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Effect of Amlodipine on Blood Pressure Responses in

Local and Whole-body Cooling in Normotensive Men
b a c
Tuula Tähtinena, Silja Määttäa, Hannu Rintamäki , Hannu Virokannas , and Sirkka Keinänen-Kiukaanniemi

Heruntergeladen von: Chinese University of Hong Kong. Urheberrechtlich geschützt.

Department of Public Health Science and General Practice (Head: Prof. Sirkka Keinänen-Kiukaanniemi),
a b
University of Oulua, Oulu Regional Institute of Occupational Health , Department of Public Health Science
and General Practice, University of Oulu , Oulu (Finland)


The objective of this study was to determine the ability of amlodipine (CAS 88150-42-9,
Norvasc®) to affect the cold-induced rise of blood pressure and heart rate in normotensive
men. Fourteen normotensive men underwent a one-hand cold pressor test (+ 10°C, 5 min)
and a whole-body cold air exposure test (+ 5°C, 45 min) in a crossover study with and without
amlodipine at a seven-day interval.
Amlodipine decreased the levels of initial systolic and diastolic blood pressure before both
tests, but it had no influence on heart rate. During the cold pressor test, amlodipine lowered
the peak diastolic pressure from 96 ± 10 mmHg (mean ± SD) to 92 ± 10 mmHg (p = 0.024).
The rise of diastolic blood pressure was 13 ± 7 mmHg with amlodipine and 16 ± 8 mmHg
without amlodipine (p = 0.138). During the whole-body cold air exposure test, amlodipine
decreased the systolic pressure from 135 ± 2 mmHg to 133 ± 3 mmHg (p = 0.008) and the
diastolic pressure from 88 ± 2 mmHg to 86 ± 1 mmHg (p = 0.005). However, the cold-induced
rise of blood pressure in whole-body cooling was not affected by amlodipine, because it also
decreased the initial values. Amlodipine did not affect the initial or cold-induced changes of
heart rate in these tests.
In conclusion, in normotensive men amlodipine lowers the peak of diastolic blood pressure
in a cold pressor test. In whole-body cold air exposure, amlodipine slightly decreases the levels
of both systolic and diastolic pressures, but has no effect on the cold-induced rise of blood
pressure. Amlodipine does not prevent the cold-induced physiological responses of blood pres-
sure or heart rate.


Wirkung von Amlodipin auf Blutdruckreaktionen bei lokaler Kühlung und Gesamtkörper-
kühlung bei normotensiven Männern
Das Ziel dieser Untersuchung ist der Nachweis der Fähigkeit von Amlodipin (CAS 88150-42-
9 Norvasc®), den kälteinduzierten Anstieg des Blutdrucks und der Herzfrequenz bei normo-
tensiven Männern zu beeinflussen. Vierzehn normotensive Manner unterzogen sich in einer
Crossover-Untersuchung in einem Interval1 von 7 Tagen einem Einarm-Kälte-Blutdrucktest
(+ 10°C, 5 min) und einem Gesamtkörper-Kaltluft-Expositionstest (+ 5°C, 45 min) mit und
ohne Verabreichung von Amlodipin.
Amlodipin verringerte vor beiden Tests die Niveaus der anfänglichen systolischen und diastoli-
schen Blutdrücke, hatte aber keinen Einfluß auf die Herzfrequenz. Während des Kälte-Blut-
drucktests verringerte Amlodipin die diastolischen Spitzenwerte von 96 ± 10 mmHg (Durch-
schnitt ± Standardabweichung) auf 92 ± 10 mmHg (p = 0,024). Die Erhöhung der diastoli-
schen Blutdrücke betrug 13 ± 7 mmHg mit Amlodipin und 16 ± 8 mmHg ohne Amlodipin
(p = 0,138). Während des Gesamtkörper-Kaltluft-Expositionstests verringerte Amlodipin den
systolischen Druck von 135 ± 2 mmHg auf 133 ± 3 mmHg (p = 0,008) und den diastolischen
Druck von 88 ± 2 mmHg auf 86 ± 1 mmHg (p = 0,005).
Arzneim.-Forsch./Drug Res. 49 (I), Nr. 6 (1999)
494 Tähtinen et al. - Amlodipine
Die durch die Kälte induzierte Erhöhung des Blutdruckes bei der Gesamtkörper-Abkühlung
wurde jedoch durch Amlopidin nicht beeinflußt, da es auch die Anfangswerte verringerte.
Amlopidin hat in diesen Tests keinen Einfluß auf die anfänglichen oder die kälteinduzierten
Veränderungen der Herzfrequenzen.
Zusammenfassend kann man feststellen, daß Amlopidin in den Kälte-Blutdrucktests die Spit-
zenwerte der diastolischen Blutdrücke bei normotensiven Männern verringerte. Bei der Ge-
samtkörper-Kaltluft-Exposition verringerte Amlodipin die Niveaus sowohl der systolischen
als such der diastolischen Blutdrücke ein wenig, beeinflußte aber den kälteinduzierten Blut-
druckanstieg nicht. Amlopidin verhindert die kälteinduzierte physiologischen Reaktionen des
Blutdruckes oder der Herzfrequenz nicht.

Key words Amlodipine · Calcium channel blocker, dihydropyridine 4 CAS 88150-42-9 · Nor-
vasc®, blood pressure, cold pressure test, man, temperature, whole-body exposure

Arzneim.-Forsch./Drug Res. 49 (I), 494-499 ( 1999)

Heruntergeladen von: Chinese University of Hong Kong. Urheberrechtlich geschützt.

1. Introduction cold-induced peripheral vasoconstriction and rise
Cooling of the human body stimulates the peri- of blood pressure. There are no published data
pheral thermoreceptors in the skin. The sensory concerning the effect of amlodipine in cold.
nerves mediate the information from the receptors Some epidemiologic studies have shown that sys-
to the central nervous system. When the temper- tolic and diastolic blood pressures are higher dur-
ature regulation Center in the hypothalamus re- ing the cold season than the warm season [9]. In
ceives information of cold, it activates the efferent the countries with a cold climate, such as Finland,
sympathetic nervous system. The sympathetic ef- all people are exposed to cold air when they are
fects are mediated by norepinephrine [11]. The ac- outdoors during the cold season. In addition,
tivation of the sympathetic nervous system results people who work outdoors or in artificially refri-
in peripheral vasoconstriction, a rise of blood pres- gerated working facilities, such as cold stores, are
sure and an increased heart rate [2]. There are no exposed to cold air throughout their working
known vasodilator nerve fibers in the cutaneous hours. Clothing decreases the surface area directly
vessels, and vasodilatation is brought about by de- exposed to cold and creates a more favourable mi-
creasing constrictor tone [1], although active cuta- croclimate.
neous vasodilation has also been suggested [3]. Many people with cardiovascular diseases live in
Generally, cold exposure elevates blood pressure. countries with a cold climate or work in cold
Different types of exposure to cold produce differ- places. Antihypertensive or cardiac medication
ent responses in blood pressure, peripheral circula- should normalize their high blood pressure or
tion and heart rate. A cold pressor test elevates maintain normotension in both warm and cold en-
blood pressure and heart rate [4]. Exposure of the vironments. On the other hand, antihypertensive
face to cold air results in a rise of blood pressure medication should not prevent the normal cold-
and bradycardia [5, 6]. Whole-body exposure to induced peripheral vasoconstriction and increase
cold air leads to a rise-in blood pressure-[7], while in heart rate, which minimize heat loss and prevent
the heart rate may increase, decrease or remain whole-body cooling.
constant, depending on the degree and rate of The purpose of this study was to investigate, in
body cooling and the exposure time [2]. normotensive healthy men, whether amlodipine af-
Amlodipine (CAS 88150-42-9) is a blood vessel se- fects the cold-induced physiological blood pressure
lective dihydropyridine calcium channel blocker and heart rate responses. In addition, the differ-
with a distinctively long elimination half-life 35- ences in the responses to cold pressor and whole-
45 h, and the indications for it are hypertension, body cold air exposure tests were compared.
angina pectoris and cardiac insufficiency. Amlodi-
pine acts primarily by inhibiting the extracellular
calcium influx through the vascular smooth muscle 2. Subjects, material and methods
cell membranes. The antihypertensive action of
amlodipine is related to its direct relaxant effect on 2.1. Subjects
vascular smooth muscle, which leads to dilation of Fourteen healthy normotensive male medical students
both arteries and arterioles. This, in turn, leads to served as voluntary test subjects. The study protocol was
a reduction in total peripheral resistance and re- approved by the Ethics Committee of the Medical Fac-
ductions in systolic and diastolic blood pressure, ulty at the University of Oulu. The participants were
informed about the study and asked to give written con-
generally without reflex tachycardia and without sent.
postural hypotension [8]. The actions of amlodip- The tests were made between January 31 and March 1,
ine are not mediated via the sympathetic nervous 1995. Two or three participants at a time attended the
system. Consequently - at least in-theory - the va- test at 8 a.m. after a normal breakfast. No smoking or
sodilating action of am lodipine could prevent the coffee were allowed in the morning before the test. Dur-
Arzneim.-Forsch./Drug Res. 49 (I), Nr. 6 (1999)
Tähtinen et al. - Amlodipine 495
ing the 2 weeks before the experiments the subjects had diastolic blood pressure and heart rate measured in the
had no infections. The previous evening and night had cold climatic chamber were recorded as the results of the
been normal. climatic chamber test.

2.2. Study design 2.4. Statistics

Every subject participated twice in the same crossover Statistical analyses were conducted with the SPSS for
test study procedure, with a one-week interval between Windows 5.0 software of the University of Oulu. The
the two trial periods. Seven randomly selected particip- results are given as means ± standard deviation (SD).
ants ingested 5 mg of amlodipine1) at 8 a.m. 49 and 25 h After controlling for normality of distributions of vari-
before the trial and on the morning of each day of the ables, Student’s two-tailed paired t-test was used to com-
trial. One week later the trial was repeated without prior pare the values of the same subjects with or without am-
ingestion of amlodipine. Seven participants did not take lodipine.
amlodipine before the first trial, but ingested 5 mg amlo-
dipine 49, 25 and 1 h before the second trial one week
Each trial session took 3.5-4.0 h. At the beginning of 3. Results
the trial, the subjects wearing their normal indoor 3.1. Basic characteristics
clothes sat on a chair with minimal movement and talk
for 30 min at a room temperature of + 21 °C. After this All 14 participants were healthy male medical stu-
adaptation time, each participant immersed his right dents aged 20-30 years (23 ± 3 years, mean ± 2SD).

Heruntergeladen von: Chinese University of Hong Kong. Urheberrechtlich geschützt.

hand up to the wrist into stirred cold water (+ 10.0 ± Their mean body mass index was 23 ± 2 kg/m and
0.5 °C) and held the hand in the water for 5 min without mean fat percentage 14 ± 3%.
any movement or talk.
After the cold pressure test, the subjects undressed to
shorts, and their height, weight and skin fold thickness 3.2. Cold pressor test and blood pressure
were measured. Thereafter, the subjects walked calmly In the cold pressor test, the initial systolic and dia-
into a warm climatic chamber (+ 27 °C, velocity of air stolic blood pressures were lower with amlodipine
< 0.2 m/s and relative humidity of air 30%) nearby and than without it (Table 1, Fig. 1). As a response to
sat there on a chair without any movement or talk, lis- cold, systolic and diastolic blood pressures in-
tening to neutral music from earphones for 45 min. creased and the peak values were achieved in 1.4-
After this stabilizing period, the test subjects walked
slowly into the cold climatic chamber in the next room 2.0 min after the start of cold water immersion.
(+ 5 °C, air velocity < 0.2 m/s, relative humidity 50%) Amlodipine decreased both the rise and the peak
and sat there for 45 min the same way as in the first values of diastolic blood pressure. However, only
chamber. the decrease in the peak diastolic blood pressure
during the cold pressor test was statistically signifi-
2.3. Measurements
cant (p = 0.024).
Height was measured with a calibrated vardstick and
weight with a calibrated scale (Mettler-ID 1 -Multirange,
Mettler Co., Switzerland). Body mass index was calcu-
lated as weight (kg) divided by height squared (m2). Skin
fold thickness was measured by Harpenden caliper from
the biceps, triceps, subscapularis and suprailiacal regions
and the fat percentage was calculated [10]. The blood
pressure and heart rate measurements were installed by a
computer and performed oscillometrically from the left
upper arm using an indirect ambulatory blood pressure
monitor (Meditech ABPM-02, Meditech Co., Budapest,
Hungary). Automatic measurements were made every 5
min during all the procedures and, in addition, once a
minute during the cold pressor test manually by pressing
a button.
In the cold pressor test, the initial blood pressure and
heart rate before immersion were calculated from 5 val-
ues measured before the test. The lowest and highest val-
ues were excluded, and the mean of the remaining 3
measurements was used as the initial value. The peak
values and the rise of systolic and diastolic blood pres-
sures and heart rate during the immersion were recorded
as the effects of the cold pressor test.
In the whole-body cold exposure test, systolic and dia-
stolic blood pressures and heart rate were calculated as
means of the last nine measurements during the 45 min
exposure to + 27 °C and + 5 °C in climatic chambers.
The difference between the means measured in the two
climatic chambers and the peak values of systolic and

Norvasc ®; manufacturer: Pfizer Co., Espoo (Finland).
Arzneim.-Forsch./Drug Res. 49 (I), Nr. 6 (1999)
496 Tähtinen et al. - Amlodipine
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3.3. Whole-body cold air exposure test and blood 3.4. Heart rate
pressure Amlodipine did not affect significantly the initial
In the whole-body cold air exposure test, amlodi- levels and cold-induced responses of heart rate
pine decreased the initial mean systolic and dia- (Table 1 and 2). The heart rate values rose at the
stolic blood pressures in the warm and cold cli- beginning of the cold pressure test (Table 1) and
matic chambers statistically significantly (Table 2, decreased during the whole-body cold exposure
Fig. 2). As a response to cold exposure, the peak test (Table 2).
values of systolic and diastolic pressures were
achieved in 22.5-30.5 min after the beginning of 35 Adverse reactions
the exposure. One participant discontinued the cold pressor test
Amlodipine decreased the peak values of systolic with amlodipine after 4.5 min of hand immersion
and distolic pressures. However, the magnitude of because of precollapse. His blood pressure at 4 min
the rise in systolic blood pressure induced by cold was 77/53 mmHg and heart rate 36 beats/min. The
was not altered by amlodipine and the rise in dia- values of this participant are included in the re-
stolic pressure was greater with than without amlo- sults, with the exception that his values at 5 min in
dipine. the cold pressor test are missing.
Arzneim. -Forsch ./Drug Res. 49 (I), Nr. 6 (1999)
Tähtinen et al. - Amlodipine 497
4. Discussion ing the first 5 min of cold exposure. Both blood
pressures persisted high until the end of the whole-
The present study demonstrates that amlodipine body cold exposure of 45 min. This reaction does
slightly decreases the levels of both systolic and not suggest any adaptation and, apparently, gen-
diastolic blood pressures during cold pressor and era1 and peripheral vasocontriction continued
whole-body cold air exposure tests, but it does not throughout the cold exposure time. The heart rate
prevent the cold-induced rise of blood pressure or decreased slowly throughout the cold air exposure
the heart rate response. time of 45 min. This reaction suggests that con-
A cold pressor test measures the function of the tinuous peripheral vasocontriction increases the
autonomous nervous system. If it is healthy, the central blood volume. The heart tries to maintain
responses manifested as changes in blood pressure the central circulation at an equilibrium and the
and heart rate are most marked during the first 2 heart rate decreases.
min of the cold pressor test [4]. In the present There are only a few studies demonstrating the
study, the sudden temperature drop from + 21 °C effects of antihypertensive medication in cold air
air to + 10 °C water was a very strong local stimu- exposure and none with calcium channel blockers.
lus to the skin of the right hand, which constitutes The beta-blockers propranolol and atenonol
about 2.5 % of the whole body surface area. The raised diastolic blood pressure and total peri-
rises of both blood pressures and heart rate were pheral resistance in cold air exposure at 5 °C for
most marked during the first 2 min after the begin- 1 h, but had little effect on the mean arterial pres-

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ning of the cold pressor test. Thereafter, the blood sure compared to placebo [15]. In another study,
pressures and heart rate declined nearly to the ini- propranolol failed to lower the increased blood
tial values in 5 min. Consequently, the test was pressure caused by cold air exposure [16]. In the
properly performed. present study, amlodipine decreased systolic and
Previously it has been shown that a non-selective diastolic blood pressures both before and during
dihydropyridine calcium channel blocker, nifedip- cold air exposure. Despite this, amlodipine did
ine, decreased the peak values of systolic blood not prevent the cold air induced rise of systolic
pressure in coronary artery disease patients in a and distolic blood pressures and it did not affect
cold pressor test [11]. Felodipine and isradipine are the heart rate.
blood vessel selective dihydropyridine calcium The subjects in our study were healthy non-obese
channel blockers with elimination half-lives of 25 men, and their sensory nerves, sympathetic nerv-
and 8 h, respectively. Medication for 4 weeks with ous systems and the blood vessel walls therefore
felodipine [12] and 6 weeks with isradipine [13] de- responded normally to the cold stimulus. We
creased the systolic and diastolic blood pressures wanted to find out how amlodipine amects healthy
of hypertensive patients in cold pressor tests. The men in cold. The antihypertensive effect to amlodi-
rise of blood pressure induced by cold was lower pine is caused by vasodilation of arteries and ar-
after 6 weeks of medication with isradipine than terioles without reflex tachycardia. Strong peri-
without medication [13]. pheral vasodilation without reflex tachycardia
Apart from the fact that we used a different cal- could lead to a marked drop in blood pressure, col-
cium channel blocker, there were also other differ- lapse and increased heat loss from the skin in cold
ences between designs of the previous studies and environment. One of our subjects precollapsed in
the present study. Our subjects were normotensive the cold pressor test after ingestion of amlodipine.
healthy men, the duration of medication with am- The reason for this precollapse may have been a
lodipine was two days before the test, and the vasovagal reaction. It is possible that amlodipine
whole-body cold air exposure was performed dur- attenuated the cold-induced rise of blood pressure
ing the same visit as the cold pressor test. At any and heart rate too much in this normotensive sub-
rate, anyhow, the blood pressure responses with ject.
amlodipine in our cold pressor test were approxim- In conclusion, amlodipine given to normotensive
ately similar to those obtained with other calcium men did not prevent the cold-induced physiological
channel blockers previously. responses of blood pressure and heart rate. Conse-
Whole-body exposure to cold air leads to a rise in quently, amlodipine could be considered a suitable
blood pressure [7], during which the heart rate may cardiovascular drug for a patient exposed to cold,
increase, decrease or remain unchanged, depending but the effects on cardiovascular patients remain
on the degree of body cooling and the cold air to be elucidated.
exposure time [2]. During a whole-body cold air
exposure, cooling affects the whole surface area of
the body, increases the activity of the sympathetic 5. Literature
nervous system and results in general peripheral [1] Zelis, R., Am. J. Med. 27, 3 (1983)
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in the studies of Oksa [14] performed in the same [4] Benetos, A., Safar, M. E., Am. J. Hypertens. 4, 627
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[10] Durnin, J. V. G. A., Rahaman, M. M., Br. J. Nutr. Acknowledgements
21, 544 (1967) The authors appreciate the contributions of the 14 med-
[11] Goldhaber, S. Z., White, H. D., Holman, B. L., J. ical students who participated in this study. The authors
Am. Coll. Cardiol. 1, 1512 (1983) thank Pfizer Medical Finland for financial support to
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[13] Duprez, D., De Backer, T., De Pue, N., Am. J. Hy-
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[14] Oksa, J., Cooling and neuromuscular performance Correspondence: Dr. Tuula Tähtinen MD, Department
in man, Doctoral thesis, Studies in sport, physical educa- of Public Health Science and General Practice, Univer-
tion and health No. 53, University of Jyväskylä, Fin- sity of Oulu, Aapistie 1, SF-90220 Oulu (Finland)
land (1998) E-mail:

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Arzneim.-Forsch./Drug Res. 49 (I), Nr. 6 (1999)

Hirata et al. - Toborinone 499

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