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Oily skin can cause acne.

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Acne is a nuisance no matter what age you are, so if there were a way to rid yourself of it and bear acne
free skin, wouldn't you want to try it? This is the logic that pharmaceutical companies use when they
produce expensive medicated acne treatments, relying on your desire for clear skin to drive you to
purchase many different products in search of the right cure for you. Try some homemade recipes
before spending all that money to see if you can fix the problem on your own.




Things You'll Need

 Apple cider vinegar

 Distilled water

 Honey

 Bottle

 Cotton balls

 Oatmeal

 Brewer's yeast

 Plain yogurt

 Dried basil

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o 1

Mix 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar, 8 tablespoons of distilled water and ½ teaspoon of honey in a
bottle and shake it vigorously to combine. Apply the solution with a cotton ball to the affected area and
rinse off before going outside.

o 2

Pour a few drops of water into a cup of oatmeal until you get a thick pasty consistency. Spread the
mixture onto your skin and wash it off after half an hour.

o 3

Dissolve 1 teaspoon of brewer's yeast with plain yogurt to make a runny liquid. Apply to the acne-
affected skin and wash off after 20 minutes to eliminate oily skin.

o 4

Steep 1 tablespoon of dried basil in 1 cup of boiling water for 20 minutes to make a toner for evening
out acne-prone skin. Strain the liquid and apply to your skin with a cotton ball

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