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Student Response and Assessment Tools

Lesson Idea Name: Communication

Content Area: Health Education
Grade Level(s): 10th Grade
Content Standard Addressed: Standard 4: Students will demonstrate the ability to use interpersonal
communication skills to enhance health and avoid or reduce health risks.

Technology Standard Addressed: ISTE-E 7b Use technology to design and implement a variety of formative
and summative assessments that accommodate learner needs, provide timely feedback to students and
inform instruction.

Selected Technology Tool:

☐ Quizizz ☐ Plickers ☒ Formative

URL(s) to support the lesson (if applicable):

Technology that student will use to respond to questions/prompts:

☐ Desktop ☐ Hand-held student response system (like iRespond) ☒ Phone ☒ Tablet (such as iPad)
☒ Laptop ☐ Other: (such as Plicker)
Type of session:
☐ Teacher-led (Live) ☒ Student-Paced
Bloom’s Taxonomy Level(s):
☐ Remembering ☐ Understanding ☐ Applying ☒ Analyzing ☐ Evaluating ☐ Creating

Universal Design for Learning (UDL): I will address Universal Design for Learning in the Formative assessment
by giving the students different types of ways to answer questions within this tool. Students will be directed
to explore different sources like YouTube and an Emotional Intelligence site throughout the assessment.
Describe the instructional activities that will occur PRIOR to the SRT activity and how you will introduce
the SRT activity.

Prior to the SRT activity, students will have participated in a communication activity led by the teacher. This
activity will help students understand how people understand, hear, and interpret things differently. They will
then participate in the SRT activity to dive deeper into the ways that they communicate with others.

Describe the purpose of the SRT activity (check all that apply):
☒ Assess prior knowledge ☒ Anticipatory set (Create interest in a topic) ☒ To illuminate common
misconceptions ☒ Formative assessment of content knowledge (for purpose of differentiation and
mastery for ALL students) ☐ Summative assessment of content knowledge ☐ Test preparation
☐ Survey/Poll ☐ Discussion starter ☐ “Homework” collection ☐ Other (please explain):

Briefly describe what will happen DURING the SRT activity: Before the activity starts, students will get an
iPad or laptop that is provided for them from the cart. They will log into the Formative and enter their full
names. They will take the Formative assessment and then put the electronic device away. While the students
are going through the assessment, the teacher will walk around and give feedback or answer any questions
that they student may have. The teacher will also observe the students to make sure they are on the right
screen and participating.

ITEC 3300
Student Response and Assessment Tools
Type of questions/prompts used in this activity (check all that apply):
☒ Multiple choice ☒ Multiple select ☐ True/False ☐ Yes/No
☒ Short open-ended response or fill-in the blank ☒ Longer open-ended response ☐ Other:
If you are unable to provide a working sample of your questions, please list them below (8-10 questions
1. What type of communication do you use the most when communicating with your friends?
2. On a scale from 1-5 (1 being poor and 5 being excellent) how would you rate yourself as a communicator?
3. What are 2 of your communication pet peeves?
4. Based on this image, what do you think is going on? What does it look like they are thinking? Why do you
think so?
5. Select the ones below that represent communication in nonverbal ways.
6. After watching the YouTube video above, what types of nonverbal communication did you see happen?
7. Take the Emotional Intelligence Test that is linked below.
8. How well did you do on the test?
9. Draw 2 faces. One happy face and one sad face.
10. Based on what you have learned about communication, what advice would you offer to others.
Right/Wrong answers: Will there be right/wrong answers to these questions?
☐ Yes ☒ No
☐ Mixed (Some will have correct answers, other will not.)
Immediate corrective feedback: Will you pre-select correct answers to some of all of the questions and
display correct response to the class after the SRT activity?
☐ Yes
☒ No
Why or why not?
This assessment is mainly over the way that each person perceives communication and how they
communicate. Everyone thinks different so that means there won’t be any right or wrong answers.
Describe what will happen AFTER the SRT activity?
After the students finish the Formative assessment and have put their electronic devices away, I will discuss
some of the answers with them. I will not tell them who said what. I will let them discuss if they think the
same way as some of the answers or if they completely disagree with it and why.

How will the data be used?

The data from this Formative assessment will be used to help students improve how they communicate with
others. They will learn ways that they can improve their critical thinking, problem solving, and conflict
resolution skills. This is also an assessment for the teacher so that they can see what the students need to
improve on and learn more about. Students’ answers will be shared anonymously so that they can see what
others thought. This will encourage students to have discussions with each other about communication.

Describe your personal learning goal for this activity.

This is my first time using Formative as an assessment tool to collect data from students. My personal goal for
this assessment is to get students to improve on their communication skills. I want them to think about the
ways they have communicated with others their entire life and what they can do to make it even better. I
hope it will help students also learn that the things you say can be perceived in different ways.

Reflective Practice:
I feel like this activity will help teach students how to communicate with others and why it is important to
communicate effectively. It will help students start discussions about this topic while making them use new
communication skills. Another technology tool that could be used to further enhance this project would be
ITEC 3300
Student Response and Assessment Tools
Soturi. Students could use this tool to journal ways that they used new communication skills throughout the
day for a week or what they could’ve done differently.

ITEC 3300

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