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DayCent 4.

5 is built from the monthly version of Century and for the most part
the *.100 parameter files used by DayCent 4.5 are identical to the ones used
by Century 4.5. There are a few input parameters that need to be scaled to
work with the smaller time step used in DayCent as compared to monthly
FIX.100 - some changes to this file, see notes below
<site>.100 - some changes to this file, see notes below
*.sch (schedule files)

Additional input files used by DayCent are:

SOILS.IN - a description of the soil layer structure
SITEPAR.IN - additional site information needed by DayCent
OUTFILES.IN - allows the user to select which weekly and/or daily ASCII
output files will be created by DayCent

DayCent must be run using a daily weather data file.

FIX.100 modifications for DayCent:

When modifying the FIX.100 file for use with DayCent the following settings
are recommended:
ADEP(1) = 10.0
ADEP(2) = 20.0
ADEP(3) = 15.0
ADEP(4) = 15.0
ADEP(5) = 30.0
ADEP(6) = 30.0
ADEP(7) = 30.0
ADEP(8) = 30.0
ADEP(9) = 30.0
ADEP(10) = 30.0
FWLOSS(1) = 1.0
FWLOSS(2) = 1.0
FWLOSS(3) = 1.0
FWLOSS(4) Is not used when extra drivers are used. The extra drivers are
the solar radiation, relative humidity, and wind speed input
parameters in the daily weather file. If not using the extra
drivers set this value to 0.8.
ANEREF(3) = 1.0
OMLECH(3) < 2.0
MINLCH to approximately 2.5
VLOSSE = 0.0
VLOSSG = 0.0
IDEF = 1.0

<site>.100 modifications for DayCent:
When modifying the <site>.100 file for use with DayCent set the SWFLAG and
STORMF parameters to 0.0.
SWFLAG = 0.0
STORMF = 0.0

Also, if you are modifying a <site>.100 file that was used for running monthly
Century version 4.0 you will need to remove the following parameters from the
<site>.100 file:
as they are not used by DayCent.

The values of SAND, SILT, CLAY, BULKD, PH, AWILT, and AFIEL in the <site>.100
file are overridden by their companion values in the SOILS.IN input file.

DayCent does use the weather statistics from the <site>.100 file. The monthly
average precipitation values are used in the atmospheric nitrogen deposition
function. The average minimum and maximum temperature values are used to
replace missing temperature values in a daily weather data file. Prior to
running a DayCent simulation be sure to use the DayCent_file100 utility to
create weather statisitics for your <site>.100 file based on your daily
historical weather data file.

Schedule file notes for running DayCent:

When creating your schedule file for DayCent keep in mind that it operates
using daily weather data and must be able to find and read your daily weather
data file. The "F" weather option choice is the only valid weather option for
the initial block in a DayCent schedule file. The weather filename of the
daily weather data file must also appear in your schedule file following the
"F". If you use a weather option value other than "F" for the initial weather
option in your schedule file the simulation will not run. Subsequent blocks
may use either the "F", to start reading from the start of a daily weather
file, or "C", to continue reading the current weather file, weather options.

SOILS.IN example:

0.0 2.0 1.44 0.31092 0.13578 0.80 0.01 0.39 0.28 0.01 0.11 0.00027
2.0 5.0 1.44 0.31092 0.13578 0.20 0.04 0.39 0.28 0.01 0.08 0.00027
5.0 10.0 1.44 0.31092 0.13578 0.00 0.25 0.39 0.28 0.01 0.05 0.00027
10.0 20.0 1.44 0.31092 0.13578 0.00 0.30 0.39 0.28 0.01 0.01 0.00027
20.0 30.0 1.44 0.31092 0.13578 0.00 0.10 0.39 0.28 0.01 0.00 0.00027
30.0 45.0 1.44 0.31092 0.13578 0.00 0.05 0.39 0.28 0.01 0.00 0.00027
45.0 60.0 1.44 0.31092 0.13578 0.00 0.04 0.39 0.28 0.01 0.00 0.00027
60.0 75.0 1.44 0.31092 0.13578 0.00 0.03 0.39 0.28 0.01 0.00 0.00027
75.0 90.0 1.44 0.31092 0.13578 0.00 0.02 0.39 0.28 0.01 0.00 0.00027
90.0 105.0 1.44 0.31092 0.13578 0.00 0.01 0.39 0.28 0.01 0.00 0.00027
105.0 120.0 1.44 0.31092 0.13578 0.00 0.00 0.39 0.28 0.01 0.00 0.00027
120.0 150.0 1.44 0.31092 0.13578 0.00 0.00 0.39 0.28 0.01 0.00 0.00027

Column 1 - Minimum depth of soil layer (cm)

Column 2 - Maximum depth of soil layer (cm)
Column 3 - Bulk density of soil layer (g/cm^3)
Column 4 - Field capacity of soil layer, volumetric
Column 5 - Wilting point of soil layer, volumetric
Column 6 - Evaporation coefficient for soil layer (currently not being used)
Column 7 - Percentage of roots in soil layer, these values must sum to 1.0
Column 8 - Fraction of sand in soil layer, 0.0 - 1.0
Column 9 - Fraction of clay in soil layer, 0.0 - 1.0
Column 10 - Organic matter in soil layer, fraction 0.0 - 1.0
Column 11 - Minimum volumetric soil water content below wilting point for soil
layer, soil water content will not be allowed to drop below this
Column 12 - Saturated hydraulic conductivity of soil layer in centimeters per
Column 13 - pH of soil layer

Percentage of silt for soil layer is computed as follows:
percent silt = (1.0 - (percent sand + percent clay))

For the trace gas subroutines it is currently recommended to use the following
layering structure for the top 3 soil layers in your file:
layer 1 - 0.0 cm to 2.0 cm
layer 2 - 2.0 cm to 5.0 cm
layer 3 - 5.0 cm to 10.0 cm

The depth structure in this file should match the ADEP values in the FIX.100
file in such a way that the boundaries for the soil layer depths can be
matched with the ADEP values. For example, using the file above and ADEP
values of 10, 20, 15, 15, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, and 30:
layers 1, 2 and 3 match the first 10 centimeter ADEP value
layers 4 and 5 match the second 20 centimeter ADEP value
layer 6 matches the third 15 centimeter ADEP value
layer 7 matches the fourth 15 centimeter ADEP value
layers 8 and 9 match the first 30 centimeter ADEP value
layers 10 and 11 match the second 30 centimeter ADEP value
layer 12 matches the third 30 centimeter ADEP value

The value for NLAYER in the <site>.100 file should be set to match the number
of ADEP values that you are using when you match the layering to the
file. For the example above NLAYER should be set to 7.

SITEPAR.IN example:

2 / timstep: 1=monthly production, 2=weekly production

0 / 1 = Use extra weather drivers (solrad, rhumid, windsp), 0 = don't use
(for PET)
1.0 / sublimscale
0.18 / reflec - vegetation reflectivity/albedo (frac)
0.65 / albedo - snow albedo (frac)
0.90 / fswcinit - initial swc, fraction of field capacity
0.000001 / dmpflux - in h2oflux routine (0.000001 = original value)
4 / hours_rain - duration of each rain event
0 / # of days between rainfall event and drainage of soil (-1=computed)
1 0 / watertable[month] - 0 = no water table, 1 = water table
2 0
3 0
4 0
5 0
6 0
7 0
8 0
9 0
10 0
11 0
12 0
-200 / hpotdeep - hydraulic water potential of deep storage layer (units?)
0.0002 / ksatdeep - saturated hydraulic conductivity of deep storage layer
1 58 / cldcov[month] - cloud cover (%)
2 58
3 58
4 58
5 58
6 58
7 58
8 58
9 58
10 58
11 58
12 58
5.0 16.4 / min and max temperature for bottom soil layer (degrees C)
0.003 / damping factor for calculating soil temperature by layer
30.0 / timlag, days from Jan 1 to coolest temp at bottom of soil (days)
0.03 / min water/temperature limitation coefficient for nitrify
50 90 / turn off respiration restraint on denit between these days
0.8 / nitrification N2O adjustment factor (0.0-1.0)

Values in this file that should normally not be changed:
timstep - 1 = monthly production, 2 = weekly production
sublimscale - scaling multiplier for sublimation
dmpflux - damping factor for soil water flux, in h2oflux routine
hours_rain - duration of each rain event

If modifying the hours_rain parameter value be aware that the smallest valid
value for the hours_rain parameter is 2.0. Valid values for hours_rain must
be a multiple of 2 and may not exceed 24.

OUTFILES.IN example:

Output (0/1) file_name description

0 bio.out # weekly above and below ground live carbon
0 soiln.out # daily soil ammonium and nitrate by layer
0 soiltavg.out # daily average soil temperature by layer
0 soiltmax.out # daily maximum soil temperature by layer
0 soiltmin.out # daily minimum soil temperature by layer
0 stemp_dx.out # daily soil temperature every few cm (HUGE)!
0 vswc.out # daily volumetric soilwater content by layer
0 watrbal.out # daily water balance
0 wfps.out # daily water filled pore space by layer
0 co2.out # daily CO2 concentrations by layer
1 wflux.out # daily water flux through the bottom of soil
0 mresp.out # weekly maintenance respiration
0 year_summary.out # yearly sums of N2Oflux, NOflux and CH4
1 livec.out # weekly live carbon
1 deadc.out # weekly dead carbon
1 soilc.out # weekly soil carbon
0 sysc.out # weekly system carbon
1 tgmonth.out # monthly trace gas fluxes
1 dN2lyr.out # daily denitrification N2 fluxes by layer
1 dN2Olyr.out # daily denitrification N2O fluxes by layer

0 = do not produce the output file
1 = do produce the output file

The DAILY.OUT, NFLUX.OUT and SUMMARY.OUT files are always produced when
running DayCent therefore they are not included in the file.

Daily Weather Data File:

1 1 1990 1 7.040 -10.300 0.000 186.425 55.42 10.939

2 1 1990 2 9.200 -10.530 0.000 158.115 57.42 5.552
3 1 1990 3 11.840 -7.330 0.000 222.946 42.13 9.165
4 1 1990 4 1.297 -10.310 0.000 182.844 40.97 12.543
5 1 1990 5 1.239 -16.010 0.000 213.159 52.25 5.214
6 1 1990 6 3.745 -9.380 0.000 230.346 41.89 10.603
27 12 1992 362 11.320 -12.880 0.000 217.456 35.13 4.429
28 12 1992 363 7.050 -10.180 0.000 216.501 28.25 5.132
29 12 1992 364 -1.095 -8.370 0.000 93.833 53.59 5.264
30 12 1992 365 7.330 -11.490 0.000 152.243 35.88 3.098
31 12 1992 366 7.330 -11.490 0.000 152.243 35.88 3.098

Column 1 - Day of month, 1-31
Column 2 - Month of year, 1-12
Column 3 - Year
Column 4 - Day of the year, 1-366
Column 5 - Maximum temperature for day, degrees C
Column 6 - Minimum temperature for day, degrees C
Column 7 - Precipitation for day, centimeters
Column 8 - Solar radiation, in langleys/day
Column 9 - Relative humidity, percentage, 1-100
Column 10 - Wind speed, miles per hour

Missing weather data values for precipitation, minimum temperature and maximum
temperature are represented by the value -99.9.

The last three columns in the weather data file, solar radiation, relative
humidity, and wind speed, are optional. When these values are not included in
a weather file PET is computed using the FWLOSS(4) input variable from the
FIX.100 file and the flag for the extra weather drivers in the SITEPAR.IN file
must be set to 0.
Time representation in output files:

DayCent ASCII output files are produced in addition to the monthly output in
the *.bin file. Simulation time in the DayCent output file is represented as
a decimal value with the value preceding the decimal point representing the
year of the simulation and the value after the decimal point representing the
month in the simulation using the following values:
Jan - .00
Feb - .08
Mar - .17
Apr - .25
May - .33
Jun - .42
Jul - .50
Aug - .58
Sep - .67
Oct - .75
Nov - .83
Dec - .92

The *.bin file that is produced when using DayCent contains monthly output
values. Simulation times for the monthly output from the *.bin file are
represented as a decimal value with the value preceding the decimal point
representing the year of the simulation and the value after the decimal point
representing the month in the simulation using the following values:
Jan - .08
Feb - .17
Mar - .25
Apr - .33
May - .42
Jun - .50
Jul - .58
Aug - .67
Sep - .75
Oct - .83
Nov - .92
Dec - 1.00
These month fractions are added to the year value so that, for example January
of year 1998 will output as time 1998.08 (1998 + .08) and December of year
1998 will output as time 1999.00 (1999 + 1.00).

Note that the monthly time values in the *.bin files are shifted by 1/12 from
the DayCent ASCII *.out output files such that:

*.out file *.bin file

---------- ----------
Jan - .00 Jan - .08
Feb - .08 Feb - .17
Mar - .17 Mar - .25
Apr - .25 Apr - .33
May - .33 May - .42
Jun - .42 Jun - .50
Jul - .50 Jul - .58
Aug - .58 Aug - .67
Sep - .67 Sep - .75
Oct - .70 Oct - .83
Nov - .83 Nov - .92
Dec - .92 Dec - 1.00

BIOWK.OUT (weekly above and below ground live carbon):

time wk aglivc bglivc aglivn bglivn rleavc frootc

fbrchc rlwodc crootc
1895.00 1 20.0516 127.4018 0.7884 1.9148 0.9462 0.5855
0.0000 0.0000 0.0000

Column 1 - Simulation time (see above)

Column 2 - Week of the month, 1 - 5
Column 3 - Carbon in aboveground live for grass/crop (gC/m^2)
Column 4 - Carbon in belowground live for grass/crop (gC/m^2)
Column 5 - Nitrogen in aboveground live for grass/crop (gN/m^2)
Column 6 - Nitrogen in belowground live for grass/crop (gN/m^2)
Column 7 - Carbon in forest system leaf compenent (gC/m^2)
Column 8 - Carbon in forest system fine root component (gC/m^2)
Column 9 - Carbon in forest system fine branch component (gC/m^2)
Column 10 - Carbon in forest system large wood component (gC/m^2)
Column 11 - Carbon in forest system coarse root component (gC/m^2)

CO2.OUT (daily CO2 concentrations by layer):

time jday CO2_ppm[0] CO2_ppm[1] CO2_ppm[2] CO2_ppm[3]

CO2_ppm[4] CO2_ppm[5] CO2_ppm[6] CO2_ppm[7] CO2_ppm[8] CO2_ppm[9]
1895.00 1 1.461087 1.200228 0.624179 0.345650
0.104632 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000

Column 1 - Simulation time (see above)

Column 2 - Day of the year
Column 3 - CO2 concentration in first layer of soil profile (index 0), as
defined in the file (ppm)
Column 4 - CO2 concentration in second layer of soil profile (index 1), as
defined in the file (ppm)
Column n+2 - CO2 concentration in layer n of the soil profile (index n-1), as
defined in the file (ppm)

n = number of soil layers


time jday PET(cm) agdefac bgdefac stemp(C) snow snlq

1995.0000 1 .0319 .0979 .0845 -5.0299 .0000 .0000

Column 1 - Simulation time (see above)

Column 2 - Day of the year
Column 3 - Potential evapotranspiration rate for the day (cm H2O)
Column 4 - Surface decomposition factor based on temperature and moisture
Column 5 - Soil decomposition factor based on temperature and moisture
Column 6 - Average soil temperature near the soil surface (degrees C)
Column 7 - Snowpack water content (cm H2O)
Column 8 - Liquid snow water content (cm H2O)
Column 9 - accumulator of thermal units for growing degree day implementation

DEADCWK.OUT (weekly carbon in dead plant material):

time wk stdedc metabc(1) strucc(1) wood1c wood2c wood3c

1895.00 1 17.7980 9.8971 38.7231 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000

Column 1 - Simulation time (see above)

Column 2 - Week of the month, 1 - 5
Column 3 - C in standing dead material for grass/crop (gC/m^2)
Column 4 - metabolic C in surface litter (gC/m^2)
Column 5 - surface litter structrual C (gC/m^2)
Column 6 - C in wood1 (dead fine branch) component of forest system (gC/m^2)
Column 7 - C in wood2 (dead large wood) component of forest system (gC/m^2)
Column 8 - C in wood3 (dead coarse roots) component of forest system (gC/m^2)

DN2LYR.OUT (daily N2 fluxes due to denitrification by layer):

time jday dN2_g/m2[0] dN2_g/m2[1] dN2_g/m2[2] dN2_g/m2[3]

dN2_g/m2[4] dN2_g/m2[5] dN2_g/m2[6] dN2_g/m2[7] dN2_g/m2[8] dN2_g/m2[9]
1995.00 1 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000

Column 1 - Simulation time (see above)

Column 2 - Day of the year (1..366)
Column 3 - N2 flux from the first layer of soil profile (index 0), as
defined in the file (gN/m^2)
Column 4 - N2 flux from the second layer of soil profile (index 0), as
defined in the file (gN/m^2)
Column n+2 - N2 flux from the layer n of soil profile (index 0), as defined in
the file (gN/m^2)

n = number of soil layers

DN2OLYR.OUT (daily N2O fluxes due to denitrification by layer):

time jday dN2O_g/m2[0] dN2O_g/m2[1] dN2O_g/m2[2] dN2O_g/m2[3]

dN2O_g/m2[4] dN2O_g/m2[5] dN2O_g/m2[6] dN2O_g/m2[7] dN2O_g/m2[8] dN2O_g/m2[9]
1995.00 1 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000

Column 1 - Simulation time (see above)

Column 2 - Day of the year (1..366)
Column 3 - N2O flux from the first layer of soil profile (index 0), as
defined in the file (gN/m^2)
Column 4 - N2O flux from the second layer of soil profile (index 0), as
defined in the file (gN/m^2)
Column n+2 - N2O flux from the layer n of soil profile (index 0), as defined in
the file (gN/m^2)

n = number of soil layers

LIVECWK.OUT (weekly carbon in live plant material):

time wk aglivc bglivc rleavc frootc fbrchc rlwodc

1895.00 1 20.0516 127.4018 0.9462 0.5855 0.0000 0.0000

Column 1 - Simulation time (see above)

Column 2 - Week of the month, 1 - 5
Column 3 - C in aboveground live for grass/crop (gC/m^2)
Column 4 - C in belowground live for grass/crop (gC/m^2)
Column 5 - C in forest system leaf component (gC/m^2)
Column 6 - C in forest system fine root component (gC/m^2)
Column 7 - C in forest system fine branch component (gC/m^2)
Column 8 - C in forest system large wood component (gC/m^2)
Column 9 - C in forest system coarse root component (gC/m^2)

MRESP.OUT (maintenance respiration):

time wk mrspflow(1) mrspflow(2) cmrspflux(1) crmspflux(2) fmrspflux(1)

fmrspflux(2) fmrspflux(3) fmrspflux(4) fmrspflux(5) mcprd(1) mcprd(2)
mfprd(1) mfprd(2) mfprd(3) mfprd(4) mfprd(5) mrspstg(1,1)
mrspstg(1,2) mrspstg(2,1) mrspstg(2,2) mrspann(1) mrspann(2)
1895.00 1 0.0621 0.0000 0.0147 0.0936 0.0030
0.0012 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0982 0.2121
0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 17.6574
0.0000 4.9443 0.0000 0.1083 0.0000

Column 1 - Simulation time (see above)

Column 2 - Week of the month, 1 - 5
Column 3 - weekly maintenance respiration flow to storage pool (mrspstg(1,*)
from C source/sink for grass/crop system (gC/m^2)
Column 4 - weekly maintenance respiration flow to storage pool (mrspstg(2,*)
from C source/sink for tree system (gC/m^2)
Column 5 - amount of weekly maintenance respiration flux from aboveground
grass/crop material that flows from the grass/crop maintenance
respiration storage pool (mrspstg(1,*)) to the C source/sink pool
(csrsnk) (gC/m^2)
Column 6 - amount of weekly maintenance respiration flux from belowground
grass/crop material that flows from the grass/crop maintenance
respiration storage pool (mrspstg(1,*)) to the C source/sink pool
(csrsnk) (gC/m^2)
Column 7 - amount of weekly maintenance respiration flux from live leaf
material that flows from the tree maintenance respiration storage
pool (mrspstg(2,*)) to the C source/sink pool (csrsnk) (gC/m^2)
Column 8 - amount of weekly maintenance respiration flux from live fine root
material that flows from the tree maintenance respiration storage
pool (mrspstg(2,*)) to the C source/sink pool (csrsnk) (gC/m^2)
Column 9 - amount of weekly maintenance respiration flux from live fine
branch material that flows from the tree maintenance respiration
storage pool (mrspstg(2,*)) to the C source/sink pool (csrsnk)
Column 10 - amount of weekly maintenance respiration flux from live large wood
material that flows from the tree maintenance respiration storage
pool (mrspstg(2,*)) to the C source/sink pool (csrsnk) (gC/m^2)
Column 11 - amount of weekly maintenance respiration flux from live coarse
material that flows from the tree maintenance respiration storage
pool (mrspstg(2,*)) to the C source/sink pool (csrsnk) (gC/m^2)
Column 12 - weekly NPP for shoots for grass/crop system (gC/m^2)
Column 13 - weekly NPP for roots for grass/crop system (gC/m^2)
Column 14 - weekly NPP for live leaves for tree system (gC/m^2)
Column 15 - weekly NPP for live fine roots for tree system (gC/m^2)
Column 16 - weekly NPP for live fine branches for tree system (gC/m^2)
Column 17 - weekly NPP for live large wood for tree system (gC/m^2)
Column 18 - weekly NPP for live coarse roots for tree system (gC/m^2)
Column 19 - unlabeled C in maintenance respiration storage for grass/crop
system (gC/m^2)
Column 20 - labeled C in maintenance respiration storage for grass/crop system
Column 21 - unlabeled C in maintenance respiration storage for forest system
Column 22 - labeled C in maintenance respiration storage for forest system
Column 23 - accumulator for annual maintenance respiration for grass/crop
Column 24 - accumulator for annual maintenance respiration for tree (gC/m^2)

NFLUX.OUT (trace gases):

time jday nit_N2O-N dnit_N2O-N dnit_N2-N NO-N CUM-

N2O(gN/ha) CUM-NO(gN/ha
1895.0000 1 .0037 .2862 .3268 2.6953 .
2899 2.6953

Column 1 - Simulation time (see above)

Column 2 - Day of the year
Column 3 - Nitrous oxide nitrification (gN/ha)
Column 4 - Nitrous oxide denitrification (gN/ha)
Column 5 - Elemental inert nitrogen gas denitrification (gN/ha)
Column 6 - Nitric oxide (gN/ha)
Column 7 - Annual accumulator for nitrous oxide (gN/ha)
Column 8 - Annual accumulator for nitric oxide (gN/ha)

SOILCWK.OUT (weekly carbon in soil organic matter pools):

time wk metabc(2) strucc(2) som1c(1) som1c(2) som2c som3c

1895.00 1 19.1677 161.0758 9.2931 65.3974 1296.3390 1015.3623

Column 1 - Simulation time (see above)

Column 2 - Week of the month, 1 - 5
Column 3 - metabolic C in soil litter (gC/m^2)
Column 4 - soil litter structural C (gC/m^2)
Column 5 - C in surface active pool soil organic matter (gC/m^2)
Column 6 - C in soil active soil pool organic matter (gC/m^2)
Column 7 - C in slow pool soil organic matter (gC/m^2)
Column 8 - C in passive pool soil organic matter (gC/m^2)

SOILN.OUT (daily soil ammonium and nitrate by layer):

time jday ammonium NO3_ppm[0] NO3_ppm[1] NO3_ppm[2]

NO3_ppm[3] NO3_ppm[4] NO3_ppm[5] NO3_ppm[6] NO3_ppm[7] NO3_ppm[8]
NO3_ppm[9] etc...
1895.00 1 0.882302 0.127008 0.142134 0.167252
0.010356 0.000954 0.000188 0.000042 0.000009 0.000002
0.000000 0.000000

Column 1 -
Simulation time (see above)
Column 2 -
Day of the year
Column 3 -
Soil ammonium in top 15 centimeters of soil (ppm)
Column 4 -
Nitrate in soil layer 1 (index 0) of the soil profile, as defined
in the file (ppm)
Column 5 - Nitrate in soil layer 2 (index 1) of the soil profile, as defined
in the file (ppm)
Column n+3 - Nitrate in soil layer n (index n-1) of the soil profile, as
defined in the file (ppm)

n = number of soil layers defined in file

SOILTAVG.OUT (daily average soil temperature by layer):

1895.0000 1 -1.94 -2.51 1.01 7.61 11.41 12.75 12.89 12.67

12.46 12.15 10.17
1895.0000 2 1.36 -0.92 1.23 7.51 11.35 12.71 12.88 12.67
12.46 12.14 10.12

Column 1 - Simulation time (see above)

Column 2 - Day of the year
Column 3 - Average soil temperature for soil layer 1, as defined in
file (degrees C)
Column 4 - Average soil temperature for soil layer 2, as defined in
file (degrees C)
Column n+2 - Average soil temperature for soil layer n, as defined in
file (degrees C)

n = number of soil layers defined in file

SOILTMAX.OUT (daily maximum soil temperature by layer):

1895.0000 1 5.25 2.80 2.83 7.86 11.44 12.75 12.89 12.67

12.46 12.15 10.17
1895.0000 2 7.06 3.28 2.68 7.71 11.37 12.72 12.88 12.67
12.46 12.14 10.12

Column 1 - Simulation time (see above)

Column 2 - Day of the year
Column 3 - Maximum soil temperature for soil layer 1, as defined in
file (degrees C)
Column 4 - Maximum soil temperature for soil layer 2, as defined in
file (degrees C)
Column n+2 - Maximum soil temperature for soil layer n, as defined in
file (degrees C)

n = number of soil layers defined in file

SOILTMIN.OUT (daily minimum soil temperature by layer):

1895.0000 1 -9.14 -7.81 -0.82 7.36 11.39 12.75 12.89 12.67

12.46 12.15 10.17
1895.0000 2 -4.34 -5.13 -0.21 7.31 11.33 12.71 12.88 12.67
12.46 12.14 10.12

Column 1 - Simulation time (see above)

Column 2 - Day of the year
Column 3 - Minimum soil temperature for soil layer 1, as defined in
file (degrees C)
Column 4 - Minimum soil temperature for soil layer 2, as defined in
file (degrees C)
Column n+2 - Minimum soil temperature for soil layer n, as defined in
file (degrees C)

n = number of soil layers defined in file

STEMP_DX.OUT (daily soil temperature every few cm):

1895.0000 1 -1.94 -2.69 -1.71 -0.54 0.70 1.94 3.12 4.23

5.25 6.19 7.04 7.81 8.50 9.12 9.67 10.17 10.61 11.00
11.34 11.64 11.89 12.12 12.30 12.46 12.59 12.69 12.77 12.83
12.87 12.90 12.91 12.91 12.91 12.89 12.87 12.85 12.82 12.79
12.75 12.72 12.69 12.66 12.63 12.60 12.57 12.54 12.52 12.49
12.46 12.44 12.41 12.38 12.34 12.30 12.26 12.20 12.14 12.06
11.97 11.86 11.74 11.59 11.42
1895.0000 2 1.36 -1.69 -1.01 -0.09 0.96 2.06 3.15 4.20
5.18 6.10 6.94 7.70 8.40 9.02 9.58 10.08 10.53 10.92
11.27 11.57 11.84 12.06 12.25 12.41 12.54 12.65 12.73 12.80
12.84 12.87 12.89 12.90 12.89 12.88 12.86 12.84 12.81 12.78
12.75 12.72 12.69 12.66 12.63 12.60 12.57 12.54 12.52 12.49
12.46 12.44 12.41 12.38 12.34 12.30 12.25 12.19 12.12 12.04
11.95 11.84 11.71 11.56 11.39

Column 1 - Simulation time (see above)

Column 2 - Day of the year
Column 3 - Soil temperature for first soil layer division (degrees C)
Column 4 - Soil temperature for second soil layer division (degrees C)
Column n+2 - Soil temperature for soil layer division n (degrees C)

This file can become very large.


time jday tmax tmin ppt N2Oflux NOflux CH4

NIT CO2resp
1971.0000 1 -.15 -.89 .08 .1034 1.7173 9.2292
5.1688 1822.6162

Column 1 - Simulation time (see above)

Column 2 - Day of the year
Column 3 - Maximum temperature for day (degrees C)
Column 4 - Minimum temperature for day (degrees C)
Column 5 - Precipitation for day (cm)
Column 6 - Nitrous oxide flux (gN/ha)
Column 7 - Nitric oxide flux (gN/ha)
Column 8 - Methane oxidation (gCH4/ha)
Column 9 - Gross nitrification (gN/ha)
Column 10 - Heterotrophic CO2 respiration for the day (gCO2/ha)

SYSCWK.OUT (weekly system carbon):

time wk livec deadc soilc sysc CO2resp

1971.00 1 150.0000 149.0466 3379.6123 3678.6589 1.3414

Column 1 - Simulation time (see above)

Column 2 - Week of the month, 1 - 5
Column 3 - C live material (gC/m^2)
(aglivc + bglivc + rleavc + frootc + fbrchc + rlwodc + crootc)
Column 4 - C in dead material (gC/m^2)
(stdedc + metabc(1) + strucc(1) + wood1c + wood2c + wood3c)
Column 5 - C in soil organic matter pools (gC/m^2)
(metabc(2) + strucc(2) + som1c(1) + som1c(2) + som2c + som3c)
Column 6 - System C (gC/m^2) (livec + deadc + soilc)
Column 7 - Summation of heterotrophic CO2 respiration for the week (g/m^2)

TGMONTH.OUT (monthly summation of trace gas fluxes):

time N2Oflux NOflux N2flux CH4 NIT

1759.00 0.001785 0.006034 0.000015 0.011689 0.088705

Column 1 - Simulation time (see above)

Column 2 - Monthly accumulator for nitrous oxide (gN/m^2)
Column 3 - Monthly accumulator for nitric oxide (gN/m^2)
Column 4 - Monthly accumulator for nitrogen gas (gN/m^2)
Column 5 - Monthly accumulator for methane oxidation (gCH4/m^2)
Column 6 - Monthly accumulator for gross nitrification (gN/m^2)
Column 7 - Monthly accumulator for precipitation, includes irrigation (cm)

VSWC.OUT (daily volumetric soilwater content by layer):

1895.00 1 0.3493 0.1939 0.1516 0.1352 0.1249 0.1211 0.1211

0.1211 0.1211 0.1214 0.1283
1895.00 2 0.2410 0.1914 0.1520 0.1356 0.1260 0.1211 0.1211
0.1211 0.1211 0.1214 0.1283

Column 1 - Simulation time (see above)

Column 2 - Day of the year
Column 3 - Volumetric soil water content for soil layer 1, as defined in file
Column 4 - Volumetric soil water content for soil layer 2, as defined in file
Column n+2 - Volumetric soil water content for soil layer n, as defined in file

n = number of soil layers defined in file

WATRBAL.OUT (daily water balance):

time jday ppt accum dsnlq melt intrcpt evap transp sublim
dswc outflow balance snow snlq runoff
1895.00 1 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 -0.460 -0.121 0.000
0.16281 0.000 -0.41821 0.000 0.000 0.000

Column 1 - Simulation time (see above)

Column 2 - Day of the year
Column 3 - Precipitation for day (cm H2O)
Column 4 - The amount of snow added to the snowpack (cm H2O)
Column 5 - The difference in liquid water in the snowpack from the beginning
of the day to the end of the day (cm H2O)
Column 6 - The amount of snow melted from the snow pack (cm H2O)
Column 7 - Interception of precipitation by standing crop and litter (cm H2O)
Column 8 - Evaporation (cm H2O)
Column 9 - Transpiration (cm H2O)
Column 10 - Amount of snow sublimated (equivalent to cm H2O)
Column 11 - The difference in the soil water content from the beginning of the
day to the end of the day (cm H2O)
Column 12 - Water that runs off or drains out of the soil profile (cm H2O)
Column 13 - Daily water balance, computed as:
balance = (soil water content at beginning of day -
soil water content at end of day) + precipitation +
snow melt - accumulation - interception -
evaporation - transpiration - outflow
(should be equal to zero)
Column 14 - snow pack for the day (cm H2O)
Column 15 - liquid in snow for the day (cm H2O)
Column 16 - runoff amount for the day (cm H2O)

The model does not attempt to maintain a water balance when simulating a water
table. (See water table notes below.)

WFLUX.OUT (daily water flux through the bottom of soil layers):

time jday wflux[0] wflux[1] wflux[2] wflux[3]

wflux[4] wflux[5] wflux[6] wflux[7] wflux[8] wflux[9]
1895.00 1 0.018261 0.028582 0.020435 0.012795
0.000008 0.000008 0.000008 0.000008 0.000008 0.000007
0.000008 0.000008

Column 1 - Simulation time (see above)

Column 2 - Day of the year
Column 3 - Water flux from soil layer 1 (index 0) to soil layer 2 (index 1),
as defined in file (cm H2O/day)
Column 4 - Water flux from soil layer 2 (index 1) to soil layer 3 (index 2),
as defined in file (cm H2O/day)
Column n+2 - Water flux from soil layer n (index n-1) to deep storage layer
n+1 (index n) (cm H2O/day)

Negative values represent upward flow (evaporation), positive values represent
downward flow (drainage).

n = number of soil layers defined in file

WFPS.OUT (daily water filled pore space by layer):

1895.00 1 0.7587 0.4211 0.3292 0.2936 0.2714 0.2630 0.2630

0.2630 0.2630 0.2637 0.2787
1895.00 2 0.5236 0.4158 0.3302 0.2946 0.2737 0.2630 0.2630
0.2630 0.2630 0.2637 0.2787

Column 1 - Simulation time (see above)

Column 2 - Day of the year
Column 3 - Water filled pore space for soil layer 1, as defined in
file, value from 0 to 1 where 1 = saturation
Column 4 - Water filled pore space for soil layer 2, as defined in
file, value from 0 to 1 where 1 = saturation
Column n+2 - Water filled pore space for soil layer n, as defined in
file, value from 0 to 1 where 1 = saturation

n = number of soil layers defined in file

YEAR_SUMMARY.OUT (yearly summation of trace gas fluxes):

time N2Oflux NOflux N2flux CH4 NIT

1971.92 0.165579 0.609097 0.015456 0.281627 8.175213

Column 1 - Simulation time (see above)

Column 2 - Annual accumulator for nitrous oxide (gN/m^2)
Column 3 - Annual accumulator for nitric oxide (gN/m^2)
Column 4 - Annual accumulator for nitrogen gas (gN/m^2)
Column 5 - Annual accumulator for methane oxidation (gCH4/m^2)
Column 6 - Annual accumulator for gross nitrification (gN/m^2)
Column 7 - Annual accumulator for precipitation, includes irrigation (cm)

Optional input files for DayCent 4.5.


The optional multipliers on N inputs contained in this file can be used to

scale the amount of fertilizer added through FERT events, the amount of
atmospheric N deposition, or both. This file is organized in 13 columns.
Column 1 is the year. Columns 2 - 13 contain the N input scalars. A value of
1.0 used for a scalar will have no effect on the amount of N input. A value
of less that 1.0 used for a scalar will reduce the N input amount. A value of
greater than 1.0 used for the scalar will increase the N input amount. A
value of less than 0.0 in the nscale.dat file is invalid and the model will
use the value of 0.0 for the scalar in this case, in effect eliminating the N


The optional multiplier on OMAD inputs contained in this file can be used to
scale the amount of organic matter added through OMAD events. This file is
organized in 13 columns. Column 1 is the year. Columns 2 - 13 contain the
OMAD scalars. A value of 1.0 used for a scalar will have no effect on the
amount of organic matter input. A value of less that 1.0 used for a scalar
will reduce the organic matter input amount. A value of greater than 1.0 used
for the scalar will increase the organic matter input amount. A value of less
than 0.0 in the omadscale.dat file is invalid and the model will use a value
of 0.0 for the scalar in this case, in effect eliminating the OMAD inputs.


The optional multiplier on pH can be used to scale the amount of pH in the

soil, for example to simulate liming experiments. This file is organized in
13 columns. Column 1 is the year. Columns 2 - 13 contain the pH scalars. A
value of 1.0 used for a scalar will have no effect on the soil pH. A value of
less that 1.0 used for a scalar will reduce the soil pH. A value of greater
than 1.0 used for the scalar will increase the soil pH. All of the scalars
are applied against the pH value as read from the site file. A value of less
than 0.0 in the phscale.dat file is invalid and the model will use the value
of 1.0 for the scalar in this case, in effect eliminating any shift in pH.

tmaxscale,dat, tminscale.dat, and precscale.dat:

We have added options to allow the user to use scalars on the weather file
inputs to simulate climate change scenarios. The scalars are stored in the
tmaxscale.dat, tminscale.dat, and precscale.dat for modifying maximum
temperature, minimum temperature, and/or precipitation respectively. The
temperature scalars are addends and the precipitation scalars are multipliers.
These files are organized in 13 columns. Column 1 is the year. Columns
2 - 13 contain the scalars. Temperature scalars of 0.0 will have no effect on
the simulated temperature. Precipitation scalars of 1.0 will have no effect
on the simulated precipitation amount. These three files are optional and if
the scalars are not used you do not need to have these files in your working

Code changes for DayCent 4.5.

Temperature curve change:

The temperature effect is now being computed using an arctangent curve,

previous versions of the model used an exponential curve. The teff(4)
parameter values read from the FIX.100 file are used in the temperature
TEFF(1) = "x" location of inflection point
TEFF(2) = "y" location of inflection point
TEFF(3) = step size (distance from the maximum point to the minimum
TEFF(4) = slope of line at inflection point

The conversion utility assigns the following default values to these

15.4000 'TEFF(1)'
11.7500 'TEFF(2)'
29.7000 'TEFF(3)'
0.03100 'TEFF(4)'

Options for computing the water effect on decomposition included:

DayCent users have the option of using three different water curves to
calculate the water effect on decompostion depending on the parameter value
entered for the IDEF parameter in the FIX.100 file.

IDEF = 1, use relative water content

IDEF = 2, use ratio of precipitation to potential evapotranspiration
IDEF = 3, use water filled pore space

Non-symbiotic soil N fixation change:

Non-symbiotic soil N fixation is now being computed using annual

evapotranspiration in place of precipitation.
Old equation:
non-symbiotic N fixation = epnfs(1) +
epnfs(2)*MIN(annual precipitation,100.0)
New equation:
non-symbiotic N fixation = epnfs(2) *
(annual evapotranspiration - epnfs(1))

The conversion utility assigns the following default values for the parameters
used in this equation.
EPNFS(1) - 30.0000
EPNFS(2) - 0.01000

Phosphorus changes:

When running a simulation with phosphorus (NELEM >= 2) a back flow calculation
for flowing phosphorus from occluded P to secondary P has been added. An
additional input parameter, PSECOC2, was added to the FIX.100 file to
parameterize the calculation for this flow. The original PSECOC variable in
the FIX.100 file retains its original definition but has been renamed PSECOC1.
The conversion utility changes the PSECOC variable name to PSECOC1, adds the
new PSECOC2 parameter to the FIX.100 file, and sets a default value of 0.0000
for the new PSECOC2 parameter.

We have also implemented a check in the code to adjust the C/N ratio of leaves
when simulating phosphorus so that the N/P ratio of the leaves does not exceed
an observed critical value. The new MAXNP parameter in the TREE.100 file
represents this critical value.

Dynamic C allocation:

Grassland/crop system -

In the grassland/crop system the root to shoot carbon allocation is done as a

function of soil water and soil nutrient functions. The new input parameters
in the CROP.100 file for controlling dynamic carbon allocation are:
FRTCINDX - plant growth type
0 - use Great Plains equation to compute root to shoot
ratio (fixed carbon allocation based on rainfall)
1 - perennial plant (i.e., grass, dynamic carbon
2 - annual plant (i.e., crop, dynamic carbon allocation)
3 - perennial plant, growing degree day implementation,
dynamic carbon allocation
4 - non-grain filling annual plant, growing degree day
implementation, dynamic carbon allocation
5 - grain filling annual plant, growing degree day
implementation, dynamic carbon allocation
6 - grain filling annual plant that requires a
vernalization period (i.e. winter wheat), growing
degree day implementation, dynamic carbon allocation
FRTC(1) - fraction of C allocated to roots at planting, with no water
or nutrient stress, used when FRTCINDX = 2, 4, 5, or 6
FRTC(2) - fraction of C allocated to roots at time FRTC(3), with no
water or nutrient stress, used when FRTCINDX = 2, 4, 5 or 6
FRTC(3) - time after planting (months with soil temperature greater
than RTDTMP) at which the FRTC(2) value is reached, used
when FRTCINDX = 2, 4, 5, or 6
FRTC(4) - maximum increase in the fraction of C going to the roots
due to water stress, used when FRTCINDX = 2, 4, 5, or 6
FRTC(5) - maximum increase in the fraction of C going to the roots
due to nutrient stress, used when FRTCINDX = 2, 4, 5 or 6
CFRTCN(1) - maximum fraction of C allocated to roots under maximum
nutrient stress, used when FRTCINDX = 1 or 3
CFRTCN(2) - minimum fraction of C allocated to roots with no nutrient
stress, used when FRTCINDX = 1 or 3
CFRTCW(1) - maximum fraction of C allocated to roots under maximum
water stress, used when FRTCINDX = 1 or 3
CFRTCW(2) - minimum fraction of C allocated to roots with no water
stress, used when FRTCINDX = 1 or 3

Tree system -

In the tree system carbon is allocated to fine roots and leaves first. The
allocation to leaves is based on forest type and growing season. For
deciduous trees growth occurs only between the months of leaf out and leaf
drop. For deciduous and drought deciduous forests all of the C is allocated
to leaves during the leaf out period. In tree growth periods that are not
identified as leaf out periods carbon is allocated to fine roots first then to
leaves, up to a optimum LAI based on large wood biomass. Any leftover C to be
allocated after partitioning to fine roots and leaves is then distributed to
the woody components, fine branches, coarse roots, and large wood, based on a
normalizing of the carbon allocation fractions defined for the tree in the
TREE.100 file, FCFRAC(3,*), FCFRAC(4,*), and FCFRAC(5,*). Potential tree
production is now controlled by the PRDX(2) (formerly PRDX(3)), maximum net
forest production, input parameter only, the original PRDX(2) parameter is no
longer being used and has been removed from the file. The new input
parameters in the TREE.100 file for controlling dynamic carbon allocation are:
TFRTCN(1) - maximum fraction of C allocated to fine roots under maximum
nutrient stress
TFRTCN(2) - minimum fraction of C allocated to fine roots with no
nutrient stress
TFRTCW(1) - maximum fraction of C allocated to fine roots under maximum
water stress
TFRTCW(2) - minimum fraction of C allocated to fine roots with no water

Maintenance respiration:

In addition to heterotrophic respiration from decomposition, RESP(1), DayCent

4.5 includes submodels to simulate maintenance respiration. A user defined
portion of net primary production, NPP, is allocated to the maintenance
respiration pool. This pool supplies C for maintenance respiration for above
and belowground plant compartments. Respiration for each plant compartment is
a function of the mass of the compartment, soil or air temperature, and a user
defined maximum respiration parameter.

The new input parameters for controlling maintenance respiration in the

CROP.100 file are:
KMRSP(1) = the fraction of net primary production that goes to the
maintenance respiration storage pool for crops
CKMRSPMX(1) = maximum fraction of aboveground live C that goes to
maintenance respiration for crops
CKMRSPMX(2) = maximum fraction of belowground live C that goes to
maintenance respiration for crops

The new input parameters for controlling maintenance respiration in the

TREE.100 file are:
KMRSP(2) = the fraction of net primary production that goes to the
maintenance respiration storage pool for trees
FKMRSPMX(1) = maximum fraction of live leaf C that goes to maintenance
respiration for trees
FKMRSPMX(2) = maximum fraction of live fine root C that goes to
maintenance respiration for trees
FKMRSPMX(3) = maximum fraction of live fine branch C that goes to
maintenance respiration for trees
FKMRSPMX(4) = maximum fraction of live large wood C that goes to
maintenance respiration for trees
FKMRSPMX(5) = maximum fraction of live coarse root C that goes to
maintenance respiration for trees

NOTE: The maintenance respiration code has not been fully tested and
validated at this point. There are some inconsistencies in the carbon balance
when running the model with the maintenance respiration turned on. Until the
maintenance respiration code has been fully tested and validated we recommend
that you run your simulations with the maintenance respiration turned off. To
do this set the parameter values for KMRSP(*), CKMRSPMX(*), and FKMRSPMX(*) to

Changes to the savanna submodel:

The SITPOT variable value will be dynamic and will be computed as a function
of average annual precipitation. Average annual precipitation is calculated
by summing the PRECIP(*) values from the <site>.100 files. For tuning
purposes the SITPOT parameter value read from the TREE.100 file for the
current tree will be used as a multiplier.
if (arain .lt. 30.0) then
sitpot = 1000.0
else if (arain .gt. 80.0) then
sitpot = 3500.0
sitpot = line(arain, 30.0, 1000.0, 80.0, 3500.0)
sitpot = sitpot * sitpot_m
arain = average annual rainfall
sitpot_m = sitpot value for current tree as read from TREE.100 file
The line function returns the following value:
line = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1) * (x - x2) + y2
x = arain
x1 = 30.0
y1 = 1000.0
x2 = 80.0
y1 = 3500.0
The conversion utility sets all of the SITPOT parameters in a converted
TREE.100 file to 1.0 for no multiplicative effect.

We have also modified the way that the tree basal area is being calculated.
Old code:
wdbmas = (fbrchc + rlwodc) * 2.0
trbasl = wdbmas / basfct
New code:
wdbmas = (fbrchc + rlwodc) * 2.0
basf = (wdbmas/(0.88 * ((wdbmas * 0.01)**0.635)))
if (basf .lt. 250.0) then
basf = basf * basfct
trbasl = wdbmas / basf
wdbmas = wood biomass
fbrchc = fine branch carbon
rlwodc = large wood carbon
trbasl = tree basal area
basfct = input parameter from TREE.100 file, the value for this input
parameter will be given a default value of 1.0 by the conversion

Fire code changes for charcoal:

There have been changes to fire code so that removal, by burning, of dead fine
branches and dead large wood will occur as the result of a FIRE event rather
than of a TREM event. A TREM fire event will burn only live leaves, live fine
branches, and live large wood. A TREM cutting, windstorm or other non-fire
event will allow the removal of dead fine branches and dead large wood in the
same manner as Century 4.0. When burning dead fine branches and dead large
through a FIRE event the burned carbon in the dead wood can be returned to the
system as charcoal in the passive SOM pool. (See the changes in the FIRE.100
input parameters for more information on how the charcoal return is

Grazing change:

The GRET(1) parameter from the GRAZ.100 file is no longer being used. The
value for GRET(1) now being used in the model equations is calculated based on
soil texture so that the fraction of consumed N that is returned is now a
function of clay content.
if (clay .lt. 0.0) then
gret(iel) = 0.7
else if (clay .gt. 0.30) then
gret(iel) = 0.85
gret(iel) = line(clay, 0.0, 0.7, 0.30, 0.85)

The line function returns the following value:

line = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1) * (x - x2) + y2
x = clay
x1 = 0.0
y1 = 0.7
x2 = 0.30
y2 = 0.85

pH effect on decomposition:

A pH effect multiplier has been added to the decomposition equations. There

are three equations used to simulate bacterial, fungi, and combination pH
effects on decomposition flows as follows:
SOM1C(1) - combination
SOM1C(2) - bacterial
SOM2C - fungi
SOM3C - fungi
METABC(1) - bacterial
METABC(2) - bacterial
STRUCC(1) - combination
STRUCC(2) - combination
WOOD1C - combination
WOOD2C - combination
WOOD3C - combination

The user also has the ability to simulate a shift in soil pH content if
desired. This is implemented with a change in the schedule file. If the
value for PHSYS as read from the schedule file is greater than 0 then the next
line in the schedule file contains the start year for the pH shift to begin.
The optional multiplier on pH can be used to scale the amount of pH in the
soil, for example to simulate liming experiments. The phscale.dat file
contains the pH scalars. The file is organized in 13 columns. Column 1 is
the year. Columns 2 - 13 contain the pH scalars. A value of 1.0 used for a
scalar will have no effect on the amount of pH. A value of less that 1.0 used
for a scalar will reduce the pH. A value of greater than 1.0 used for the
scalar will increase the pH. All of the scalars are applied against the pH
value as read from the site file. A value of less than 0.0 in the phscale.dat
file is invalid and the model will use the value of 1.0 for the scalar in this
case, in effect eliminating any shift in pH. If the pH shift is not being
modeled a value of 0 should be read in for the PHSYS variable.
Potential production calculation change:

Potential production is now taking into account the photo period effect on
growth. In the fall, when the day length is decreasing, growth will slow
down. The definitions for PRDX(1), CROP.100, and PRDX(2), TREE.100, have been
changed. These parameters now represent the coefficient used when calculating
the potential production as a function of solar radiation outside of the

Potential grass/crop production is now being computed in the same manner as

potential forest production using an estimate for total production rather than
estimating potential aboveground production only. The allocation of
aboveground to belowground production for the grass/crop is now based on the
fraction of root carbon rather than the root to shoot ratio.

We recommend using a value of 0.5 for PRDX(1) and PRDX(2).

Automatic fertilization:

Automatic fertilization was not working correctly in earlier versions of

Century. Alister Metherell's modifications for the implementing the automatic
fertilization option were added to DayCent 4.5.

Irrigation change:

Irrigation will be allowed to occur even on days when the temperature is

below freezing. This change was made to allow an irrigated system to reach
anerobic conditions even if the temperature is low.

Implementation of a water table:

DayCent can be parameterized to simulate a water table. When simulating a

water table soil water in the deep storage will not drain out of the profile.
This soil water will be permitted have an upward flow (evaporation) in the
soil profile. To parameterize for a water table set the watertable variable
in the file to 1 for months in which a water table should be
maintained by the model. It will also be necessary to set parameter
values for hpotdeep, hydraulic water potential of deep storage layer (for
maximum upward flow potential set this variable to 0.0), and ksatdeep,
saturated hydraulic conductivity of deep storage layer, in the
file. DayCent will not attempt to maintain a water balance when simulating a
water table.

Changes in snow routines:

Previous versions of DayCent used hard coded parameter values for the snow
melt equation. This has been changed so that the TMELT(*) parameters from the
fix.100 file are now being used in the snow melt equation.

The snow submodel has been modified so that order of events for snow has been
changed from accumulate, melt, sublimate to accumulate, sublimate, melt.

We have also added a solar radiation effect to the snow melt equation. This
will require you to modify the value of TMELT(2) in your FIX.100 file from the
value used by earlier versions of the model. We recommend using a default
value of 0.002 for this parameter.


Since runoff calculations have been added to the model the storm flow is no
longer being calculated. Runoff occurs when the water available for input
into the soil, from precipitation and/or snow melt, can not be infilitrated
into the soil due to impedence (from frozen soil layers) or the volume of
water is large enought that it cannot drain into the soil in the amount of
time alloted (hours_rain parameter in the file). Due to this
change the STORMF variable in the <site>.100 file in no longer being used and
should be set to a value of 0.0. The STREAM(1) output variable represents
baseflow + runoff.

Dynamic value for NLAYPG:

The amount of soil water and mineral N, P, and S that is available for plant
growth is now based on a dynamic NLAYPG value. Each crop and tree option will
have a specific NLAYPG value assigned to them in the CROP.100 (CLAYPG) and
TREE.100 (TLAYPG) files. Any time a crop and/or tree option is changed the
value for NLAYPG will be recomputed. In a grassland system the value for
NLAYPG will be based on the CLAYPG value read for the current crop option from
the CROP.100 file. In a forest system the value for NLAYPG will be based on
the TLAYPG value read for the current tree option from the TREE.100 file. In
a savanna system the value for NLAYPG will be weighted based on the crop/grass
LAI, tree LAI, and the CLAYPG and TLAYPG values.

The new NLAYPG value is also used for computing soil transpiration. Soil
transpiration will occur from the top NLAPYG layers in the soil profile rather
than from the full soil profile.

The NLAYPG value from the <site>.100 file is no longer being used.

User specified temperatures for leaf out and leaf drop in deciduous trees:

There have been two additional variables added to the TREE.100 file to allow
the user to specify the temperature values for controlling leaf out, TMPLFS,
and leaf drop, TMPLFF, for the specified tree. These temperature values are
in degrees C.

Change in PET calculation:

The PET calculation is now taking into account solar radition outside of the
atmosphere and an approximated cloud cover based on temperature range. As a
result of this change the FWLOSS(4) parameter in the FIX.100 file needs to be
rescaled. A default value of 0.8 is now recommended for this parameter.

Fractional volume of rock used to modify field capacity and wilting point:

The ROCK parameter has been added to the <site>.100 file and will be used for
modifying the AFIEL(*) and AWILT(*) values when SWFLAG is not equal to 0. Set
this parameter value to 0.0 to run a simulation with no rock effect on field
capacity and wilting point values.

Weekly scheduling:

The scheduling of events is now being done using year and day of the year
rather than year and month. This means that events can be scheduled to occur
in the simulation within the specific simulation week that the contains day of
the year for the event.

Fertilization addition is an exception to this rule, fertilizer will be

applied on the day which the event is scheduled in the schedule file.

The calendar used for scheduling the events is for a non-leap year.

In the new weekly scheduling scheme the following events will have effects
that will continue over a 1 month period:
CULT - the multipliers for increased decomposition will be used for one
EROD - enter the per week amount of erosion, this erosion loss will
continue over a one month period
GRAZ - grazing events will continue for a month and restrictions on
production due to grazing will be effect for one month
IRRI - the amount of specified irrigation will be applied weekly over a 1
month period, the amount of irrigation that will be applied during
a given week will depend on the fraction of the month that the
simulation week represents
SENM - no growth will occur in the one month period that follows the
scheduled senescence event
If more than one of these events is scheduled within a one month period the
original unexpired event will be replaced by the new event and the new event's
effects will linger as described above.

NOTE: When DayCent reads the scheduling information from the schedule file it
is assuming non-leap years. This can cause a problem when events are
scheduled for the first day of the month for months following February.
For example, events scheduled for days 182, 213, and 244, the first day
of July (month 7), August (month 8) and September (month 9)
respectively in a non-leap year, will occur in the last week of June
(month 6), July (month 7), and August (month 8) respectively in a leap
year. However, since we are assuming non-leap years when creating the
schedule of events, day 182 is scheduled as occurring in July (month
7), day 213 is scheduled as occurring in August (month 8), and day 244
is scheduled as occurring in September (month 9) by the model when
reading the schedule file. This causes a problem in the leap year
because the event scheduled for day 182 is scheduled for month 7 but in
the leap year day 182 occurs in month 6. Since we never meet the
condition of day 182 occurring in month 6 in the leap year the event
scheduled for this day does not occur in the leap year. To prevent
this type of problem from occurring schedule your events for the second
day of the month for months following February, 183, 214, or 245 in the
example above. This day will occur in the first week of the month in
both a leap year and a non-leap year.

Although events can be scheduled weekly, when creating a schedule file

for use by the DayCent model please keep in mind that the schedule file
is still being read monthly. This means that if you create a
scheduling with more than one option for a specific event type (CULT,
HARV, etc.) within a given month only one event of each type will be
used per month. In a case where you have two, or more, events of the
same type scheduled to occur within the same month as the schedule file
is read any subsequent events for the month will overwrite any
preceding event of the same type for the month and only the last event
of that type will occur in the simulation.

Soil warming experiments can now be simulated:

The soil surface temperature warming option allows the user to simulate
experiments where the soil surface temperature is warmed without an increase
in the minimum and maximum air temperature values. The soil surface warming
option is implemented in the same manner the CO2 effect and the pH shift
effect options. If the value for stsys as read from the schedule file header
is greater than 0 then the next line in the schedule file header contains the
start year for the soil surface warming and the following line contains the
amount to warm the soil surface temperature in degrees C.

Implementation of a growing degree day submodel:

If desired, plant growth can be set to occur using a growing degree day
submodel. When using the growing degree day submodel the start and end of
plant growth will be triggered based on phenology (soil surface temperature,
air temperature, and thermal units) rather than hard wired to occur at a
specific time by the schedule file.

The following parameters in the crop.100 file control the growing degree day
submodel implementation:
FRTCINDX - plant growth type
0 - use Great Plains equation to compute root to shoot
ratio (fixed carbon allocation based on rainfall)
1 - perennial plant (i.e., grass, dynamic carbon
2 - annual plant (i.e., crop, dynamic carbon
3 - perennial plant, growing degree day
implementation, dynamic carbon allocation
4 - non-grain filling annual plant, growing degree day
implementation, dynamic carbon allocation
5 - grain filling annual plant, growing degree day
implementation, dynamic carbon allocation
6 - grain filling annual plant that requires a
vernalization period (i.e. winter wheat), growing
degree day implementation, dynamic carbon
TMPGERM - germination temperature for the growing degree day
submodel, will cause a FRST event when FRTCINDX = 3 or a
PLTM event when FRTCINDX = 4, 5, or 6 (degrees C)
DDBASE - number of degree days required to trigger a senescence
(SENM) event for a perennial (FRTCINDX = 3), maturity and
harvest (HARV) for a non-grain filling annual
(FRTCINDX = 4), or to reach anthesis (flowering) for a
grain filling annual (FRTCINDX = 5 or 6)
TMPKILL - temperature at which growth will stop when using the
growing degree day submodel, will cause a SENM and LAST
event when FRTCINDX = 3 or a HARV and LAST event if
FRTCINDX = 4, 5, or 6, if the required number of thermal
units have not been accumulated prior to trigger a SENM or
a HARV event (degrees C)
BASETEMP(1) - base temperature for crop growth, growing degree days will
accumulate only on days when the average temperature is
greater than the base temperature for the crop (degrees C)
BASETEMP(2) - ceiling on the maximum temperature used to accumulate
growing degree days (degrees C)
MNDDHRV - minimum number of degree days from anthesis (flowering) to
harvest for grain filling annuals (FRTCINDX = 5 or 6)
MXDDHRV - maximum number of degree days from anthesis (flowering) to
harvest for grain filling annuals (FRTCINDX = 5 or 6)

If FRTCINDX is set to 0, 1, or 2 plant growth will be controlled by the FRST,

HARV, LAST, and SENM events as defined in the schedule file.

When simulating plant growth using the growing degree day submodel it will
still be necessary to include FRST/PLTM, SENM/HARV events in your schedule
file, however, the timing of these events will occur based on phenology.

If FRTCINDX is set to 3 (perennial grass - growing degree day submodel) a FRST

will occur if the surface temperature is greater than or equal to TMPGERM for
the current crop option and a FRST event was scheduled prior to the end of
the current simulation week. A SENM event will occur in one of two cases:
1) if the number of thermal units that have accumulated since the FRST event
are greater than or equal to DDBASE for the current crop option and a
SENM event was scheduled prior to the end of the current simulation week
2) if the minimum temperature for any day in the current simulation time
step is less than or equal to TMPKILL for the current crop option and a
SENM event was scheduled prior to the end of the current simulation week.
If a FRST does not occur in a given simulation year then a SENM will not occur
in that simulation year.

If FRTCINDX is set to 4, 5, or 6 (annual crop - growing degree day submodel) a

PLTM will occur if the surface temperature is greater than or equal to TMPGERM
for the current crop option and a PLTM event was scheduled prior to the end of
the current simulation week. A HARV event will occur in one of two cases:
1) for crop type 4 if the number of thermal units that have accumulated
since the PLTM event are greater than or equal to DDBASE for the current
crop option and a HARV event was scheduled prior to the end of the
current simulation week, for crop types 5 or 6 if the number of thermal
units that have accumulated since the PLTM event are greater than or
equal DDBASE+MXDDHRV for the current crop option and a HARV event was
scheduled to occur prior to the end of the current simulation week or if
the crop has reached anthesis (DDBASE) and drought stress occurs and a
HARV event was scheduled to occur prior to the end of the current
simulation week
2) if the minimum temperature for any day in the current simulation time
step is less than or equal to TMPKILL for the current crop option and a
HARV event was scheduled prior to the end of the current simulation week.
If a PLTM does not occur in a given simulation year then a HARV will not occur
in that simulation year.

The triggering of a SENM/HARV event due to a killing frost (minimum

temperature <= TMPKILL) will not occur until at least 1/2 of the thermal units
for the current crop have been accumulated based on the DDBASE parameter
value for the current crop.

When simulating an annual crop that requires a vernalization period

(FRTCINCX = 6) the degree day accumulator will not start accumulating until
the simulation has passed through the vernalization period. This will occur
when the number of hours in the day is increasing (end of December in the
northern hemisphere or end of June in the southern hemisphere).

Note: When using the growing degree day submodel a SENM or HARV event will
automatically trigger a LAST event, therefore a LAST event should not be
included when creating a schedule file for a plant that will be grown using
the growing degree implementation.

When FRTCINDX is set to 3 or 4 change the growing degree day implementation so
that crop growth is stopped by a harvest event rather than the growing degree
day accumulator. Also, add a check to force a harvest if the day length is
less than 12 hours long and is decreasing for FRTCINDX 3-6.

Set an upper limit on the calculation for accumulating growing degree days
such that when the maximum temperature for the day is capped. This requires
adding a second BASETEMP parameter to each crop option in the CROP.100 file.

May 2008

Added ability to simulate reduction factor on nitrification when fertilizing:

A new parameter, NINHIB, added to the FERT.100 file represents a reduction

factor on nitrification rates due to nitrification inhibitors added to the
site with the fertilizer. This parameter value is used as a multiplier in the
calculation of the nitrification rate. A value of 1.0 for this parameter will
have no effect on the nitrification rate. The reduction in nitrification rate
will linger for one month after the fertilizer application.

Additionally the NINHTM paramter added to the FERT.100 file determines how
long, in number of simulation weeks, to simulate the effect of the nitrogen
inhibitor from the fertilizer addition.

Added ability to simulate a lag in drainage of soil profile after a rain
event for sites with poorly drained soils:

A drainlag parameter was added to the file (see below) to allow the
user to set number of days between a rainfall, snowmelt, or irrigation event
and the drainage of soil profile. Use a value of 0 for this parameter to
allow drainage of the soil profile to occur on the day that the rainfall,
snowmelt, or irrigation event occurs as in earlier versions of the DayCent
model. When entering a value of -1 for this parameter the number of days
between the rainfall, snowmelt, or irrigation event will be computed based
on the soil texture in the file. The maximum number of days between
water addition and drainage of the soil is constrained to <= 5 to prevent
numerical instabilities in the water flux subroutine.

Added ability to turn off the respiration restraint on denitrification:

The start day of the year and end day of the year added to the file
(see below) allow the user to turn off the respiration restraint on
denitrification during the days off the year the fall between the given days.

The VOLPL and VOLPLA output variables now include the N that is volatilized
from excreted animal waste:

In the grazing subroutine we are now calculating the amount of N that is

volatilized from excreted faeces and urine. This volatilized N is added to
the VOLPL and VOLPLA output variables.

Separate decomposition rates used for surface and soil pools:

When using the relative water content option, IDEF = 1 in the FIX.100 file,
the model will compute separate values for surface and soil decomposition

The water content in the top soil layer will be used for computing
decomposition for the surface pools; METABC(1), STRUCC(1), SOM1C(1), WOOD1C,
and WOOD2C.

A weighted average of the water content in the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th soil layers
will used for computing decomposition for the soil pools; METABC(2),
STRUCC(2), SOM1C(2), SOM2C, SOM3C, and WOOD3C. In addition this soil
decomposition rate will be used in the growth and phosphorous weathering

Added an option to allow the use of scalars on the N inputs:

The optional multiplier on N inputs can be used to scale the amount of

fertilizer added through FERT events, the amount of atmospheric N deposition,
or both. The optional N scalar option is implemented in the same manner as
the CO2 effect, the pH shift effect, and the soil surface warming options.
If the value for Nstart as read from the schedule file header is greater than
0 then the next line in the schedule file header contains the start year for
the use of the N input scalars. Valid N input scalar options are as follows:
0 - No scalars used
1 - Use scalars on FERT options only
2 - Use scalars on atmospheric N deposition only
3 - Use scalars on both FERT options and atmospheric N deposition

The nscale.dat file contains the N input scalars. The file is organized in 13
columns. Column 1 is the year. Columns 2 - 13 contain the N input scalars.
A value of 1.0 used for a scalar will have no effect on the amount of N input.
A value of less that 1.0 used for a scalar will reduce the N input amount. A
value of greater than 1.0 used for the scalar will increase the N input
amount. A value of less than 0.0 in the nscale.dat file is invalid and the
model will use the value of 0.0 for the scalar in this case, in effect
eliminating the N inputs.

Added an option to allow the use of scalars on the OMAD inputs:

The optional multiplier on OMAD inputs can be used to scale the amount of
organic matter added through OMAD events. The optional OMAD scalar option is
implemented in the same manner as the CO2 effect, the pH shift effect, and the
soil surface warming options. If the value for OMADstart as read from the
schedule file header is greater than 0 then the next line in the schedule file
header contains the start year for the use of the OMAD scalars. Valid OMAD
input scalar options are as follows:
0 - No scalars used
1 - Use scalars on OMAD options

The omadscale.dat file contains the OMAD scalars. The file is organized in 13
columns. Column 1 is the year. Columns 2 - 13 contain the OMAD scalars. A
value of 1.0 used for a scalar will have no effect on the amount of organic
matter input. A value of less that 1.0 used for a scalar will reduce the
organic matter input amount. A value of greater than 1.0 used for the scalar
will increase the organic matter input amount. A value of less than 0.0 in
the omadscale.dat file is invalid and the model will use a value of 0.0 for
the scalar in this case, in effect eliminating the OMAD inputs.

Changes made to decomposition subroutine:

When running simulations for the dry CPR site it was discovered that the soil
and surface litter decay was occurring too fast. To address this problem
we changed the decomposition calculations to use relative water content as
relative water content is texture independent and the same curve can work for
multiple soil types.

Fix for evaporation calculations:

When calculating evaporation if the top soil layer was too dry to allow
evaporation the water for the evaporation was being pulled from the bottom-
most layers in the soil profile. Changes were made so that evaporation will
come from the second soil layer only when the top soil layer gets too dry.

Add pulse multipliers to the computation for water effect on decomposition:

These multipliers work in the same manner as the pulse multipliers that are
used to increase of NO due to moisture and rain. For the decomposition
calculations the pulse multiplier is used to enhance soil decomposition
following drying and re-wetting of the soil.

Fraction of fertilzer that is NH4 and NO3 added to FERT.100 file:

Each fertilizer option in the FERT.100 file now has the fraction of NH4 and
NO3 in the fertilzer defined. Two new parameters, FRAC_NH4 and FRAC_NH3,
represent the fraction of NH4 (ammonium) and fraction of NH3 (nitrate) in the
fertilzer respectively. The fraction of N fertilizer that is ammonimum and
the fraction of N fertilizer that is nitrate values should sum to 1.0.

We are no longer using the shallow, intermediate, deep, and very deep soil
depths to calculate a weighted average value to be used when calculating
transpiration. The model is now using the wettest layer within the plant
rooting zone to calculate transpiration. As a result the file
has been modified to remove the input that defines these layers.

New output variables in the *.bin output file:

AAGDEFAC - average annual value of AGDEFAC, the decomposition factor

which combines the effects of temperature and moisture for the
surface decomposition (replaces ADEFAC)
ABGDEFAC - average annual value of BGDEFAC, the decomposition factor
which combines the effects of temperature and moisture for the
soil decomposition (replaces ADEFAC)

ACCRSTE(1) - annual accumulator for N from harvested straw

ACCRSTE(2) - annual accumulator for P from harvested straw

ACCRSTE(3) - annual accumulator for S from harvested straw

AGCMTH(12) - aboveground C production for the grass/crop for the current

month, 1-12 (gC/m2)

AGCPRD - aboveground C production for the grass/crop over the last

completed growing season (gC/m2/y)

AGDEFAC - decomposition factor based on temperature and moisture for

surface decomposition (replaces DEFAC)

ANNET - annual evapotranspiration (cm)

BGCMTH(12) - belowground C production for the grass/crop for the current

month, 1-12 (gC/m2)

BGCPRD - belowground C production for the grass/crop over the last

completed growing season (gC/m2/y)

BGDEFAC - decomposition factor based on temperature and moisture for

soil decomposition (replaces DEFAC)

CMRSPFLUX(1) - monthly maintenance respiration flux from aboveground

grass/crop material that flows from the grass/crop maintenance
respiration storage pool (MRSPSTG(1,*)) to the C source/sink
pool (CSRSNK) (gC/m2)

CMRSPFLUX(2) - monthly maintenance respiration flux from belowground

grass/crop material that flows from the grass/crop maintenance
respiration storage pool (MRSPSTG(1,*)) to the C source/sink
pool (CSRSNK) (gC/m2)

CRTPRD - coarse root component C production for the forest system over
the last completed growing season (gC/m2/y)

EUPPRD(3) - E uptake by grass, crop, or tree over the last completed

growing season (g/m2/y)
(1) = N (2) = P (3) = S

FBRPRD - fine branch component C production for the forest system over
the last completed growing season (gC/m2/y)

FCMTH(12) - forest system C production for the grass/crop for the current
month, 1-12 (gC/m2)

FCPRD - forest system C production over the last completed growing

season (gC/m2/y)

FERTAC(1) - annual accumulator for N fertilizer (gN/m2)

FERTAC(2) - annual accumulator for P fertilizer (gP/m2)

FERTAC(3) - annual accumulator for S fertilizer (gS/m2)

FERTPRD(1) - growing season accumulator for N fertilizer (gN/m2)

FERTPRD(2) - growing season accumulator for P fertilizer (gP/m2)

FERTPRD(3) - growing season accumulator for S fertilizer (gS/m2)

FERTMTH(12,1) - N fertilizer added to the system for the month, 1-12 (gN/m2)

FERTMTH(12,2) - P fertilizer added to the system for the month, 1-12 (gP/m2)

FERTMTH(12,3) - S fertilizer added to the system for the month, 1-12 (gS/m2)

FMRSPFLUX(1) - monthly maintenance respiration flux from live leaf material

that flows from the tree maintenance respiration storage pool
(MRSPSTG(2,*)) to the C source/sink pool (CSRSNK) (gC/m2)

FMRSPFLUX(2) - monthly maintenance respiration flux from live fine root

material that flows from the tree maintenance respiration
storage pool (MRSPSTG(2,*)) to the C source/sink pool (CSRSNK)

FMRSPFLUX(3) - monthly maintenance respiration flux from live fine branch

material that flows from the tree maintenance respiration
storage pool (MRSPSTG(2,*)) to the C source/sink pool (CSRSNK)

FMRSPFLUX(4) - monthly maintenance respiration flux from live large wood

material that flows from the tree maintenance respiration
storage pool (MRSPSTG(2,*)) to the C source/sink pool (CSRSNK)

FMRSPFLUX(5) - monthly maintenance respiration flux from live coarse root

material that flows from the tree maintenance respiration
storage pool (MRSPSTG(2,*)) to the C source/sink pool (CSRSNK)

FRTPRD - fine root component C production for the forest system over
the last completed growing season (gC/m2/y)

MRSPANN(1) - total annual maintenance respiration for grass/crop system


MRSPANN(2) - total annual maintenance respiration for forest system


MRSPFLOW(1) - maintenance respiration flow to storage pool from grass/crop

system (gC/m2)

MRSPFLOW(2) - maintenance respiration flow to storage pool from forest

system (gC/m2)

MRSPSTG(1,1) - unlabeled C in maintenance respiration storage for grass/crop

system (gC/m2)

MRSPSTG(1,2) - labeled C in maintenance respiration storage for grass/crop

system (gC/m2)

MRSPSTG(2,1) - unlabeled C in maintenance respiration storage for forest

system (gC/m2)

MRSPSTG(2,2) - labeled C in maintenance respiration storage for forest system


N2OACC - annual accumulator for N2O flux (gN/m^2)

N2OPRD - growing season accumulator for N2O flux (gN/m^2)

N2OMTH(12) - monthly accumulator of N2O flux (gN/m^2)

OMADAC - annual accumulator of C added to system through organic matter

addition events (gC/m2)

OMADAE(1) - annual accumulator of N added to system through organic matter

addition events (gN/m2)

OMADAE(1) - annual accumulator of P added to system through organic matter

addition events (gP/m2)

OMADAE(1) - annual accumulator of S added to system through organic matter

addition events (gS/m2)

OMADMTH(12) - C added to the system through organic matter addition events

for the month, 1-12 (gC/m2)

OMADMTE(12,1) - N added to the system through organic matter addition events

for the month, 1-12 (gN/m2)

OMADMTE(12,2) - P added to the system through organic matter addition events

for the month, 1-12 (gP/m2)

OMADMTE(12,3) - S added to the system through organic matter addition events

for the month, 1-12 (gS/m2)

OMADPRD - growing season accumulator of C added to system through

organic matter addition events (gC/m2)

OMADPRE(1) - growing season accumulator of N added to system through

organic matter addition events (gN/m2)

OMADPRE(2) - growing season accumulator of P added to system through

organic matter addition events (gP/m2)

OMADPRE(3) - growing season accumulator of S added to system through

organic matter addition events (gS/m2)

RLVPRD - leaf component C production for the forest system over the
last completed growing season (gC/m2/y)

RLWPRD - large wood component C production for the forest system over
the last completed growing season (gC/m2/y)

RUNOFF - monthly runoff (cm H2O/month)

STRMAC(1) - annual accumulator for cm H2O of stream flow (base flow +

storm flow)

STRMAC(2) - annual accumulator for N from mineral leaching of stream flow

(base flow + storm flow) (g/m2)

STRMAC(3) - annual accumulator for P from mineral leaching of stream flow

(base flow + storm flow) (g/m2)

STRMAC(4) - annual accumulator for S from mineral leaching of stream flow

(base flow + storm flow) (g/m2)

STRMAC(5) - annual accumulator for C from organic leaching of stream flow

(base flow + storm flow) (g/m2)

STRMAC(6) - annual accumulator for N from organic leaching of stream flow

(base flow + storm flow) (g/m2)

STRMAC(7) - annual accumulator for P from organic leaching of stream flow

(base flow + storm flow) (g/m2)

STRMAC(8) - annual accumulator for S from organic leaching of stream flow

(base flow + storm flow) (g/m2)

TGZRTE(1) - total N returned in faeces and urine from a grazing event


TGZRTE(2) - total P returned in faeces and urine from a grazing event


TGZRTE(3) - total S returned in faeces and urine from a grazing event


TOTSYSC - total system C (AGLIVC + BGLIVC + STDEDC + STRUCC(1) +

SOM1C(1) + SOM1C(2) + SOM2C + SOM3C) (g/m2)

TOTSYSE(1) - total N in system (AGLIVE(1) + BGLIVE(1) + STDEDE(1) +

STRUCE(1,1) + STRUCE(2,1) + METABE(1,1) + METABE(2,1) +
WOOD1E(1) + WOOD2E(1) + WOOD3E(1) + SOM1E(1,1) + SOM1E(2,1) +
SOM2E(1) + SOM3E(1) (g/m2)

TOTSYSE(2) - total P in system (AGLIVE(2) + BGLIVE(2) + STDEDE(2) +

STRUCE(1,2) + STRUCE(2,2) + METABE(1,2) + METABE(2,2) +
WOOD1E(2) + WOOD2E(2) + WOOD3E(2) + SOM1E(1,2) + SOM1E(2,2) +
SOM2E(2) + SOM3E(2) (g/m2)

TOTSYSE(3) - total S in system (AGLIVE(3) + BGLIVE(3) + STDEDE(3) +

STRUCE(1,3) + STRUCE(2,3) + METABE(1,3) + METABE(2,3) +
WOOD1E(3) + WOOD2E(3) + WOOD3E(3) + SOM1E(1,3) + SOM1E(2,3) +
SOM2E(3) + SOM3E(3) (g/m2)

VOLEAC - annual accumulator for N volatilization as a function of N

remaining after uptake by grass, crop, or tree (g/m2)

VOLGAC - annual accumulator for N volatilized as a function of gross

mineralization (g/m2)

VOLPAC - annual accumulator for N volatilized from plant at harvest,

senescence, and/or from grazing removal for grass/crop (g/m2)

WD1C2(2) - dead fine branch respiration (g/m2/mo)

(1) = unlabeled (2) = labeled

WD2C2(2) - dead large wood respiration (g/m2/mo)

(1) = unlabeled (2) = labeled

WD3C2(2) - dead coarse roots respiration (g/m2/mo)

(1) = unlabeled (2) = labeled

NOTE: The growing season accumulator values for carbon production (ACRCIS(*),
the growing season accumulator values for E uptake (EUPACC(*), EUPAGA(*),
EUPBGA(*), and EUPPRT(*,*)) output for the simulation were being reset to 0.0
at the start of the growing season, when a FRST, PLTM, or TFST event occurred.
These production output variables would seem to indicate that production was
still occurring because the output variables were not set back to zero at the
end of a growing season and would retain a constant value until the next FRST,
PLTM or TFST event occurred. These accumulators are now being reset to 0.0 at
the end of the simulation timestep in which a LAST or TLST event occurs, after
the output for the timestep has been saved to the output file.
Old way:
Accumulators initialized to 0.0 at start of run
Accumulators reset to 0.0 on FRST, PLTM, or TFST and begin accumulation
New way:
Accumulators initialized to 0.0 at start of run
Accumulators begin accumulation on FRST, PLTM, or TFST
Accumulators reset to 0.0 on LAST or TLST after output written to file

The new growing season production variables, AGCPRD, BGCPRD, CRTPRD,

EUPPRD(*), FBRPRD, FCPRD, FRTPRD, RLVPRD, and RLWPRD, are set equal to the
value of their associated accumulator value when a LAST or TLST occurs. These
values can be used when examining yearly output to see the amount of
production that occurred over the previously completed growing season. These
growing season production variables will be set back to zero in January if no
production has occurred over the previous 12 month period.

The new growing season accumulators for fertilizer addition (FERTAC, FERTMTH,
and FERTPRD), organic matter addition (OMADAC, OMACAE, OMADMTE, OMADMTH,
OMADPRD, and OMADPRD), and N2O flux (N2OACC, N2OMTH, and N2OPRD) are currently
being tracked for the grass/crop system only and will be reset on a LAST

Created new ASCII weekly output files for live carbon (livec.out), dead carbon
(deadc.out), soil carbon (soilc.out), and system carbon (sysc.out) (See
additional details above.)

Created new ASCII output file for monthly trace gas fluxes, tgmonth.out. (See
additional details above.)

Created new ASCII output files with denitrification N2O and NO flux by layer.
dN2lyr.out and dN2Olyr.out. (See additional details above.)

Parameter file changes:

Century version 4.0 CROP.100, FERT.100, FIRE.100, FIX.100, TREE.100, and

<site>.100 parameter files must be modified to work DayCent 4.5. Century
version 4.0 schedule files must also be modified to work with DayCent 4.5. A
conversion utility, daycent_convert100.exe, has been provided to automate
these file modifications using default values for the modified parameters.


The CROP.100 file used by DayCent version 4.5 has 19 additional parameters:
FRTCINDX - plant growth type
0 - use Great Plains equation to compute root to shoot
ratio (fixed carbon allocation based on rainfall)
1 - perennial plant (i.e., grass, dynamic carbon
2 - annual plant (i.e., crop, dynamic carbon allocation)
3 - perennial plant, growing degree day implementation,
dynamic carbon allocation
4 - non-grain filling annual plant, growing degree day
implementation, dynamic carbon allocation
5 - grain filling annual plant, growing degree day
implementation, dynamic carbon allocation
6 - grain filling annual plant that requires a
vernalization period (i.e. winter wheat), growing
degree day implementation, dynamic carbon allocation
FRTC(4) - maximum increase in the fraction of C going to the roots
due to water stress, used when FRTCINDX = 2, 4, 5, or 6
FRTC(5) - maximum increase in the fraction of C going to the roots
due to nutrient stress, used when FRTCINDX = 2, 4, 5, or 6
CFRTCN(1) - maximum fraction of C allocated to roots under maximum
nutrient stress, used when FRTCINDX = 1 or 3
CFRTCN(2) - minimum fraction of C allocated to roots with no nutrient
stress, used when FRTCINDX = 1 or 3
CFRTCW(1) - maximum fraction of C allocated to roots under maximum
water stress, used when FRTCINDX = 1 or 3
CFRTCW(2) - minimum fraction of C allocated to roots with no water
stress, used when FRTCINDX = 1 or 3
KMRSP(1) - the fraction of net primary production that goes to the
carbohydrate storage pool for crops
CKMRSPMX(1) - maximum fraction of aboveground live C that goes to
maintenance respiration for crops
CKMRSPMX(2) - maximum fraction of belowground live C that goes to
maintenance respiration for crops
NO3PREF(1) - fraction of N uptake that is NO3 for crops, currently not
being used
CLAYPG - number of soil layers used to determine water and mineral
N, P, and S that are available for grass/crop growth
TMPGERM - germination temperature for the growing degree day
submodel, will cause a FRST event when FRTCINDX = 3 or a
PLTM event when FRTCINDX = 4 or 5 (degrees C)
DDBASE - number of degree days required to trigger a senescence
(SENM) event for a perennial (FRTCINDX = 3), maturity and
harvest (HARV) for a non-grain filling annual
(FRTCINDX = 4), or to reach anthesis (flowering) for a
grain filling annual (FRTCINDX = 5 or 6)
TMPKILL - temperature at which growth will stop when using the
growing degree day submodel, will cause a SENM and LAST
event when FRTCINDX = 3 or a HARV and LAST event if
FRTCINDX = 4, 5, or 6, if the required number of thermal
units have not been accumulated prior to trigger a SENM or
a HARV event (degrees C)
BASETEMP(1) - base temperature for crop growth, growing degree days will
accumulate only on days when the average temperature is
greater than the base temperature for the crop (degrees C)
BASETEMP(2) - ceiling on the maximum temperature used to accumulate
growing degree days (degrees C)
MNDDHRV - minimum number of degree days from anthesis (flowering) to
harvest for grain filling annuals (FRTCINDX = 5 or 6)
MXDDHRV - maximum number of degree days from anthesis (flowering) to
harvest for grain filling annuals (FRTCINDX = 5 or 6)

For reference, here are the definitions for the other FRTC(*) parameters which
are also used in the new dynamic carbon allocation routines:
FRTC(1) - fraction of C allocated to roots at planting, with no water or
nutrient stress, used when FRTCINDX = 2, 4, 5, or 6
FRTC(2) - fraction of C allocated to roots at time FRTC(3), with no
water or nutrient stress, used when FRTCINDX = 2, 4, 5, or 6
FRTC(3) - time after planting (months with soil temperature greater than
RTDTMP) at which the FRTC(2) value is reached, used when
FRTCINDX = 2, 4, 5, or 6

The FRTCINDX, FRTC(*), CFRTCN(*), and CFRTCW(*) parameters are used in the new
dynamic carbon allocation routines. FRTCINDX is inserted into the crop
parameterization preceding the FRTC(1) parameter. The FRTC(4), FRTC(5),
CFRTCN(1), CFRTCN(2), CFRTCW(1), and CFRTCW(2) parameters follow the FRTC(3)

When converting from an existing Century/DayCent 4.0 CROP.100 file format to a

DayCent 4.5 CROP.100 file format the following rules will be used to set
default values for these parameters.
1. If FRTC(1) = 0.0 in the Century/DayCent 4.0 crop parameterization assume
this is a parameterization that should be set to use the Great Plains
Set FRTCINDX to 0.
2. If FRTC(1) != to 0.0 in the Century 4.0 crop parameterization then we
cannot make an assumption about what this parameterization represents.
The user will be prompted to enter a 1 for a perennial plant, a 2 for an
annual plant, a 3 for an annual grass using the growing degree day
submodel, or a 4 for an annual crop using the growing degree day submodel
to set the FRTCINDX value.
In all cases FRTC(1), FRTC(2) and FRTC(3) will retain their original Century
4.0 values. FRTC(4) will be set to 0.2, FRTC(5) will be set to 0.1, CFRTCN(1)
will be set to 0.4, CFRTCN(2) will be set to 0.25, CFRTCW(1) will be set to
the original Century 4.0 FRTC(1) value, and CFRTCW(2) will be set to the
original Century 4.0 FRTC(2) value.

The KMRSP(1), CKMRSPMX(1), and CKMRSPMX(2) parameters are used in the new
maintenance respiration routines. These parameters are give the following
KMRSP(1) - 0.00000
CKMRSPMX(1) - 0.00000
CKMRSPMX(2) - 0.00000
The NO3PREF(1) parameter is not being used by the model currently but is
included in this conversion utility for compatability with anticipated future
code changes. The NO3PREF(1) parameter is given a default value of 0.25000.

The KMRSP(1), CKMRSPMX(1), and CKMRSPMX(2), and NO3PREF(1) parameters follow

the CO2IRS(1) parameter.

The CLAYPG parameter is added to each crop option in the crop.100 file
following the NO3PREF(1) parameter. It is given a default value of 4.

added to the end of each crop option in the crop.100 file following the CLAYPG
parameter. These parameters are given default values of 10.0, 1400.0, -2.0,
10.0, 100.0, and 200.0 respectively.

The definition for the PRDX(1) parameter has been changed and each crop option
in the crop.100 file should have the value for PRDX(1) set to a default value
of 0.5. New DayCent 4.5 PRDX(1) definition:
PRDX(1) - coefficient for calculating potential aboveground monthly
production as a function of solar radiation outside the


The FERT.100 file used by DayCent version 4.5 has 4 additional parameters
added to the end of each fertilizer option:
NINHIB - reduction factor on nitrification rates due to nitrification
inhibitors added with the fertilizer
NINHTM - determines how long to simulate the effect of the nitrogen
inhibitor from the fertilizer addition
FRAC_NH4 - the fraction of N fertilizer that is NH4+ (ammonium)
FRAC_NO3 = the fraction of N fertilizer that is NO3- (nitrate)

Using a value of 1.0 for NINHIB parameter will have no effect on the
nitrification rate. The reduction in nitrification rate will linger for 1 1/2
months after the fertilizer application.

The default value for these parameters:

NINHIB - 1.00000
NINHTM - 7.00000
FRAC_NH4 - 0.75000
FRAC_NH3 - 0.25000


The FIRE.100 file used by DayCent version 4.5 has 11 additional parameters and
3 parameters that have had their "names" changed:
FDFREM(3) - fraction of dead fine branches removed by a fire event
FDFREM(4) - fraction of dead large wood removed by a fire event
FRET(1,1) - fraction of C in the burned aboveground material (live
shoots, standing dead, and litter) returned to the system
following a fire event as charcoal in the passive SOM pool
FRET(1,2) - fraction of N in the burned aboveground material (live
shoots, standing dead, and litter) returned to the system
following a fire event (NOTE: replaces fret(1))
FRET(1,3) - fraction of P in the burned aboveground material live
shoots, standing dead, and litter) returned to the system
following a fire event (NOTE: replaces fret(2))
FRET(1,4) - fraction of S in the burned aboveground material (live
shoots, standing dead, and litter) returned to the system
following a fire event (NOTE: replaces fret(3))
FRET(2,1) - fraction of C in the burned dead fine branch material
returned to the system following a fire event as charcoal in
the passive SOM pool
FRET(2,2) - fraction of N in the burned dead fine branch material
returned to the system following a fire event
FRET(2,3) - fraction of P in the burned dead fine branch material
returned to the system following a fire event
FRET(2,4) - fraction of S in the burned dead fine branch material
returned to the system following a fire event
FRET(3,1) - fraction of C in the burned dead large wood material returned
to the system following a fire event as charcoal in the
passive SOM pool
FRET(3,2) - fraction of N in the burned dead large wood material returned
to the system following a fire event
FRET(3,3) - fraction of P in the burned dead large wood material returned
to the system following a fire event
FRET(3,4) - fraction of S in the burned dead large wood material returned
to the system following a fire event

The FDFREM(3), FDFREM(4), and FRET(1,1) parameters follow the FDFREM(2)

parameter. The FRET(1,2) parameter replaces the FRET(1) parameter. The
FRET(1,3) parameter replaces the FRET(2) parameter. The FRET(1,4) parameter
replaces the FRET(3) parameter. The remainder of the new FRET(*,*) parameters
follow the FRET(1,4) parameter. The FRTSH and FNUE(*) parameters follow the
FRET(3,4) parameter.

The following default values are used for these parameters:

FDFREM(3) - 0.30000
FDFREM(4) - 0.20000
FRET(1,1) - 0.10000
FRET(1,2) - retains value of FRET(1) from original file
FRET(1,3) - retains value of FRET(2) from original file
FRET(1,4) - retains value of FRET(3) from original file
FRET(2,1) - 0.00300
FRET(2,2) - 0.20000
FRET(2,3) - 0.00000
FRET(2,4) - 0.00000
FRET(3,1) - 0.00300
FRET(3,2) - 0.20000
FRET(3,3) - 0.00000
FRET(3,4) - 0.00000


The FIX.100 file used by DayCent 4.5 has 2 additional parameters:

TEFF(4) - slope of line at inflection point
PSECOC2 - controls the back flow from occluded to secondary P

The PSECOC parameter has been renamed PSECOC1 and retains its original
PSECOC1 - controls the flow from secondary to occluded P

The PSECOC2 parameter follows the PSECOC1 parameter.

When running the conversion utility the PSECOC1 parameter retains the value
for PSECOC and the following default value is used for PSECOC2:
PSECOC2 - 0.00000

DayCent 4.5 uses 4 coefficients in the equation for computing the temperature
effect on decomposition. The TEFF(4) parameter is added to give us the
additional coefficient required to paramerterize the temperature equation.
The definitions for the TEFF(*) parameters are as follows:
TEFF(1) - "x" location of inflection point
TEFF(2) - "y" location of inflection point
TEFF(3) - step size (distance from the maximum point to the minimum
TEFF(4) - slope of line at inflection point

The TEFF(4) parameter is inserted in the FIX.100 file following the TEFF(3)

When running the conversion utility the following default values are used for
the TEFF(*) parameters:
TEFF(1) - 15.4000
TEFF(2) - 11.7500
TEFF(3) - 29.7000
TEFF(4) - 0.03100

The PET calculation is now taking into account solar radiation outside of the
atmosphere and an approximated cloud cover based on temperature range. As a
result of this change the FWLOSS(4) parameter in the FIX.100 file needs to be
rescaled. A default value of 0.8 is now recommended for this parameter.

Due to the changes in the snow melting equation the following default values
will be entered for the TMELT(*) parameters:
TMELT(1) - 0.00000
TMELT(2) - 0.00200
TMELT(1) retains its original definition. TMELT(2) has been redefined:
TMELT(2) - coefficient used for calculating snow melt as a function of
solar radiation outside the atmosphere

When modifying a monthly fix.100 file for use with DayCent the following
settings are recommended and will be used here when converting the file:
ADEP(1) = 10.0
ADEP(2) = 20.0
ADEP(3) = 15.0
ADEP(4) = 15.0
ADEP(5) = 30.0
ADEP(6) = 30.0
ADEP(7) = 30.0
ADEP(8) = 30.0
ADEP(9) = 30.0
ADEP(10) = 30.0
ANEREF(3) = 1.0
FWLOSS(1) = 1.0
FWLOSS(2) = 1.0
FWLOSS(3) = 1.0
FWLOSS(4) = 0.8
IDEF = 1.0
MINLCH = 2.5
OMLECH(3) = 1.9 (< 2.0)
VLOSSE = 0.0
VLOSSG = 0.0


The TREE.100 file used by DayCent version 4.5 has 15 additional parameters:
TFRTCN(1) - maximum fraction of C allocated to fine roots under maximum
nutrient stress
TFRTCN(2) - minimum fraction of C allocated to fine roots with no
nutrient stress
TFRTCW(1) - maximum fraction of C allocated to fine roots under maximum
water stress
TFRTCW(2) - minimum fraction of C allocated to fine roots with no water
MAXNP - maximum N/P ratio for leaves, used only when nelem >= 2
KMRSP(2) - the fraction of net primary production that goes to the
carbohydrate storage pool for trees
FKMRSPMX(1) - maximum fraction of live leaf C that goes to maintenance
respiration for trees
FKMRSPMX(2) - maximum fraction of live fine root C that goes to
maintenance respiration for trees
FKMRSPMX(3) - maximum fraction of live fine branch C that goes to
maintenance respiration for trees
FKMRSPMX(4) - maximum fraction of live large wood C that goes to
maintenance respiration for trees
FKMRSPMX(5) - maximum fraction of live coarse root C that goes to
maintenance respiration for trees
NO3PREF(2) - fraction of N update that is NO3 for trees, currently not
being used
TLAYPG - number of soil layers used to determine water and mineral
N, P, and S that are available for tree growth
TMPLFF - temperature at which leaf drop will occur in a deciduous
tree type, degrees C
TMPLFS - temperature at which leaf out will occur in a deciduous
tree type, degrees C

The TFRTCN(*) and TFRTCW(*) parameters are used in the new dynamic carbon
allocation routines. TFRTCN(1) is inserted into the tree parameterization
following the FCFRAC(5,2) parameter followed by TFRTCN(2), TFRTCW(1), and
TFRTCW(2). The TFRTCW(2) parameter and precedes the LEAFDR(1) parameter.

When running the conversion utility the TFRTCN(*) and TFRTCW(*) parameters are
given the following default values:
TFRTCN(1) - 0.40000
TFRTCN(2) - 0.25000
TFRTCW(1) - 0.36000
TFRTCW(2) - 0.30000


FKMRSPMX(5) parameters are used in the new maintenance respiration routines.
These parameters are give the following values:
MAXNP - 13.5000
KMRSP(2) - 0.00000
FKMRSPMX(1) - 0.00000
FKMRSPMX(2) - 0.00000
FKMRSPMX(3) - 0.00000
FKMRSPMX(4) - 0.00000
FKMRSPMX(5) - 0.00000
The NO3PREF(2) parameter is not being used by the model currently but is
included in this conversion utility for compatability with anticipated future
code changes. The NO3PREF(2) parameter is given a default value of 0.50000.


FKMRSPMX(5) parameters follow the SITPOT parameter.

The SITPOT parameter is now dynamic and will be computed as a function of

average annual precipitation. The SITPOT parameter value read from the
TREE.100 file is used as a multiplier for tuning this equation. This
conversion utility will set all of the SITPOT parameter values in a TREE.100
file to 1.0 so there will be no multiplicative effect.

The definition for the PRDX(2) parameter has been changed and each tree option
in the tree.100 file should have the value for PRDX(2) set to a default value
of 0.5. New DayCent 4.5 PRDX(2) definition:
PRDX(2) - coefficient for calculating potential monthly forest
production as a function of solar radiation outside the

The PRDX(3) parameter is no longer being used and has been removed from the
tree.100 file.

The equation for computing tree basal area has been changed therefore BASFCT
is given a a default value of 1.0.

The TLAYPG parameter is added to the end of each tree option in the tree.100
file. It is given a default value of 6.

The TMPLFF and TMPLFS temperature values are added to the end of each tree
option in the tree.100 file. They are given default values of 7.0 and 10.0


There have been three parameters added to this file.

ROCK - fraction of rock in soil (0.0 - 1.0)
PRECRO - the amount of monthly rainfall required in order for runoff to
occur (cm) (used by monthly Century only)
FRACRO - the fraction of the monthly rainfall, over PRECRO, which is lost
via runoff (0.0 - 1.0) (used by monthly Century only)

The ROCK parameter is added following the CLAY parameter and is used to modify
AFIEL and AWILT values if SWFLAG is not equal to 0. Set this parameter value
to 0.0 to run a simulation with no rock effect on field capacity and wilting
point values.

The PRECRO and FRACRO parameters are added following the STORMF parameter and
are used in place of hard coded values for computing the runoff amount in
monthly Century.

The following default values are assigned to these parameters by the

conversion utility:
ROCK - 0.00000
PRECRO - 8.00000
FRACRO - 0.15000

The equation for computing the non-symbiotic soil N fixation has been changed.
This change requires a modification of the EPNFS(*) parameter values. The
following are the default values used for the EPNFS(*) parameters:
EPNFS(1) - 30.0000
EPNFS(2) - 0.01000

When modifying a monthly <SITE>.100 file for use with DayCent the following
settings are recommended and will be used here when converting the file:
STORMF = 0.0
SWFLAG = 0.0

The WD?LIG parameters are obsolete and need to be removed from the <SITE>.100
file if necessary.

*.SCH (schedule file) changes:

The user now has the option of adding comment lines to the top of a schedule
file. All of the comment lines must start with a # character and must be
stored at the top of the schedule file. There is no blank line permitted
between the last comment line and the schedule file header line containing the
start year information.

Example DayCent 4.5 schedule file with no comment lines:

1 Starting year
2002 Last year

Example DayCent 4.5 schedule file with comment lines:

# comment line 1
# comment line 2
# comment line 3
1 Starting year
2002 Last year

The user also has the ability to simulate a shift in soil pH content if
desired. If the value for PHSYS as read from the schedule file is greater
than 0 then the next line in the schedule file contains the start year for the
pH shift to begin. The optional multiplier on pH can be used to scale the
amount of pH in the soil, for example to simulate liming experiments. If the
pH shift is not being modeled a value of 0 should be read in for the PHSYS

Valid values for the pH scalar option are:

0 - No scalar used
1 - Use pH scalars

Example DayCent 4.5 schedule file header excerpt with no pH shift:

-1 CO2 Systems
0 pH shift

Example DayCent 4.5 schedule file header excerpt with pH shift:

-1 CO2 Systems
1 pH shift

The conversion utility will modify an existing Century/DayCent 4.0 schedule

file to add the header line for no pH shift.
We have also added an option to simulate soil surface temperature warming
experiments where the soil surface temperature is warmed without an increase
in the minimum and maximum air temperature values if desired. The soil
surface warming option is implemented in the same manner the CO2 effect and
the pH shift effect options. If the value for stsys as read from the schedule
file header is greater than 0 then the next line in the schedule file header
contains the start year for the soil surface warming and the following line
contains the amount to warm the soil surface temperature in degrees C.

Valid values for the soil warming option are:

0 - No soil warming
1 - Simulate soil warming

Example DayCent 4.5 schedule file header excerpt with no temperature warming
-1 CO2 Systems
0 pH shift
-1 Soil warming

Example DayCent 4.5 schedule file header excerpt with temperature warming
-1 CO2 Systems
0 pH shift
1 Soil warming

The conversion utility will modify an existing Century/DayCent 4.0 schedule

file to add the header line for no soil warming experiment.

We have added options to allow the user to use a multiplier on the N
additions, FERT and/or atmospheric N deposition, and/or OMAD additions to the
simulation to scale these additions up and/or down as desired. The
scalars are stored in the nscale.dat for FERT and/or atmospheric N deposition.
The OMAD scalars are stored in the OMADin.dat file. These two files are
optional and if the scalars are not used you do not need to have these files
in your working directory.

Valid values for the N input scalar option are:

0 - No scalar used
1 - Use scalar on FERT options only
2 - Use scalar on atmospheric N deposition only
3 - Use scalar on both FERT options and atmospheric N deposition
If the value read from the schedule file header for the N input scalar is
greater than 0 then the next line in the schedule file header contains the
year to start reading and using the N scalar values for the nscale.dat file.

Valid values for the OMAD input scalar option are:

0 - No scalar used
1 - Use OMAD scalars

Example DayCent 4.5 schedule file header excerpt with no N input or OMAD input
-1 CO2 Systems
0 pH shift
-1 Soil warming
0 N input scalar option
0 OMAD input scalar option

Example DayCent 4.5 schedule file header excerpt with N input and OMAD input
-1 CO2 Systems
0 pH shift
-1 Soil warming
0 N input scalar option
0 OMAD input scalar option

The conversion utility will modify an existing Century/DayCent 4.0 schedule

file to add the header lines for no N input or OMAD input scalars.

We have added options to allow the user to use scalars on the weather inputs
to simulate climate change scenarios. The scalars are stored in the
tmaxscale.dat, tminscale.dat, and precscale.dat for modifying minimum
temperature, maximum temperature, and/or precipitation values respectively.
The temperature scalars are addends while the precipitation scalars are

Valid values for the weather input scalar option are:

0 - No scalars used
1 - Use scalars for minimum temperature only
2 - Use scalars for maximum temperature only
3 - Use scalars for both minimum and maximum temperatures
4 - Use scalars for precipitation only
5 - Use scalars for minimum and maximum temperatures and precipitation

Example DayCent 4.5 schedule file header excerpt with no climate scalars:
-1 CO2 Systems
0 pH shift
-1 Soil warming
0 N input scalar option
0 OMAD input scalar option
0 Climate scalar option

Example DayCent 4.5 schedule file header excerpt with climate scalars:
-1 CO2 Systems
0 pH shift
-1 Soil warming
0 N input scalar option
0 OMAD input scalar option
5 Climate scalar option

The conversion utility will modify an existing Century/DayCent 4.0 schedule

file to add the header lines for no climate scalars.


The following parameters have been added to the SITEPAR.IN file for
parameterizing a water table simulation:
drainlag - number of days between rainfall event and drainage of
soil (-1=computed)
watertable[12] - 0 = no water table, 1 = water table
hpotdeep - hydraulic water potential of deep storage layer
ksatdeep - saturated hydraulic conductivity of deep storage layer
These variables follow the hours_rain variable.

The texture input value read from the file is no longer being used.
The texture value used by the decomposition subroutine is computed based on
the weighted average of sand in the top 3 soil layers.

The texture input parameter has been replaced by the tbotmn and tbotmx
paramters. The line containing these parameter values follows the fraction of
N fertilizer that is nitrate, frac_no3_fert, line.
tbotmn - minimum temperature for bottom soil layer for year (degrees C)
tbotmx - maximum temperature for bottom soil layer for year (degrees C)
Both parameter values are entered on the same line, separated by a space.

The dmp input parameter has been added to this file. It follows the tbotmn
and tbotmx parameters. This parameter is a time step, or damping, correction
factor that relates to how fast the heat gets into/out of the soil.
dmp - damping factor for calculating soil temperature by layer

The timlag parameter has been added to this file. This parameter represents
the time lag, in days, from the beginning of the year to the occurrence of the
coolest temperature at the bottom of the soil profile. The timlag parameter
follows the damping factor for calculating soil temperature by layer
timlag - time lag, in days, from the beginning of the year to the
occurrence of the coolest temperature at the of the bottom soil

Add the Ncoeff parameter to this file. This parameter represents the minimum
water/temperature limitation coefficient for nitrification. This parameter
value is used to modify the value for the amount of NH4 that is converted to
NO3 due to nitrification. It follows the timlag parameter.
Ncoeff - minimum water/temperature limitation coefficient for

The start day and end day added to this file allow the user to turn off the
respiration restraint on denitrification during the days of the year the fall
between the given days. These parameters follow the entries for the soil
layers comprising the very deep depths.

The fraction of N fertilizer that is ammonimum and the fraction of N

fertilizer that is nitrate values have been removed from this file and added
to the FERT.100 file.

A new nitrification N2O adjustment factor parameter has been added to this
file. This factor is a used as a multiplier on the nitrification rates and
should be given a value between 0.0 and 1.0.
N2Oadjust - nitrification N2O adjustment factor (0.0-1.0)

We are no longer using the shallow, intermediate, deep, and very deep soil
depths to calculate a weighted average value to be used when calculating
transpiration. As a result the file has been modified to remove
the input that defines these layers.

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