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 Reported Speech

Discurso Direto Discurso Indireto

Present Simple Past Simple
Present Continuous Past Continuous
Present Perfect Past Perfect
Present Perfect Continuous Past Perfect Continuous
Past Simple Past Perfect
Past Continuous Past Perfect Continuous
Future Condicional
Imperative Infinitive

Nota: os verbos must, might, could, would, should não mudam no discurso

In the Reported Speech are used introducers verbs like to say and to ask.

 Passive voice

Verbo auxiliar to be + verbo principal no Past Participle

A voz passive usa-se qaundo se quer acentuar a impoirtância da ação: torna-se

a frase mais formal.

Tempo Ativa Pasiva

Present Simple Writes Is written

Past Simple Wrote Was written

Future Will write Will be written

 If clauses

First Condicional

Future + Simple Present

Second Condicional
Condicional + Simple Past

Third Condicional

Condicional Perfect + P. Perfect

 Verbs


to arise arose arisen

to be was/were been
to bear bore born/borne
to beat beat beaten
to become became become
to begin began begun
to behold beheld beheld
to bend bent bent
to bet bet bet
to bid bade bidden
to bid (2) bid bid
to bind bound bound
to bite bit bitten
to bleed bled bled
to blow blew blown
to break broke broken
to breed bred bred
to bring brought brought
to broadcast broadcast broadcast
to build built built
to burn burnt/burned burnt/burned
to burst burst burst
to buy bought bought
to cast cast cast
to catch caught caught
to choose chose chosen
to cling clung clung
to come came come
to cost cost cost
to creep crept crept
 to cut cut cut
to deal dealt dealt
to dig dug dug
to do did done
to draw drew drawn
to drink drank drunk
to drive drove driven
to eat ate eaten
to fall fell fallen
to feed fed fed
to feel felt felt
to fight fought fought
to find found found
to flee fled fled
to fling flung flung
to fly flew flown
to forbid forbade forbidden
to forget forgot forgotten
to forgive forgave forgiven
to freeze alfroze frozen
to get got got/gotten
to give gave given
to go went gone
to grow grew grown

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