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Should we study at prestigious University

After graduating from high school, student generally can choose studying in University or to find job.
Some likely choose to continue studying at college or university. However, not all University are the
same, some of the best university we call “prestigious university”. Many students are eager to study at
prestigious University for several reason. So, I will explain to you about pros and cons of going to
prestigious University.
The reason why we should study at prestigious university is to get better career opportunities, because
post – secondary education will allow us to get skills and tools that we will need to help us prepare for a
good career. In addition, job opportunities are increasingly board and we can also add new relationship
Many students also do not agree to study at prestigious Universities. According to them prestigious
University are quite expensive not everyone could afford prestigious Universities. In condition opinions
that not all graduates of prestigious Universities can easily find work. Due to the fact that now days the
company is more prioritizing one’s skills and performance, so that their personality character are also
Prestigious Universities can give more opportunities for students to get great career in the future because
of professional lecture, some good facilities, and wide network. However, they should consider about the
cost for study and also their passion in learning. Therefore, it’s better to you to think twice to study at
college of prestigious University.

After graduating from high school, student generally can choose studying in University or to find job.
Some likely choose to continue studying at college or university. However, not all University are the
same, some of the best university we call “prestigious university”. Many students are eager to study at
prestigious University for several reason. So, I will explain to you about pros and cons of going to
prestigious University.
The reason why we should study at prestigious university is to get better career opportunities, because
post – secondary education will allow us to get skills and tools that we will need to help us prepare for a
good career. In addition, job opportunities are increasingly board and we can also add new relationship
Many students also do not agree to study at prestigious Universities. According to them prestigious
University are quite expensive not everyone could afford prestigious Universities. In condition opinions
that not all graduates of prestigious Universities can easily find work. Due to the fact that now days the
company is more prioritizing one’s skills and performance, so that their personality character are also
Prestigious Universities can give more opportunities for students to get great career in the future because
of professional lecturer, some good facilities, and wide network. However, they should consider about the
cost for study and also their passion in learning. Therefore, it’s better to you to think twice to study at
college of prestigious University.
1. Introducing category or generic participant.
2. Relating verb/to be: is, are
3. Using thinking verb : think, consider
4. Using modalities : should, can, could, must, will, need
5. Using additive, contrastive, and causal connection : in addition, however, because.
6. Using adverbial of manner : generally, likely, increasingly
7. Simple present :
 Many students also do not agree to study at prestigious Universities.
 It’s better to you to think twice to study at college of prestigious University.
Haruskah kita belajar di Universitas bergengsi
Setelah lulus SMA, umumnya mahasiswa dapat memilih kuliah atau mencari pekerjaan. Beberapa
kemungkinan memilih untuk melanjutkan belajar di perguruan tinggi atau universitas. Namun, tidak
semua Universitas itu sama, beberapa universitas terbaik kami sebut "universitas bergengsi". Banyak
siswa yang ingin belajar di Universitas bergengsi karena beberapa alasan. Jadi, saya akan menjelaskan
kepada Anda tentang pro dan kontra masuk ke Universitas bergengsi.
Alasan mengapa kita harus belajar di universitas bergengsi adalah untuk mendapatkan peluang karir yang
lebih baik, karena pendidikan pasca sekolah menengah akan memungkinkan kita untuk mendapatkan
keterampilan dan peralatan yang kita perlukan untuk membantu kita mempersiapkan karir yang baik.
Selain itu, peluang kerja semakin meningkat dan kita juga dapat menambah koneksi hubungan baru.
Banyak siswa juga tidak setuju untuk belajar di Universitas bergengsi. Menurut mereka Universitas
bergengsi cukup mahal, tidak semua orang mampu membiayai kuliah di Universitas bergengsi. Dalam
kondisi pendapat yang tidak semua lulusan Universitas bergengsi dapat dengan mudah mendapatkan
pekerjaan. Karena saat ini perusahaan lebih mengedepankan kemampuan dan kinerja seseorang, sehingga
karakter kepribadiannya juga penting.
Perguruan Tinggi Bergengsi dapat memberikan lebih banyak kesempatan bagi mahasiswanya untuk
mendapatkan karir yang cemerlang di masa depan karena dosen yang profesional, fasilitas yang memadai,
dan jaringan yang luas. Namun, mereka harus mempertimbangkan biaya studi dan juga minat belajar
mereka. Oleh karena itu, ada baiknya Anda berpikir dua kali untuk kuliah di Universitas bergengsi.

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