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Option: EFL
Subject: 1/- writing a comparison –contrast essay

2/- writing a process analysis essay

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1/-Writing comparison-contrast essay:

The topic: movies vs. books.

Version one: point by point method.

It said that whoever learns a nation’s language will be safe from their plots.
Nowadays learning a new language is very interesting especially for someone who
Decide to travel abroad, it helps also people to become close to each other and to
know more about the culture of each other. There are many ways that would help
people to learn a new language, reading books and watching movies are famous ways
in those days. Indeed, every one of these two ways has its own criteria. However, they
join sometimes some similarities.
For someone who is learning a new language, there are some easy ways,
enjoyable and interesting at the same time, as such as watching movies and reading
In comparison with books, movies are fun and people love it. While books became
boring sometime especially when they are forced to read it. Therefore, some people
find it an entertaining and sophisticated way to learn.
In addition to this, unlike books movies are available all the time (you can easily turn
on the TV and watch any kind of movies you like or download it free from the
internet), but books are often expensive and controlled by government especially in a
third world countries.
On the other hand, movies are well illustrated and characters are very clear to the eye;
as a result limits your imagination. Whereas reading a book will grow it bigger and
bigger every time you turn a page.
Generally, both ways are educative, interesting and fun.
Learning a language means acquiring a new knowledge, by knowing different
words in different domains. Books are known as the best resource of language as well
as, movies and especially documentaries and historical movies, from the other hand,
they aren’t considered as the safest way to get knowledge, while books are highly
recommended for learning because they offer a correct vocabulary and represent a
good habit and a nice hoppy to have, movies are desired by majority of people but
they may include some wrong information and casual vocabulary that may have in it
some common mistakes, however, they offer a nice accent and right phonetics
sometimes. As a result, books are highly recommended by almost everyone while
people can never get rid of movies.
To conclude, books and movies are two complimentary ways to learn and have
fun with learning a new language.

2- Writing a process analysis essay:

Many students find difficulties to write an effective academic essay which they
need in their studies and even in their daily life .I will show you according to my litter
experience and to what my lovely teacher of writing expression taught me how to
write an effective academic essay.
First of all, the most important thing that you should put it in consideration do
not work without making a plan, but before starting your plan you should narrow your
topic. Then, we come to the second important step which is brainstorming the
information on your draft paper and do not copy them from the internet, you need your
own ideas. After that organize those ideas to make a good and final plan that help you
in your work. I know that you are wondering how to do a plan.
The plan should contain three parts, the introduction, the body and the
conclusion. Let’s begin with the introduction, I assume that every one of you heard the
word grabber which means to make the reader excited to read your essay it can be a
joke, a quotation and so on, it take place at the beginning of your introduction and then
you write your thesis statement or the general idea of your topic to make the reader
understand what you are going to talk about.
About the body, it said that the best essay include five paragraphs introduction, three
paragraphs and conclusion. Every paragraph should has topic sentence which means
what the paragraph is going to be about, the details or the supporting ideas you can
make it examples or facts it depends on your topic, finally you conclude your
paragraph by a sentence emphasis your ideas in that paragraph .
Now you have your plan it is time to write down your essay and this is the hard
part you should go deep into the design of your essay. Your ideas must be clear for the
reader by using a clear language and must also be connected, other thing you should
do, watch the spelling of the words and respect the punctuation and the capitulation
because they are very important. If you want to write an excellent essay chose
carefully the words and use the academic language that is able to attract the reader
especially if this reader is one of your teachers or a respectful person.
As conclusion, if you want to progress in your writing skills just follow this
advices and work seriously .Also in your home try to write a different kind of essays
with different topics and you will see how you will ameliorate your level.

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