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FOCUS:Platingon Plastics

Vacuum Me zing òn‘2r

astic Parts
Vacuum coating is fast becoming the method of choice for
depositing bright, shiny, metallic films on plastic substrates . . .

Leybold AG
Hanau, Germany

acuum coating methods that use l PVD coating methods are environ-
evaporation or high-rate cath- mentally friendly.
ode sputtering processes are the Substrate temperatures, deposition
best-known means of metallizing plas- ratesand residual gaspressuresare simple
tic components. Physical vapor deposi- to regulate. Because of this, deposited
tion (PVD) methods are characterized film parameters, such as film micro-
by the large variety of processes they structures, mass densities, hardnesses,
include. electrical conductivity and optical prop-
Examples of the flexibility of PVD erties, are accurately controlled.
include the following: Beyond molded plastic parts for the
l Deposited film thickness ranges automotive industry and household uten-
from a few atomic layers to 10 microns. sils, other major coating application ar-
l Coated surface area ranges from eas are plastic and paper web materials
less than one sq mm to as much as in the packaging industry, thin-film data-
severa1 sq meters. storage media, glass and plastic archi-
l Both planar and formed compo- tectural and automotive glazing, and
nents, as well as web materials, can be optical components such as laser mir-
coated. rors, “cold” mirrors, thermal radiation
l Substrates can be plastic, paper, shields and broadband optical filters,
glass, ceramic, metal or composite reflectors and semiconductor devices.
materials. Typical vacuum coatings are thin
l Multilayer coatings, consisting of and coatings closely follow substrate
stacked films of varying materials, can contours, replicating even the finest
be deposited in a single coating system. features. Metallic films deposited on
computer and telephone
housing produced by
vacuum metallizing.

accessory items meet
demands for high reflectivity.

rough surfaces will have a

dull appearance; but the
same films deposited on
smooth surfaces have a
bright, highly reflective ap-
Aluminum is used often
in vacuum metallizing be-
cause of its silvery bril-
liance and high adherente.
Even gold tones are at-
tained by coating alumi-
num films with yellowish
lacquer overlays.
..._,-... With most metallic coat-
ing materials, coating deposition re- tion time and evaporation tempera-
‘quires only a few minutes once re- tures regulate film thickness. Opaque .
quired vacuum levels are reached. In films are typically less than 0.1 micron
these processes, vapor-phase atoms thick.
condense on the relatively cold ex- Horizontal coating systems make
posed surface of pre-formed or molded best use of processing chamber vol-
parts. Parts heating is so slight that umes. Since plastics outgas in vacuum
even highly temperature-sensitive ma- coating. systems are usually equipped
terials maintain their shapes. Deposi- with additional cold traps that sub-
A. . I
4. -

Platingon Plastics

SUBSTRATE CARRIER loaded with metal- about a single axis is usually sufficient
lized headlight reflectors when coating planar parts.
In mass production applications load
stantially reduce pump-down times. Al1 locks are added to coating systems.
modern coating systemshave automati- These help maintain a constant vacuum
cally controlled vacuum pumps and in the coating chamber during process-
valves and automated evacuation ing. This also allows for continuous
cycles. State-of-the-art coating systems operation of coating sources, increas-
are also equipped with programmable ing both deposited film uniformity, re-
logic controllers for operating process producibility and processing rates.
control systems. An intense glow discharge operating
During vacuum metallizing, molded at a chamber pressure of 0.1 m illibar (a
plastic parts usually undergo planetary bar is a centimeter-gram-second (C.G.S)
motions above coating sources so that a unit of pressure equal to 750 m m of
uniform coating is applied. In horizon- mercury) frequently precedes coating
tal coating systems this is achieved deposition in order to increase depos-
using the appropriate substrate carrier ited film adhesion. The coating cham-
drive system. Evaporation sources are ber is then pumped down to a
aligned on the substrate carrier’s majo, pressure of 10.’m illibar and substrate
axis of rotation. Rotation of substrates carrier rotation is started before coat-
ing deposition begins.
In addition to vacuum
coating systems, lacquer-
ing equipment and drying
ovens will also be needed
for pretreating and post
treating parts. Microwave
plasma polymerization pro-
cesses allow operators to
pretreat, deposit metallic
films and apply protective
overlays in a single pro-
cessing cycle.
Evaporated materials
and evaporation sources.
Coating materials ideally
suited for use in PVD pro-
cesses include aluminum,
silver, gold, copper and
chromium, as Well as di-
electrics such as TiO,,
MgF,, Si0 and ZnS. -
Coatable plastics. The major crite- PLASMA POLYMERIZATION SUBSYSTEM
ria determining the compatibility of installed in a typical batch coater.
plastic with PVD processing methods
are as follows: outgassing rates per unit often used for automotive taillights and
surface area; ability to withstand high turn-signa1 reflectors. In the process a
temperatures; and homogeneity. transparent, molded part is metallized
Further factors affecting compatibil- over its entire surface and then lac-
ity are types and amounts of plasticiz- quered in various colors.
ers, additives and fillers and surface Acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene
finish. Polystyrene (PS) is most com- (ABS) copolymers are able to withstand
monly used in vacuum metallizing. It is relatively high thermal loads and are
suitable for use in virtually al1 applica- thus often used as substrate materials
tions and is the substrate of choice in for lacquered parts. Since these materi-
the manufacture of toys, badges and als also behave well under vacuum con-
push buttons. ditions, they are becoming more impor-
Polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA), tant in vacuum coating technologies.
noted for its high transparency, high Polyamides (PA) outgas in vacu-
resistance to discoloration and ability ums and are seldom used in vacuum
to withstand adverse environments, is coatings processes. Metallized molded
Platingon Plastics
parts fabricated of PA and PMMA are primer prior to metallizing if final sur-
used in indoor lighting systems. faces are to have the appearance of
Polycarbonates (PC) are receiving polished metal.
much attention from automotive part Ultrathin metallic films normally
and safety glass manufacturers. PC sub- require lacquer overlays to protect them
strates are also employed in the manu- against the effects of mechanical wear,
facture of compact audio and video disks. corrosion and atmospheric influentes.
Polyethylene (PE) has long been These protective overlays must not ad-
employed in toy manufacturing. Its sur- versely affect the metallic films them-
face properties preclude use of adhe- selves or their underlying primer coats
sion-enhancing lacquers under metal- and substrate materials.
lic coatings, but glow discharge pro- Plasma polymerization subsystems
cessing must precede metallizing. PE installed within vacuum coating sys-
materials are frequently employed in tems apply highly chemical-resistant
web coatings protective over-
operations. Wtrathin metallic films lays that meet au-
Polypro- tomotive specifi-
pylene (PP) is normally require lacquer cations for head-
meeting with overlays to protect them light reflectors.
growing inter- Plasma polymer-
est as a sub- against the effects of ization sub-
strate material mechanical wear . . .” systems can be
for metallized installed in both
automotive batch coaters and
parts and bottle caps. This material is in-line vacuum coating systems.
now metallized under high vacuum In plasma polymerization processes,
conditions, since a special adhesion- gas-phasemonomers are introduced into
enhancing base coat has recently be- the coating system’s vacuum chamber.
come available. This base coat must In the chamber they are polymerized in
cure for a few minutes in air before a glow discharge, condensing out on
vacuum metallizing and applying pro- parts as uniform, protective films.
tective overlays. This approach is invariably used
Problems often arise in dealing with when corrosion resistance is impera-
plastics containing plasticizers. Plasti- tive and conventional lacquer overlays
cizers must remain nonvolatile at pres- are not used. Thin films deposited us-
sures of 10m4millibar and normal tem- ing microwave plasma polymerization
peratures. Use of release agents may processes are highly abrasion and mois-
increase defects in metallized parts. ture resistant. Film thickness unifor-
Pretreatmentdpost treatment pro- mity of + five pct can be maintained
cesses. Pores and other slight surface at film deposition rates as high as 10
defects must be coated with lacquer nanometers per second.
Special Effects and Special neously enhancing their brilliance.
Applications. Reflectors, such as road-hazard signs
Second-surface reflectors use trans- must be coated with silver, since the
parent plastic substrate materials, such reflectivity of aluminum films is too
as PS or PMMA. Typical items coated low. Copper overlays are usually ap-
include medallions, advertising signs, plied to protect the silver films from
taillight and stoplight reflectors. Appli- atmospheric attack.
cation of primer coats prior to deposit- Iridescent Effects. High-vacuum
ing second-surface reflective coatings coating can be used to deposit irides-
is inadvisable. Injection molded dies cent films on plastic. The costume jew-
must be highly polished in order to give elry trade is particularly interested in
molded parts smooth exposed surfaces. the “rainbow effects” achieved using a
First-Surface Reflectors. Most re- dual-crucible evaporation source to al-
flectors are coated on their outer sur- ternately evaporate high (TiO,ZnS) and
faces (first sur- low (SiO,/MgF,)
faces). First-sur- “Other metals can be refractive
. index
face reflectors are
used on/in radio deposited over one another ~~~~~~~~~~~
tuning dials, cos- in a single high-vacuum to. as many as
turne jewelry,
toys, souvenirs processing cycle, yielding r:E, o;a~“~~
and bottle caps. multilayerI coafin&’ needed, depend-

Aluminum is the ing on the degree
metal most com- of iridescence
monly used. Templates or special mask- and the color saturation desired. The
ing lacquers, which are easily removed first and last films deposited must be
following coating operations, shield sec- high refractive index materials.
tions not to be metallized. Gold tones and other colorations.
Multilayer Coatings. O ther metals Gold-tone films and films having other
can be deposited over one another in a semitransparent colorations, such as
single high-vacuum processing cycle, metallic-looking greens, reds, blues or
yielding multilayer coatings. The pro- yellows are produced by vacuum de-
cessing method involves sequentially positing single films of gold or depos-
evaporating various materials from iting aluminum and then adding spe-
individual evaporation sources. Use of cial lacquer overlays.
a single film of gold will yield a But it is difficult to maintain highly
golden appearance, but gold is expen- uniform thicknesses of sprayed-on lac-
sive. An opaque silver film is usually quer overlays. Thickness variations in
deposited over the lacquer primer lacqueroverlays result in lighter/darker
coat in order to obscure it, allowing colorations. Uniform color tones, inde-
gold films to be thinner and simulta- pendent of local film thicknesses, are
Platingon Plastics
Bicycles produced with a final dip in colored
and lacquer.

Horses Protective coating on plastic opti-

cal components. Applying wear-resis-
tant, non-absorbing glass fihns to die-
from Beaver Paint cast parts is a relatively new, highly
They had becn waiting a long time in the specialized field. Such coatings have
car, but there was still no sign of Ronnie’s long been applied to optical compo-
mother. Uncle Frank turned to his small
nents, such as plastic lenses.
nephew. “We’ll play a game,” he said. “1’11
give you a nickel for every hicycle that Uncoated PC lenses exhibit scratches
passes by and a dime for every car; and even after they are briefly subjected to
you give me 74: for every horse.” scratch testin,.0 Protected with suitable
vacuum-deposited coatings, they are
able to survive as many as 5,000 test
cycles without scratching.
I Vacuum coating has grown into a
technology having numerous applica-
tions. Many more applications will
emerge because industrial mass pro-
duction of these new processing meth-
Traffic was light that day, but it promised ods will contribute to reductions in
to be a profitable deal for the boy. When final product manufacturing costs. En-
his mother emerged from the store,
bringing the game to an end, they had
vironmental regulations will become
counted only half as many horses as cars. major factors in selecting processing
Ronnie didn’t want to stop; he had won methods that will inevitably result in
67Q:already. wider use of vacuum coating technolo-
How many bicycles passed by? gies, because they generate no air or
water pollution. PF
See next month’s adfor the answer.
Answer to last month’s “He Hada Good
Memory ” problem - 2 years older.
No matter how digtcult your industrial
coating problem, Beaver Paint can To obtain more information on products
provide the solution fast. or processes mentioned in this article,
Give us your circle corresponding numbers on the
coating problem! Reader Service Card.
Vacuum metallizing processes...Circle288
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