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Teach Persuasive Writing

by Jackson Best

Teaching persuasive writing to our students allows them to communicate their ideas with conviction, influence
others, and make their voices heard in an increasingly competitive and crowded world.

Here you’ll find a step-by-step overview of how to teach persuasive writing, so you can empower your students
with a gift that will last them well beyond school

Explain to students what persuasive writing is

Your students might already be able to guess that persuasive writing convinces the reader of a particular point
of view. Brainstorm all the different texts that do this, such as:

 debates and arguments

 opinion pieces
 feature articles
 speeches
 letters (e.g. a cover letter for a job application)
 reviews
 advertisements

Talk students through the structure of persuasive writing

Persuasive texts ten to built around three central elements. These are:

A statement of position

The statement of position clearly states the central argument of the text — generally near the beginning so
audiences know what to expect right from the outset. Here’s an example from Al Gore’s 2007 Academy Award

My fellow Americans, people all over the world, we need to solve the climate crisis. It’s not a political issue;
it’s a moral issue. We have everything we need to get started, with the possible exception of the will to act.
That’s a renewable resource. Let’s renew it.

This example is effective because Gore’s words are clear, powerful and direct. The audience is left in no doubt
as to the central message.

Note: The same text could simply read ‘the climate crisis needs to be solved’, but it wouldn’t be half as
effective. The use of persuasive techniques is what makes it powerful, and we’ll get to what those are later in
the article.

Arguments with evidence

Once the central position has been stated, it needs be supported with arguments and evidence.
The most effective persuasive texts provide multiple arguments for one central point. To plan, you can list these
as bullet points before you start writing the body of the persuasive piece.

This is also the part where a persuasive text goes into detail. Take the time to explain your arguments
thoroughly and support them with evidence at every opportunity.

The takeaway

Persuasive texts finish by telling the reader what they should take away from the text. This might be a change to
their way of thinking, an action to take or a new understanding or outlook on a point.

Note: A persuasive text conclusion can also include a reminder of the central argument. This won’t be
necessary if the text is very short to begin with (e.g. a sentence-length advertisement), but it can be useful in
longer texts with plenty of detail in the body.

Ask students to identify these steps in different kinds of persuasive texts, because they’ll look different in each.
For example, a feature article might make its argument over several pages, whereas an advertisement persuades
a reader to buy a product in just a few words.

Explain the different ways of appealing to an audience

Aristotle (an ancient Greek philosopher) classified persuasion into three different modes: pathos, logos and
ethos. Each of these modes seeks to persuade the audience or reader via different means.

We’ll compare each of these by adapting them for a single argument: ‘homework should be a thing of the past’.


Pathos appeals to the reader’s emotions in order to persuade them. The text might make them feel delighted,
saddened or confronted in order to provoke the desired response. In our argument this might be:

‘When we set children hours of homework, we take away more than just their time. We take away the joy and
excitement of youth, the play and freedom that are at the heart of what it means to be young.’


Ethos appeals to the reader’s sense of justice. It highlights what is right or wrong about a certain issue in order
to persuade readers of an ethically correct choice. We might adapt our argument like this:

‘The rights of the child are, in all cultures, a sacred thing. Why then, do we ignore our children when they tell us
that homework takes the fun out of learning and develops only bitterness towards our education system?’


Logos appeals to the reader’s sense of logic. It makes an argument seem like a clear and rational choice that
holds obvious benefits for the reader. Our argument might change to:

‘If we want kids to learn more effectively, we should probably rethink the homework that keeps them up every
night and saps their spirit. Get rid of it and kids will come to school each morning happy and eager to learn.’
Explain the importance of PAC: Purpose, Audience, and Context
Help your students understand that persuasive writing is more than just an aimless rant. It’s important for them
to consider:


Some arguments will have emotional content and therefore be well suited to pathos, for example, while others
(e.g. an argument on financial grounds) might be better suited to a more rational approach with logos.


It’s important to know who the text is addressing and what sorts of arguments are likely to appeal to them. For
example, if a text is destined for an audience who has never considered a particular issue, it might be best to
spell it out with logos-based arguments before heading into more ethical territory.


Whether it’s a speech at a rally or an advertisement on a billboard, the context in which persuasive text is
delivered will determine its persuasive appeals.

Remember: Almost all persuasive texts mix and match the different appeals. Use them strategically throughout
the piece to add variety and appeal to as many different audiences as possible. Our piece on ‘homework should
be a thing of the past’ might use all of the above arguments at different points to persuade as broad an audience
as possible.

Encourage students to use different persuasive techniques

The effectiveness of persuasive writing depends on the use of persuasive techniques as well as appeals. These
are the individual language features that add interest and emphasis to the arguments.

Here are six essential persuasive techniques:


Anecdotes are short recounts of real-life experiences. They are a great way of showing an author or speaker’s
personal connection to a topic and linking an idea back to everyday life.

Example: ‘As I sat in bumper-to-bumper traffic, I took a look at the other cars that surrounded me. Each held
only one person. Each had at least four empty seats, as did mine. And yet in an hour we would all be
complaining to colleagues about the endless traffic we’d sat through on our way to work. Something didn’t add

Inclusive language

Inclusive language includes the reader or audience through the pronouns ‘we’ and ‘you’. This is a powerful way
of communicating togetherness or putting responsibility on an individual.

Example: ‘Our planet is broken, and we need to fix it.’


Hyperbole is another word for exaggeration. It can be used for comic effect or to communicate the extent of a

Example: ‘These days children are basically born with a phone in one hand and an iPad in the other. We’ve
forgotten how to disconnect from technology.’

High modality words

High modality words imply a high level of imperative or certainty, e.g. ‘must’, ‘absolutely’, ‘always’ and so on.
These give persuasive writing strength and conviction.

Example: ‘We must act now in order to make a difference. We cannot afford to delay further.’


Syntax refers to sentence structure. It can be manipulated to give emphasis by alternating between long,
descriptive sentences and short, direct ones.

Example: ‘Language structures our thoughts, gives us a voice and connects us with others so that we can build
and become something bigger than ourselves. That’s why it’s important.’


Repeated words or phrases can give emphasis to a central idea and drive home related points in quick

Example: ‘But we’re forgetting what’s most important. It’s not your car. It’s not your salary. It’s not your job.
It’s not your clothes. It’s what’s inside you. That’s what makes the difference.’

These are just six examples taken from our mega list of persuasive techniques here.

Experiment with different tones

Tone describes the type of voice used in a text: its emotional inflections, its personality and its character. The
voice of a persuasive text might be formal or casual, humorous or serious, energetic or relaxed.

Tone suggests how we should feel about an issue and it’s often this feeling that persuades us to adopt a text’s
point of view.

When deciding on an appropriate tone, students should think about:

 the subject matter: how serious is it?

 the audience: what are they likely to expect from a text of this nature?
 the context: where will this text be seen, heard or read?

Here are 15 different tones for students to experiment with:

Joyful Sarcastic Conversational

Grave Passionate Academic
Angry Contemplative Melancholy
Nostalgic Inspired Friendly
Concerned Hopeful Triumphant

Tips for teaching persuasive writing

Demystify persuasive texts for your students by:

Activating prior knowledge

Ask your students what they know about persuasion already. How do they convince parents, teachers and
friends when they want something?

You could also ask students to come up with arguments on an issue they are already passionate about. Your
students will naturally adopt different persuasive techniques as they express the arguments verbally — which
paves the way for writing.

Looking at examples

Use topical speeches, feature articles and opinion pieces as examples. Read through them together and ask
students to highlight the persuasive techniques they notice — even if they don’t have a name for them.

You can also use models to examine the structure of persuasive texts. Ask students to break a text into chunks
and label each section (e.g. ‘introducing the point’, ‘providing evidence’, ‘linking it back to us’).

Planning before writing

When your students set about writing a persuasive text, scaffold their planning with the following questions:

 What do I want my reader to do/think/believe after they have read this?

 Who is my target audience and what do they already believe/know about this topic?
 What persuasive appeals would work for this audience?
 What tone is appropriate for this topic?
 What arguments and evidence can I use to justify my points?

Reading persuasive texts aloud

Reading persuasive texts aloud is the best way for students to get a sense of tone and emotive inflection.

Students could write speeches and present them with maximum conviction. Connecting it to verbal delivery
encourages them to think carefully about how to structure their words for persuasive effect.

Connect persuasion to the real world

Persuasive writing is taught most effectively when it is linked to real-world issues that your students care about.
It’s their chance to be heard and speak their minds, so encourage them to own their voice and get passionate!

Preinstructional Planning


Students will:

1. Understand the purpose of persuasive writing.

2. Understand how persuasion is use to achieve a desired outcome.
3. Become familiar with vocabulary words that are useful for persuasive writing.
4. Follow the steps of the writing process.

Lesson Resources


 I use the following book in this lesson, but you may substitute another title that encourages persuasive
writing: Dear Mrs. LaRue: Letters from Obedience School by Mark Teague
 Chart paper or chalkboard
 A variety of colored markers
 Powerful Words printable (PDF)

Set Up and Prepare

1. Prepare a sheet of chart paper entitled Persuasive Words.

2. Enlarged copy of a selected letter from Dear Mrs. LaRue: Letters from Obedience School
3. Determine groups for Day 2, four students per group.
4. Copy the Powerful Words printable, one per group.

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During Instruction


Day 1

Step 1: Begin the lesson by asking students if they have ever persuaded their Mom or Dad to permit them to do
something that they normally are not allowed to do, such as staying up past their bedtime or eating dessert
without eating their dinner. Ask: Were you successful in persuading your parents to let you do what you
wanted? Why do you think you were successful? When we try to get someone to see our point of view or give
us permission we are trying to persuade them. Write the term and its definition on chart paper.

Step 2: Tell students that they will be listening to a story about a dog who wishes to persuade his owner to let
him come home from Obedience School. Encourage them to listen carefully to Ike’s letters and the words he
uses to try and get his way. Read Dear Mrs. LaRue: Letters from Obedience School. Periodically pause while
reading to discuss details about the story. Ask: Why do you think Ike wants to leave the Canine Academy? How
does Ike try to convince Mrs. LaRue to let him come home? Do you think Ike’s methods of persuasion are
working? Why or why not?

Step 3: Tell students that George Washington was the first president of the United States and he was a signer of
the Constitution — the document of laws and principles that guarantee certain rights to U.S. citizens. Inform
students that they will be writing a persuasive letter to the current president of the United States, convincing
him to shorten the school week from five to four days. Ask for a volunteer to name him. In order to do so, they
need to understand how to write a persuasive letter. Display an enlarged copy of a selected letter from the story
and review it with the students. While completing this activity, ask the following: What reason does Ike provide
for wanting to come home? Does he use any language that might be considered “persuasive?” Make sure to
highlight specific terms or phrases from the letter to help students easily identify persuasive writing.

Day 2

Step 1: Begin by telling students that today they will draft their letter to the President. Encourage them to recall
Ike’s letter and the terms he used to persuade Mrs. LaRue. Inform them that they will first create a list of
persuasive words which they might use in their letter when trying to persuade the President to shorten the
school week. Display the Persuasive Words chart and share with the students that they will be posting words
that they would like to use in the letter.

Step 2: Divide students into groups of four. Distribute the Powerful Words printable to each group. Review the
words with the students, demonstrating them in context.

Step 3: Instruct each group to choose 2–4 words they will use in their letter to the President, circle them on the
printable, and write them on the Persuasive Words chart using a different colored marker for each group. There
should be at least 10 persuasive words on the chart.

Step 4: Upon completion, review the list with the class, encouraging them to use any of the words listed, or
more from the printable, in their letter.

Step 5: Remind students that a good persuasive letter includes supporting details. Briefly discuss some
compelling reasons why the school week should be shortened. Record on chalkboard or chart paper. Encourage
students to decide on their reasons, their persuasive words, and begin drafting their letter. Circulate the
classroom to provide assistance when needed.

Day 3–4

Step 1: Allow time for students to complete their persuasive letter draft.

Step 2: Instruct students to exchange their draft with a partner to read and provide feedback.

Step 3: Students then revise their letter and publish it. You may want them to rewrite it on a special stationary
or type it using a word processing program.
Step 4: Allow time for voluntary sharing of the letters.

Supporting All Learners

Allow students who may have difficulty with extensive writing to record their ideas on a tape recorder. Then,
help them construct their persuasive letter.

Lesson Extensions

1. Teach a mini-lesson about properly addressing an envelope. Stuff it with the student’s published letter to the
President and mail to:

The White House

1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500

2. Write to a current or past president with an essay entitled “Why I Would Be a Good President.”

Supporting Books

Books for Teaching About Persuasive Writing and the Constitution

Home Connection

Have students complete the editing process of their persuasive letter for homework.


1. Complete a Persuasive Letter.


1. Did the students understand the concept of persuasion?

2. Were students able to construct a well developed persuasive letter?

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Post Instructional

Lesson Assessment

Written Outcome: Evaluate the persuasive letters. Note how each student supported their argument and used
persuasive vocabulary.

Featured Reproducible
Powerful Words Printable

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