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gt t(t,-,t 0tf:at{7il-u7.

- vt,-, )bt- d',' -'r i r,) r' L +l vJj.;tt;, derryv4:
qC ,!c'l .Jt'>4 6v|,t; 6vl(c ,Pl
25V18 i. Grsduate (min 2nd Dlvislon) from an
-9,, 48 = t,t4t 58 ;' f* 1

Jv Univorsity recongized by HEC. g= 2/t!!r|15oll (8S.16)

ii. Typing sp€€d (min 5GW.P.M) and shorthand 3= /,{'syo
speed (1lGWP.M). 1= t{t.b,3o/o
iii. Candidatos having computer knowlodgB will

b€ pref8red.

30i18 i. Graduate in Library Sdonco (Min 2nd Division)

-th o./4n 02 r:/1,,1),>:l-t 2

Jv from UniveBityflnsttution rocongized by HEC, (B910)

df) (No 3rd Division in whole car6er).

Jv&y ii. Well versed in Computor application & usage

./tib,, iii. Prsference will b€ given to Master Degree
(5+25 holder ln Library Scisnca (MLIS), Mln 2nd


iv. Preferably 01 Year Exp€rience in the relevant

28t20 i. Graduate (min 2nd Division) from an
-th 43= ort4 54 /-+t d 3 T
,)v UniveBity recongized by HEC 8= "r/,:/ ti'ls"/" (Bs.1s)
ii. 04 Months certifcate in Computer Language / /#not"
BCS (2nd Divi8ion) t= t/tt.b3Yo
ii. Typing 8p€ed min 45 words per minute.

25t21 l. B.Comrlr.Com (min 2nd Division) fom an gc,!(, o/4n 01 slt(t 4

Jv UniveBity rsconglzed by HEC. (8915)

ii. Three yeaB oe€riencs in Budget and
Accounts in Govt./S€mi Govt./Autonomous


ili. Computer Litsrate ini

a) Sy8bm Analysl b) M.S. Oflico c) lnbmet atc.

25t18 i. Higher Secondary School Cartificate (min 2nd ov'!(-r 24 = lrr*tl 4',1
Jv Division) from a rocongized Board. zO% (8S.11)
ii. Typing sp€sd of 25 word8 p€r minute cotLF8:attL,
iii. Proficisnt in Microsot Offce or any other u4LJ/h,tu
compatible ofico applicaiton and ho shall 8= /-L
demonstrete sudr profi ciency. 6= /,grltsw
2= lffpv"
1= t-b,TYo
25t18 i. Higher Secondary Sdlool Certificate (min 2nd cta!1, e,rqn 05 ,{rq,ut-t 6

Jv second diyiEion) tom a rocongiz6d Board. (BS.i l)

ii. Typing sp€od of 25 rvords p€r minute.

iii. Proficient in Microsofr Offce or any olher

compatibls offics applicaiton and he shall

demonstrato such profi ciancy.

25r18 i. 2nd Class Bacholor Oegree in Commerco ua!€, e.,r4t 0't l"Uz 7

Jv from an Univorsity recongized by HEC. (8S.11)

ii. Computer literate with typing sp€ed of 30


25t 18 i. lntermsdiato (F.A./ESd|CS) (min 2nd s8cond c)V,!€, e./qtl 03 o*2,;,y 8

Jv division) from a recongized Board. (8S.11)

ii. 01 Year Computer Hardware Diploma from a

recognized institution.

iii. Preferably 01 year oxp€denco in the relevant

field in a w€ll-known organization (the most

sxperiencad p€rsons will be prefened)

-Jua Shahdato-ul-Almia, Filuloom-ul-Arabiya val

-d o/4n 02 {1tt 9
tv+s lslam (Jayyad) fom Wafaqul-uFMadaris / (BS.1r)
Tanzeem-ul-Madaris OR

M.A. lslamiat / Arabic fom any rocongized I,r

University OR c a
i. Sanad Oaras-e-Nizami
ii. Sanad Taivoed Qirat trom any inslitution \
affliated wilh Wafaq-ul-Madaris /


iii. Hafiz-eOuran

iY. Manied

32t 18 Matric with 01 y€ar diploma in c)C,y(, cr44n o1 10

Jv electricaumsdranical a8 rvell a8 01rO2 year (8S.08)

experience in lhe relevent field

35i20 Pdmary/Middle Pass, w€ll vers€d in cooking, gt r!(-,r c./4n 02 cl,l 't1

Jv preferencs will be givon to an sxp€reincsd hand (8S.05)


-Jut Middla Pas8, Nazra Quran, Basic Knowledgo of gri,!(, e,r*tl 02 ItGlOit, 12

Jw5 lslamic lbadat, Khush lllhan (8S.03)

25t 18 Middle Pasg gc.,!1, 10 = c,t*,l 22 .L.v,lt 13

Jv t /b zla t{ 2oo/o (8S.03)

ro1 LF$fitiA'

4= 2-L
= i,{tsoto
1 = t/.o.b3Yo

25b't8 Literate, having kno,vlsdgo of th6 gardening vt ta, !.,/4tl 02 dL 14

Jv (8S.03)
45r25 Literate, good health. Rstirod from Amy shall u0,!1, or44r 03 ,td4 15

Jv be prefened (8S.03)

?5t18 Literate, having kno\fll6d9o of the job gtit!ft t lrltl 05 16

Jv (8S.03)

25t18 Literate, having knowlsdga of the gardening ,!t,l€, 9/aqtl 01 )+ 't7

Jv (8S.03)

-{n,l1,V,rt,!n 'r)'Jtvth:$uLv$4)i6tv,U!7/4hlp://'!.r< t1,$,*rhtLLggvll7 -r

t/.;,)€u&tti-ri,tJr,Lgq,gevS/,,t{w\u,.t,fJ",(4t?rh,,Lt!*grt-7oa.uzoz'tb,crlLrJ6't-b, -r
*i?,Lg)ut!€tt ttr*r-r'ZnvAi,-c7wh,.hl019c./ tpgtyq;./-9,ral-7tJ,*6t,6t/t y'Lontsrh:!fut.l
- r!z-V 6: d,.' &,u O',1 6 /f 4 /Jv,' -/i J
.-,ti',,1f,;)1;,,4,-.t Utt77tJ,tfe.drrL-L,v:teL/ zox Lsltlhtla/qr*A,,,tt :'rtoc:L.vdt:,,t$tt/-il,tlLstit,

-a ( t)t,/,* it : J oltT 6, ;rr rl,./-i fu- i't itcrt ? tf!- L,r )' t,,.irs / ogoto- o

- q,fL L< o P/!) u {- ul t f

g,t os,og, o't r) a oy vI so/" -t

- L avL r/ y,.*,/,7. L d ilr,-,

-,!,1, V n rf* t*t tt oy vWt t L ) r:t, U,!-L eb. t /- t'

-* 4{g'.t li f6)Ld ( tc,i},* }t t Qt,./r tro rtvou ry (q t).n, -7 e( g 6'G / ) + *,/
t t t

-d./-itivL,vti'.,,(ua/,4,,r1t(,t,9*,,f tiboA,l,/rttt*te,ritirritLtldG
-q./-lNoc!ctl)v,uL6tet lLguurzt.:,tfi4ftiL+'vfiir<a.Ftovbtgt(7(rtgt(7-r
q,fJ L) I : r, {lA, r,t !,( i E uvr Cq,6)b tr2trI L,.v it g (/< : s i t rr t t I

-$t.,p u.f{,-@,.t,04g{,wff.*'.i, -o
- - JL ?lyLdrt 6^!.'{lt* t7, tf6, ffet .t-,- J, /{ro 6' z LpJ *., P d{.v'.L -
- 4,Q fi S O,l/ whatsapp;. 4rV c)*4 te, h ( A- t

-*rtuyt,<mia-szzoze't/.siLL*u,,6w,+f-'!9t 96Jory,\uva,',t *Jlh,,g,tit,.rlb.,?-.i-;Ltdt,b+'\)t-tt


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