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T.A. 2020/2021
As Indonesians, it is a must if we can use Indonesian properly and
correctly. Using good and right Indonesian language is one form of our
nationalism as a nation's children, as written in the youth oath "To uphold the
language of unity, Indonesian".
However, that does not mean we are forbidden to speak English. As
children of the modern nation it is very necessary for us to learn foreign languages
besides the national language, one of which is English. Unwittingly, many of the
changes that have taken place in this country are in line with rapidly developing
globalization. The development of science and technology that cannot be stopped
anymore and continues to develop rapidly. Being in this era of globalization, the
Indonesian people are required to be able to communicate with foreign languages,
especially English. English is an international language used in almost all parts of
the world, especially in developed countries.
However, there are still many Indonesians who think that if we use
English it means we are not nationalist. What actually frightens them is the
"imperialist" spirit possessed by some Indonesians who graduated from tertiary
institutions abroad, or who work and live abroad. And there are still Indonesians
who lower their skills in Indonesian and prefer to speak English only for their
capitalist (personal interests) interests. But, it depends on how the language is
used. If for something positive like to build a nation it is very good, but if it is
used only to show existence to make it look "more" than others, that is the wrong
Nationalism is not a narrow sense. Nationalism itself is an attitude of the
people of a nation who have the same culture and region as well as the same
ideals and goals, thus the people of a nation feel a deep loyalty towards the nation
itself. Nationalism is the soul of the Indonesian Nation which will continue to
cling as long as the Indonesian Nation still exists. Nationalism is the love of
homeland, race, language, or shared cultural history. Nationalism is a desire for
independence, salvation, and national prestige. Nationalism is also a beliefe that
teaches that a person lives only for the nation and for the nation itself.
So the conclusion is, that English is a language that needs to be mastered
by the Indonesian people due to various reasons. First, English is an international
language that is widely used by foreign countries. Secondly, we are required to
master English due to the rapid development of technology and the existence of
free trade / free markets. Third, there is an exchange of students whose students
must be proficient in English. Do not make a sense of nationalism make us not
want to develop, but make this to foster a sense of enthusiasm in us to advance
and prosper the Indonesian people to match the ideals of the Indonesian people.

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