech You, the
sentence of judgment be pronounce nor let it fall heavily upon them whom the faithful prayer of Your
Christian people commends to You, but rather by the help of Your gracee, may they be lound worth to
escape the judgment of condemnation, who in their lifetime were signed with the seal of the Blessed
Trinity, Received our prayers on behalf of the Poor Souls and grant that they may deserve the place of
eternal rest, happiness and the glory of Your light. AMEN.

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