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ALT Codes for Hungarian Letters with Accents or Diacritics

ALT codes for Hungarian letters with accents. Below is the complete list of Windows ALT key
numeric pad codes for Latin letters with accents or diacritical marks that are used in the
Hungarian alphabet. If you are new to ALT codes and need detailed instructions on how to use
them, please read How to Use ALT Codes to Enter Special Characters.

Letter ALT Code

Á ALT 0193
á ALT 160 or ALT 0225
DZ ALT 0497
Dz ALT 0498
dz ALT 0499
É ALT 144 or ALT 0201
é ALT 130 or ALT 0233
Í ALT 0205
í ALT 161 or ALT 0237
Ó ALT 0211
ó ALT 162 or ALT 0243
Ö ALT 153 or ALT 0214
ö ALT 148 or ALT 0246
Ő ALT 0336
ő ALT 0337
Ú ALT 0218
ú ALT 163 or ALT 0250
Ü ALT 154 or ALT 0220
ü ALT 129 or ALT 0252
Ű ALT 0368
ű ALT 0369

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