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Mr. G!

Study Guide Unit 7 - West & South Regions 2/7/19

United States of America

I. United States & Capitals

A. Spelling and capitalization counts

B. Refer to Class Website - Topics - Unit

C. West & South Regions practice, learn and review

D. Midwest & Northeast Regions review

II. The Continental Divide

A. What is meant by the Continental Divide?

B. Where are Continental Divides located on earth?

C. How long is the Great Continental Divide in North America and where is it

D. Can you see the Continental Divide?

E. Why is the Continental Divide important?

F. How many Continental Divides are there in the United States?

Mr. G! Study Guide Unit 7 - West & South Regions 2/7/19
United States of America

III. Landforms

A. West Region

1. What is considered the most important landform in the Western United

States and why?
2. Name four mountain ranges in the region and where they are located:

a. ______________

b. ______________

c. ______________

d. ______________

B. South Region

1. What is the most important mountain range in the South and why?

2. Name three mountain ranges in the South that are a part of the larger
mountain range mentioned above:

e. ______________

f. ______________

g. ______________

3. Describe the characteristics of the Coastal Plain and its location.

IV. Rivers
A. West Region

1. Name the most significant river in Alaska.

2. Why is the Columbia River significant in the Northwestern United States?

Mr. G! Study Guide Unit 7 - West & South Regions 2/7/19
United States of America

3. How does the Colorado River impact the lives of people living nearby?

B. South Region

1. Which river is considered the most important river in the United States?
Explain why.

2. Why is the Rio Grande River significant?

V. Alaska & Hawaii

A. How are Alaska and Hawaii connected geographically? (Hint: island chain)

B. What do both Alaska and Hawaii have in common?

C. Name the highest mountain in North America:

VI. Terms - define the following:

1. Atoll -

2. Delta -

3. Marsh -

4. Mudflats -

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