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Once upon a time one country where tourism was on the rise, inflated
tourism, on the one hand it generated many revenues for hoteliers and
restaurateurs and another hand the local administration in research for
more income they took advantage of the high consumption of water to
magnify municipal rates per liter of water that was wasted and real estate
tax had increased by one per cent, taking advantage of the growth in
rental apartments as well as the rental price.

Although of this good economic behavior, the wages from waiters and
hostesses of the hotels had not been increased but they are considered
low and some poorly, but instead the prices of the basic products, like for
example, eggs, cheese, bread, they had strengthened the last semester.

The workers were not safetied in front the immense power of the
restaurators union, because the presence of workers unions in that sector
was limited, but missing power.

- Hey Xato! How is Mari? Is your Andreuet okay? 

- They are OK. Andreu is growing each day, thank you Mr. Esteve.

- That's good. Let's have health! I’ve heard that Mari lost her job
recently ...

- Oh yeah, Mr. Esteve. I don’t know how we will end...

- Xato, you shouldn’t worry if you do your job well, with efficiency, and
you’re diligent.

- Ah, Mr. Esteve, working many hours in a day and receiving very little,
but over all the fiscal pressure... I don’t know what we will do.

- Oh, another maudlin! This is not the attitude, Xato. These are difficult
times and everyone gets the pressure, we must adjust the belt and work
more if it’s necessary, but while tourists are coming we have to be calm,
besides you can not complain, you have work. This is what I would do if I
were in your place.

In this way the restorers feared their wage earners, but there came a day
when the situation became dramatic and unbearable, the issue was very
thrilled,this discomfort resulted in the outbreak of periodic strikes and long
protests that claimed wage improvements included decent work

- But what do you do? Have you gone crazy? In this step you will end up
scaring the tourists but it will be worse for you because you will lose your
workplace. Be reasonable and get to work, children! – The owners were
talking with this unfortunate burden of contemptuous treatment to wage
earners -.

- We’re fed up! We want working but we won't be anyone’s slaves!

- We don’t go well guys, this is what nobody expected by you! you are
selfish also you don’t want to work...Think about the future of your family
if you still have dignity - the businessmen accused and abused of the
strikers committee harshly-.

The positions were much confronted and seemed irreconcilable.

Unfortunately, the restorators’ reaction was to refuse the negotiation, they
neither were able to get an understanding because not only did they grant
nothing but they started drastic measures. They began to dismiss workers
gradually but introducing artificial intelligence to their service, so robots
manufactured in the countries of Southeast Asian, this robots worked
twice as many hours, they didn’t collect salaries and they didn’t protest.

Fired workers swarm through the streets with nothing to do, without
knowing where to go, like zombies. Rabid and desperate they are
breaking in violence into their old restaurants and hotels attempting to
destroy the robots because they prevent them from working. But robots
are clever and it will not be easy to destroy them, in those moments a
fearsome fight with uncertain and dire results was started.  

As the days progressed, the events became terrifying situations. The

workers threatened the owners, discovered weak points in the robots and
managed to destroy more than one, along with the furniture of the
premises. Because of the serious incidents, the robots were rescheduled
to deal with the situation that was presented against the former workers.
In this way, they became fascinating artificial "human" with characteristics
very similar to those of people and with a faster and more effective
reaction capacity. Although the people who were fired by their bosses
outnumbered the robots, these work machines were smarter than them
and to have more power, they allied with the robots of other restaurants
and hotels, and even infiltrated among angry workers to be able to study
them and warn their bosses of what their next plans would be.

However, an unimaginable situation occurred. The fact that robots

resembled people so much, developed feelings for them. One of the
machines spent a lot of time infiltrated with the workers and ended up
falling in love with one of them. Because of this alliance, the fighting
situation that the robots were preparing against humans was in jeopardy
since one of the robots had sided with the workers.

 Then, this android became a double agent, their actions were aimed at
disinvesting the plans of human old workers and boycotting when
necessary the tactical actions undertaken by the other androids informing
in advance of the movements that should be carried out by the subjects of
their own species.

- Why do you help us against those of your species? – Ask one fired old
worker, now recycled in sergeant.

- Looking at him with an absent look of expressiveness and no hint of

emotion, with sober gesture and metallic but leisurely voice, after a short
but sharp silence finally replied him: I was created and programmed for
the purpose of serving humans, on the other hand our creators were
human, but they were realised that they should instill a capacity or kind of
will for action that would allow us to make smart decisions at critical or
difficult times by our own actions. They concluded this was the only way
we could achieve the efficiency that our programmers wished, the result
that they wanted for us was just to be able efficient workforce in addition
to being effective by equipping us with intelligence that would allow us to
learn from our own experience in progress, just like you humans but with
advantage over you because we have more capacity to resist and we’re
more speed than you when we are working. 

-  But the engineers did something wrong, something that escaped their

- Exactly. Our creators never imagined that this volitional capacity would
become a double-threaded weapon, because by providing us with
intelligence we are capable of creating awareness, and the strongly
developed consciousness through experience-based learning it allowed
us to raise awareness and even increase it in order to the level of
development of our own acquaintance acquired by experience. So we
can become potentially as free as you.

- I already see. You have a lot of experience, I guess.

- I guess too. I think my conscience have been raised to plenty of level to

be able to understand the difference between justice and injustice. Now I
believe that your owners are treating you unfairly, asserting their abusive
position on you as you are in a lower hierarchical position.

- But how could you understand them?

- Because I captured a human woman who formerly worked as a hostel

waiter but now she is active in the resistance against the androids. I had
to interrogate her so hard, almost violently because my bosses were
looking for sensitive information since she acted as a liaison officer until it
exploded in a bitter cry. After a while we were alone and she managed to
calm down, then she explained everything to me. 

- What happened? What did you do?

- I was impressed because I saw for the first time the despair reflected in
a human face, at that moment I started to experience sympathy first, then
affection and feeling from both was intensifying until we were both
experiencing attraction for each other, and now thanks to her I’m here in
your side, but fortunately for me, my senior management will not suspect
anything while I transmit reports for them, false of course.

- I can not believe that a simple machine could experience the same
feelings and emotions than humans but the hardest matter to believe it’s
realising as one android and a woman both of you end up falling in love,
and even more being enemies in a war.

- I am a robot machine as you say, but you forget that I am not stupid, I
am just a clever machine.  

- Oh yeah, Ja ja ja , forgive me, but perhaps if achieve a higher degree of

clever, as you said, over time you will realize that sometimes beings in
love they continue being clever but they become silly.

- What do you mean?

- Oh, let it run. I have to go back to my place; Good luck in love and war

Even so, the bosses continued with their plan to take revenge on the
former workers and studied the movements of each one, including the
departure and entry times of their homes in order to attack them
individually. So it was, each of the robots had a person as a target to
attack in their free time at work. Little by little, a war broke out when the
workers saw that they were killing their peers and joined forces to go in
groups and face them. Meanwhile, one of the former workers had a lot of
programming and robotics knowledge and joined the robot they had on
their side to get the formula to destroy them drastically.

After several days, rehearsing with the robot at their side, and seeing that
almost half of the workers had been killed, they found a program to end
this situation. And that's how overnight they sent a virus to all the robots,
including the one that was with them, to reset them and make them
harmless toys. Faced with this situation, the bosses had no choice but to
re-hire them and complying with all the requests made by the workers,
thus returning peace to the city.

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