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How to use Academic

Language in Essays
People say that the more a person earns, the richer the
person will be. But it is not always true. In reality, people’s
needs just like salaries always rise too, so people need to
think about how to cut their spendings.
People say that the more a person earns, the richer the
person will be. But it is not always true. In reality, people’s
needs just like salaries always rise too, so people need to
think about how to cut their spendings.

It is a widely held belief that increased earnings lead to an

improved financial situation. Practically, however, a rise in
salary implies that the needs tend to grow as well, thus, it is
our responsibility to consider the ways to optimize budgets.
Try not to use these words
Things, a lot of, so, really, too (as also),
say, I would say, I want to say, it seems

- There are many things that employers can do to improve productivity of workers
- In conclusion I would say that it is necessary to investigate the subjects more
- Big cities usually suffer from a lot of ecological problems. Small cities too suffer
from serious environmental problems.
To try
Many countries try to get rid of poverty
Many countries make efforts to eradicate
Bad weather makes people feel depressed.
Bad weather may cause depression.
People are likely to experience depression in
bad weather.
Personal Pronouns

I (if used inappropriately)

You (should never be used)
We, our (depending on the context)
Exaggeration / absolute statements
Absolutely, too much/many, very, definitely, at
all, everything, nothing, something, like this,
anything like that, of course, must, have to,
always, all, especially
It is absolutely necessary for parents to
provide children with a proper nurture.

It is parents’ primary responsibility to …

Usually people, especially young people, tend
to take loans for expensive purchases.

Usually customers, particularly/in particular

young people…
Repetition of words and phrases
More and more an increasing number
Bigger and bigger a significantly larger
Greater and greater a growing number
Active Voice / Passive Voice
Many people believe
It is often believed/thought
Lack of synonyms
Important / significant
Primary / vital
Crucial / Key
Pivotal / Fundamental
To develop / to thrive / to grow
To expand / to evolve / to progress
The paragraph below has some sentences/words or expressions which are more of a
spoken language, than academic. Improve the sentences where needed in order to
make the sentences sound more formal. Note, please, that you are not supposed to
just replace simple words by more difficult synonyms. Think of the style of writing,
so, an entire sentence structure may be changed, but try to keep the same meaning.
However, with regards to plants, the advantages of conservation are more apparent. It is important to
remember that wild plants are not simply decorative items, but also quite a valuable resource. Wild plants
have been used throughout history to make medicines, such as aspirin. Moreover, if certain varieties of
crops are prone to disease, wild plants could be used to develop new varieties. There are plenty of plants
that have not been discovered yet, whose application might be beneficial.
In conclusion, in my view, it is worth making efforts to preserve natural habitats because wild animals and
plants are unique and could save numerous lives. Yet one has to remember/it should not be forgotten
that people’s basic needs must be satisfied as well and in an equitable way.
Топ 7 Грамматических конструкций на высокий балл
4. Модальные глаголы
1. Passive (страдательный залог)
was bought ... is needed ...
has been proven that ... it should be mentioned that ... Students have to take plenty of exams.
2. Tense Forms (разные времена) The government should invest more money to education.
... can ... ... might become ...
Past Simple: used to 5. Условные наклонения
Present Continuous: These days, people are buying …
Present Perfect: ... have started studying ... If the authorities launched a publicity campaign to promote healthy lifestyles,
3. Comparisons more people would quit eating fast food.
If teachers give less homework to students, they can use their free time doing
... much more popular than..
what they really like.
... by far the most popular
6. Be likely to... (вероятно)
... as expensive as...
Fewer people ...
Less money ... It is likely that people will use driverless cars in the future.
Students are likely to study online rather than choose face-to-face education.
7. Предложения с двумя частями, связанные словом which

The government should allocate more money to the constructions of roads which
would make the city centre less congested.
Standard structure
n ● Introductory sentence (= paraphrased task, 1-2 sentences)
● Thesis statement (= main idea of the essay. The way it is written depends on the type of

paragraph ● Topic sentence (sometimes can be omitted)
1 ● Argument 1 (a clear, quite a short sentences representing the main idea)
● Supporting sentences: explanation, example
● Argument 2 (a clear, quite a short sentences representing another important idea)
● Supporting sentences: explanation, example

paragraph ● Topic sentence (sometimes can be omitted)
2 ● Argument 1 (a clear, quite a short sentences representing the main idea)
● Supporting sentences: explanation, example
● Argument 2 (a clear, quite a short sentences representing another important idea)
● Supporting sentences: explanation, example

● Restatement of your main idea. The structure depends on the type of essay.
Структура параграфов: 1 параграф = 1 основная идея + supporting evidence /
Выбираем ОДНУ главную идею / мысль параграфа. Расшифровываем её, объясняем,
пишем детали. Потом ПРИМЕР, который её иллюстрирует. Это выглядит примерно так:
(1) One of the biggest problems facing people who live in cities is the high property prices. (2) In
plenty of cities, buying a house near the centre is out of reach for people on the average salary
and they are forced to live outside the city and to commute into work. (3) In central London, for
instance, the cost even a one-bedroom flat is prohibitive for many people. To solve this problem,
the government could put more resource into building affordable housing, which would allow
more people to buy their own home.

(1) - Основная идея параграфа (Одна!)

(2) - Её раскрытие, объяснение + детали
(3) - Пример, который иллюстрирует основную идею
“One” as a formal substitute to “you”
As a personal pronoun (both subject and object), one can be used to refer to ‘people
in general’. We often use one in making generalisations, especially in more formal
However, if one is used too much, it can make the speaker sound too formal.
One takes a third person singular verb: One should not use mobile phones when driving.
Holidays are supposed to allow one to forget about work.
If you begin your sentence with "one", you should continue using "one, one's,
oneself..." when referring to the same person.
If one wants to be happy, one should not be greedy.
If one wants to succeed, one should study hard.
Zoos are useful and shouldn’t be shut down.

Zoos have several benefits. The main benefit is that zoos play an
important role in wildlife conservation. They help to protect
endangered species, such as pandas or rhinos, and allow scientists to
study animal behaviour. Another advantage of zoos is that they
employ large numbers of people, therefore providing job opportunities
and income for the local area. Also, the money that zoos make can be
used for conservation projects. From a personal point of view, zoos
are interesting, educational and fun. They are entertaining for families,
and teach children to appreciate wildlife and nature.
On the one hand, it is true that having a universal language may remove
communication barriers among people all over the world. When everyone speaks
the same language, this would result in fewer misunderstandings caused by
people using different languages to convey their thoughts. The benefits of a
universal dialect may reverberate across the globe, as people could work for
overseas companies, travel to exotic places or live in a foreign country without
encountering any breakdowns in communication. In this way, a predominant
language may bridge the gap between diverse groups of people and form a global
village where individuals can live in harmony with each other.
In spite of / despite + noun / pronoun / gerund
Although / even though + subject + verb
Unless = except if

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