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So I was asked in my previous task to research on the implementation part of

this project and here I am presenting you my findings:

First, coming to the hardware implementation part:

a) All components except the Camera and Buzzer module will be
embedded inside a box using 5 V , 2.5 A Adapter which can be
connected to cigarette lightener port or USB port (newer vehicles)
which can be connected to Raspberry Pi 3 using Micro USB connector
b) The whole setup can be placed such that the Pi camera is in front of the
driver’s eyes and the buzzer can be placed just outside the component
box to make the sound clearly audible.
c) Unlike Arduino, the Raspberry Pi won’t run the code until it is executed
manually and In a car we cannot expect our customer to do this task and
hence we have to automate this job. So we need a scheduler to run the
python code when the Pi is powered up or rebooted. Crontab (cron
table) is scheduler used in Linux to schedule a specific task at a specific
time. It is mostly used by Linux system Administrators to automate his
daily tasks like scheduling backups and deleting old files, etc., Here we
will be using it to launch the code during the startup, so we will be
creating a shell script to navigate to the python code first and then
launch it during startup using crontab. The command to be used is :
d) we should never "yank" the power cord out of your Pi as this can lead to
severe data corruption (and in some cases, physically damage your SD
card). So We can carefully shut down our Pi using a power button or
switch .A simple pushbutton will do the job. The simplest way to install
the required scripts is to clone our power button repository, and run the
install script. For this we first configure SSH into the Pi, install git (if it's
not already), and then clone the repo “pi-power button”.
There is also a 2nd option for this job where we can manually write code
for the safe shutdown of our Pi.

Now coming to the software implementation part:

a) first, we need to install OpenCV, imutils, dlib, Numpy, and some other
dependencies in this project. OpenCV is used here for digital image
processing . Before installing the OpenCV and other dependencies,
the Raspberry Pi needs to be fully updated.
Next we include al the required libraries at the top.


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