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Osoyoo Robot Car Setup

1. Hardware

Click on “Hardware Installation” in the link below and follow the steps carefully and in order.
Use the video if the instructions are not clear (The camera installation is different from what
is shown here, please refer to PDF file “Camera-Installation-Servo.pdf” and follow the steps
there for camera installation).

2. Camera – Web Control – Smart Phone Control

a. Connect the camera to Raspberry Pi as shown below.

b. Find the internet IP address on your Raspberry Pi:

I. Connect your Raspberry Pi to your computer.
II. Make sure the Raspberry Pi is connected to internet.
III. Open a terminal on Raspberry Pi, type in “hostname -I”, and hit Enter.
IV. Two IP addresses will be displayed, use the second IP address in the following

c. Connect Raspberry Pi to your computer wirelessly (via internet):

I. Mac users:
- Open a terminal on your mac (you can search for “terminal” in your mac
search box if you don’t know how to open a terminal).
- Type “ssh pi@wifi IP address” and hit Enter. “wifi IP address” is the
address you got in STEP b. Example: pi@
- Use default username pi and default password raspberry to login.

II. PC users:
If you are using Windows, you need download a free software called PuTTy
to connect the Raspberry Pi wifi IP (which you got in STEP b).

Web Control

Android and iOS App

Osoyoo Robot Car: C Programing

1. Open the file “CarBasic-servo.c” in the folder “OsoyooProject” (You can find this folder
on your Desktop)

2. Complete the code based on the assigned task/project.

2.1 To test the motion, you can write a program that makes the car go forward for 1 second,
backward for 1 second, turn right for 1 second, turn left for 1 second, and then stop.
2.2 To test the line follower sensors, you can write a program that prints the output of the
sensors on the screen.

3. Use the following 3 lines to compile and run the code:

cd Desktop/OsoyooProject
sudo gcc pca9685.c -lwiringPi CarBasic-servo.c -o CarBasic-servo.out
sudo ./ CarBasic-servo.out

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