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 Which do you think is better (good),  Which country do you think is bigger
spending time with a lot of friends or (big), Canada or the United States?
spending time with just one or two
 Which country do you think is colder  Which language do you think is easier
(cold) in the winter, russia or Iceland? (easy) to leam, English or your first
 Which animal do you think is Faster  Which country do you think is further
(fast), a zebra or an ostrich? (far) from the North Pole, Italy or
 Which age group do you think is  Which do you think is heavier (heavy),
happier (happy), people under 25 or seven pounds or three kilograms?
people over 50?
 Which country do you think is hotter  Which do you think is longer (long), an
(hot) in the summer, India or Egypt? elephant’s trunk or a giraffe’s neck?
 Which do you think is safer (safe),  Which do you think is worse (bad) for
travelling by train or travelling by bus? your health, sugar or fried food?
 Which do you think is more distracting  which do you think is more convenient
(annoying) when you’re trying to study, (comfortable), travelling by plane or
loud music or people talking? travelling by car?
 Which animal do you think is more  Which do you think is better/more
dangerous (dangerous), a lion or a delicious (delicious), strawberry ice
poisonous snake? cream or chocolate ice cream?
 Which do you think is more expensive  Which do you think is more important
(expensive), a new iPhone or a new (important), friendship or money?
 Which animal do you think is smarter  Which do you think is more interesting
(intelligent), an elephant or a whale? (interesting), reading books or watching
 Which sport do you think is more  Which do you think is more useful
popular (popular) in the world, football (useful), a laptop or a mobile phone?
or basketball?
 Which do you think are more  Which do you think is more exciting
entertaining (entertaining), action (exciting) to watch, a match between
movie or comedies? two teams or a race?

good afternoon, honorable lecturer: Safi Aini, S.Pd.I., M.Sc.

allow us to present a major task 1

beforehand allow me to introduce myself, ….

and now I'm studying at Mercubuana University majoring in informatics engineering

so many presentations from our group, more or less apologize, wassalamualaikum

warahmatullahi wabarokatuh

-Pengertian profesi adalah suatu pekerjaan yang membutuhkan ilmu pengetahuan atau
keterampilan khusus sehingga orang yang memiliki pekerjaan tersebut harus mengikuti
pelatihan atau pendidikan tertentu agar dapat melakukan pekerjaannya dengan baik.
adapun profesi dibidang IT adalah :

 Software developer. Rekomendasi profesi bidang IT pertama adalah menjadi seorang

software developer.
 Mobile apps developer.
 4. Game developer.
 2. Web developer.

-Pengertian Profesionalisme (profésionalisme) ialah sifat-sifat (kemampuan, kemahiran, cara

pelaksanaan sesuatu dan lain-lain) sebagaimana yang sewajarnya terdapat pada atau
dilakukan oleh seorang profesional. Profesionalisme berasal dari profesi yang bermakna
berhubungan dengan profesi dan memerlukan kepandaian khusus untuk menjalankannya,
(KBBI, 1994).
Jadi, profesionalisme adalah tingkah laku, kepakaran atau kualiti dari seseorang yang
profesional (Longman, 1987).

Adapun ciri-cirinya profesionalisme dibidang IT sebagai berikut:

 Punya ilmu dan pengalaman dalam menganalisa suatu software atau Program.
 Mampu melakukan pendekatan disipliner
 Mampu bekerja sama
 Cepat tanggap terhadap masalah client.

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