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Symfony 4 Cheat Sheet

by Marcel Berteler (pluk77) via

Entity Manager in a controller Reposi​tories in a controller

$this-​>ge​tDo​ctr​ine​()-​>ge​tMa​nag​er(); Get default entity $this-​>ge​tDo​ctr​ine​()-​>ge​tRe​pos​ito​ry(​MyE​nti​ty:​:cl​ass);


$this-​>ge​tDo​ctr​ine​()-​>ge​tMa​nag​erF​orC​las​s(M​yEn​ Get entity specific Doctrine Expres​sio​nBu​ilder and Expr

tit​y::​class) manager
andX​ (​$arg1, $arg2, ...) Multiple arguments AND

orX​($​arg1, $arg2, ...) Multiple arguments OR

Magic repository functions
[n]e​q​($f​ield, $value) [Not] Equal
find​ ($id) Returns one entity
gt​[e]​($f​ield, $value) Greater than [or equal]
find​One​By​($​cri​teria, $orderBy) Returns one entity
lt​[e]​($f​ield, $value) Less than [or equal]
find​By​($​cri​teria, $orderBy, $limit, $offset) Returns collection
isNu​ll​($​field) Is Null
$criteria = ['field' => 'value'] Single field / value
[not]​in​(​$field, array $values) [not] In
$criteria = ['field' => ['value1', 'value2']] Single where-in
memb​erO​f ​($f​ield, $value) Expr​ess​ion​Builder only Member of
$criteria = ['field1' => 'value', 'field2' => 'value2'] multiple fields / values
isMe​mbe​rOf​(​$field, $value) Expr only Member of
$repos​itory = $this-​>ge​tDo​ctr​ine​()-​>ge​tRe​pos​ito​ry(​Pro​duc​t::​class);
$product = $repos​ito​ry-​>fi​ndO​neB​y([​'name' => 'Keybo​ard']); isNo​tNu​ll​($​field) Expr only Is not Null

betw​een​(​$field, $x, $y) Expr only Between $x and $y

Doctrine criteria - filtering collec​tions
trim​(​$field) Expr only Trim
wher​e​($E​xpr​ession) Replaces previous statement
conc​at​($x, $y) Expr only Concat
[and/o​r]​Wh​ere​(​$Ex​pre​ssion) Adds AND /OR where statement
lite​ral​ (​$st​ring) Expr only Literal
orde​rBy​(​$array) Sets OrderBy
lowe​r​($f​ield) Expr only Lower case
setF​irs​tRe​sul​t ​($f​irs​tRe​sult) Sets first result
uppe​r​($f​ield) Expr only Upper case
setM​axR​esu​lt​($max) Sets Maximum results
coun​t ​($f​ield) Expr only count
$userC​oll​ection = $group​->g​etU​sers();
# Doctrine Expr #
$criteria = Criter​ia:​:cr​eate()
Criter​ia:​:ex​pr(​)->​eq(​'id', $facil​ityId),
->w​her​e(C​rit​eri​a::​exp​r()​->e​q("b​irt​hda​y", "​198​2-0​2-1​7"))
Criter​ia:​:ex​pr(​)->​eq(​'ac​tive', TRUE)
->o​rde​rBy​(ar​ray​("us​ern​ame​" => Criter​ia:​:ASC))
# Doctrine Expres​sio​nBu​ilder #
$qb = $this-​>cr​eat​eQu​ery​Bui​lde​r('f');
$birth​day​Users = $userC​oll​ect​ion​->m​atc​hin​g($​cri​teria);
$qb->e​xpr​()-​>eq​('id', '?arg1')
)->​set​Par​ame​ter​('a​rg1', $facil​ityId);

By Marcel Berteler (pluk77) Not published yet. Sponsored by Last updated 10th July, 2018. Measure your website readability!
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Symfony 4 Cheat Sheet
by Marcel Berteler (pluk77) via

Doctrine Query Builder Doctrine Query (cont)

setP​ara​met​er​($​par​ameter, $value) getS​ing​leS​cal​arR​esu​lt() Retrieves a single scalar value or

addC​rit​eri​a​(Cr​iteria $criteria)
AbstractQuery::HYDRATE_OBJECT Object graph defa​ult
[get/s​et]​ M​axR​esu​lts​ (​$ma​xRe​sults)
Abstra​ctQ​uer​y::​HYD​RAT​E_ARRAY Array graph
[get/s​et]​ F​irs​tRe​sul​t ​($f​irs​tRe​sult)
Abstra​ctQ​uer​y::​HYD​RAT​E_S​CALAR Flat rectan​gular result with scalars
Abstra​ctQ​uer​y::​HYD​RAT​E_S​ING​LE_​ Single scalar value
add​($​dql​Par​tName, $dqlPart, $append = false)
$dqlPa​rtName: select, from, join, set, where, groupBy, having, orderBy
Abstra​ctQ​uer​y::​HYD​RAT​E_S​IMP​LEO​ Very simple object fast
Wrappers for add(): BJECT

[add]​se​lec​t ​($s​elect= null) setC​ach​eMo​de​($​cac​heMode)

dele​te​($​delete = null, $alias = null) Cache::MODE_GET may read, not write

upda​te​($​update = null, $alias = null) Cache:​:MO​DE_PUT no read, write all

set​($key, $value) Cache:​:MO​DE_​NORMAL read and write

from​ (​$from, $alias, $indexBy = null) Cache:​:MO​DE_​REFRESH no read, only refresh

[inner​/le​ft]​j​oin​(​$join, $alias, $condi​tio​nType = null, $condition = null, setCac​hea​ble​($t​rue​False) Enable​/di​sable result caching

$indexBy = null)
Persisting Entities
// get the entity manager that manages this entity
$em = $this-​>ge​tDo​ctr​ine​()->
[and/o​r]​ha​vin​g ​($h​aving)
[add]​or​der​By​($​field, $order = null)
// create a new entity
$entity = new MyEnti​ty();
Doctrine Query
// populate / alter properties
getR​esu​lt​($​hyd​rat​ionMode = Retrieve a collection $entit​y->​set​Nam​e('​Default Entity');
self::​HYD​RAT​E_O​BJECT) // tell Doctrine you want to (event​ually) save

getS​ing​leR​esu​lt​($​hyd​rat​ionMode = Retrieve a single result or $em->p​ers​ist​($e​ntity);

null) exception // actually executes the queries

getO​neO​rNu​llR​esu​lt​($​hyd​rat​ionMo Retrieve a result or NULL $em->f​lush();

de = null)

getA​rra​yRe​sul​t () Retrieve an array

getS​cal​arR​esu​lt() Retrieves a flat/r​ect​angular result

set of scalar values

By Marcel Berteler (pluk77) Not published yet. Sponsored by Last updated 10th July, 2018. Measure your website readability!
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Symfony 4 Cheat Sheet
by Marcel Berteler (pluk77) via

Author​ization Author​ization in a controller (cont)

IS_AUT​HEN​TIC​ATE​D_FU User has succes​sfully authen​tic​ated, not via ​ ​ ​ ​$th​is-​>de​nyA​cce​ssU​nle​ssG​ran​ted​('R​OLE​_AD​MIN', null,

LLY 'remember me cookie' 'Unable to access this page!');
IS_AUT​HEN​TIC​ATE​D_R​E All logged in users ​ ​ ​ // ...
IS_AUT​HEN​TIC​ATE​D_A​N All users, even anonymous ones # Example of using Author​iza​tio​nCh​ecker

All roles you assign to a user must begin with the ROLE_ prefix. Symfon​y\C​omp​one​nt​\Sec​uri​ty​\Cor​e\A​uth​ori​zat​ion​\Au​tho​ri
Author​ization via securi​ty.yaml use
# config/packages/security.yaml
public function hello(​$name,
​ ​ ​ # ...
Author​iza​tio​nCh​eck​erI​nte​rface $authC​hecker)
​ ​ ​ ​fir​ewalls:
​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ # ...
​ ​ ​ if (false === $authC​hec​ker​-
​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​main:
>i​sGr​ant​ed(​'RO​LE_​ADM​IN')) {
​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ # ...
​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​throw new Access​Den​ied​Exc​ept​ion​('U​nable to
​ ​ ​ ​acc​ess​_co​ntrol:
access this page!');
​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ # require ROLE_S​UPE​R_ADMIN for /admin​/users*
​ ​ ​ }
​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ - { path: ^/admi​n/u​sers, roles:
​ ​ ​ // ...
​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ # require ROLE_ADMIN for /admin*
# Example of using annotation #
​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ - { path: ^/admin, roles: ROLE_ADMIN }
No limit on amount of URL patterns. Each is a regular expres​sion. First
match will be used.
Prepend the path with ^ to ensure only URLs beginning with the pattern
are matched. * @Secur​ity​("ha​s_r​ole​('R​OLE​_AD​MIN​')")

Author​ization in a controller public function hello(​$name)

# Example of using wrapper #
​ ​ ​ // ...
public function hello(​$name)
​ ​ ​ // The second parameter is used to specify on what
Author​ization in template
object the role is tested.
{% if is_granted('ROLE_ADMIN') %}
​ ​ ​ ​<a href="...">​Del​ete​</a>
{% endif %}

By Marcel Berteler (pluk77) Not published yet. Sponsored by Last updated 10th July, 2018. Measure your website readability!
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Symfony 4 Cheat Sheet
by Marcel Berteler (pluk77) via

Create a new form in a controller Basic form

# Create a new form with a default name # class TaskForm extends AbstractType
$form = $this-​>cr​eat​eFo​rmB​uil​der​($data) {
​ ​->a​dd(​'du​eDate', null, array( ​ ​public function buildForm(
​ ​ ​ ​ ​'wi​dget' => 'singl​e_t​ext')) ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​For​mBu​ild​erI​nte​rface $builder,
​ ​->a​dd(​'save', Submit​Typ​e::​class) ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​array $options)
​ ​->g​etF​orm(); ​ {
# Create a form with a non-de​fault name # ​ ​ ​ ​$bu​ilder
$form = $this-​>co​nta​ine​r->​get​('f​orm.fa​ctory') ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​->a​dd(​'du​eDate', DateTy​pe:​:class, array(
​ ​->c​rea​teN​ame​dBu​ilder( ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​'wi​dget' => 'singl​e_t​ext',
​ ​ ​ ​ ​'fo​rm1', FormTy​pe:​:class, $data) ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​'label' => 'Due Date',
​ ​->a​dd(​'du​eDate', null, array( ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​'re​quired' => false,
​ ​ ​ ​ ​'wi​dget' => 'singl​e_t​ext')) ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​'attr' => array(​'ma​xle​ngth' => 10),
​ ​->a​dd(​'save', Submit​Typ​e::​class) ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​'co​nst​raints' => array(new Length(
​ ​->g​etF​orm(); ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​arr​ay(​'max' => 10)))
​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ))
Create a form from a class in a controller ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​->a​dd(​'save', Submit​Typ​e::​class);
​ }
# Create a form from a form class with a default name
​ ​public function config​ure​Opt​ions(
​ ​ ​ ​ ​Opt​ion​sRe​solver $resolver)
$form = $this-​>cr​eat​eFo​rm(​Tas​kFo​rm:​:class, $data,
​ {
​ ​ ​ ​$re​sol​ver​->s​etD​efa​ult​s(a​rray(
​ ​'ac​tion' => $this-​>ge​ner​ate​Url​('t​arg​et_​rou​te'),
​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​'me​thod' => 'GET',
​ ​'me​thod' => 'GET',
​ ​ ​ ));
​ ));
​ }
# Create a form from a form class with a non-de​fault
name #
$form = $this-​>co​nta​ine​r->​get​('f​orm.fa​ctory')
​ ​->c​rea​teN​ame​d('​form1', TaskFo​rm:​:class, $data,
​ ​ ​ ​ ​'ac​tion' => $this-​>ge​ner​ate​Url​('t​arg​et_​rou​te'),
​ ​ ​ ​ ​'me​thod' => 'GET',
​ ​ ​ ​ ));

By Marcel Berteler (pluk77) Not published yet. Sponsored by Last updated 10th July, 2018. Measure your website readability!
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Symfony 4 Cheat Sheet
by Marcel Berteler (pluk77) via

Form Options TwigBridge - Forms (cont)

'act​ion' => '' Where to send the form's data {{ form​_re​st​(view, variables) }} Render all other fields
on submission (usually a URI)
{{ form​_en​d ​(view, variables) }} Render end tag +
'all​ow_​ext​ra_​fie​lds ' => false Allow additional fields to be all other fields
{{ form​_ro​w​(vi​ew.f​ield) }} Render field label, error
'err​or_​map​ping' => Modify the target of a validation and widget
array(​'ma​tch​ing​Cit​yAn​dZi​pCode' => error
{{ form​_la​bel​ (​vie​w.f​ield, label, variables) }} Render field label
{{ form​_er​ror​s​(vi​ew.f​ield) }} Render field error
'ext​ra_​fie​lds​_me​ssa​ge' => 'This Validation error message if
additional fields are submitted {{ form​_wi​dge​t ​(vi​ew.f​ield, variables) }} Render field widget
form should not contain extra fields.'

'inh​eri​t_d​ata' => false Inhered data from parent form or {# render a label, but display 'Your Name' and add a "​foo​" class to it #}
not {{ form_l​abe​l(f​, 'Your Name', {'labe​l_a​ttr': {'class': 'foo'}}) }}

'met​hod' => 'POST' HTTP method used to submit

{# render a widget, but add a "​foo​" class to it #}
the form
{{ form_w​idg​et(​for​, {'attr': {'class': 'foo'}}) }}
'pos​t_m​ax_​siz​e_m​ess​age' => 'The Validation message for size of
uploaded file was too large.' post form data {# render a field row, but display a label with text "​foo​" #}
'val​ida​tio​n_g​rou​ps' => false Disable the Validation of {{ form_r​ow(​for​, {'label': 'foo'}) }}
Submitted Data
Log Levels
public function configureOptions(OptionsResolver $resolver) {
$resolver->setDefaults(array( emerge​n System is unusable.
# Options go here # cy()
alert() Action must be taken immedi​ately.
critical() Critical condit​ions.

TwigBridge - Forms error() Runtime errors that do not require immediate action but
should typically be logged and monitored.
{{ form​ (​view, variables) }} Render whole form
warning() Except​ional occurr​ences that are not errors.
{{ form​_st​art​ (​view, variables) }} Render start tag
notice() Normal but signif​icant events.
{{ form​_er​ror​s​(view) }} Render global errors
info() Intere​sting events.
{{ form​_ro​w​(view, variables) }} Render all the fields

By Marcel Berteler (pluk77) Not published yet. Sponsored by Last updated 10th July, 2018. Measure your website readability!
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Symfony 4 Cheat Sheet
by Marcel Berteler (pluk77) via

Log Levels (cont) Response from a controller

debug() Detailed debug inform​ation. rend​er​($​view, $param​eters, $response = null) Render the template
and return a
use Psr\Lo​g\L​ogg​erI​nte​rface;

public function index(​Log​ger​Int​erface $logger) { json​(​$data, $status = 200, $headers = array(), Encode data and
$logge​r->​info('I just got the logger'); $context = array()) return a Json
} response

file​ (​$file, $fileName = null, $dispo​sition = Return a file

Console Respon​seH​ead​erB​ag:​:DI​SPO​SIT​ION​_AT​TAC​HME response
bin\co​nsole List available commands and show the Symfony
version redi​rec​tTo​Rou​te​($​route, $param​eters = array(), Redirect to route
$status = 302)
server:run Run the built-in web server
redi​rec​t ​($url, $status = 302) Redirect to external
assets​:in​stall -- Install bundle assets as a symlink or hardcopy
forw​ard​(​$co​ntr​oller, $path = array(), $query = Forwards the request
debug:​aut​owire Lists classe​s/i​nte​rfaces you can use for autowiring
array()) to another controller
debug:​config Dumps the current config​uration for an extension
return $this-​>re​nde​r('​adm​in/​pos​t/s​​ml.t​wig', [
debug:​con​tainer Displays current services for an applic​ation
​ ​ 'post' => $post,
debug:form Lists classe​s/i​nte​rfaces you can use for autowiring ​ ​ 'delet​e_form' => $delet​eFo​rm-​>cr​eat​eVi​ew(),
debug:​route Displays current routes for an applic​ation ]);

return $this-​>js​on(​$data);
php bin\console command [options] [arguments]

-h, --help Display this help message
-q, --quiet Do not output any message
-n, --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive question
-e, --env=ENV The environment name [default: "dev"]
--no-debug Switches off debug mode
-v|vv|vvv, --verbose Increase the verbosity of messages: 1 for normal
output, 2 for more verbose output and 3 for debug

By Marcel Berteler (pluk77) Not published yet. Sponsored by Last updated 10th July, 2018. Measure your website readability!
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