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Checklist for Assignments

Course Code: EDUC 27070

Assignment: Goal Attainment Scale

1. I understand my professor’s expectations for this assignment. In particular, I

understand his/her specifications regarding collaborating with other students.

2. I completed this assignment independently. It was not written by another person, nor
did I use another student’s work.
3. I used the documentation style recommended by my professor consistently
throughout this assignment (for example, APA).

4. When including direct quotations, I have acknowledged the use of others’ words by
including quotation marks around the quoted material and I have provided full and
accurate citations.

5. For paraphrased material, I put the original author’s ideas into my own words and I have
provided full and accurate citations.
6. I have properly acknowledged the use of any photographs, illustrations, charts,
diagrams, figures, audio, video, etc. from outside sources.

7. For this assignment, I have saved all of the articles I cited, all of my notes, outlines and
rough drafts in the event that my professor asks to see these.

8. I have never previously submitted this assignment, or parts of this assignment, for any
other course.
9. I did not share my work with anyone else, and have no intention of doing so.
10. If someone else proofread my work and provided suggestions for revisions, I made all of
the changes myself.
11. I asked a librarian or a tutor for citation help if needed.
12. I understand Sheridan’s Academic Integrity Policy, and am aware of the
consequences of breaching this policy.
13. I understand that I am required to submit my work to Turn It In to check for originality.
This process also allows me to review my initial work and correct any identified issues
prior to submitting my work for evaluation.

Student Name: Samar Alkhatib Date: March 20, 2020

Signature: Samar Alkhatib
Goal Attainment Scale Worksheet
Student: Z. M Today’s Date: March 19, 2020

Grade: 2 Gender: Female

Educator: S. Alkhatib

Target Behaviours:

Help Z.M to finish her class work, in assigned time, without reminder, without whining, and at
least three times a week.

Goal Attainment Scale with Descriptive Criteria:

+2 | most favourable outcome |

Z.M finishes her classwork in shorter time than the assigned, did extra work sheet, and helped
her classmates.

+1 | more than expected

Z.M finishes her classwork in the assigned time to finish the work, without help, without
reminder, five days a week.

0 | expected level of success |

Z.M finishes working on her classwork in assigned time, without help, without reminder,
without whining and three time a week.

-1 | less than expected |

Z.M finishes her assigned class work, slightly over the assigned time, with some help, with
whining, with two reminders, and one time a week.

-2 | most unfavourable outcome |

Z. M don’t finish her classwork in time than assigned, with reminders, whining, and she
disturbed her classmates.
t selected a specific
targeted behaviour or
social skill that is both
observable and
Operationally defined the
expected level of success
clearly and accurately
(annual goal identified).
Defined somewhat more,
and much more, correctly.
Defined somewhat less,
and much less (current
behavior), correctly.
Levels did not overlap.
No evidence of major gaps
between levels.
Demonstrated a strong
understanding of this

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