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1. It is very important to train children on fire safety.

Teaching or training them on what to do during

emergencies like fires can make a big difference in making the family safe. By doing fire drills at least
every three months, you are not only engaging them disaster preparedness, but also it is an opportunity
for you to bond with your children.

2. Kids really love stuff that are very new to them. They tend to play with it. Matches are great example.
We all know that matches could start fire. That’s why we should hide flammable materials in order for
them not to play with it.

3. Teaching children to call for help in times of emergency like fire could really help to make the family
safe. Always make sure to train them on who to call in times of emergency and make phone numbers of
agencies like fire department accessible for them.

4. Teach children that fire could cause lives and damages to properties. That’s why hiding them is really
a bad idea. Instruct your children that when they see a fire, no matter how big or small as long as it
could burn the entire house or community, call for help immediately and inform their parents or
guardian about it.

5. It is important not to assume that children already know about the dangers of fire. Even if they
already know it, always show or demonstrate to them the harm it can cause so that it will really sink in
to their minds.

6. Children learn by example. If the parents or guardian are always careful in handling fires, they would
follow it.

Role of CWTS in the physically challenged/elderly’s fire safety

1. So that the people participating in it will know what to do in case it happened. We never know.

2. In case that the fire exits will become unavailable, windows can be a great help for you to escape the
establishment. That’s why we need to helo develop confidence to the person doing it.

3. Blankets are helpful for us not to burn easily and to protect us from intense heat.

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