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Social networks can be very influential on our daily life in both positive and negative ways.

It gives
people a way to stay in touch with people who live far away, communicate and stay up to date with
family and friends around the world. It lets people share fun, interesting and informative content, Join
or promote worthwhile causes; raise awareness on important issues. It offers businesses a way to have
interaction with customers.

During a time of social distance and limited contact with others, social networks became an important
place to communicate with others. Social network platforms are intended to join people and helped the
world remain connected, generally increasing usage during the pandemic. Since many people are asked
to remain home, they have turned to social networks to maintain their relationships and to access
entertainment to pass the time. Also when people are losing their jobs due to epidemics they have
chosen these social network platforms as a source of their income by selling different types of online

While some impacts can be positive, social media has been shown to negatively affect things like our
moods and stress levels and addiction is caused by social media too. Social network has a huge impact
on individuals and their daily life.

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