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Aimen Khan (L1F9BSFT0084)



(Introduction, Causes, Symptoms, Treatment)


 Definition
 Introduction
 Zoonotic Diseases
 Diseases due to meat
 Classification
 Causes
 Treatment
 Symptoms
 Reference
The diseases caused by the consumption and ingestion of infected meat which is contaminated
by the Pathogenic bacteria and their toxins, Viruses and Parasites or transmitted through the
infected meat of animals and poultry.

There are a few sicknesses which are communicated to individuals through the utilization of
meat. These are known as “Meat Borne Infections”. A few of these infections are normally
communicated between vertebrate creatures and man, these are known as “Zoonotic Sicknesses”.
The quantity of zoonotic infections is expanding step by step. You have effectively examined
that ailing creatures may go into meat tie because of inappropriate risk mortem and after death
examination. Beside this, pollution and misusing of meat and meat items at different phases of
creation because of absence of sterile practices are the major reasons for Meat Borne Illness.

WHO defined Zoonotic diseases as the diseases or infections that are naturally transmitted
between vertebrate animals and humans.

 Rabies
 Q-Fever
 Tetanus
 Influenza
 Tuberculosis
 Salmonellosis
 Well’s Diseases
Some of the important zoonotic diseases that have their link to meat animals or meat have been
briefly described. There are a number of diseases which can be broadly classified under

 Bacterial disease
 Viral disease
 Parasitic disease
 Fungal disease and Rickettsia1 disease.
 Disease of other origin.


Meat borne diseases can be classified broadly under following heads:

1) Chemical mediated meat borne diseases

2) Meat borne zoonoses - Endogenous animal infections.

3) Exogenous infections and intoxications mediated through meat.

Chemical Mediated Meat Borne Diseases

Synthetic substances of natural and inorganic inception may enter to meat different sources also,
persistent utilization of this meat may make harmful impact person.

For instance, meat from the creatures passed on of selenium harming, lead harming is wellspring
of meat borne infections. Ceaain meat additives about will peruse later under the course heading
- Processed Meat Technology) when utilized in abundance than reasonable cutoff, at that point
may cause sicknesses in human on utilization of preserved meat item.
Meat Borne Zoonoses - Endogenous Animal Infections

Numerous bacterial sicknesses are communicated to human through intestinal plot like
salmonellosis, pasteurellosis, staphylococcus contamination and so forth. For this situation,
microscopic organisms enter the human body through utilization of deficiently cooked meat.
Meat controllers, meat examiners, butchers can get the illnesses, meat creatures and meat
through skin and respiratory while catching, inspecting and butchering, cleaning the creature and
taking care of the meat and meat items. Some bacterial meat borne infections are examined
beneath. They are:

 Anthrax
 Brucellosis
 Erysipelas
 Listeriosis
 Salmonellsis
 TB
 Rabbit fever
 Tetanus

Exogenous Infections and Intoxications Mediated Through Meat

There are some microorganisms which are spoilage organisms i.e., these can spoil the
meat without directly affecting the human health and there are also some pathogenic
rnicroorganisms which without changing the physical qualities of meat can threaten the
human life when these are ingested through meat. These microorganisms can enter the
meat from environment like, soil, air etc. during production, handling and processing of
meat and meat products. Some of these are:

 Coliforms
 Staphylococc Spp.
 Clostridium Spp.
Meat can be contaminated at farm or field:

 At slaughter houses
 At processing
 At transportation
 At retailer shop
 At home during storage and cooking


 Treatment is not always necessary as the infection usually resolves on its own. However,
if the illness is acute or symptoms persist and medications are needed to treat it.
 Wash meat properly, do proper cleaning of meat before cook. The CDC recommends
hand washing and avoiding potentially contaminated food and untreated water.


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