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Shintani M, Oliver D. Manual. Activator Program Course. file:///home/chronos/u-e73f080925e7b610f0b069dfc66197435da36750/MyFiles/Downloads/Summer%20-%20Third%20Year/Urban

%20Poling/ACTIVATOR-Course-Manual-Final-Sept-2019-LOW.pdf. Published May 29, 2020. Accessed June 29, 2020.
Load & Reach
Keep the poles
shoulder width apart
in front of your feet.
Do a partial squat,
power up and reach
across your body.
Repeat 10x each

Wide Twists
Stand with your feet
shoulder width apart
and your arms raised
to 90°. With 1 pole in
your hand, twist your
body to transfer the
pole to the other arm.
Repeat 10x each side.

In & Out Jumps

Stand with your feet
shoulder width apart
and the poles in
front of you. Jump
or step outside of
the poles and then
back in. Repeat 3 x
for 30 seconds.

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