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New babes

Negation We agree university should equip students to get job.
We disagree this is university failure if then students don’t get a job.
Because this is not only the responsibility of university but also the
responsibility of individual.
Rebuttal 1. They said it is justify because students already sacrifice a lot of
No it’s not true.
1. In terms of money, the students has already consented and
informed about the pricelist and how much they need to pay
until they graduate since the very first place they applied the
So university does not exploit the students.
Moreover they get the necessary facilities from university to
support the learning activity as form of compensation of your
I.e. room to study, student center, library, and best lectures

2. In terms of time, its takes 3 – 4 years to graduate and that’s

the effective time for curriculum implementation.
Moreover, the curriculum follows the government regulation
anyway. So we don’t capitalize their time.

Therefore, it’s a lie if University don’t responsible to the

students. Uni already responsible enough towards the students.

2. They said education system in university will become much

better under their model.

No it’s not true.

1. The curriculum already progressing well and we think that
civitas academic create the curriculum by trial and errors to
ensure the effective curriculum.
I.e.: the curriculum already equip with good grading system,
internship, partnering with company, even scholarship as
incentive for top students to study harder.
So, it’s a lie that if current education is bad.

2. Curriculum will also be maintained and upgraded consistent,

considering they need to make sure current students parents
and the future parents satisfy and trust the university.
So that, parents will keep enrolling their kids to the
Therefore, university already fulfilled the role of student’s preparation
to get a job for their future.

Future scenario that might be happen are:

a. If they get good GPA most likely they get higher chance to get job.
b. even if the top students do not get job, probably there are many
scenario, for example salary do not match, environment do not suit
them, or the job do not suitable with their personality.
c. and what if to the people that forget directly the materials after exam,
how come they go to the job meanwhile they only passed the test with
quick way anyway.

Therefore, these are things no longer relevant with the role of


Arguments 1st it will worsen the condition including students

1. We cannot experience the best result of curriculum.

Because suing is a form of distrust to the curriculum.
What might be happen :
There will be continuously changing of curriculum in university.
Next will going to be problematic, because it need 5 – 6 years to
optimize the curriculum.
Means that OG diminished growth of the education system.

2. Assuming curriculum does not change, but get suing.

Students will re-question the credibility both of curriculum and
Therefore, it will distract learning process of the students.

3. You will create a culture where students can easily blame the
university based on their failure.
When you give students right to sue, there will be lot of cases of
university get sued by unemployment students. And it will be grow
becoming a bad culture. Meanwhile this is the failure of the students so
you cannot blame the university.

Comparatively in our world :

1. We will have intention to improve the curriculum system full of
consideration, in which we need time to evaluate previous curriculum to
the future curriculum in order to get better curriculum.

2. on our world, student will focus on current curriculum. They will not
distract with the issues of untrusted curriculum. Therefore the output of
learning process will be optimum.
3. the moment they respect of what university has done, the student will
realize that their carrier based on their self and finally we will create a
world full of responsible people, because the culture will teach you to
not blame other people on our failure.

Arguments 2nd I will prove you why this is in line with the government interest.
1). ideally the government agenda is to produce the best human
resources through create competitive sense for students in learning

But the problem with it :

a. when we give right for students to blame universities of their
failure to get jobs, the thing might be happen :
Students want the universities should guarantee them to get job
after graduated. Indirectly, they will feel safe in their comfort zone,
because they think that they get guarantee to get jobs after

we say to you this is bad :

Because it will distract the learning process of students that will
impactful towards competitive sense, that should be conducive like :
a. student fight to be top student
B. student will feel motivate to get high score and have wider
knowledge then the other student.

And these will not be happen in their world, in which students are
only study as form of formality and not have incentive to explore
their skill during stay in their comfort zone.
i.e.: student study is only because to past 3 until 4 years in
Moreover, it will damage less motivate student, in which they will be
more apathy towards learning process.

Therefore it will lessen the role of universities to help government in

order to generate best human resources.

So comparatively in our world :

if we don’t give that right for students,
We think students will realize that skill and meritocracy are the most
important things for the tools to survive in learning process even in
real life after graduated.

We say to you this is good narrative :

Because you need to understand if universities cannot guarantee of
future job of students, meaning students will fight each other to
expand themselves in order to get future jobs for them, because in SQ
to get best jobs you need to have skill and meritocracy to begin with.
So in term of learning process, student will be having high desire to
study harder and more explore their skill.
Therefore the quality of human resources will be improved day by
2). Not to mention, in their world
it will influence the company to get employees that don’t have good
standard capability.

But in our world,

the moment student fight to get future jobs, meaning that company
will have best quality of employees, because the competition will
improve the trend of the standard.
And what happen to the other student that cannot afford the jobs will
still feeling motivated to force them to be more creative and create
such an innovation to survive their life.
I. e: to be businessman and create more jobs field.

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