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King David Kalakaua Legalizes Hula

It is November 16, 1875 where it is my birthday and coronation in which I am very excited
because this is the day that everyone is going to remember and celebrate. I was very excited to
announce to the Hawaiian people that I am getting rid of the rule of banning hula and the
Hawaiian traditions. I always wanted to dance to Hawaiian music and wanted the traditions back
but I couldn’t do anything because I was not ruling Hawaii and I was not able to get rid of the
rule until I ruled Hawaii. It is starting to become the middle of the day, in which I will make my
announcement of banning the rule of no Hula in which I think is going to be the proudest day of
my life. It is around 12:30 which is about 30 minutes before I make the announcement and I eat
my lunch and then the time comes in which I start to get nervous cause I think I can’t do this but
I am ready. I step out onto the front of my house and see almost everyone that lives in Hawaii
and I announce that the rule is banned and all I hear is yelling and excitement. As soon as I hear
the excitement I get the hawaiian people ready to dance and play music in which everyone is
ready to dance and sing. We start to dance and sing for the next while and when I meanwhile I
mean till the night and even pass that till like the early morning of the next day. In which, I sent
them all home but I knew that I did the right thing by getting rid of the law and now everyone is
happy and is excited to know that the law is gone and hopefully everyone will dance again soon
and participate in any Luau’s that I do in the next few weeks. I start to head inside to my room
and start to go to the shower to shower and clean and then go to my bed and fall asleep.

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