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Spanish II – Unit 1 Lesson 1 Review Sheet

1. Escuchar
A. Laura and Lucas are talking about their vacation plans. Listen to their conversation and then
circle the letter of the correct words to complete the sentences. (6 points)
You should know vocab from this Lesson.
B. Listen to a travel agent explain to Pedro what he has to do at the airport when he travels. Then
read the following statements and write C for cierto (true) and F for falso (false). (4 points)
You should know vocab from this Lesson.

2. Vocabulario y gramática
C. Complete the sentences about travel according to the illustrations. (10 points)
You should know vocab from this Lesson and the order of tasks when taking a flight.

D. José and Rosana are preparing for a trip. Complete their conversation with the correct words
from the box. (5 points)
You should know vocab from this Lesson and the order of tasks when taking a flight.

E. Select the correct direct object pronoun to complete these conversations heard at an airport. (5
Know how to use your Direct Object Pronouns.

F. Luis explains what he and his family do at the airport. Complete his sentences with the correct
indirect object pronouns. (5 points)
Know how to use your Indirect Object Pronouns.

G. Complete Rodrigo’s e-mail to his friend Jorge about an upcoming trip, using lo, le, or a. (5
Know how to use Object Pronouns.

3. Leer
H. Read the following statements, and then write C for cierto (true) or F for falso (false). (6 points)
You must know enough vocab and grammar to be able to read the text/questions.

4. Cultura
I. Write the letter of the answer that best completes the following information about life in Costa
Rica. (4 points)
You must know facts about Costa Rican Culture.

5. Speaking
J. Practice the Speaking Questions given to you and know how to answer them. (8 points)

Scott C. Hudson

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