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/ Approved For Release 2001/07/28 : CfA‘RDP65-00756R000300270001-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ABOUT THOSE WHO ARE AGAINST PEACE Translation No 732 16 December 1959 WARNING LAWS RELATING TO LIBEL, SLANDER AND COMMUNICATIONS Ciwt reo To "OFrrerat USE OnLy." EXCEPTION CAN BE GRANTED ONLY BY THE ISSUING AGENCY, USERS ARE WankED THAT NONCOMPLIANCE MAY SUBJECT VIOLATORS TO Prepared by Foreign Documents Division CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY 2430 E. St, N. W., Washington 25, D.C. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Approved For Release 2001/07/28 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000300270001-9 Approved For Release 2001/07/28 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000300270001-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY THOSB WHO ARE A (0 Tekh, Kto Protiv Mira, (Articles, Sketches, Pamphle! ‘TRANSLATION NOTE [ReaDiuy 1DENTIFIABLE °PEREONAL. AN PLACE NAMES STANOARO EWOLISH FORM, HOMEVER, TIME LI TAY IONS saoe 17 NECESGARY 70 APPRORInATE ROM THE RUSS aH LESSER KNOWN NAMES AND TITLES. ] State Publishing House for Political Literature, Moscow, 1957 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY IA-RDP65-00756R000300270001-9 Approved For Release 2001/07/2 Approved For Release 2001/07/28 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000300270001-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ‘V, KUDRYAVOHIKOVA, Editor V, MORBVA, General Bditor 3B, YEFIMOVA, Artist Cover and Caricatures 3. KROOV, Caricature Captions The articles, sketches, and pamphlets, as well as the caricature of B, Yefimova and the epigrams of B. Krotov are being published for the first tine in this book. It 4s requested that comments on the book be forvarded to the Pub- lishing House for Political Literature at the following address: Room 417, 15 B, Kaluzhskaya Ulitss, Moscow. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Approved For Release 2001/07/28 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000300270001-9 lease 2001/07/28 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000300270001-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ABOUT THOSE WHO ARE AGAINST PEACE (0 Tekh, Kto Protiv Mira) ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS Article Author Page Unnask the Forces of Wer -~ Ald the Cause of Peece 2 USA The Stoffe of the Anerican Plutocrecy D. Asenov 2 Unerowned Kings of America V, Morey 24 O41, Blooé, and Dollars 0. Peofanov a Merchants of Death C. Dad'yonts 52 Flunderor Viret Class MK, Andreyov 58 The Finenedel "impire" of the Mellons I, Lapitekty 73 Hel.'s Kitchen of Charles B. Hilson V. Yolodin 83 The Bonk of the Dillons end Its International Ventures Y. Morey 98 Anerican Aton-Mongers 1, Wovosol! skiy 102 The Dirty York of Allen Dull Y, Mekhov na The Atou-Monger Senator ania His Sermons RB, Leont!yev 126 "The Police -- Above All" 0. Prudkoy 132 "SAQHUR III" M, Vilonskiy 1s The Legion of American Reaction Yar. Cheply sin 153 Behind the Lebor-Union Screen 6, Kultkova, 166 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Approved For Release 2001/07/28 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000300270001-9 Approved For Release 2004/07/88 i GHA-RBRS®007 56R000300270001-9 Article Author Page Great Britain Captains of British Industry P, Snegov 182 The Intelligence Service Ken A. Leonidov 195 Agent of the International of Death A. Leonidov 206 Field Marchal Montgomery's Obsession A, Leonidov 217 The Bonn Republic The Smithy of War M, Sturua 226 ‘The Wer-Criminal Company A. Galicia ar The Generale Return ... 0. Nekropin and ear D, Mel! nikov Leader of the Gernan Revengo-Seokers A, Gelicin 260 Mester of Black Deeds A. Golkin 266 Shadow Over Burope ¥. Gripachey are France Politics and Profits 1. Molchanov arr ‘The Bank of Wer A, Aekseyev aL The Traléor Bank A, Alekseyey 204 The Dolla#'s Travelling Salesman A, Ehazenov as Belgium The "Common Denominator" of Mr. Spaak M, Sturva, 323 Asia and Africa The Lest Comprador of China D, Zaslevekiy 334 Puppet of Anericen Monopolies D, Zaslavekiy 356 -d- FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Approved For Release 2001/07/28 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000300270001-9 Approved For Release 2001/07/28 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000300270001-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Article Author Betrayer of the Vietnamese People 8. Ivanov The Suez Canal and the Inpericlists D, Denis Enemy of the Freedom of the Arab Countries D, Danis Appendix ee FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Approved For Release 2001/07/28 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000300270001-9 368 379 393 406 Approved For Release 2001/07/28 : CIA-RDP6S-00756R000300270001-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY awe relating to Libel, slander and communications require that the discemination of this text be Lintted to "offiedal Use Only." Exception can be granted only by the issuing agency. Users are Warned that noncompliance uay subject violators to personal Liability.) Unaask the Forces of War -- Aid the Cause of Pesce wiiions of people all. over the world are asking: Is it possible to avert var, to avold the epilling of blood, the destruction of enormous material, spiritual and culbirel values accumulated by the labor of many generat ons: The Soviet Unton gives a direct ansver to this question: Yes, there 4e ouch @ possibility. Te te baved on the Leninist principle of the peaceful coexistence of states with different social ani political systens, whieh ds the foundation of the foreign policy of the Soviet state. ‘The Laninist idea of peaceful coexistence and cooperation vetween tates ie winning more and nore supporters. In the capitalist, world 1t fp supported not only by the toilers, on whom is laid all the burden of Yar, but also the most sober circles of the national bourgeoisie vho lundérstand viata mortal danger @ new var offers for then. ‘The idea of peaceful coextetence so rejected only by the monopo~ Listic circles of the U, &, and their allies. In the chase after profit which pressges new Bloody conflicts, these nonopolistie edrcles strive to hinder the development of cooperation between peoples, to hinder reduc~ tion of tension in international relations. Enriching themselves in the ‘amis ace, they do not even want to hear about banning atomic and other types of weapons of masa destruction, about the reduction of armed force Ustehing aggreseive plans, the imperialist organizers of bloody ware and conflicts count on the peoples not rendering serious resistance Yo'thea. ‘Bit the tines vhen the peoples looked upon var as an inevitable Gvit have vanished eternally. The peoples have acquired enormous politi- el experience. ‘They no longer vant to mike sacrifices for the sake of ‘the enrichment of a clique of magnates of capital. ‘he novennt of fighters for peace ie placing a mighty cbstacle in ‘the path of the warmongers. This sovenent. is achleving never and never Vietories, 1s arewing into ite ranks =illions of peace partisans in all countries ‘The unmasking of the aggressive policy of the imperisList powers, fant above ali, the Aneriean inperialiem, has grest significance in thie Struggle. To’ show the roote of thio poliey, to reveal its moving forces, 0 show those to vhon a var 19 necessary and who are preparing it~ this Ee the goal which the publishing house placed before itself tn publishing ‘he present collection. ae FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ‘Approved For Release 2001/07/28 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000300270001-9 Approved For Release 2001/07/28 : CIA-RDP6S-00756R000300270001-9 The facte cited in the book are taken from varied international, Lite, ALL of then were cited in the foreign pross. Those facts contim ‘the depth of the danger which the aggroseive policy of the inpertaliste of the U. S., England, France, ant other asetetants of Anerican taperial- tem reprents. The articles, says, and pamphlets cited show the pover of the nonopelies and their responsibility for the policy of unleashing A muber of articles, essays, and pamblets depict the antipopalar activity of the most notorious, nost typical servants of monopolistic capital. The striving of US monopolies to hide thetr activity from the season, the severe, if unseen, censorship, Limits the factual aaterial ‘at the’ Qispocal of the authors. Many facts are stil] unknown, Dut even Ghose materiale which are cited in the collection make it possible for the reader to obtain an answer to tho question of who 1 against peace, veo 4a proparing a new imporialist war, Usa "They speak pompous words about « ‘sacred stragele for independence’ of the peoples, ant they themselves, in a cold- Vlooded way, play vith the lives of atlltone, Pushing the peoples into war for the sake profits of a clique of merchants and inéue- frialistet—— Ve. Lenin “Capitalists of all countries are an Adentioally repulsive and nhunan tribe, but — youre are the worst." --M. Gorkiy, "anover to an Inquiry of an Aserican Journal” The Staffe of the American Flutocracy D. Asanoy «December 1952. In one of the nost fashionable hotels in New York ‘hore is being held a regular anmal congress of the association of American factory and plant overs — the ational Association of Mamfacturers (HAM). Waile the delegates of the congress — solid tusinossnen -- listen to the speechor of the alghty representatives of large-scale monopoly capital of the US, oF of their proteges, an editorial comission 4 working out the draft of orders to the ney governaent vhich in to take into ite hands the reins of state rule in Washington. The government of the Republican Party, vhich received a majority i the eleptions of Novexber 1952, had not yot boon forued - the change of authority did not take place officially antil tw months after the ‘Approved For 2001/07/28 : C1A-ROPSS-00756R000300270001-9 ‘Approved For Release 2001/07/28 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000300270001-9 presidential elections, but the reprosontatives of the largest groupings of monopolietic capital of tho United States of Anerica had already been placed at the head of the various departnente (ministries) Yoither had Anerican tusinesezon been at a disadvantage under the governnent of the Democratic Party headed by President Traman. However, im the Truien cabinet, 1f one doos not count Harriman, eonopolietic cepital wae represented only through secondary lackies. Dut now, the ost poverful representatives of the Anorican "billionaires! club" had cone to power, At the congrese of the National Association of Mamfacturere, the nev cabinet officers nade spesches presenting their prograns. The congress approved the program set forth by then of an arms race, an agsronsive forega policy "fron posttions of strength," of a further attack on the working class, and of an intensification of reaction within the country. s.sOppostte the tron fence of the White House in Washington, behind narrow lafayette Square stands a four-story tuilding. A fantastic mixture of the ancient Greek style with the modern, a massive balustrade, and nerble coluans give the building @ solid appearance, Here is located the Anerican Chamber of Commerce (400). Meo internal adorasent of the building resembles ite external appear ence: oak panels, marble staircases, broad corridors. On one of the ‘upper floors 1s located e hall vith a queer concave coiling and an in- genious cornice. At a table rogombling two horeoshose meote the Council of the Chamber ~— representatives of tho largest financial, industrial and trade monopolies. Here are decided the important questions of the state policy of the US. The residesce of the Chasber of Connorce 1s located in the political ital of the country, Washington; the headquartere of the Hational Association of Mamfacturers 1s placed in the financial and business capt— ‘el of the US, Hew York. This gymbolizes and confirms the fact that the WAM and the AGO, these staffs of tho imperialist monopolies, occupy raling post tions both in the political and in the economic life of the Anerican state, The declaration of the HAM that "the Awsociation sipports close contact with the governont in the execution of its measures! 1s 8 reflec thon, even 1f not a full one, of that role which the National Association of Mamfacturere plays in tho adpinietration of the country. Me Chanter of Comorce describes ite role nore openly, "ke apectal staff of the Ghenber of Oomerco in Washington," 1 anya in the report of ‘the Council, pf the Chamber to tts annual congroes, "follows the work of Congress closely... Tho vorkers of thie staff contimally keep on the alert not only with regard to vhat 18 taking place in Congrese at the given no ment, tut also in regard to everything that can teatify to possible change ‘Approved For Release 2001/07/28 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000300270001-9 Approved For Release 2001/07/28 : CIA-RDP6S-00756R000300270001-9 The National Association of Mamsfacturers vas crested in the period when cspitalisn in the US, ite higher and final phaso, imerialies, Being an Anetrunent of the @ictatorship of finance capital, began to carry out the ‘road plans of the inperialtstic plunderere beyond the borders of the country. Powerful sonopolistic associations erev up on the tacts of un- restrained exploitation, The lack of rights of the workere spread the doctrine of revolution among the proletarian nasses, broadened the workers! uovenent. The year preceding the creation of the TAM vent down in the hiatosy of the American labor movenent as a period of the high upsurge of the class struggle in the United States of Anerica of the nineteenth contury. In this period of the storay rise of Amrican tmporiallen and of the growth of the lator movesent, 600 of the largest industrialists of the US gathered on 22 Jamary 1895 at a conference in the capital of the state of Ohio, the city of Cinctmts [sic]. It was at this conference that the Bational Aggociation of Namfactirere was created, In 1912, the TAK organized the Anerican Ghanber of Comerce. ‘The propaganda of the Anorican monopolies loves to preach about the “representative® rature of these two etafts of large capital. Therety, allusion te made to the fact that there are 21,000 concerns, trusts, and corporations in the HAM, fro the very largest’ to the very suallest. Seventy-five percent of all tho vorkers of the country are employed tn corporations belonging to the HAM, which put out up to €of of industrial profuction, Advertising brochures invariably nention the fact that the American Obsaber of Comorce unites 500 trade associations and 2,600 Local Chanters of Comerce, that in it, together with the sost important executives, there cre thousands of snail bieinesmen, However, the decisive voice in these two organizations Delonge to a sseli clique’ of tho largest magnates of capital. In the MAM and the Aserican Ghanber of Gomorce there is the undivided rule of the "billiox- ‘aires! clud* -- the largest concerns and banke of the country, whose capital exceeds Billions of dollars. ‘The organization of the American economtets -- the Association for Research in Problene of Labor in the United States —- reckons there to d0 127 of the largest monopoliste vithin the uarroy cirele of the maling ‘upper clique of the procent day United States of America, People of the "tilldonsires' club" hold directors! poste on the boarde of powers] con cerns, Danks, and insurance companion, To then, indeed, belong the ruling poste’ on the staffe of large capital —- the ational Association of Memfacturere and the Chanter of Commerce. ‘Approved For 2001/07/28 : ClA-ROP6S-00756R000300270001-9 Approved For Release 2001/07/28 : CIA-RDP6S-00756R000300270001-9 The most important executives of Ansrican business ere represented. on eighteen connittess of the HAM, and in twenty-one specialized depart nents" end other organe of the Ohanber of Commerce. Those committees and departments were created in accordance with tho image and 1ikenose of the governaont and Congress of the US. Axong these are committece and Gepartnents on foreign policy, international political and eoctal prob- Lens, foreign trade, nations! defence, finances, legislative proposals, Astor policy, goversnent contracts, budget, taxce, and so forth, There ‘are oven orgsns celled on to watch over tho activity of the government. In the Chamber of Connerce, for example, there is a departnent for govern- nent affaire and for the organization and structure of the governnent apparatus. In the TAM, there existe © qpecial connittes on governmental expendi tures, In ali these committees and departnente, the decisive voice belonge to the reprooentatives of the largest nonopoite In the Counct1 of Directors of the Association and the Ghasber there faze represented ~- through thetr presidents cr vico-precidents — och gigantic concerns, which are the largest in the world, ae the milttary~ Anfustrial and electrotechaicel General Electric concern (the Morgane); ‘the atonobile anf militery-industrial corporation, General Motore (the DuPats); the of] trust, Standard O11 of Few Jeraey (the Rockefellers): ‘the alunimun wonopoly, the Aluninaz Company of Amevica (the Mellons); he international atonto-dynantte and chemical trust,Du Pont, de Kenours (the DuPont )y the agricultural machinery company, International Har jer (a Chicago monopolistic group), and #0 forth. Iz one takes the MAM counittes on foreign policy, then it tums oat that, sctive in it are the representatives of alsost ell the zonopo- Lietic plunderers in the category of billionaire corporations! the Chase Manhattan Coapany Bonk (the Rockefellers); Du Pont do Wezours, Standard iL Company of Mev Jersey, General Motors, that giant of the’ steel inéue- try, the United States Steel Corporation (the Morgane), the Morgan bask, Guaranty Trust Conpany, the Boston bank, First ational Bank of Boston, ‘the Chicago bank, Firet National Bank of Chicago, and others. Only rarely do scant data penetrate into the Anerican press about the still narrover circle of financial bigvigs vho are in control behind the scenes of the MAM and the Chamber of Counerce, We have in mind the so-called special consultative comittes, to which belongs a auall group of concerns tied in with the nost powerful monopolistic groupings of the US. ven in the report of one of the Senate conmittecs (on the acti Sty af thie epectal consultative committee, 1% war noted that the repre sentatives of the corporations belonging to it met to Meolect a comon Line of contact... the majority of the concerne thet are nembere of the ‘Approved For Release 2001/07/28 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000300270001-9 Approved For Release 2001/07/28 : CIA-RDP6S-00756R000300270001-9 special consultative committee are simlteneously mombore of the inner Leading group of the National Agsoctation of Mamfacturors, They play s ‘gulding Tole song Anericon industriel glante 1p the appropriate fields, uniting in secret coalition..." Robert A, Brady, a Columbia Untvereity professor, noted in one of bis research works that "novbere is Geplayed more clearly the ruling position of these concerns, the nenbore of tho pectal consultative com mittee, than in the Netionsl Association of Mamfaotarers," The chief namgore of telnese who figure in the capacity of Aizec- tore, vice-presidente, and also ae nontore of the najority of the com nittees and departsonte of both etaffe of sonopolistic capital of the US, ‘also occupy the most inportent posts in the goverment and in governnent Anetitations, muling the roost in tho Sonate and in the House of Rep- Feeentatives of the Congress. Secretary of State John Foster Dulles 1s an oxtrenely taportant jurist of the monopolies ant partzor in the legel firm of Sullivan and GrouweL, wich serves many of the magnates of American capital and 4m partioulér, the oil empire of the Rockefeller and the Morgen compore- ‘ons, Ee, indeed, was a director of the International Mickel Company and yas chatrnan of the board of the Rockefeler Bund, Representative: of the Rockefeller trusts and the Morgan companies are diatributed in a. Powerful flock tn the Council of Directors and in the aajority of the other organe of the TAM and the Chanter of Commerce, ‘The American foretg political US Desiriment of state radu ao michof ofthat Dulles had to admit thie openly, when, in January 1957, he explained to ‘tho nenbers of the Congreas why’ the US vas turning with decire to proclain ‘the "Hsouhovor Doctrine," that immediate plan of foreign political ex- pansion intended to hold’ the countries of the Near and Middle East vi thin ‘the systen of colonial rule of the imperialist powere, Senator Langer permitted hinsol? to ack Dalles about the capital inrestnente of Salliven ‘and Cromwell in the of] industry, about the foreign states where that fim hao capital, about the concerns which took part 4n forming the inter ational of1 consortius, and atoat the role of Dulles! depaty, Hoover, in thie matter, There was nothing left for Dulles to do but acknowledge’ that hte Yoffepring," Sullivan and Cromwell, "pexhape indeed hae capital in- vested 4 ofl. The forner Secretaryof Defense Charles Wileon cane to the Pentagon from the post of president of the General Motors concern, representatives of which sit in the comitteos and departments of the Aecociation end the Chanber; to the fantly of the Du Ponts and to General Motore belongs the ost influential voice in the rule of these tvo organizations. ‘Approved For 2001/07/28 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000300270001-9 Approved For Release 2001/07/28 : CIA-RDP6S-00756R000300270001-9 he fomer Guretary of the Treasuy, George Humphrey, in the past vas a director of more than thirty companies and chaiman of the Board of Directoze of the Pitteturgh Consolidates Coal Company. Huxphrey con- trolled the large tron ore ani stool monopoly, M. A. Hanna and Company, the vice-president of which controle the SAM committee on taxes. The retived Secretary of the Aruy Rcbert Stevens unites with the NAM and the Chamber of Comerce hie drectoral poste in the Morgen concerns of General Blectric and General Foods, the managers of which figare in the capacity of directors, "vice-presidents, ant also nembers of the majority of the Committees and departnente of the Agcoolation and the Chamber of Comerce, " The Secretary of Comores, Weoks, a forner director of one of the largest danke of the US, the Piret National Bank of Boston, before entering the vermont held’ the post of regional vice-president of the Wil, heading the activity of the Association in the northeastern tates of the country. Wooks belonged aleo to the BAM committee on governmental expendi tures, ThePoruer Unter-Secretary of the Treasury and now Secretary of Edu~ cation of Heath, Eduction, aul iéitire, Yaeioa Fplcon, provinely waza Givectar and "veas- luer of theingpnonopely Eastran Kodak and of a minter of other companies. Simultaneously, he wae @ monber of one of the committees of the TAN. ‘the nonopoly Zastnin Kodak te represented in an extrenely fundanental vay oth in the Assocation and in the Chamber of Commerce, Meay deputy secretaries, ambassadors, and high ranking persons in the nintetrios and the various governaental institutions are connected in one degree or another with the ational Association of Manufacturers and tho Chamber of Cosmerc ‘Mme, Noloon Zockefeller, son of the ofl zagate John Rockefeller —~ the actual omer of Standard 11 — from tize te time occupies different governsontal posts, including wich posts ae that of special adviser to ho Waite House on’ qiestione of foreign policy, and of head of the "paychological warfare" department, Winthrop Alérich, son-in-law of John D, Rockefeller, forser chatrasn of Rockefeller’ s Chase Manhattan Bank, for a long tine occupied tho post of antassador to Ragland. Douglas Dillon, one of the directors of the bankers’ house of Dillon, Feed and Company, was US antassador to France, Thonas Cates, a partuor of the Morgan banking firm Drexel and Conpamy (Piiladelphia) wae appointed Secre~ tery of the Hayy, The TAM and the Ohanber of Commerce actively exorcise control in many Anternational organisations, including some whore the American governzent hhas officiel representatives. Both organizations are represented in the Intermational Chamber ef Comeerse, in the Inter-Arerican Council of Trade fend Production, in the International Organization of Hmployers, in the International Labor Organization, and soon. They maintain their open ‘Approved For Release 2001/07/28 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000300270001-9 Approved For Release 2001/07/28 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000300270001-9 and covert observers at the United Nations Organization. Representatives of the NAM and the Chamber of Commerce were invited ty the State Depart- ment to the conference in San Francisco convened in 1945 to complete the preparations for and to sign the charter of the UX, To "brain centere" of the American monopolists attentively follow the activity of this organization, persistently striving to turn it into a branch of the American State Department. It is they vho, with all their strongth, are striving to revise the UN charter, trying to undermine its most fundanental basis -- the principle of the unanimity of the great powers in deciding the most important questions of maintaining peace and security throughout the world. In its enmal report for 1953, the Chanber even emphasized that it was the Chamber which had "laid the basis for e study of the problens connected with the UN, for the preparation of American proposals for « revision of the charter." Control of the monopolies of the NAM and the Chamber of Conmerce over the legislative organs of the country -- the Senate and the House of Representatives -- is no less firm than that over the government. This 1s testified to, above all, by the social makeup of the Congre: Thus, according to the estimates of the Auerican press, in the @drd Congress (1952-1954) there were 279 lawyers closely connected with capitalist monopo- lies (they represent their bosses in courts, and they also represent then in Congress), 138 businessmen, 37 professional politicians, 1@ journalists, 18 lendowners, & military men, and 33 other persons. In the last two Congresses, as before, tusinossmen and lawyers of large-scale business predominate. In them there has not been and there is not a single worker or a single toiling famer. It 1s such a makeup of Congress which permits the Chamber of Commerc to declare, like something self-evident, that "for the adoption of laws. Congress needs the arrangements and recommendations of business... Chamber of Comnerce informs Congress of its point of view by two mean ty sending directly to Congress the recommendations of business about bills; and by advising business people in localities to influence, with their ideas, Congressnen representing their election districts." Besides the open henchmen of the Association and the Chamber, munerous "lobbyists" act in Congress — special agents of capitalist monopolie striving for the adoption or defeat in Congress of one bill or another by means of corridor deals and bribes, and ty winning over those Congressmen who are not directly in the service of the monopolies or who, indeed, per— mit themselves to play at democracy. The American journalists Allen and Shannon write that "the scope of the lobbies, their influence, capacity to do evil, greed, machinations, deceit, and felsification have reached such a scale,..that they threaten the governnent itself." The most power~ ful, naturally, are the "lobbies" of the Nationel Association of Mamfac~ turers and the Chamber of Commerce. Approved For Release 2001/07/28 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000300270001-9

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