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Chapter 1



According to Hewitt (2015), good parenting helps children become

healthy, productive, and successful adults. This paper aims to determine

the modification of disciplinary methods of parents to the children. This

will also determine what kind of disciplinary methods do the parents

apply to their children.

Improper use of parenting styles is one of the reasons why many

children are involved in crimes in our society. Some children are forced

to leave their houses due to the spanking of their parents. Some children

even engage to drugs just to escape from the stress they’ve been

experience from their parents. So, the way of avoiding these cases is to

find an article or study that will help not only children but also the


According to Mgbemere and Telles (2013), there are four major

recognized parenting styles: authoritative, neglectful, permissive, and

authoritarian. Each one carries different characteristics and brings about

different reactions in the children which they are used on. Learning the

different types of parenting would lessen the cases of children being in

the streets or out of school youths due to the knowledge of the parents

on what parenting styles would suit to their children. Also, the data or

information in this study will be a huge help for the soon to be parents.

Since this study focuses on parenting styles, the primary

beneficiaries will be the parents and their children. Therefore, this paper

is a must. The use of parenting methods is to teach the children how to

live and how to take care of themselves so they can be successful and

productive individuals in the future. It’s kind of frustrating that many

parents didn’t know the good parenting methods, especially those

parents who use force and fear to their children to do their biddings and

meet their expectations. So this study will help in terms of spreading the

knowledge on parenting methods on what to apply and what to avoid.

This study is to identify the parenting methods of the students

applied by their parents to them. Is it traditional or modern type of

parenting method. The researchers will get the reason behind the choice

of parenting methods. Lastly, the researchers will also list the changes do

the responding observe in term of parenting methods used by parents


Conceptual Framework

The paradigm below shows the flow of the study. It will start on the

Demographic Profile and followed by the Traditional and Modern


Parenting Style. Then, it will be followed by what is disciplinary practices

applied to their children and the reason behind hat choice. Lastly, the

observed changes in disciplinary practices used by parents nowadays.

Demographic Profile Disciplinary Practices

1.1 Age  Reason

1.2 Sex  Changes

1.3 Occupation

1.4 Income

Figure 1.1 Research Paradigm


Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the disciplinary practices of parents

to their children.

Specifically, it attempts to answer the following questions:

1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1 Age

1.2 Sex

1.3 Occupation

1.4 Income

2. What are the traditional and modern types of disciplinary/parenting


3. What disciplinary practices do the respondents apply to their


4. What are the reason behind the choice of disciplinary practices?

5. What changes do the respondents observe in terms of disciplinary

practices used by parents nowadays?

Significance of the Study

Findings from this study will be beneficial to the following:


Students. The students who are reading this paper learn the

disciplinary\parenting styles applied to them. In addition, they will also

learn the changes of disciplinary\parenting styles.

Parents. The parents who are reading this will help them identify

their disciplinary\parenting styles applied to their children. The results

of this paper will guide them in choosing the effective parenting styles

suitable for their children.

Scope and Delimitation

The coverage of this study are; demographic profile of the

respondents, what are the traditional and modern types of

disciplinary/parenting styles, respondents choice of disciplinary

methods, the reason behind the choice of disciplinary practices, and

what changes do the respondents observe in terms of disciplinary

practices. The respondents will be parent(s) and their child or children.

The area where the respondents will be taken is in Tambacan, Iligan


This study does not cover the race, background, and social status

of the respondents. Barangays other than Barangay Tambacan is

excluded from where the respondents will be taken.

Definition of Terms

The following terms are conceptually and operationally defined to

facilitate the reader’s understanding of the concepts used in the study:

Parenting. This term refers to the rearing of children; the

methods, techniques, etc., used or required in the rearing of children; the

state of being a parent; parenthood. ( Unabridged, 2017)

Parenting Style. This term refers to how a parent behaves around

their children as defined by the overall demeanor that a parent has when

they are engaging their children. (Sigmon, 2011)

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