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Duration: 60 minutes

I/ Paraphrase the following sentences. Try to vary different methods to have new sentences
which will be rewritten in diverse styles.

1. Nowadays, more and more companies require their employees to do unpaid work in their free
Today, there are increasing in the number of people who companies require their staff to do
unpaid work in their free time
2. In order to deal with serious diseases, the government needs to spend more money on healthcare.
To tackle serious diseases, the state needs to spend more money on healthcare

3. Because people who change work more often can experience various work environments, they
will have opportunities to find what suits them best.
People who changes jobs continuously will stand a chance of finding the must suitable career
since they can be exposed to different work climates and cultural

4. More employment opportunities should be created for young people.

The government should create by more job opportunities for the young generation.
5. The number of foreign tourists in Da Nang has decrease dramatically.
There has been a dramatic decrease in the number of foreign travelers in Da Nang
6. If students gain effective communication skills at college, they are more likely to succeed in their
future careers.
Students are more likely to be successful in their future careers, if they accumulate effective
communication skills at college.

7. People believe that international tourism has a negative impact on the environment.
Participants believe that study abroad tourism has adverse effect on the state.
8. Doing a part-time job is not necessary for high-school students because of its negative impacts on
academic performance.
Going part-time do not need of for learner in high-school this come down to the fact that it
negatively effects on academic performance
9. The growth of ageing populations can prevent the economy from developing.

The growing number of senior citizens can prevent the economic development

10. Multinational companies are becoming increasingly common in developing countries.

Multinational companies are gaining popularity develop countries

II/ Write a 150-200-word-summary about “Telecommuting”. Begin by outlining your summary
first. Then summarize each body paragraph in one or two sentences. Your completed summary
should be 4 separate paragraphs in length (Chia bài Summary thành 4 đoạn rõ ràng:
Introduction, 2 Body paragraphs và Conclusion)


Many authors have tried to define “telecommuting” in one clear definition. Definitions differ from
“telecommuting is working from home” (Mokhtarian, 1991) to definitions including time, places and
used tools descriptions. Despite the still growing popularity of telecommuting, this paper discusses
some of the major advantages and disadvantages of telecommuting for members of staff who may be
involved in.

There are numerous benefits telecommuting can bring to employees. A first major advantage of
telecommuting is the reduction of traveling time and costs as a result of the possibility to work from
home or other central working spaces in the neighbourhood (Mokhtarian, 1991). Some companies
establish teleworkcenters and remote offices as alternative locations for their telecommuting workers.
However, in most cases the home of the telecommuter will become the working-place (Mokhtarian,
1991) (Gajendran & Harrison, 2007). The reduction of travelling time and costs as a result of work
from home can contribute to an increased job satisfaction. Another advantage of telecommuting is
the possibility to adjust working hours to personal needs. If for instance the telecommuter has a
family at home and arrange to telecommute from home, the telecommuter has no travelling time, can
work with the family in the neighbourhood, and due the face the work schedule is flexible, is possible
to create more quality time with the family. Therefore, telecommuting can contribute to an improved
family relationship. A major overall advantage of telecommuting is the increase in job satisfaction.
Research has shown that the changes caused by telecommuting in the previous section, often result in
a higher job satisfaction. This is a result of the fact the telecommuter has increased control over the
location, timing and means of completing the work (Gajendran & Harrison, 2007).

The following paragraph will discuss the disadvantages for the employee. The first important
disadvantage is the reduction of the availability of resources. Telecommuting reduces the access to
resources found only at employers’ office. An example of a resource that cannot be accessed from
home are, for instance, accounting-records, that normally contains physical papers like invoices and
work orders. Reduction of availability of resources and date can impact the productivity due the fact
essential data is not available. Matters that occur because of a lack of regulation can be pointed out as
a second disadvantage. It can cause the potential danger to over-work, over-eat and under-exercise,
the so-called desk-potato or “fridge factor” syndrome (Fortier, 1999). Those symptoms can occur
because pause times are no longer pre-set and the temptation of eating is for some no longer in
control. The risks of overworking and overeating cannot be underestimated and therefor have to take
in account by telecommuter and as well by the employer. Another disadvantage of telecommuting,
concerning professional relationships, is the lack of personal contact with colleagues and supervisors.
Because telecommuting reduces the face-to-face communication, different theories make similar
predictions about quality and frequency of interaction, implying mainly negative impacts on
interpersonal relationships for telecommuters. In a regular office setting, it is possible to provide
direct input in solving problems on every scale. It is also possible to directly receive feedback when
certain situations take place. Even the “distractions” by colleagues can be important moments to
reinforce relationships. Face-to-face interactions with colleagues provide access to informal networks
and create opportunities for job relevant interactions. Face-to-face communication is considered the
medium with the highest social presence and very important in personal and professional
relationships (Gajendran & Harrison, 2007). Personal face-to-face interaction is essential in job and
professional relationship developments, reducing those moments can influence both developments

Despite the many advantages of telecommuting, its success is strongly dependent on the function,
company regulations and management, and the telecommuter self if telecommuting will be a success.


Gợi ý làm bài:

1) Chỉ lấy những main idea chính và bổ sung thêm 1-2 ý ngắn gọn về Cause-Effect để support cho main
idea. Đừng để ý vào những ví dụ hay số liệu thống kê quá nhiều. Xác định các main idea chính trong
bài trước khi tóm tắt bằng cách gạch chân hoặc in đâm các transition words: The first/second
advantage; another advantage ……..

2) Sử dụng các “useful expression” sẽ thêm vào trong bài summary

 argues in "Global Warming is the Next Best Thing for the Earth" that ...
 According to the writer’s perspective, /As the writer implies in the story about/
 The author criticizes...

Types of Texts Precise Verbs Precise “Verbs + that” Transition words

essay (bài nghị luận) Addresses asserts (khẳng định, xác first, next, finally,
thực rằng) before, after, during,
editorial (bài báo xã hội) debates (thảo luận, tranh luận) later, also, another,
Point out (chỉ ra rằng) in addition, in
article (bài báo) Discusses (bàn về) conclusion, to sum
argues (cho rằng) up, similarly,
research paper (bài nghiên cứu) disputes (bàn cãi, tranh luận) however, on the
posits (khẳng định, thừa contrary, most
narrative (bài tường thuật) examines (bàn bạc sâu về) nhận rằng) important, as a
result, therefore
report (bản báo cáo) Opposes (phản đôi, phản bác) maintains (tiếp tục lập luận
letter (thư) Explores (khám phá)
claims (cho rằng)
speech (bài phát biểu) considers (cân nhắc về)
notes (chú ý rằng)
short story (truyện ngắn) questions (đặt câu hỏi cho, đưa
ra nghi vấn về) Proposes (đề xuất rằng)

analyzes (phân tích) declares (tuyên bố rằng)

scrutinizes (nghiên cứu về) states (phát biểu rằng)

Criticizes (chỉ trích) believes

comments on (bình luận về) suggests (cho rằng, gợi ý

focuses on (tập trung vào)
Implies = infers =
reflects on (phản ánh về) intimates (ngụ ý rằng, ẩn ý
argues for (ủng hộ)

argues against (phản bác)

Add = Continue

= elaborates on (bổ sung

lập luận rằng)


In the article “Is telecommuting killing or healing your staff members” the author discusses “ some of the
major advantages and disadvantages of telecommuting for members of staff”.

As the writer implies in the story about benefit and drawback of telecommuting for members of
staff. Firstly, the reduction of traveling time and costs as a result of the possibility to job from home
or other central working spaces in the neighborhood. Telecommuting is the possibility to adjust
working hours to personal needs. People can comfortable when to work at home. For example, when
people over busy with job, no time go to traveling with family. People can work with the family in
the neighborhood, is possible to create more quality time with the family, and due the face the work
schedule is flexible.

However, beside have to drawback. Firstly, important disadvantage is the reduction of the
availability of resources. Telecommuting reduces the access to resources found only at employers
office. Further disadvantage of telecommuting, concerning professional relationships, is the lack of
personal contact with colleagues and supervisors. Given that telecommuting reduces the face-to-face
communication, different theories make similar predictions about quality and frequency of
interaction. Acording to Gajendran & Harrison, “. Face-to-face communication is considered the
medium with the highest social presence and very important in personal and professional

In the conclusion, author is telecommuting killing or healing your staff members.

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