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Distance learning is more beneficial than traditional learning

Have you ever felt like the world was moving faster than you? Having to
catch up is exhausting, isn’t it? This is why I feel that distance learning is far
.more beneficial than traditional learning; let me elaborate

All students have different learning capabilities. It's impossible to shove

the right amount of information into everyone's brains all in a forty-five
minute period. That’s where distance learning comes in hand. You can set
your own pace and method of studying. After all, the person that knows you
better than anyone is yourself. As time passes, you will find yourself
thriving in certain skills like planning and research, not to mention, it's
cheaper. I've noticed that with distance learning, students take more
responsibility in their own education. They coordinate and organize how
they get educated. Children need to be responsible for certain parts of their
.lives, and distance learning prepares them

.Task 2: Essay done by Fathima Rushda Basheer

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