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Workshop 2.

Alvares Ramos Andres Felipe

Valencia Caicedo Duvan Adrian
Morillo Salazar Camilo Ernesto
Hernandez Usama Cristian Daniel
Mariana University.
Faculty of Engineering.
Civil Engineering.
San Juan de Pasto


What are earthquakes? 3
Why do earthquakes happen? 3
How do we measure earthquakes? 3
What is the study of earthquakes for? 3

The largest earthquakes in history: 3
Los Ríos Region (CHILE) 3
United States Anchorage, Alaska 4
Off the coast of Esmeraldas ECUADOR-COLOMBIA. 4


What are earthquakes?

Earthquakes is the vibration of the earth produced by the release of energies through
changing settings of the earth's crust. The shaking is caused by movements in the upper layer
of the Earth.

Why do earthquakes happen?

Tectonic plates are continually moving as they move over the mantle, which is a viscous rock
that flows slowly. This never-stopping movement causes stress on the Earth's crust. When
these stresses get too great it results in huge cracks called faults. When tectonic plates move,
they also cause fault movements. An earthquake is the sudden movement of the earth's crust
located on the fault.

The location where an earthquake begins is called the epicenter. The strongest movement in
an earthquake is usually near the epicenter. However, the vibrations of an earthquake are felt
and detectable hundreds or even thousands of kilometers from the epicenter.

How do we measure earthquakes?

The energy from an earthquake travels through the Earth in the form of vibrations called
seismic waves. Scientists measure these seismic waves with an instrument called a
seismograph. A seismograph detects seismic waves below and records them in a series of
What is the study of earthquakes for?

Alert society about possible damages in the determined region and have the risk management
system for a possible evaluation during a seismic wave event. In addition, the behavior that
the earth's crust will have in that determined area is determined.


The largest earthquakes in history:

Los Ríos Region (CHILE)

Preceded by the earthquake on May 21, 1960 of magnitude 7.7, it is the largest earthquake
recorded in the history of the planet. There were 2,000,000 victims. It sank 4 meters below
sea level and caused the eruption of the Pueyehue volcano. The earthquake was perceived in
different parts of the planet due to the tsunami that spread throughout the Pacific Ocean,
reaching towns in Hawaii and Japan that are located thousands of kilometers away.

United States Anchorage, Alaska

This earthquake with a magnitude of 9.2 and a duration of 4 minutes, generating the second
largest tsunami, generating the height of a wave of 67 meters and leaving more than 190
people dead, produced a ground uplift of up to 11.5 meters in 520,000 kilometers square on
the mainland, being even higher in the Aleutian Islands, reaching 15 meters on Montague

Off the coast of Esmeraldas ECUADOR-COLOMBIA.

This earthquake had a magnitude of 8.8, it was generated in Ecuadorian waters, this
earthquake lasted around 10 minutes, most of the damage was caused in Río Verde in
Ecuador, it is estimated that the number of deaths is between 1000 and 1500, this earthquake
also reached the coasts of Mexico, Japan and Costa Rica.


● The study of earthquakes is important since it provides us with information on

possible risky areas or areas with a high return period for earthquakes, thus
anticipating structures in accordance with these dangers.

● The formation of continents, mountains, even islands depend or come from

movements, adjustments in the earth's crust, so we can say that earthquakes shaped
the planet.

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