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Assignment Topic : Ethical Dilemma Jekyll and Hyde

Name: Muqaddas Aslam Roll No: 18079

Department: BBA ( SSDP ) Session: 2018-2022

Course Name: Organizational Behaviour

Course Code: Mgt- 350 Submitted To: Ms. Javeria Malik

Ethical Dilemma Jekyll And Hyde

The case study states that the company seems well positioned financially. Companies
that promote a strong ethical mission, encourage employees to behave with integrity,
and provide strong ethical leadership can influence employee decisions to behave
ethically.” Managers are to create an ethical environment for his or her employees,
where they can perform their work productively. From the following information, Hyde
Associates is not allowing an ethical environment for their employees to work in
certainty of what is right and what is wrong. If management of the business is
performing unethical acts than most likely the employees will act unethically as well.
Every employee deserves the right to work in a pleasant working environment where
there is no question between right and wrong.

As employees we want to work for a business that we can be proud of and take
ownership in our work; that being said I would not be proud to say I worked for Hyde
Associates. I believe that there is always room for growth and the majority of jobs don’t
start you at the highest, because they expect you to be successful which is followed by
rewards. I don’t feel like this violates my internal number, because I probably don’t have
a ton of experience in the field yet and not very many people start off with high salary,
since there is no room for growth. I believe in never compromising my morals and
personal ethics, just for a pay check.

Question# 1-18

What starting salary will you give Gabriel? What salary represents the minimum
offer you would accept? If these two numbers are different, why? Does giving
Gabriel a different number than your “internal” number violate Jekyll
Corporation’s transparent culture? Why or why not?


It is difficult to find out the exact salary that I would ask for from Gabriel, since the
case study doesn’t elaborate on the job duties. The case study says that several other
graduates work for Jekyll Corporations, I would ask them what their starting salaries
were to get a ball park range. The salary would also depend on the competition for the
location the company is based at, what type of employment pool that is available. I think
that a salary of $30,000 a year sounds good when you have very limited experience. z

I know that finding a good paying job that you also like doing is very difficult, I right now
have a low paying job, but I enjoy my work, most of the time, so it can affect the quality
of my work. So to keep someone interested even when the job isn’t in the most
fascinating time you would have to pay them a decent salary, which would for me right
now would be about 37,000- 40,000 a year.
Yes, they are different because one is the actual wage that I would like to make and one
is what I actually make and that is the reality of the working environment. I think that it
could violate their culture if it offers a salary that does not reflect their values and
beliefs. They want to live up to their standards so even though what someone offers is
not what you expect does not mean you should lower your expectations.

Question# 1-19

Assume you’ve received another offer, this one from Hyde Associates. Like the
Jekyll job, this position is on your chosen career path and in the consumer
products industry. Assume, however, that you’ve read in the news that “Hyde
Associates has been criticized for unsustainable manufacturing practices that
may be harmful to the environment. It has further been criticized for unfair trade
practices and for employing underage children. Would that change whether you’d
be willing to take the job? Why or why not?


Hyde Associates may have the same job description as Jekyll, but the two companies
could not be more different. I would not take the job from Hyde Associates because the
company doesn’t have clear ethical values. If the company is being criticized for
“unsustainable manufacturing practices that may be harmful to the environment.” And
for “unfair trade practices and for employing underage children” then more than likely
the individuals working for the company are making unethical decisions as well. Our
textbook states “companies that promote a strong ethical mission, encourage
employees to behave with integrity”. If the company doesn’t promote a strong ethical
mission and blatantly does unethical acts, then the employees will follow their
company’s actions and act unethically.

Secondly, if a company is being publicly criticized for their unethical actions, then the
company doesn’t have a trusting relationship with their consumers. Consumers and
potential business partners wont respect Hyde Associates as they would Jekyll
Corporations. Because of all the criticism surrounding Hyde Associates, it could be an
unstable company to work for.

Question# 1-20

These scenarios are based on studies of corporate social responsibility (CSR)

practices that show consumers generally charge a kind of rent to companies that
do not practice CSR. In other words, they generally expect a substantial discount
in order to buy a product from Hyde rather than from Jekyll. For example, if Jekyll
and Hyde sold coffee, people would pay a premium of $1.40 to buy coffee from
Jekyll and demand a discount of $2.40 to buy Hyde coffee. Do you think this
preference translates into job choice decisions? Why or why not?

I do believe that the preference translates into job choices, because the extra premium
that the customers of Jekyll Corporations are willing to pay shows their loyalty to the
company. Consumers are willing to pay a higher price for better goods. Companies that
practice corporate social responsibility (CSR) have a significant advantage over
companies that do not practice it, this is because consumers will have more respect for
the company, which can possibly lead to loyalty. Especially today, people are becoming
more health conscious. As a consumer, I like to know where my food is coming from. If I
can buy local, I will, and if I can’t buy local then I will buy organic.

Because Jekyll Corporation is a fair-trade and sustainable corporation that acts

ethically, supports producers and sustainable environmental farming practices, and
prohibits child labour, their current consumers and potential consumers tend to trust
them. Hyde Associates’ coffee production on the other hand, remains a complete
mystery for potential consumers, aside from the negative headlines they are receiving in
the media. If consumers are unsure about a product, they’re more than likely not going
to buy it. Even if consumers buy the product, they would only be willing to purchase it at
steep discount. So even if Hyde Associates was saving a little bit of money by hiring
underage children, the cost of the discount could significantly damage the company’s

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