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Digital Print Project

3D Printing
By: Madison Duarte
3D Printing: What is it?
● Also called “additive manufacturing”
● A process of making 3D or three dimensional objects from a digital file
● First ever 3D printer was made in 1983 by Chuck Hull
● Became popular in the 1980s, but not in a public sense
● Not affordable or common until 2007
How does it work?
● Uses “additive process”
● The printed object is created by layering successive layers of material until the
object is fully formed
● Each layer can be seen as a thin cross-section
● Can be extremely detailed or a general look; depends on the coding
What can you do with 3D printing?
What does 3D printing contribute to society?
● Harvard University studying the possibility of bioprinting blood vessels via a form
of 3D printing
● Future of 3D bioprinting skin tissue and blood cells
● Researchers at University of Toronto 3D printing high quality prosthetic limbs to
provide them to low income patients
● Reduced environmental pollution since factories are starting to 3D some of their
materials used
3D Printing: In Depth
Why did I Choose 3D Printing?
The contributions of 3D printing in the past decade have been absolutely
phenomenal. From printing affordable prosthetic limbs for low income patients to 3D
printing actual skin tissue and blood vessels, the help that society as a whole has
received from 3D printing is fantastic. Aside from this, 3D -printing can be really fun!
Creating and printing your own designs can be super fun, and the entire process is very
interesting to learn about!

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