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ISBN- 10: 0 7641- 1463-8-

ISBN- 13 : 978-0 -7641- 1463
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^^bou Furchase, Care
tritidhpBefta ibri and Housing*
e.d. wi th- FgJI -col o r Ptioto

Understanding Tarantula Basics 17 Commonly Available
Tarantulas 5 Species 41
What Are Tarantulas? 5 Why Do You Want a Understanding Systematic 41
Where Are Tarantulas Tarantula? 17
Species Accounts
* 45
Found? 5 Buying a Tarantula 17
Box: Tarantulas
A Bad Reputation 6 Housing 20 and the Law 59
Tarantula Anatomy 7 Substrates 22
Predators of the Tarantula 11 Cage Types 25 Breeding Tarantulas 73

Lifestyles of the Cage Pests 31

Big and Hairy 14 Tarantula Food 34
Sex and the Single
Tarantula 73
Tarantula Defense 15 Diet 34
Getting a Pair 73
The Molt 36
Consenting Adults? 76
HOW-TO: Handling
The Big Night 78
Your Tarantula 38
After Mating 79


Rearing Babies 85 Catching Food and Caring Other Arachnids 97

for Your Sick Tarantula 89
Starting Out 85 What 's for Dinner? 89 Other Spiders 97
When to Separate Finding Commercial Scorpions 102
the Spiderlings 85 Sources 89 Those Weird Spider
Housing Spiderlings 86 HOW-TO: Caring for Relatives 106
Feeding 87 Your Sick Tarantula 94
Information 109

Index 110


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I'aranfit Ias arc legendary creatures.
In addition la their awesome size anil aaii/ ae
hairiness , there is aIways a inyslii/ ue attached
to tarantulas that evokes in our minds the
exotic deserts and jungles of the world.

door spiders, purseweb spiders, and others as

What Are Tarantulas ? well as tarantulas), and finally the tarantula
Amazingly, despite their infamy, there is very family Theraphosidae. In this book, I will use
little known about tarantula biology. The pri ¬ the name tarantula to refer to members of the
mary reason for the biological obscurity of family Theraphosidae, and no others. (This
tarantulas is that few people perform research needs pointing out as some authors refer to
on the group. Even taxonomy, which is rela ¬ all mygalomorph spiders as tarantulas.) Other
tively well known for other spiders, is poorly than sheer size, tarantulas are set apart from
understood because tarantula anatomy is not as the rest of the spiders by having the following
variable as that of other spiders, which makes it combination of characteristics:
harder to make rules for identification. In spite 1. They breathe using two pair of book
of all this, tarantulas are currently among the lungs (a type of respiratory organ described
most popular of the nontraditional pets. Keep ¬ on page 11);
ing a tarantula gives a window on worlds we 2. They have fangs that move up and down
did not even dream existed, the vast realm of instead of sideways (like all other spiders) ; and
invertebrate diversity. By keeping and observing 3. They have two claws and adhesive pads
one of these beautiful animals, we will learn a on each foot.
little about life among that multitude of other,
rarely seen animals. Where Are Tarantulas
Tarantulas are in the class Arachnida { which
includes ticks, mites, scorpions, harvestmen, Found ?
and others), order Araneae (all spiders), infra ¬ There are about 850 species worldwide.
order Mygalomorphae ( which includes trap- Tarantulas are found in the tropical and sub ¬

tropical regions of the world. Their range

The sliinninjt lesserbtack liiriinliiln (Xenesthis includes Africa and Madagascar, parts of the
iiiimanis) is rarely arailabte because exports Middle East, southern Europe, southern Asia,
from Colombia are currently banned. the Indo-Pacific region, Australia, northern

I Ito e.vternal anatomy of a laranlala.

dorsal ( lop) rieir.
(41:W V
' / . peilipalp
2. rhelieera
ft VWi 1. eyes
4. troelianter
/ ro.ra
hvl Rar' 6. spinnerets


> 4

3 " abdomen
5. larsas

10 tibia
/ / . patella
12. femur
. .
13 rephalolhora r .
Y bite. It has been proposed that real or imag ¬

ined tarantula bites were used as an excuse to

dance wildly, something the Church frowned
upon at the time. The memory of this big, bad
wolf spider was brought to the Americas by
Europeans, and the name tarantula was quickly
applied to a totally different type of spider:
New Zealand, some of the Micronesian Islands spiders in the family Theraphosidae. Perhaps
( Ponape, Palau), all of Central and South the first recorded use of the name tarantula
America, parts of the Caribbean, and the for these New World spiders is in a narrative
United States north to central California and by Jonathan Stedman, a British adventurer and
east to the Mississippi River. mercenary, traveling in Suriname ( in north ¬

eastern South America) in the 1770s in his

Narrative of a Five Years Expedition. During his
A Bad Reputation travels Stedman was shown a large hairy spider
The tarantula 's bad reputation began in in a bottle that he described as being dark
southern Europe during the Middle Ages with brown in color and having a leg span of over
a large burrowing wolf spider Lycosa 8 inches (20.3 cm). Based on his description,
tarentula, which was thought to be danger ¬ this spider was probably the goliath birdeater
ously venomous. The name tarantula derives tarantula Theraphosa blondi. Stedman noted
from the city of Taranto in northern Italy, and that the spider was misnamed " tarantula " by
a popular dance, the Tarantella, which was the Surinamese. There is some argument over
supposed to cure the effects of a tarantula's what popular name to use for theraphosid spi-


The external anatomy of n

tarantula, realral (bottom) l ira' .

/ . rhelieera
- f"" it
I. labium

4. sternum
5. (ienitul aperture
6. anus

v w
7. spinnerets
5. bool; Inna
*) maxilla

ders. Alternatives include tarantula, birdeating

spider, mygale, baboon spider, monkey spider, on Amazonian travels by English naturalist
and on and on. Most of the furor is over the Henry Walter Bates published in 1866 in A
fact that the name tarantula was initially Naturalist on the Rivers Amazon, depicting a
applied to a wolf spider. Wolf spiders are not pinktoe tarantula eating a sparrow, led to
closely related to the large, hairy theraphosid British naturalists adopting the name birdeat ¬

spiders we now call tarantulas. However, the ing spider and drawing a sharp distinction
wolf spider from southern Europe ( Lycosa tar - between these supposed bird eaters and the
entula) does look something like a tarantula wolf spiders called tarantulas in Europe. How ¬

and digs a burrow like many tarantulas do. ever, this dramatic birdeating behavior is
When Europeans started to settle the New almost certainly rare in the wild. Tarantulas
World, the name tarantula was already firmly will eat almost anything they can catch and
established in the popular mythology of spi ¬ hang onto, but since they are mostly active at
ders. The first of what are now called tarantu ¬ night, they will not often come across spar ¬

las ( the family Theraphosidae) was not brought rows or hummingbirds, which are active during
to the attention of scientists until 1705 when the day. For better or worse, the name taran ¬

Maria Sibylla Merian, a Swiss naturalist visiting tula is now widely accepted as applying to the
Suriname, included a painting of a large, hairy big, hairy theraphosids we find so fascinating.
spider eating a hummingbird in her book on
the insects of Suriname. This tarantula was the
pinktoe tarantula. In fact, the Latin genus Tarantula Anatomy
name it was given, Avicularia, refers to bird Tarantula anatomy is basically the same as
eating ( Avi- = bird ; -cularia = eating). Her that of the small house spider living in a web
readers in Europe were horrified at the idea under your bathroom sink. Spiders are arthro ¬

that a spider could turn the tables and eat a pods and have an exoskeleton. This exoskeleton
bird. Merian's picture, as well as one in a book is made up of cuticle, a material that is strong,

waterproof, and lightweight. Everything you is a small, oval, raised area. Despite all these
see when you look at a tarantula is cuticle, eyes, tarantulas can hardly see at all; they rely
even the hairs. These hairs are technically almost entirely on touch, taste, and smell to
called setae and are projections of the cuticle; perceive their world. They do not smell using
they do not grow out of follicles the way any kind of nose but have organs on their feet
mammalian hair does. for perceiving airborne chemicals and humid ¬

All spiders have two main body divisions: ity. There are also chemically sensitive hairs on
the front section, called the cephalothorax the legs and pedipalps that act as taste organs.
(also called the prosoma by some sources), and Inside the abdomen are all the rest of the
the rear end, called the abdomen (sometimes vital organs: the rest of the digestive tract, the
referred to as the opisthosoma). These two heart (a muscular tube that runs the length of
parts are joined by a narrow waist called a the top of the abdomen), the book lungs, the
pedicel. Unlike insects (and spiders in some silk - producing organs, and the reproductive
cartoons), spiders have no separate head and organs.
neck or antennae. All the main appendages Tarantula blood is very different from the
attach to the cephalothorax — the eight legs, blood of vertebrates (animals with backbones).
the food- handling feet called the pedipalps, Tarantula blood is called hemolymph and is a
and the mouth parts. The mouth parts include clear, sometimes pale blue or yellow color.
the muscular fang bases and the attached The book lungs are so named because inter¬
backward- pointing fangs, which together form nally they look like the pages of a book. Each
the chelicerae. The tarantula 's venom glands lung is a folded area of the cuticle that allows
are inside the basal part. The first part of the the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide
digestive tract and what the tarantula has for between the blood that flows between the
a brain are inside the cephalothorax. " pages" (or lamellae) and the atmosphere on
On top, near the front, the tarantula has the other side of the thin membrane of each
eight little eyes on the ocular tubercle, which " page." This gas exchange is passive. Tarantulas
cannot breathe using any kind of movement of
% the leaves of the book lung.
The small fingerlike projections from the end
of the abdomen are spinnerets, which the spi ¬

der uses to secrete silk. You can see these wave

- i in the air when the tarantula is walking
around. If you look closely you can see the
strands of silk that they leave behind them to
0. mark their passage.
( losr -
uii of o female Pertirinn liloinl
r- flaSK? Inritaliilii (I .asiodoridcs polyciispalalus).



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I matin!' pair of Texax tan tarantulas the drop of sperm and draw it up into the bulb
( Aphuiinpclnin ana \). The male is for later use. Tarantulas mate face to face; the
reach in" under the female. male reaches under the female and inserts the
embolus into the female's genital aperture. It is
Tarantula Sex fairly easy to spot the modified pedipalps of the
Spider sex has an unusual twist to it as males males as they are club shaped instead of
transfer sperm indirectly using their secondary pointed like one of the feet. Most adult male
sexual organs. The primary genital organ for all tarantulas also have tibial spurs on the under ¬

spiders is on the underside of the abdomen side of the first pair of legs at the end of the
near the front of the body. However, when they tibia ( there are rare exceptions to this). You will
mature, male spiders develop uniquely modified definitely want to be able to recognize adult
pedipalps to transfer the sperm to the female. male tarantulas, as they do not make good
The last joint of the pedipalps develops into a pets. One of the main reasons is that, upon
complicated bulblike structure called the cym - maturation, many male tarantulas have only
bium bearing the bulb and embolus, which several months to live. In contrast, females can
function together like a syringe. After they go on to live for many years; there are records
mature, male tarantulas spin a little hammock of 20 years or more in the case of tarantulas
of silk (called a sperm web), deposit a drop of from the American Southwest. It is difficult to
sperm from their genital aperture onto it, and sex immature tarantulas without shed skins
then dip the business end of the embolus into (see page 36).

The internal anatomy
of a tarantula with
the major organ
1 venom gland
2. sucking stomach
2. heart
4. gut
/, i .
5 spinnerets
6. silk glands
7 ovary
S. book lung
6 9. esophagus
8 10. ganglion (what
9 10
the spider has
for a bruin)
11. eyes

Digestion their prey by using a combination of venom

Spiders have external digestion. This means and digestive juices. Tarantulas also grind up
that what they actually swallow is a predi ¬ the prey item into a type of meatball and
gested and highly nutritious soup. They digest alternatively suck in the digested part and
regurgitate more digestive fluids onto the rest.
A hungry tarantula can take hours to finish a
Tarantula Ecology large prey item but they can do a very thor¬
Tarantulas spend their days in silk-lined ough job. Less-hungry tarantulas may leave
retreats and hunt by emerging at dusk and sit ¬
behind leftovers.
ting (usually half in and half out of the
retreat) and waiting for something to pass by.
All spiders (and most arachnids) are strict car¬
American tarantulas can take up to 10 years
nivores. The only exceptions are mites, many
to mature (depending on the species and food
of which feed on plants, and harvestmen (also
availability), and, as mentioned above, the
called daddylonglegs), which will occasionally
scavenge Most of the wandering done by females can live for 20 years beyond that. The
tarantulas is by mature males in search of tropical species have a higher metabolic rate and
mating opportunities. Being such stay-at- mature faster, with most species taking two to
homes means that they have to take their prey three years to mature. Tarantulas have evolved a
as it comes, rather than go looking for it. life strategy of patience-waiting for prey, defer

ring reproduction, and reproducing only once a

all spiders, tarantulas extend their legs using
UP blood pressure rather than muscles and losing
4 water from the body lowers the tarantula's
5$ blood pressure. What can then happen is that
even a mildly thirsty tarantula may not be able
to walk if it does not get a drink.

Another tarantula feature that is considered
77r <* fangs of most spiders (in the spider sub¬ "old -fashioned " is the
way that the fangs
order Araneoinorp /iae) articulate from side - attach to the body. All spiders in the spider
to - side. This may give them greater grasping infraorder Mygalomorphae (which includes
power when they bite prey. tarantulas) have fangs that move up and
down. In contrast, the more modern spiders'
year when they do breed. Tarantula longevity is fangs move from side to side, which means
part of what makes them such good spider pets. that they act like pincers when grabbing prey.
Most common spiders measure out their lives in Tarantula fangs do not close on anything but
months, not years. are used to stab and pull the prey against the
body. This is thought to be less efficient as
Respiratory Organs tarantulas cannot grab prey as easily or safely
Tarantulas are considered primitive by many as other spiders.
arachnologists sort of spider dinosaurs

because they have anatomic features that are
considered old fashioned by spider biologists. Predators of the Tarantula
One of these is their respiratory organs. All Tarantulas may seem to be big and nasty
tarantulas breathe using two pair of book lungs, enough that nothing in the deserts or jungles
which are on the underside of the abdomen where they live would want to mess with them.
toward the front of the spider. Most common However, their large size makes a nice meal for
spiders use tracheae in addition to one pair of
book lungs. Tracheae are tubes that lead from
the outside deep into the body. The problem
with book lungs (compared with tracheae) is /
that they lose a lot of water due to evaporation.
This causes problems for tarantulas because, like
Tarantula fangs articulate vertically,
rather than from side - lo - side. This is
a characteristic of the spider sab - order ’4
\h gulomorphue .


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I " ianl / nan/uUid iras / j llial specializes in I / linhloe laranlnla (Avieularia avieularia )
haul in/! anil /nirasitizin" I lie " ianl " olialli sits in her retreat in a curled banana leaf .
binlealer laranlnla.

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I close - a/> of an ada!I male ( hi Iran com man An miniI female she!elan laranlnla
laranlnla (( ramniostola rosea). (Kplioliopus iniirinits).


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I ;/ lulu 11 female ( hilean common tnriinliiln

Ail tnlnll male skeleton tiiriinlnln
( < rammoslola rosea ). ( l . plichopiis murimis).

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I / / inliill female I' eriiriiin bloml liiriinliilii Ailnll female Costa Itienn li"errnm/ i
( l .asiodorides polycuspidaliis) . tarantula ( ( . yrloslerniim lasrialuai )
one of the most beauti ful of all tarantulas.


many kinds of predator. The coatimundi { Nasua under environmental features such as logs or
spp., a tropical relative of the raccoon) is known rocks for retreat construction. The actual
to be an avid predator of tarantulas in parts of retreat is not usually heavily lined with silk
its range One of the most dangerous enemies and is variable in size. Examples of opportunis ¬

are wasps in the family Pompilidae (Peps/s sp.), tic burrowers are the large South American
which specializes in hunting tarantulas. The tarantulas: goliath birdeater tarantulas, Colom¬
female wasp paralyzes the tarantula with a bian lesserblack tarantulas, and some smaller
sting and then often stashes the stunned but species like Haitian brown tarantulas.
living tarantula's body in the tarantula's own Obligate burrowers: The term obligate
retreat and lays an egg on it. Definitely a case means to be required or obliged to do some ¬

of adding insult to injury! The wasp egg thing. Obligate burrowers are those species that
hatches into a little wasp grub that feeds on have a specific burrow type that they construct
the flesh of the living tarantula (adult pompilid themselves, rarely modifying preexisting struc ¬

wasps eat nectar and fruit). The size of the tures as do the opportunistic burrowers. Exam ¬

adult wasp is correlated with the size of its lar¬ ples of obligate burrowers are Mexican blond
val host as the wasp can only grow when it is a tarantulas found in the Sonoran desert as well
larva. Because the goliath birdeating tarantula as tropical species like Thailand black tarantulas
is the largest of tarantulas, its wasp nemesis is and skeleton tarantulas. Silk use is variable.
about the size of a sparrow! I have twice seen Some tarantulas extend the silk lining into a
the wasps that specialize in goliath birdeater trumpet-shaped collar at the entrance that may
tarantulas in the French Guiana rain forest in also incorporate leaves and twigs.
northeastern South America. Arboreals: The term arboreal means living in
trees; however, as I am using it here it refers to
Lifestyles of the living off the ground. Arboreal tarantulas build
a silk retreat on cliff faces, road banks, and
Big and Hairy trees, as well as buildings. Arboreal tarantulas
Tarantulas need to stay at home in the safety generally have specific adaptations for climb ¬

of their silk-lined retreat during the day in order ing such as broad, flattened foot surfaces on
to escape the heat of the sun and predators. the tarsi and metatarsi. Examples are Trinidad
Tarantulas have adapted by building sophisti¬ chevron tarantulas, pinktoe tarantulas, and
cated silk-lined retreats. Different species have Trinidad mahogany tarantulas. There is a slight
different habitat requirements for their retreats, division of substrate use among the arboreals.
which range from the rain forest canopy to bur ¬
For instance, pinktoe tarantulas are not known
rows in the desert soil. You will need to keep the to use road banks, whereas the Trinidad
ecology of your tarantula in mind when you chevron tarantulas do not favor foliage.
decide how to keep it. Here I have categorized Adaptable species like pinktoes may be com ¬

these retreat types into three main types: monly found living on agricultural crops (such
Opportunistic burrowers: Species that as bananas and pineapples) as well as on
modify preexisting burrows or use crevices houses and other human structures.

Tarantula Defense mammals, while others affect only large verte ¬

No tarantula venom is known to be lethal to brates like humans. There have been reports of
humans; however, while no tarantula has so serious eye inflammation from urticating hairs,
far been found to be deadly, they certainly so take great care when working with those
have a lot of venom and you should be very species with more potent hairs such as the
careful if you decide to handle the more goliath birdeater or Mexican redknee tarantu ¬

aggressive species. You would not want to find las. Those species that lack the hairs, such as
out the hard way that you are sensitive to all those from the Old World and a few New
tarantula venom. There is evidence that some World exceptions such as Trinidad chevron
of the Old World species, such as the orna ¬ tarantulas, are far more aggressive and prone
mental tarantulas (see Species Accounts, to biting. When annoyed, many tarantulas can
beginning on page 45), have more potent also make a warning noise by rubbing special ¬

venom than previously known for tarantulas. ized structures on the appendages together.
At the very least, a tarantula bite should be Most of these sound- producing structures are
cleaned the same way as any animal bite and found on the chelicerae and leg bases. An
kept under close watch for signs of inflamma ¬ interesting exception is the goliath birdeating
tion and infection. If any systemic symptoms tarantula, which uses special hairs on the por ¬

appear, seek immediate medical attention. tions of its legs and pedipalps (the femora).
Although tarantulas possess a large amount The goliath birdeating tarantula rubs its legs
of venom, biting is not the first line of defense and pedipalps together when annoyed, making
for many; they rely on hiding in the security of a loud hissing noise.
their retreat. Most New World species also
have an amazing defense against preda ¬

tors — they throw darts. These "darts" are

called urticating hairs (urticating is a med¬
ical term that means irritating or inflaming). k
Tarantula urticating hairs rely on mechanical
irritation, functioning like microscopic por¬
4 i )
i i
cupine quills. Interestingly, the hairs are
found only on New World tarantulas, and
most New World tarantulas have them. They
apparently may be very specific and some
irritate the nasal passages of only small m>
I pinkloe tarantula (Aviculuria avicularia)
returns to its retreat on a tree trunk . This is
an e rumple of an arboreal retreat . Most
arboreal tarantulas spin loaf' ll silken lubes
to hide in during the day. *
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( 'hoosing atarantula ran he a lot like choosing
a dog. Do you ironl a happy pet that is easy
to get along u' ifh such as a Golden Helriever ,
or are yon interested in something exotic hut
harder to handle, such as a a' olf- dog hybrid?
Head on for details.

Why Do You Want close, to watch it eat, and occasionally handle

a Tarantula ? it. At that stage an American desert tarantula
Ideally, you bought this book before you met my needs. I suggest that unless you have
bought your first tarantula and can choose lots of experience with other small tropical ani ¬

your first spider based on what you want the mals with similar needs (such as small reptiles
spider for, rather than accommodating an or amphibians), you begin with one of the com ¬

unsuitable pet. Tarantulas, like any other group mon, hardy spiders from the southwestern
of animals, vary from species to species and United States, Central America, or Chile. This list
individual to individual in their behavior. There of tarantulas includes any from the United
are over 850 tarantula species in the world, States, the large and beautiful tarantulas in the
and a large proportion of these are available genus Braehypelma from Central America like
from the pet trade and breeders. Unfortu¬ redrump tarantulas or redknee tarantulas, the
nately, most tarantula species are just too pretty and hardy Costa Rican zebra tarantulas
active and aggressive ever to handle safely; from Central America, and finally the Chilean
however, the good news is that many of the common tarantula from Chile (see chapter on
hardiest species also make the best pets. When Commonly Available Species, beginning on page
I say pets, I mean animals you can handle and 41). If you and your first spider get along, then
can keep healthy and happy in a simple, easy - you can later diversify your collection and even
to- clean cage. In contrast, keeping one of the
try to breed your own tarantulas.
more aggressive tarantulas is similar to keeping
tropical fish in that they are beautiful animals
you can admire only through glass.
So, what do you want this big, hairy spider
Buying a Tarantula
for ? When I began with tarantulas I was happy This is a great time to be getting interested
to get to see such a big, unusual critter up in tarantula keeping as the variety of species
available is greater than it has ever been — and
getting wider. Today you can easily find species
A I’nnmna blond Inrnnlnla (Psalmopoeus that were either totally unheard of or legendary
pulelicr) rests on llic side of a tree. among tarantula enthusiasts just a few years


ago. Many people are breeding a wide variety dealers. If you get onto the World Wide Web
of spiders, and you have the option of buying a and do a search using the keyword tarantula,
captive-bred hatchling or a wild-caught adult. you will quickly find hundreds of web sites
Raising a pet tarantula from hatching can be an devoted to tarantulas, including dealers. You can
exciting challenge, but remember to be sure of also look for print ads in the arachnid and rep¬
having a regular supply of small food items tile hobbyist magazines. Several long-term
until it is large enough to eat the more com ¬ tarantula dealers with excellent reputations in
monly available prey species (see the section on the United States offer amazing selections as
foods and feeding, beginning on page 34). Very well as excellent expertise. Additionally, more
young tarantulas should be fed at least twice a individuals whose reliability is not yet estab

week for optimal growth. lished are also doing it on the side. Getting
amazing deals buying directly from other private
Beginning the Search breeders is possible. Getting badly burned is also
To begin your search for a tarantula you possible! An added advantage to forming a good
should try canvassing your local pet shops for relationship with a tarantula dealer is that you
the kind of tarantulas they have on hand. Most will have a wholesale outlet for your own spi-
shops now carry at least some of the less- derlings. Housing and feeding several hundred
expensive types. Any store catering to the trade spiderlings can be a daunting task. Selling them
in reptiles should also have tarantulas. Face it, all one or two at a time to private buyers can
those of us who like tarantulas also tend to be also be hard work. I have found it best to let the
intrigued with reptiles and amphibians (and vice professionals sell the spiders in small numbers,
versa). I hope you already frequent a favorite and I will sell off (or offer for trade) entire
pet shop with proprietors you trust. They may be clutches of tarantulas to the dealers. Dealers
the same folks who sold you your first gerbil generally offer less than half the retail value
when you were younger. I suggest you look over for spiderlings in trade and slightly less (if any

the tarantulas at several stores and get a feel for thing) in cash. However, it can take the sting
the variety of spiders available. Check over the out of finding out your spiderlings are worth
condition and temperament of the tarantulas only 50 cents each if you can send them off
they have. Obviously, pet shop proprietors can ¬ in lots of 100!
not be experts on all the kinds of critters they
sell; therefore, unless you are lucky, you will Distinguishing Male from Female
probably have to be self-informed. When you finally go tarantula shopping, be
sure you can tell an adult male from immatures
Mail-order Tarantulas and adult females. You will want to avoid buy ¬

It is always best to make a tarantula purchase ing an adult male tarantula, as males do not
in person. Flowever, if you live in an area where live nearly as long as females. This is tied to the
no pet shops are willing to sell tarantulas or you ecology of the sexes: males leave their burrows
desire one of the more unusual, hard-to- find or retreats to look for females when they
species, you will need to turn to mail- order mature. These males wander for miles, burn out,

. 1
and then die (preferably offer having mated).
The females stay at home and conserve their The Tools of the Trade
energies for producing eggs. The rule so far There are three items that you will find
seems to be that female tarantulas live three indispensable for tarantula keeping:
times as long as the males, from egg to grave. The first is a pair of jumbo tweezers
Unfortunately, it is tricky to tell the sex of sold by surgical supply houses and some
immature tarantulas, as both immature males advanced reptile suppliers. These large for¬
and females look and act pretty much alike. ceps are usually 11 inches (28 cm) long and
chrome plated. They are very handy for
Inspecting Your Choice feeding and cage cleaning. Particularly if
you acquire any of the more aggressive
After having found several tarantulas to
tarantula species, a pair of these will make
look over, check for missing legs, shrunken or
feeding and cleaning the cage much less
bald abdomens, and continually pacing spiders.
exciting (and I consider the excitement of
While tarantulas can regenerate missing legs risking a tarantula bite something to
when they molt, missing legs can be symptoms avoid!).
of mishandling or excessive climbing and The second useful tool is a plastic pump
falling in the cage. Tarantulas in nature are not spray bottle. These misters (or atomizers) are
athletic; they mostly just sit and wait for a indispensable for humidifying a cage. You
hapless bug to wander by. They are the ulti ¬
can usually buy these at any hardware or
mate couch potatoes, and a happy tarantula is garden supply store. I strongly recommend
sitting still or grooming itself. A pacing spider using distilled water in tarantula cages that
may be exhibiting signs of maladaptation to you spray regularly, as mineral deposits will
captivity. Also, does this spider have a nice, full form over time if you use tap water. Be
abdomen or is it shriveled up ? Though taran ¬
aware that many spiders do not like being
tula species vary in body shape, the abdomen directly sprayed with a mister.
should always be as big or bigger than the The third item is a large, long-handled
cephalothorax. A small abdomen is also a char ¬ spoon or other kitchen utensil that can be
acteristic of adult males. If it has a skinny butt, used to remove prey remains, mix and
check the palps and first pair of legs again for rearrange the substrate, coax an aggressive
male equipment. A good meal may be all the spider to move to the back of the cage, and
spider needs, but then again it may not be add new substrate.
adapting well to captivity. Interestingly, a
skinny tarantula is probably not suffering from
internal parasites. Very little is known about a-hundred chance of finding your pet dead
spider pathology; however, the most common one day and a bizarre fly maggot emerging
kinds of spider parasites are parasitoid wasps .
from it There are also nematode worms that
and flies that ultimately kill their hosts and parasitize spiders, but, again, internal parasites
cannot be cured. These types of internal para¬ are not the problem for tarantulas that they
sites are rare, and you have less than a one-in- are for imported vertebrates.


Xeir hi runI nIn species appear in Ilie pel

Iraile regularly. This Asian beauty is called

* >
* IM
K- '•
> Cyriopagopus thorelli. / / is sa far only
rarely available la hobbyists.

eventually fail to live and thrive. I have had

i this happen several times when I acquired
1 m tarantulas directly from importers. In all these
¥M cases, the spiders looked fine and even

r #
attacked prey. However over a period of weeks,
they failed to gain weight and became weak,
eventually dying. In the final stages, many of
them got infestations of scuttle fly maggots
Bald abdomens in tarantulas can mean that around the mouth. Because no veterinarian is
the spider has a bad attitude (or is an older trained to treat spiders, the best I could do was
male). Most species of tarantulas from the New question the importers. Based on what they
World have urticating hairs on their abdomens told me, I could only conclude that the spiders
that they shed in defense when they are had been badly dehydrated at some point in
annoyed (see page 15). These hairs are replaced transit. This dehydration may have damaged
only when the spider molts and gets a new their mouth and / or stomach, leading to the
cuticle. All the species I recommend for begin ¬ maggot infestations (called myiasis ) or the
ners have urticating hairs. This is because those damaged tissue and death. However, this is
tarantula species that have these hairs also purely conjecture on my part.
tend to have calmer temperaments, perhaps
because they rely more on their hairs for
defense than biting. Particularly reactive or Housing
high-strung tarantulas will shed these hairs at Housing for a tarantula can be as elaborate
the least provocation; they will reach up with as you want. One nice thing about tarantulas
their last pair of legs and flick the hairs off is that they do not destroy plants so if you are
with a quick brushing motion. Jittery individu ¬
into naturalistic vivaria, spiders are perfect. On
als like this make poor pets if you want an ani ¬ the other hand, if you want to keep it simple,
mal you can handle. They are more prone to do tarantulas do not need much either. Because in
even more unfriendly things, such as making a nature tarantulas live out their lives in and
run for it or even biting. around a burrow or retreat, they just do not
need much room. In fact, too much room
Shipping Syndrome could be a disadvantage-in a large, airy cage,
Occasionally when you buy freshly imported they may feel insecure and spend a lot of time
tarantulas, you will be confronted with speci ¬
pacing in search of a retreat. Tarantulas should
mens that seem to be in fine health but will always be housed alone. It is important to


remember that all tarantulas are potential Tarantulas must always have water. Even
cannibals. Never put more than one individual though they do not always have water in the
in a cage, no matter how well fed they are; it wild, your home is not the wild and your living
is all but certain that one day there will only room in the winter is probably drier than any
be one very fat spider. There are interesting desert. Spiders in the wild can drink from a
exceptions to this rule for two genera of arbo ¬ variety of sources, but in your living room in a
real tarantula, but more about that in the fol ¬ cage, you have to provide the water. Some
lowing chapter. species of tarantula can go over two years
Some people use tank dividers (marketed for with no food, but they must have water. I
fish keeping) to save on caging costs and always use a shallow dish, such as a glass ash ¬
space. This is inhumane and generally ends up tray. Some people put a sponge in the water
being false economy. Tank dividers are a very believing that the spider needs to suck the
poor idea for tarantula keeping because of the water from the sponge. This is not true, but
antisocial tendencies of tarantulas. These one advantage of a sponge in the water is that
dividers are not spider proof ! They are not food crickets will not drown if they fall in.
sealed around the edge, but hang in place with Humidity should be around 70 to 80 percent
clips. Eventually, one will go over or around for tropical species, lower for tarantulas from
the partition with disastrous results. If you drier areas ( 40 to 50 percent). For the tropical
must divide a larger tank, have a piece of glass tarantulas keep the substrate moist at all
cut to fit at a glass shop and firmly fix it in times, but not so moist that there is condensa ¬

place using the type of silicon caulking sold to tion on the inside of the cage.
repair aquarium tanks. There should always be airflow in and out
of the tank. Never totally seal a cage, such as
Humidity by covering it with a piece of glass. You can
The first thing to keep in mind with taran ¬ control the humidity in a cage by regulating
tula keeping is humidity. Even tarantulas from airflow. For aquaria with screen lids this can be
the harshest deserts spend most of their time
in deep burrows that are much cooler and ' 22
moister than surface conditions. Tropical
tarantulas are just not able to take extreme
environmental conditions, although those from
desert regions are a little hardier. So, if you are
going to keep a tropical tarantula in a simple
cage with no retreat, then you will have to be
more careful about humidity:

The Mexican fireleg tarantula
* mi dflv
( ISrachypelma Ixiehini) is one of the mm: it
most beautiful of the Mexican tarantulas . %

done by partially covering the lid with plastic as it gets into the mid to upper 90s° F (mid to
and misting with a handheld sprayer of the upper 30s° C). Over 100° F (upper 30°s to 40s° C)
type sold for spraying plants. It is better to use and you will have a dead spider. If you have to
distilled water rather than tap water as the keep one or several tarantulas warm in the win¬
minerals in tap water will eventually leave ter, try using low - watt bulbs on individual
mineral deposits on the sides of the cage. If cages, or get a larger tank to place the smaller
your tarantula has a retreat the cage can be individual cages in and heat that.
kept drier, as the air in the retreat will be You can see that keeping many tarantula
moister than the ambient air. This is one of species successfully means walking a thin line
the advantages of keeping tarantulas in more with regard to temperature and humidity. Tem ¬

naturalistic accommodations. perature and humidity interact to create the cli ¬

mate in the cage (remember the old adage, "It

Temperature ain't the heat, it's the humidity"?). Some taran¬
The second thing to keep in mind is tempera ¬ tulas are more tolerant of fluctuating conditions
ture. Tarantulas do not need to be as warm as than others. I have pointed out the species that
you might think, but there are limits. For tropi ¬ are hardiest and those that are more finicky. Be
cal species the mid to upper 70s°F (20s° C) are very careful with these variables when you are
fine. You can keep North American tarantulas housing the tropical tarantulas, as there is no
and the Chilean species cooler than this, but getting around the importance of temperature
they will not usually eat if they get down into and humidity with these animals.
the 60s° F (less than 20s°C). Keeping tarantulas
warmer will mean that they will eat more and,
if immature, grow faster. Unfortunately, items Substrates
marketed to warm up reptiles will not work well
for tarantulas, as tarantulas do not like their Soil
habitat to be as warm as that of lizards. Most Soil is a surprisingly complicated material.
heat products designed for reptiles provide hot It ain’t just dirt! Soil varies in how much mois- r
spots so the reptile can warm up and move off ture it will hold and how friable it is (or how
when it gets too warm. Unfortunately, tarantu ¬
hard it becomes when it dries). Because most
las do not bask like lizards, so you will have to tarantulas live out their lives in or on the soil
forget a hot rock. Hot rocks will also dry out a surface, you need to pay attention to what
tank very quickly, leading to water stress. Using you put into your tarantula 's cage. You can
incandescent lights is risky as it will also dry the either use commercially available bagged pot ¬

spider out. If you go this route, be very careful ting soil or topsoil, or you can go dig up some
with bulb wattage. Use a low-watt bulb and natural soil to use as substrate. You have little ,
always check the temperature with a ther¬ reason to sterilize the soil because the second „
mometer. An undertank heater is an option, but the soil is exposed to the air, it begins to get
if you use one, also use deep substrate to keep colonized by all the things that you were
the warmth diffused. A spider will get stressed trying to kill such as mold spores and mites . 1

Gardeners want their potting soil sterilized to Things never to use are any of the commer ¬

kill weed seeds, and this is not a worry for cially available small-animal beddings (corn
tarantula keepers. However, fungi and mites cob, pine or cedar shavings, Aspen bedding, or
can be a problem. Surprisingly, I have found sawdust) or paper as these will all quickly grow
that I have had fewer problems with pests by mold when kept moist. Also, cedar bedding
using natural soil. This may seem counterintu ¬ contains toxic oils that repel and kill inverte¬
itive. However, by having a natural array of soil brates. Cedar is used in cedar closets for a rea-
organisms in the tank, they may keep each son-it repels moths that damage clothes.
other in check. If you have freshly sterilized All the substrates I recommended were
soil, the first things to colonize will take over developed primarily for gardening. All are pot ¬

as they have it all to themselves. For instance, ting media or are used to condition potting
the worst fungal growth I have ever had has media, and primarily act to retain water. Thus,
been in cages I lined with sterilized peat moss your best source is a well-equipped garden
and bark chips. In these cages, I had white, supply store. Many pet retailers sell moss and
wooly looking mats of fungus growing all over bark chips marketed for reptile keeping, but
the substrate. Other cages that had the same, gardening suppliers are generally cheaper. You
but unsterilized, substrate had no such fungal can often find many other things useful for
growth. Some kinds of natural soil critters like tarantula rearing at a garden supply place,
sow bugs (or pill bugs, a crustacean in the even if you are not interested in plants for ter¬
order Isopoda) help keep a tank free of rotting raria, because indoor gardeners also use cork
prey remains and fungi. The spiders apparently bark, bark chips, and sheets of sphagnum moss.
will not eat them because of the chemicals
they secrete as a defense. You can find sow Making Substrate
bugs under rotting bark and under logs in a For cages that will not have any plants I rec¬
wooded area if you want to add any to your ommend substrates mixed depending on the
tarantula terraria. habits of the spider. For cages to house arbore-
The substrate should function as a biologi¬ als use 1 inch (2.5 cm) or so of bark chips to
cally neutral bedding that retains moisture. hold water for humidity. For tropical burrowers
Because tarantulas are so thrifty in their feed¬ I use a soil-based mix heavy in peat moss and
ing habits, there is generally little waste left fine bark chips. Depending on the heaviness of
after they eat and excrete; therefore, you do the potting soil, use 60 to 80 percent peat
not have to consider absorbency for wastes, moss. (By heaviness I mean how dark and
only for holding water. There are several dense the potting soil is.) If you squeeze a
choices for bedding: handful of it and release it, does it hold the
.1 vermiculite shape of your hand? If it does, then it is too
.2 peat moss .
heavy It should crumble when released .
.3 sphagnum moss Adding more conditioner will solve the prob¬
.4 bark mulch lem. If the tarantula is the type that readily
.5 potting soil. burrows on its own, add bark chips to give the


substrate structure. This structure will reduce Because bogs are very acid habitats, the plant
burrow collapse. For desert spiders use peat or material decomposes very slowly.
fine bark chips mixed about 50/ 50 with clean Sphagnum moss is found growing in peat
sand. The vegetable material will give the sub ¬
bogs but is the actual live plant harvested and
strata texture and retain moisture longer dried, rather than its partially decomposed
( which even desert spiders need). remains. Sphagnum moss is sold chopped, baled,
and in sheets. Sheets of sphagnum moss are also
Recommended Products sold in hobby stores (such as those that sell silk
The products sold to condition potting soil plants and basketmaking supplies). I find it use¬
that are also useful in tarantula keeping are ful for covering the soil in planted terraria.
vermiculite, peat moss, sphagnum moss, and Bark mulch is available in a variety of
bark mulch (pine or cypress). grades. They are a by- product of the lumber
Vermiculite is a mineral product. It is made industry and so are usually inexpensive. Most
from baked mica (a mineral) that expands to a that is sold is pine bark but there is also
fluffy consistency when heated. It is biologically cypress bark. All these bark products are used
inert, has high moisture-retaining capability, and
because it is not an organic product, does not .
The pin /; zebra tarantula (I' upalaoslms
harbor any unwanted critters, such as mites. Icnuitarsus) is union" the most docile
Peat moss is dug from peat bogs and is of tarantulas. It lias only recently been
made up of partially decomposed bog plants. imported from Paraguay.

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primarily for ground cover in landscaping and to use any kind of small mammal bedding;
all are also useful for keeping tarantulas. these are all made to be absorbent and dispos¬
Potting soil describes a variety of mixes able. Tarantulas just do not eliminate very
sold at any gardening supply or department often. When they do, they pass mostly crystals
store. They vary widely in content and suitabil ¬ of protein waste products that look like flecks
ity for tarantula keeping. Ideally, you can find a of white paint. You will not have to clean this
potting soil that is all or mostly pure soil, with type of cage very often, maybe twice a year.
little conditioner added. The problem is that The kinds of tarantulas you would keep in this
many of the conditioners used in commercial cage can take the drier conditions.
potting soils are artificial and unattractive in
terraria. Commonly used amendments are per ¬
Utilitarian Housing
lite (a mineral product like vermiculite made Utilitarian housing is like the pet caging in
from volcanic rock), chopped cardboard waste, its simplicity but with improvements for more
and even Styrofoam! However, Styrofoam and delicate species. You will want to use this kind
perlite are white and are an obviously unnatural of caging if you start to collect more than a
substance that will detract from the appearance couple of spiders or start buying spiderlings.
of the cage. I use plastic boxes in two sizes, small and
large. The best kinds are the type made of
polystyrene and marketed as shoe and sweater
Cage Types storage boxes. The advantage of polystyrene is
Tarantula housing can be any of three types: that it is almost as clear as glass, so you can
1. pet peer in. The flip side is that it is also almost
2. utilitarian as breakable as glass. For this reason you may
3. vivaria. have trouble finding any for sale, as too many
There are of course many permutations on this. arrive at the store broken and retailers are
switching to the softer kinds of plastic box
Pet Housing ( which are also almost totally opaque). You can
Let's return to the hypothetical first pet use whatever type of substrate that is suitable
tarantula from the section on buying a taran ¬ for the spider: sandy mixes for desert animals,
tula (see page 17). This spider is probably something peaty for jungle spiders. You can
something like a Chilean common tarantula. control humidity in these boxes by making a
You will always want to be able to see this spi¬ number of ventilation holes. I do this by melt¬
der and perhaps even handle it. I would rec ¬ ing the holes with a soldering iron. If you use
ommend starting with a simple plastic cage of this method, be sure to do it outside or in
the type commonly sold as a pet carrier. You some well-ventilated area, as the fumes are
can also use a 1- to 5-gallon (3.8-19 L) tank. obnoxious if not actually harmful. I also put in
There is no point using a larger size. Buy sand a piece of cork bark for a retreat. It is espe

or gravel to cover the bottom, some kind of cially important to keep up with cage mainte ¬

water dish , and you are set. You do not want nance with these kinds of cages. Take out prey

Inside the Tarantula Mind .
1 they invest a lot of energy and silk in
The very thought that a tarantula might retreat construction and maintenance;
have feelings at all may seem like an idea .
2 they behave differently when outside
from the lunatic fringe. However tarantulas, the retreat than when inside;
like any animal, have motivations (referred to .
3 if you deprive a tarantula in captivity
as drives in the jargon of animal behavior) of the opportunity to have a retreat, it may
and desires (or appetites). So, when I say pace and climb about the cage, sometimes
feelings here, I do not mean that tarantulas to the point of injury; and finally
can suffer or feel happiness the way people .
4 tarantulas in the wild and in captivity
or some of the larger animals can. Rather, keep their retreats clean. They take great care
tarantulas do have behaviors directed at ful¬ to dispose of prey remains and shed skins
filling their biological needs such as seeking outside the retreat and defecate elsewhere.
water when thirsty or finding prey when So, if you keep a tarantula in a small con

hungry. While the desires of a tarantula are tainer, like a plastic box, it may come to act
surely very primitive, if you frustrate these as if the container is a large retreat with no
desires, the spider does not flourish and may exit. Your tarantula will line the box with
even die. You may find it easy to accept the silk, it will attempt to remove prey remains
idea that if a tarantula needs water, and you by pushing them into the corner, and it may
fail to provide it, the spider will eventually dash around wildly when you open the lid
die. However, what if the spider needs a (imagine how you would feel if some giant
secure hiding place? The first need is physio¬ suddenly ripped open the ceiling in your t
logical, the second need, behavioral. bedroom and peered in!). On the other hand,
I have come to believe that one of the if you keep the same tarantula in a large
great limits on the successful keeping and cage, such as a 10-gallon (40 L) tank with
rearing of tarantulas comes from failing to a screen lid, with no place to build a retreat,
consider the behavioral needs of the spider. the tarantula will pace, sit huddled in
To understand the tarantula's behavioral the corner, and run for it when you open
needs, you need to consider its habits in the the top.
wild. All tarantulas live their lives centered Of course, a lot of what happens will
on a secure hiding place they find, modify, depend on the species' or even the individual
and line with silk and to which they always spider's temperament. You can generally keep
return after hunting. a Chilean common tarantula in the most bar¬
From what I have observed in the wild and ren cage and it will seem to do just fine, or
in captivity, I have come to believe that you may keep a pinktoe tarantula this way
tarantulas divide the world into two places: because it will build its own retreat entirely
inside the retreat, and outside the retreat. out of silk. However, condemning any of the
I say this because: more high-strung, moisture-sensitive species

such as a goliath birdeater tarantula or The quality of life for the spider becomes
Cameroon red tarantula to a barren, well-lit, even more crucial when you set out to breed
dry cage is inhumane at best and a death tarantulas. You just cannot breed all taran¬
sentence at worst. It can even be unsafe to tula species in a plastic shoe box with a bit
keep some of the more active arboreal spi¬ of substrate on the bottom. Many spiders
ders without a retreat. If you keep a Togo just need a little privacy, and this means
starburst tarantula or an ornamental taran¬ providing them with the opportunity to build
tula in a barren container, it will generally a retreat. Unfortunately, tarantulas appear to
become agitated when you open the cage have only a very limited ability to adapt
to feed or water it. You may soon have it to captive conditions. These are wild animals,
running up your arm and across your face. and you need to adapt the conditions to
(I hate when that happens!) If, on the other them. So, call me crazy, but you will find that
hand, you provide your tarantula with a if you consider your tarantula's feelings
secure retreat, the startled spider will either when you design its accommodations, you
run into the retreat or sit tight in the retreat will have much greater success in keeping
when you open the cage. and breeding a wide range of species.

l lililarinii housing for a tarantula This

A plastic Iw.r of the kind marketed to store

shoes is modified to house a tarantula.
Sole the air holes melted in the plastic . ?
The number of air holes yon make can be
caried depending on the moisture mm
requirements of the tarantula.

remains as soon as can or you will have fungi

and pests in the cage.

Vivaria most of the time. I feel that the thrill of seeing

Here you can have some fun, but you will the spider sitting in the evening at the entrance
have to be content with seeing your spider only to its burrow or retreat as it would in the wild
once in a while. The idea of a vivarium is to try is worth the wait, but you be the judge. Some
to make a tiny piece of natural habitat; how ¬ types of more high-strung species may not
ever, as in the wild, you will have to hunt for thrive or even survive if you try to deprive
your spider at night if you want to see it them of the security of a natural retreat.
because it will be in its retreat out of sight Remember that, in the wild, tarantulas spend


.I simfile rii' iiriiiin set - up for mi

opportunistic burrower. Almost anything cun
he used for an artificial retreat . Here a clay
Power pot broken in half lenglli - wise is
home. For most tropical spiders , the air flow
in a rage with a screen top would lead to
wmm a stressfully dry enrironmenl . You ran
counteract this with regular misting with
distilled water and by partially covering
the screen lid plastic, ns you see here.

most of their time in a snug, silk -lined burrow out of the new retreat by the spider. Some spi ¬

or arboreal retreat. Some individual tarantulas ders will take over the artificial retreat the first
just cannot get used to life in a plastic box. To night; some will take days or weeks to do it.
breed tarantulas you may need to attempt a Some never do. You can plant small, low light -
naturalistically set-up cage to succeed. These tolerant houseplants and cover the soil surface
kinds of cages can be built based on the ecol ¬
with decorator 's sphagnum moss that comes in
ogy of the spiders they are to house. sheets and can be spread out like a carpet,
and /or cover the soil with fine bark chips.
Housing for Opportunistic Burrowers Plants are certainly an option but will enhance
Opportunistic burrowers are fairly easy to the appearance of the cage and help moderate
please. These tarantulas adopt a preexisting the humidity. I do not believe the spiders care.
shelter in the wild and modify it for their use.
At its simplest, a cage will have a layer of soil Housing for Obligate Burrowers
and mulch 3 to 8 inches (7.6-20 cm) deep with Housing obligate burrowers naturalistically is
a shelter built like a cave. I use pieces of cork a little trickier than for opportunistic burrowers.
bark, which are ideal. You could also use tree The biggest problem is that these spiders dig
bark, a flat rock, or a flowerpot broken in half their own burrows and conditions have to be
lengthwise. Bury the shelter in the tank so that right to induce burrowing. Also, the condition
there is a low level of dirt ( where the water of the soil has to be ideal, or the burrow will
dish goes) in front of the entrance and a pile not maintain its shape and collapse. In other
of dirt on top of the retreat to make an upper words, just pouring dirt into a tank and putting
level. I usually partially fill the cave with dirt in the spider won't work. Your best bet is to
so that the spider has to dig the substrate out build a burrow and hope the spider will move
and shape the burrow to meet its individual in. I have had better success doing this with
needs. You can tell you have been successful tropical rain forest spiders than with North
the morning after you put in the tarantula American desert burrowers. You can use florists'
when you look in the cage and see dirt pushed foam (a synthetic material) that comes in


Obligati * bur rowers can be more tricky to

house us ninny species , particularly those
from desert regions, hare finicky burrow - site
reipiirements. One possibility • is to offer them
on artificial burrow.

blocks and can be cut. In either case, the idea is

to construct a tunnel just big enough to admit
the spider. If the spider needs more room, it will
make the tunnel bigger itself. Another alterna ¬

tive is plastic pipe of various kinds. Some obli

¬ a deep bed of peat moss and bark chips. If the
gate burrowers (especially the African species) spider does not make any attempts to burrow,
are such active burrowers that they will make you might want to try to check if the cage is
their own burrow from scratch if you give them well ventilated. If the vivaria is too snug, the
spider may feel it is already in a large burrow,
Oreenbotlle blue tarantula (Cliromatopclmu and not be motivated to get under cover. By
cyuneopubcseens). The only species of increasing daytime light levels or making the
Inrnntuln where the immulnres uilnll . cage better ventilated you can give it a hint.
females, anil atlult males are all colored Be careful not to stress it, if it doesn't want

- vvvwmm
an iridescent blue. to burrow, you can’t force it !

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Plants in the Vivarium

Plants can make a tarantula cage an intrigu ¬ Snake plants come in a variety of sizes, can
ing piece of tropical habitat in your home; be pruned, and tolerate virtual darkness. One
however, plants can also be tricky to maintain particularly useful type is the cultivated vari ¬

in a tarantula cage. Very few plants are suit

¬ ety 'Hahnii' (Sansevieria trifasciata 'Hahnii'),
able for planting in a tarantula habitat. One of which stays small. There are several types of
the great limits to plant growth is light but vining plant that are useful. One of these,
too much light can stress a tarantula. pothos ( Epipremnum aureum), is extremely
durable and tolerant of low -light levels. In
Types of Plants fact, you will have trouble killing this one.
Plants I have had success with are snake Some species of philodendron are also suitable.
plants (in the genus Sansevieria), climbing The bromeliad Cryptanthus spp. is sometimes
plants, such as philodendrons or pothos (either hard to find but well worth the search. It is
small-leaved Philodendron sp. or Epipremnum marketed as "earth star" or "starfish plant."
aureum ), small bromeliads ( Cryptanthus sp.), These are small and tolerant of low -light lev ¬

and some peperomias (Peperomia sp.). The trick els. They come in varying shapes and shades of
is to combine toughness, tolerance of low light red, white, and green. Peperomias ( Peperomia
levels, and small size. spp.) come in a variety of sizes and colors and
Examples of common houseplants that are often small enough to suit a tarantula
would not work in a tank would be jade plants cage. To avoid the risk of overheating from
( which need lots of light), fig trees (which putting a cage near a window, I would use a
need lots of light and grow too big), and spi¬
fluorescent light fixture to light the cage. Any
der plants (again, these need lots of light). of the light fixtures sold for aquaria will work.

Tarantulas do eery ircll in a

/ .
planted rirarinni There are tiro

modified ! ions yon trill need lit

make to the simple rage setup in

yj order to accommodate the plants.

The first is a layer of grace!
under the soil to atloir for proper
drainage. W ithout this the plant
roots may droirn killing the

C. “ £1 plant . The second is adei/ uate

light that is not too hot or bright
for the tarantula. 1 fluorescent
V a light of the type marketed for
ai/ uaria is suitable.


Housing dangers: An important point to a couple of pieces of cork bark. When the spi ¬

keep in mind with these larger cages is that der initially inspects the tank, it will be drawn
tarantulas can accidentally hang themselves in to the snug spot between the bark slabs. Possi¬
tall tanks. Tarantulas have two claws on each bly, here is where the spider will build its
foot and these can become caught on the retreat. As a last resort you can use the harass ¬

screen top or edges of the tank top. The hap¬ ment technique. If you keep destroying an
less spider cannot release itself and it will hang inconveniently located retreat , the spider will
there until you free it. It can hurt itself in the try a new spot. Eventually, even a tarantula
fall. If you have a spider that paces a lot, can take a hint.
climbing up the corners of the tank, you are
likely to find it swinging one morning. One
way to minimize the problem is to use shallow Cage Pests
tanks and fill them with enough substrate so There are often critters that make a pest of
that the spider can reach the floor of the cage themselves in tarantula cages. This is almost
with its back legs and the top with its front. entirely a problem in the moister cages, as dry
cages are just too inhospitable The worst pests
Housing for Arboreals are mites and scuttle flies. Neither is likely to
The arboreal tarantulas are the easiest of all be a direct threat to the tarantula but are a
to set up naturalistically as they build their nuisance.
own retreat. The trickiest part relates to the
fact that the spiders are arboreal and want to Mites
go up when they look for a site to build a Mites are exceptions to the rule that arach¬

home. "Up" usually means at the corner made nids are not economically important. They are
by the wall and lid of the tank. If they do this, also the only arachnid group that is not almost
you will destroy their retreat every time you entirely predatory. In fact, mites are so impor

open the cage. There are a couple of ways tant ecologically that they have their own
around this: Make the top the side, or try to branch of science called acarology-the study of
entice them to build elsewhere in the cage. It mites and ticks. There are mites that live as par ¬

is handy to stand a 10-gallon (37.9 L) terraria asites on other arthropods, including spiders.
with a screen lid on one end and let the spider Fortunately, these are fairly rare in tarantula
build at the top. If you do this you will have to collections. However, there are common mites
make some kind of dam in the front of the that are scavengers that can create problems in
i cage so the substrate does not spill onto the tarantula cages. Scavenging mites can have
, floor when you open the cage. This can be a amazing population explosions in tarantula
cut piece of plastic or wood held in place by cages that are kept too moist and have a food
pressure or silicon caulking. The alternative is source. These mites are feeding on uneaten
to build a tempting nook for a retreat using dead prey and prey remains. Mites can come
pieces of bark leaning against the wall of the from anything put into the cage such as prey,
tank. I have had success making a lean-to with dirt, mulch, branches, and plants— the list goes


v * -


UK fe "

I f
on and on. If conditions are just right , you have The stunning Xcir Guinea tarantula
a mite infestation. Mites at low population lev ¬ (Chilucosmiu dichrnmnla ) is rarely
els may never be seen or be a cause for con ¬ seen on dealer's price lists .
cern ; if they get on a tarantula , the tarantula
can groom them off. However, occasionally the so small , mites are even more sensitive to dry
mites get the upper hand. They can attack a conditions than tarantulas. Occasionally let
molting tarantula or one otherwise unable to normally moist terraria dry out ( keeping a full
get them off . Some types of mites spend a water dish at all times!).
period of time attached to a larger creature \/ I have noticed that when mite populations
while very young to disperse. In captivity, these are building up , they aggregate on dead crick ¬
hitchhikers can enter the book lungs of the ets and the mite- infested prey can be removed ,
tarantula and cause problems for the spider mites and all . If you get a mite infestation in a
resulting from irritation and restricted air flow. simple cage , the best bet is to strip the cage
There is no way to guarantee that there are no and clean it immediately. Put the infested cage
mites in any cage ; they are just too ubiquitous. in the freezer, clean it well , and put in fresh
However, you can keep the mites under control : substrate. A dilute bleach - water solution can
Keep picking up after the spider ; do not let be used to sterilize the cage. Rinse it and air it
prey remains or dead crickets accumulate in out well as the chlorine gas fumes are harmful .
the cage. Unfortunately, the no- pest strips that reptile
t/ Dry terraria housing desert tarantulas are keepers use will not do because they would kill
not as prone to infestation . Because they are the tarantula too!

If your infestation is in a planted terrarium, Phorids Attacking Spiders
remove the spider and let the tank dry out. Occasionally, scuttle flies will lay eggs on
This will reduce the mite infestation but will outwardly healthy-looking tarantulas. I have
never eliminate it. It has also been shown that occasionally found long-term captive tarantu¬
predatory mites used for mite control on crops las covered in scuttle fly eggs with a group of
can be used, but these would probably never flies loitering in the box. The end result of this
entirely eradicate the pest mite. infestation is death as the maggots enter the
Mites that are actually parasites on the spider mouth of the spider and kill it by eating it
are rare and I have only seen this once on from the inside out. Unfortunately, I have no
tarantulas. I once had mites infesting arboreal idea what leads to the female flies laying eggs
tarantula spiderlings (pinktoe and Trinidad onto the spiders. Normally, the flies are
chevron tarantulas), which were killing the spi¬ attracted to the smell of rotting prey. The best
ders. This mite was much smaller than the kind you can do with the scuttle flies is to control
of mites that infest tanks as scavengers. The their numbers by preventing them from breed ¬

mites would congregate at the joints of the spi ¬ ing. I have also had limited success by trapping
der’s legs where the cuticle is thin and soft and them. I do this by putting some rotting crickets
also in the book lungs. The best I could do was or raw meat into a jar with a small hole in the
remove the spider from its container immedi ¬ lid. The flies enter to feed and lay eggs but
ately after a shed, when many of the mites cannot easily get out. I periodically place this
were still on the old skin, and put it in another jar into a freezer to kill the flies (usually once
jar (I was using baby food jars with sphagnum a day) and then put it out again to catch more
moss for housing). Another technique was to flies. You can imagine that the contents of this
dust the spiderling with baby powder, applying jar get pretty nasty, but it works.
it with a paintbrush. The talcum powder would Scuttle fly maggots are able to feed and grow
dry out the mites, but the spider could drink. I on even the smallest amount of prey remains If .
eventually got the mites under control and was you leave any uneaten food in a moist tarantula
able to rear out some of the spiderlings. cage, you will soon find it seething with mag¬
gots. The best tools in scuttle fly control are dry ¬

Scuttle Flies ness and cleanliness. If the food dries out, the
Another common pest of tarantula cages is maggots die. Again, as for the mites, cleanliness
the scuttle fly (family Phoridae, Megacelia is the best control method.
scalaris). These flies are about the size of a
fruit fly but are gray and prefer running to fly ¬
Fungus Gnats
ing, hence their name. Scuttle flies are scav¬ One little fly you may get in your tanks are
engers and their maggots feed on anything fungus gnats (flies in the family Cecidiomyi-
dead. These annoying flies are everywhere and idae). These are harmless little flies that are very
can invade your tarantula cages from an open small and dark. They are much darker and
window in the summer. They are also associ¬ smaller than either scuttle flies or fruit flies and
ated with domestic cricket rearing. seem to be all wings and legs. The larvae feed


A " ooil rule of thumb to follow in offering

food to u I i roil I II Ia is I lioI I lir body length

4N of thr prey be less thou hoIf thr body

lrii" lh of thr toroillulo.
r >

ted to the legs of the spider. The vibrations

travel up the legs, causing the cuticle to flex.
This flexion of the cuticle is what is sensed by
the slit sensillae. It is hard to imagine that
such faint signals could be picked up and
acted on by the spider ! The vibratory sense is
so acute that spiders can immediately tell the
size and location of the prey and attack. They
can also decide if the prey is too large and
ignore it. I have seen tarantulas respond to my
footsteps from across the room and reenter
on rotting plant material and cause no trouble their retreat (I did not take this too personally).
in terraria. So if you see small, black, wispy - This information on spider senses will tell you
looking flies in your terraria, do not panic. They two things: 1 ) prey offered must be alive, and
may just be these harmless scavengers. 2 ) it must not be too big. Occasionally a taran ¬

tula will feed on a dead food item (see page

35). They are apparently able to recognize the
Tarantula Food food by its taste when they contact it with
Tarantulas, like most spiders, are not picky their feet. This is worth a try, as being able to
eaters. They are stimulated to feed by the feed a tarantula dead prey would make life
motion of the prey. Even though they have much easier, since food could be stored in the
eight eyes, tarantulas are basically blind and freezer for later use. This would also make it
can tell only light and dark and see big shapes safer for the spider to offer it prey that, if
looming. alive, might bite the spider, such as rodents.

Perceiving Prey
Tarantulas first perceive prey using the Diet
vibrations in the surface they are standing on The key to a healthy tarantula is a diverse
made by the prey as it moves around. Tarantu ¬ diet. Laboratory studies conducted by myself
las do this by using sense organs on their legs and others with wolf spiders have shown that
called slit sensillae. The process is amazing to no one prey species alone can be a complete
contemplate. The vibrations in the floor of the diet. However, attention to diet is much more
cage made by a walking cricket are transmit ¬
important for rearing baby tarantulas than

simply maintaining an adult spider. There is no desert tarantulas of the United States and
evidence yet that vitamin supplements are Central America and Chile. Species like these
useful for spider rearing, but no one has may suddenly go "off feed” and apparently
looked. For most tarantulas in most situations think nothing of fasting for several months.
the domestic gray cricket (Acheta domestica) Feeding rates are correlated with the life cycle
is the staple food of choice. You can usually of the spider: fast - growing species that mature
buy crickets at the store where you bought the in two to three years in general eat more than
tarantula; you can also find them at bait the slow-growing species that take up to 10
shops. Just about any bait bug can also be years to mature.
tarantula food: wax moth larvae, mealworms, The fasting record for a spider is a tarantula
superworms, and even earthworms. from Kansas that went without food for over
two years. Do not try this at home ! Young
Dead Food tarantulas will of course eat more than old
I have found through trial and error that tarantulas and you cannot overfeed a growing
most tarantulas will eat dead food items. spider. In fact the more you feed a young
When it does work, feeding dead prey is a tarantula , the faster and larger it will grow. On
great little trick for feeding the larger spiders the other hand, adults of those species with a
as you can feed a single frozen and thawed slower metabolism can become spectacularly
mouse to several spiders by cutting it up. This overweight and may be at risk of injuring
is a lot cheaper and more humane than feed ¬
themselves as they try to hold up their huge
ing your spiders live mice or lizards. Cutting up abdomens. Spiders are all hungrier after a
a mouse sounds unappetizing, but if you are molt, even if they are already full grown. It
up to it, it is easiest to do with a knife when may take a few weeks for some to recover
the mouse is still partly frozen. Just drop the from the ordeal of molting, but then they will
partly frozen mouse chunks into the spider's suddenly have renewed interest in food. Spi¬
cage in the evening. After it thaws, the spider ders preparing to molt will also lose interest in
will pick it up and eat. Remember to get the eating (see the section on molting on page 36).
leftovers out of the cage the next day as the It is recommended that you offer food in
smell is unforgettable! small amounts regularly once a week for most
spiders (more often for younger animals).
Amounts and Schedule Watch the food-if the spider does not eat it
The amounts and schedule of feeding will overnight, take it out and try later. If you have
depend on the tarantula species, age and time an adult female of one of the desert spiders
since last molt, and the temperature. Some that has gone off its feed, you need to offer
species have higher metabolisms and need to food only every few weeks until it is interested
eat more often than others. Examples of hun ¬
again. Tarantulas almost never have feeding
gry species are the Old World spiders and the problems; however, if they stop eating and you
larger South American tarantulas. Examples of feel it has gone on too long (say, over a
species with more modest food needs are the month), there are several things to check:


1 Is the spider preparing to molt ? will help. Finally, remember that tarantulas
2 Has the environment cooled off, for are capable of amazing feats of self - imposed
instance, is this happening in the fall? fasting, so do not panic if the spider is plump,
3 Does the spider look thin ? quiet, and otherwise appears normal.
4 Is the spider pacing the cage at night ?
If it is either of the first two, the answer is
straightforward. If the spider is in its premolt The Molt
lethargy, then all you can do is wait until it It is impossible to overestimate the signifi

molts. If the temperature in the cage has cance of the molt to a spider. At this time the
dropped, try to warm the cage. If the tarantula tarantula is under extreme stress due to the
is native to a seasonal environment, you can hormonal changes it is going through. Try to
also withhold food until the spring. imagine what it is like to shed your entire skin
If it is one of the second two alternatives, at once, including the lining of your mouth,
things could be more serious. Whether a spider stomach, and respiratory organs, and even the
is thin or not will be based on the individual lining of the sexual organs ( for adult female
spider. If you have had it a while, you can most tarantulas). It is mind-boggling ! Spiders are
likely judge its weight based on how big its soft and very vulnerable just after a molt and
abdomen is relative to the rest of its body. The until the cuticle hardens they are absolutely
problem could be stress of some kind or indi ¬ helpless. This stressful event is accompanied by
cations of a parasite that is interfering with renewal as this is when spiders heal, even
the spider 's appetite. You could try to change replacing lost legs. Bald abdomens are resplen ¬

the caging if the animal is also pacing a lot. dent again with a new coating of hairs, replac ¬

I have seen wonderful changes in attitude ing those lost due to defensive shedding.
with a new cage. Sometimes a deeper retreat The shed cycle is mediated by a hormone
called ecdysone ( for the technical name for
the shedding process, ecdysis). The spider has
no control over the molt; when it is time to
shed, it sheds. In the weeks prior to the shed
you may notice that the spider loses interest in

m Ww. food and becomes less active, as the spider is

growing a new skin beneath the old one. Just
before the actual molt you can see the skin
darken slightly. This is the only time when a
bald abdomen is advantageous, as you can
clearly see the skin that is normally a grayish

: i I recently molted Costa It icon zebra

tarantula sits beside its shell shin.

Moiling is n major crcnl in llic life of a

InranInin . Here yon mil sir
llml I lie
rnrn/ tncr has pupped np anil I hr spider
is drain' ll ils legs mil of I lie old shin.
7 '

pink become darker and darker as the new

cuticle forms underneath. At this time make
sure there are no food items walking around in iA
the cage, as they might take advantage of the
helpless spider to turn the tables and take a 'j i,''
bite. Also pay extra attention to humidity as X2
tarantulas can become stuck in the old skin if
they are kept too dry.
There are several behavioral cues to let you
know the spider is about to shed: loss of interest
in food, spinning lots of silk to make a shedding
iff ? iR
platform, and, in the hours before the actual if
event, rolling over on its back. Many tarantulas
spin a silk mat on which they shed. Some taran
tula species coat this silk sheet with urticating
m i
hairs in an effort to lose external parasites with
the old skin, even if they do not have the para ¬

sites in captivity. Almost all tarantulas shed lying

on their backs. Many neophyte tarantula keepers The length of time it takes a spider to
have been startled to see their new pet lying recover from the molt varies depending on the
on its back with its feet in the air, apparently size of the spider. Larger spiders, in general,
dead! It is crucial to leave the shedding spider have thicker cuticle and lower metabolisms
absolutely alone. If disturbed, it might right than smaller spiders. Very young spiderlings
itself and then shed in an unnatural position, may be up and feeding in a day ; large adults
causing problems. At the actual molt the spider may take weeks to get over it. If you remove
will pop the carapace up like a lid and push the the shed skin soon after the molt, it will still
old skin up off the legs. At this point it will be be soft and pliable. If you then position it in a
very pale, even white in younger specimens. The lifelike pose, when it dries it will look almost
cuticle will darken as it hardens. This is due to like a tarantula. This will be your best chance
the chemical processes going on, termed " tan ¬ to examine the external anatomy of the spider,
ning." The color of arthropod cuticle is in part and is also one way to keep a record of the
due to its structure, rather than pigment, which growth of your spider (see page 95 for a dis ¬

is why we never see albino insects or spiders. cussion of problems during molting).

Caution pair of legs are all ways in hand to hand until one (or
You should consider that which a tarantula says "bug both) of you gets tired. If you
tarantulas are not social ani ¬ off!" So, pay attention to are doing this for the first
mals like dogs or cats. This your spider. There are several time, be sure you either have
means that they never like ways to handle a tarantula: your hands in the cage, or sit
being handled and there is 1. free handling, where you on the floor and do this close
always the chance of getting have the spider walk over to the ground. If the spider
bitten by an annoyed taran ¬ your open hand ; gets rattled and makes a run
tula while handling it. 2. restrained, where you for it, you don't want it to fall
Although, in general, taran¬ actually pick the spider up ; and to the floor.
tula venom is not particularly 3. hands -off, where you
toxic to humans, a bite could induce the spider to walk into Restrained Handling
be very serious. There is a container such as a plastic It is very handy to be able
mounting evidence that some box. to just reach in and pick up a
genera of tarantulas have tarantula ; however, this is the
nastier venom than others. Do Free Handling trickiest way of all because,
not be a guinea pig ! There is If you have a calm tarantula if you do not get a good grip
always the chance of an aller ¬ (and if you are pretty calm the first time, you will have
gic reaction such as some yourself), it is easy to get it to a really annoyed tarantula to
people have to beestings. In walk onto your hand. The idea contend with and an excel ¬

any case, the bite itself would is simple — just put one hand lent chance of being bitten.
be very painful. However, open in front of the tarantula The restrained hold consists
tarantulas, like most animals, in its cage and give it a gentle of gently pressing down on
have ways to let you know prod in the rear end. The spi¬ the carapace of the spider
they are not in the mood to der should just walk onto your with your index finger, and
be bothered and may bite. open palm. Most spiders will (again, gently ) firmly grasping
Hair shedding, rearing up, slowly continue to walk, and the sides of the cephalotho -
striking out with the front so you can let it walk from rax between the second and
third pair of legs with your
thumb and middle finger and
Docile tarantulas can be
V ' coa.rcd onto an open / mini
picking it up. Once the taran ¬

irith n •centie nnilf' c from tula's feet are off the ground,
i belliml. Xcrer free- liamlle it usually stops struggling and
a tarnat n!a if you are not
. just hangs there. Do not do
sure of its disposition
I tarantula bite could be this with a feisty spider as, in
eery serious . the final analysis, they are
faster than you and the one
grabbed could be you. The
restrained hold is only really
f useful to examine the under ¬

side of the tarantula.

Hands-off Handling
When all else fails, get a cup or plastic con ¬

tainer and take control of the situation. Taran ¬

tulas are virtually blind and behave predictably.

If you put a container on its side in front of
the spider and prod the spider ( not with your
fingers!) in the rear, it will usually walk (or
dart) in. Then you can pop the lid on and
voila! the spider is under control. Only the
truly scariest of tarantulas (such as some of
the arboreal African species) are hard to handle
even this way. Two things to remember, when It is possible In pick up a docile tarantula axing
the hair flies and you are trying to contain a the restrained hold, lint this is risky as the
tarantula will respond to this as if being attacked.
fractious spider: This hold is only useful for examining the
1 . Tarantulas behave in predictable ways, underside of a fairly calm spider. Do not attempt
and this with an y tarantula you would not feel
2. they have a very limited ability to sustain comfortable free - handling or you may get bitten!
physical activity.
The first point means that with experience instance, one of the behavioral traits of taran ¬

you can predict what spiders will do in a given tulas on the run is their habit of running up
situation as there are few alternatives. They are something when startled. This is true even for
just too mentally limited to sit and scheme or burrowing species. What this means is that a
try and second - guess your next move. For tarantula you are handling may run up your
arm in an attempt to get away from your
hands. (No, this makes no sense at all, I know.)
Needless to say, it is quite nerve- wracking to
have a fractious spider heading for your face;
however, you can use this habit to your advan ¬

tage and place the container higher than the

T n spider, and let it climb in. The second point
refers to the limited aerobic capacity of taran ¬

tulas. This brings us back to the relative ineffi ¬

* ciency of book lungs (see page 11). The result is

r that even a scared tarantula will not run far
because it will run out of breath. Tarantulas
The safest any la handle a tarantula is not la usually stop as soon as they get their back to
handle it at all. When in doubt use the hands - off
met Inal, nsin a forceps or pencil to caa.v the
the wall and huddle there, waiting for your
" next move.
spider into a container.

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X In choosing a luranlnla as a pet , there are
a number of species options to choose from.
Use this chapter to see which might be best
for you .

Understanding Systematics widely accepted as the natural process gener ¬

Systematics is the scientific study of species' ating species diversity. Current phylogenetic
evolutionary relationships. Species are consid ¬
analyses create many more levels, reflecting
ered to be the only natural unit in any classifi ¬ the better understanding of the branching of
cation scheme because individual species can the spider family tree. However, with this bet ¬

be defined using the characteristics of natural ter understanding comes increasing complexity.
populations of organisms. Several definitions Currently, the spider family tree has three main
exist for the term "species." However, for sexu ¬
branches. The Mesothelae contains the family
ally reproducing organisms such as tarantulas, Liphistiidae. The Opisthothele further divides
we can define a species as a population of into the Araneomorphae, or the true spiders,
actually or potentially interbreeding individuals and the Mygalomorphae which contains taran ¬

( the biological species concept of Ernst Mayr). tulas and their kin. The liphistiids are a very
Obviously, putting two closely related species interesting group because they are the most
together into a cage and inducing them to primitive of all living spiders. Among their
breed is cheating if they are not found many primitive traits are overlapping plates on
together in nature. For instance, unscrupulous the dorsum (top) of their abdomen and that
zoos have hybridized lions and tigers, but we they live in burrows with trapdoors. They are
can safely say that lions and tigers are separate found only in tropical Asia. The Araneomor ¬

species. phae contain all the spider species (over 34,000

A good deal of progress has been made in species!) considered to be the typical spiders:
refining the old hierarchical classification sys ¬ wolf spiders, jumping spiders, orbweaving spi ¬

tem that was invented before evolution was ders, and so on. Our friends the mygalomorphs
include the theraphosids, or tarantulas, and the
The Mexican bloodlcg laranlala 14 other mygalomorph families. Most of these
(Aphunopt'lma hicoloratiim) is one of the other mygalomorphs are small, drably colored,
most stunningly colored of at! tarantulas. and rarely seen in nature. Trapdoor spiders and

List of Tarantula Species Covered in the Text
Subfamily Genus Species Common Name
Ischnocolinae Heterothele villosela Tanzanian dwarf tarantula
Ornithoetoninae Cyriopagopus paganus Asian chevron tarantula
Haplopelma albostriatum Thailand zebra tarantula
Haplopelma lividum cobalt blue tarantula
Haplopelma minax Thailand black tarantula
Harpactirinae Ceratogyrus bechuanicus curvedhorn tarantula
Ceratogyrus cornuatum straighthorned tarantula
Eucratoscelus longipes African redrump tarantula
Pterinochilus murinus Mombassa golden starburst tarantula
Eumenophorinae Citharischius crawshayi king baboon tarantula
Heteroscodra maculata Togo starburst tarantula
Hysterocrates gigas Cameroon red tarantula
Stromatopelma calceatum red featherleg tarantula
Selenocosmiinae Coremiocnemus sp. Malaysian black velvet tarantula
Chilobrachys sp. mustard tarantula
Poecilotheria fasciata Sri Lankan ornamental tarantula
Poecilotheria regalis Indian ornamental tarantula
Psalmopoeus cambridgei Trinidad chevron tarantula
Psalmopoeus irminia Suntiger tarantula
Selenocosmia javanensis Java yellowknee tarantula
Theraphosinae Acanthoscurria geniculata Brazilian whiteknee tarantula
Aphonopelma chalcodes Mexican blond tarantula
Aphonopelma seemanni Costa Rican zebra tarantula
Aphonopelma spp. tarantulas found in the United States
Brachypelma albopilosum curlyhair tarantula
Brachypelma emilia Mexican redleg tarantula
Brachypelma smithi Mexican redknee tarantula
Brachypelma vagans Mexican redrump tarantula
Hapalopus incei Trinidad olive tarantula
Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens greenbottle blue tarantula
Grammostola rosea Chilean common tarantula
Lasiodora parahybana Brazilian salmon tarantula
Lasiodorides polycuspulatus Peruvian blond tarantula
Lasiodorides striatus Andean stripeleg tarantula
Megaphobema robustum Colombian giant tarantula
Megaphobema velvetosoma Ecuadorian brownvelvet tarantula

Pamphobeteus antinuos Bolivian blueleg tarantula
Paraphysa manicata dwarf rose tarantula
Phormictopus cancerides Haitian brown tarantula
Theraphoso blondi goliath birdeater tarantula
Xenesthis immanis Colombian lesserblack tarantula
Aviculariinae Avicularia avicularia pinktoe tarantula
Avicularia versicolor Antilles pinktoe tarantula
Ephebopus murinus skeleton tarantula
Tapinauchenius gigas orange treespider tarantula
Tapinauchenius plumipes Trinidad mahogany tarantula

funnelweb spiders are examples. In general, you get to the species level. This is why you
tarantulas are the largest, most diverse, and the will see alternative schemes in different publi ¬

most brightly marked of the mygalomorph spi ¬

cations. Relax, take a deep breath, and rest
ders. The notion that tarantulas are primitive assured that sometime before the end of the
may, in fact, apply to most of the mygalo¬ millennium it will all be sorted out.
morph families. However, this contention does The traits used to group tarantula species
not hold up when you begin to consider the have traditionally been based on the comparison
850+ species of tarantula! of physical features (called morphological traits).
While we have a current biological basis More recently, systematists working on other
with which to define species, reconstructing animal groups have also compared behavior
the evolutionary relationships of tarantula patterns and molecular evidence (based on the
species and grouping them into meaningful .
comparison of proteins or DNA) Perhaps one
genera or subfamilies is a lot harder. This is day these tools will be applied to the problem of
because these species groupings should reflect tarantula systematics as well. Originally, classifi¬

the degree of evolutionary relatedness and we cation was a system of naming organisms and
get to see only the end product of millions of was based on the overall similarity of physical
years of evolution, not the evolutionary process .
appearance Only in the last century have sys ¬

itself. While some groupings are clear (such as tematists worked to understand species relation ¬

Avicularia and Tapinauchenius being more ships by studying the evolution of specific traits .
closely related to each other than either is to Current classification schemes should reflect the
Ceratogyrus), the exact branching patterns of evolutionary relationships between species, gen ¬

the tarantula family tree are still poorly known. era, and higher groups. Systematics is not just a
Because these groupings are created by sys- matter of naming names but a means to under ¬
tematists who each use slightly different types stand evolution itself-how the fantastic diver ¬

of evidence and methods of analysis, the sity of life on earth came to be.
details of the interrelationships will vary from The use of scientific names has rules. These
researcher to researcher, particularly the closer names are always based on the rules of Latin or


m / •
> evaluated, and approved by other taxonomists
& before publication. By modern scientific pub ¬

lishing standards, this is considered a relaxed

policy, but it allows anyone to describe a new
species of organism if he or she can get the
sy description published. The accepted name (in
most cases) is the one published first. Because

:r u some tarantula species were described more

< y : iM than once, we sometimes see sudden name

wmMM mjsm changes that leave our heads spinning as tax

onomists try and decide which name in circula

77/ <* simill Tanzanian chestnut laranlala tion is tied to what species and which name
(NeteroUiele villosela) is interesting hath was published first and is valid. The confusion
because of its phylogenetic position anil occurs in part because not all species descrip¬

because of its web building ability. tions are written the same way and the older
ones are often infuriatingly sketchy (sometimes
Classical Greek. The taxon names for the genus not much better than saying " this spider is big
(plural, genera) and higher always start with a and hairy and brown"). In addition, the first
capital letter if used in full, for example, the preserved specimen used as the basis for the
family Theraphosidae. However, if you use the original species description (called the
name descriptively, you use a lowercase and holotype) may be lost. When this happens, cur ¬

omit the ending, for example, theraphosid spi ¬

rent researchers can no longer compare the
der. This is also true for Mygalomorphae versus original specimen with new ones to confirm
mygalomorph spider or Theraphosinae versus the identity, and they are left with interpreting
theraphosine tarantula. The genus and species what may be a vague original description.
names are always italicized, and the latter is All scientific names, when used in their full
lowercased. For instance, the genus and species glory, have the name of the taxonomist who
of the cobalt blue tarantula is the Haplopelma described the species and the year it was
lividum. described at the end. The scientist's name is in
The naming of new species has a long and parentheses if the species has been moved to a
venerable tradition going back hundreds of different genus since the original description.
years. Taxonomists, or those who identify and An example is Ephebopus murinus (Walcke-
name species, have their own terminology and naer) 1837. This spider, the skeleton tarantula,
set of rules. As it stands now, you can describe was first described as Mygale murina by the
a new species of anything as long as your French arachnologist Walckenaer in 1837 and
description is published in a forum that is placed into the new genus Ephebopus by the
widely accessible in libraries. Species descrip
French arachnologist Eugene Simon in 1892.
tions do not need to be peer reviewed, mean ¬
Incidentally, it was also described by the Eng¬

ing that they do not need to be read, lish arachnologist Octavius Pickard -Cambridge
as Santaremia pococki in 1896. This synonomy two. Most hobbyists will not care one way or
was later corrected by Simon, who determined another as very few of these tarantulas are
that the name Ephebopus murinus had prece ¬
sought after by collectors because they tend to
dence over Santaremia pococki because it was be small and drably colored. The Tanzanian
published first. dwarf tarantula is only about 1 inch (2.54 cm)
in body length and is a master web spinner. It
has long spinnerets and will fill a container
Species Accounts with webbing. They are easy to keep because
they make their own home with silk. I keep
Subfamily Ischnoeolinae mine fairly dry and mist the web weekly to
Tanzanian dwarf tarantula ( Heterothele vil - keep them watered. The males are much
losella) : These are also marketed as the Tanzan ¬
smaller than the females and have extensive
ian chestnut tarantula. These fascinating little feathering on the legs. They are easy to breed
spiders have not received the attention they and spin pea -sized egg sacs. The spiderlings
deserve as representatives of a large and enig ¬ will live together on the mother 's web for
matic group of tarantulas. The tarantula sub¬
many weeks.
family Ischnoeolinae is found throughout most
of the world and contains the only tarantulas Subfamily Ornithoctoninae
found in Europe and the Middle East. Most Cobalt blue tarantula ( Haplopeima
authorities recognize that the Old World and lividum) : These fierce Asian tarantulas are reg ¬
New World ischnocoline tarantulas are distinct ularly imported from Thailand and surrounding
from each other but throw up their hands at regions. This is a typical Old World tarantula,
what the exact relationship is between the short haired and short tempered. Their legs are

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1 stunning female ( Olttill Bine (Haplopeima An mlult female Thailand black tarantula
lividum). (Haplopeima minax).
a deep electric blue color in the right light, and from their fangs. They may remain in this posi¬
they are one of the most colorful of the Asian tion for as long as 20 minutes after you have
tarantulas. They also have a pale carapace and stopped doing whatever you did to get them
a dark gray abdomen with faint striping. These so annoyed. Their message is clear-back off!
spiders are extremely aggressive, so leave them Housing for the Thailand black tarantula is the
alone! This hardy obligate burrower from same as for the cobalt blue.
forested regions will build a spectacular tur- Thailand zebra tarantula ( Haplopelma
reted burrow in captivity if given the opportu ¬ albostriatum): This spider is smaller than the
nity. A female of mine built a turret several cobalt blue and overall dark in color, with pale
inches high in a tall cage. They emerge from yellow striping running down the legs. They are
the burrow to sit at the entrance in the sporadically available as both wild-caught and
evening. If you keep them in a shoe box-style captive-bred stock. They are also from tropical
cage, they will quickly line it with silk. I have Asia, and their care and housing is the same as
found balancing moisture levels for these spi ¬ for all other Haplopelma species.
ders to be a bit tricky. I strike a balance by Asian chevron tarantula ( Cyriopagopus
always having water available but letting the paganus) : This spider has only recently appeared
cage dry out periodically. Spiderlings can be in the pet trade and has done so with a
even trickier to raise through the early instars. vengeance. It is also marketed as the Thai tiger
They apparently need both moisture and lots of tarantula or Vietnamese tiger tarantula. The
ventilation. The cobalt blue tarantula is moder ¬ name tiger refers to the striping on the dorsal
ately difficult to breed in captivity, but spider- surface of the abdomen, although it could also
lings are regularly available. refer to its attitude. The genus Cyriopagopus is
Thailand black tarantula ( Haplopelma closely related to Haplopelma, and we may, in
minax ) : These spiders were imported in large fact, see it transferred to that genus. The Asian
numbers under the trade name Thailand bird¬ chevron tarantula is a larger species than the
eating spider back in the 1970s. They are spo ¬ cobalt blue or Thailand zebra tarantula. It has
radically available now as imported adults and dark coloring with gray and brown markings on
captive-bred spiderlings. The coloring of the the top of its abdomen. It is a bit leggier than
Thailand black tarantula is not as interesting as the Haplopelma but builds the same type of
the cobalt blue, but this species can be larger burrow and can be cared for in the same way.
(depending on where they were collected). One The legginess of the juveniles and adult females
of the most impressive things about this taran ¬
is enhanced in the adult males in that have very
tula is its aggressive nature. This was the first long bony-looking legs compared with male
Old World species I ever owned. After years of cobalt blues. Approximately 100 to 200 leggy,
experience with those gentle North and Central black spiderlings hatch from the egg sac.
American species, I was absolutely aghast at its
threat display. Disturbed Thailand black taran ¬
Subfamly Harpactirinae
tulas will rise up into a frontal threat posture, Mombassa golden starburst tarantula
toppling over backward, with venom dripping [ Pterinochilus murinus): These spiders are the

toughest tarantulas I have ever kept. They will as they grow. The spiderlings are initially deli

live and breed under the most stringent condi ¬

cate but soon acquire both the attitude and
tions. They are native to drier regions of east tough constitution of their parents. They also
Africa and so depend less on moisture. They are grow quickly. Females may also lay a second
very aggressive and will readily display and clutch without an additional mating (called
bite. Reports describe severe pain and swelling double clutching }. So if you breed one of these,
from the bite of these spiders, so take special be prepared for up to 400 spiderlings!
care when working with them. These are very Straighthorned tarantula ( Ceratogyrus cor-
handsome and have an overall pale-yellowish nuatum): The straighthorned tarantula is a gray
color (the hue varies depending on where they mottled color with darker markings around the
were collected) with dark markings. The hairs eyes. The straighthorned tarantula is also mar¬
are so short that the tarantulas appear almost keted as the greaterhorned tarantula, and the
hairless. A close relative, called the Usambara term baboon spider is used for all members of
orange tarantula from the Usambara Mountain this genus. The generic name baboon spider is
region of Tanzania, is one of the most beautiful from the English-speaking peoples of southern
of all tarantulas. It can be a stunning reddish Africa. Allegedly, it refers to the similarity of
gold color. The jury is still out on what species the spiders' legs to baboon fingers. This is a
the Usambara orange is, but it may prove to be fascinating little genus of seven species of
the same species as the Mombassa golden star - tarantulas that have a hornlike projection on
burst, just a geographic color variant. the top of the carapace that can vary in size
Several species in the genus Pterinochilus between a squat button to a distinctly pointed
are in circulation in the pet trade, and they will horn, depending on the species. The horn of
all flourish in a utilitarian-style housing the straighthorned tarantula is straight and
arrangement. I give them a bit of mulch and a points up. No one has any concrete ideas as to
piece of cork bark to attach their copious web¬ what possible function this horn has. This horn
bing to and a water dish. They do best if kept sits on top of the dimple on the center of the
on the dry side with good ventilation, but carapace (the fovea). When you examine the
always keep water available. If you are eager to carapace of the shed skin of any tarantula, you
breed a tarantula, I defy you to fail to breed can see that what is a dimple on the outside is
one of these! The males are only slightly the base of a point of cuticle that projects into
smaller than the females and are the same the cephalothorax on the inside. This point is
color. Despite their aggressive attitude toward called an apodeme and is the muscle attach¬
humans, they mate easily. The male can be left ment site for the stomach muscles under the
in with the female for days or even weeks. The carapace. In the African horned tarantulas the
female spins a unique egg sac. Instead of a internal apodeme is not a point but a ring-
round sphere, she builds a slinglike, hammock- shaped projection. So the appearance of a horn
style egg sac that she lies across and defends on the carapace may, in fact, relate to the
vigorously. Out of this sac hatch between 75 internal anatomy. In other words, maybe the
and 200 black spiderlings that quickly color up African horned tarantulas did not need a horn,


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.l/i <iilull female Thai Iami zebra laran lulu Aa ailall female Asian chevron tarantula
(Haplopclma alboslriatum). (Cvriopagopus pagan us).

but the horn was a by - product of the evolu ¬ bottom pants. It is hard to imagine what func ¬

tion of the ring. Stranger things have hap ¬ tion the hairs have. However, when the taran ¬

pened in nature! tulas are sitting in their burrows head down, all
Curvedhorn tarantula ( Ceratogyrus you can see is the dense, backward-pointing
bechuanicus) : The curvedhorn tarantula is brushes of hair on the last two pairs of legs.
commonly available. Like most other members Perhaps these hairs prevent marauding ants
of the subfamily Harpactirinae, Ceratogyrus from invading the burrow. They are smaller
have very short hairs. They can be maintained than the other harpactirines and build a verti¬
in a well-ventilated shoe box type of housing cal burrow. These spiders are also marketed as
arrangement with dry substrate. Males are sim ¬
Voi redrump baboon spiders. Voi refers to a
ilar in size and coloring to the females but collecting site in East Africa. Apparently, the
usually have a much smaller horn. They are adult males are very small when compared
also easy to keep and breed. The females also with the females, and they have not been bred
lay hammock-style egg sacs that produce up to in captivity very often. I maintain these in gal ¬

200 black spiderlings. The horn develops only lon plastic jars filled two - thirds of the way up
as the spiders grow. They can sometimes pro ¬
with dry soil and let them dig. If you breed
duce a second clutch without mating again. these, you have accomplished something !
African redrump tarantula { Eucratoseelus
longiceps): These spiders are very odd looking Subfamily Eumenophorinae
because their last pair of legs is covered in Cameroon red tarantula ( Hysteroerates
long, dense hairs. These hairs are so dense and gigas) : Cameroon red tarantulas are a rich red ¬

long they look like they are wearing bell- dish brown color, fairly hairy looking, with


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I / / adult female I sumhara orange tarantula 1 / / adult female straighthorned tarantula
( I ’lci inocliiliis .syj.J. (Ceratogyms cornuntilin).

stout hind legs. They live in deep burrows in flee a flashlight beam and I imagine will
the rain forests of West Africa. They are among become stressed out if you do not give them
the largest of all Old World tarantulas ( though the opportunity to burrow and get into the
not as big as some of the New World giants). dark. They will spend most of their time in
Identifying the individual species in this genus their burrow but can be seen outside the bur ¬

is very difficult due to the variable structure row mouth at night waiting for prey. Since
of the female genitalia. However, they all look they are such eager burrowers and highly
very much alike and are kept the same way. strung, you may not want to acquire one if you
Cameroon red tarantulas are avid burrowers are not willing to offer it a chance to burrow.
and will construct very deep tunnels if given
the chance. These are not a tarantula that can
be handled and can be very, very aggressive
m R
when disturbed. They need higher humidity ,
than most spiders and must be kept on moist . z ea ££r
substrate. I use a mixture of peat moss and r
bark chips. I have noticed that all the tarantu
las in the subfamily Eumenophorinae react

m SB
strongly to light. They do not like it ! They will
ml* i i

An ailnIt male straight horned tarantula

(Ccrnloiryrus romuaf uni). \ alr the much
smaller horn than the female has. <.->

Reports describe Cameroon red tarantulas in Because of this, very few captive breedings of
captivity diving into water and capturing fish. this very special species have occurred. If you
I have seen that they will climb into their keep king baboons, maintain them under ideal
water dish when disturbed. The genus Hystero- conditions and make every attempt to breed
crates are easy to breed. The pair can some ¬ them. If you rear out a male, see that it gets a
times be left together for days, and the light chance to mate. Female king baboons lay an
gray spiderlings are also very tolerant of each egg sac that they attach to the roof of their
other and can be reared together for months. retreat. They produce approximately 200 pale
I have had spiderlings live together and feed red spiderlings.
together for up to six months after hatching. Togo starburst tarantula ( Heteroscodra
King baboon tarantula ( Citharischius craw - maculata): This tarantula is one of the most
shayi) : The king is one of the most well-known evolutionarily enigmatic of tarantula genera,
yet poorly understood of the tarantulas. The along with its close relative Stromatopelma.
king baboon is one of the largest of the African They are also marketed as the ornamental
tarantulas and extremely aggressive. One baboon spider. They have an overall mottled
unique trait they possess is that the fourth pair gray color with amazing chalk white markings
of legs are covered in plush, dense hair, making on the legs. The last pair of legs are thickened
them look very thick. They are a uniform red¬ near the patella. These are thought to be
dish brown color. Like other members of their related to the Cameroon red but are arboreal
subfamily, they shun light, and they will eagerly and lay eggs in sacs they attach to the walls of
burrow in captivity. They must be offered a their retreat. They are native to West Africa,
chance either to burrow in deep, dry soil or to where they live in the crowns of palm trees.
hide under a retreat you provide, such as a I find this spider to be difficult to work with
piece of cork bark. The king baboon has been because it is very, very fast and has a reputa¬
a very special challenge for captive breeding tion for having a nasty bite. I do not recom ¬

because only adult females seem to be exported mend this species to anyone who does not
from Tanzania. Because of this, adult males have a good deal of tarantula-keeping experi ¬

must be reared out of spiderlings hatching from ence. I chill these spiders in the refrigerator
eggs laid by females imported while gravid. before moving them between cages to slow
King baboon spiderlings grow slowly and are them down and give me a needed advantage.
delicate. Mature male king baboons look very Their speed, aggressiveness, and allegedly
much like adult male Cameroon red tarantulas potent venom make them a spider to respect!
and are much smaller and more slender than They will live in an arboreal type of setup and
the females (maybe we should be calling them spin a fair amount of silk. I recommend you let
queen baboon tarantulas instead!). Like all the them build a retreat to hide in because open¬
other terrestrial eumenophorine tarantulas, the ing the cage of a startled, darting Togo star-
males lack tibial spurs. Unfortunately, female burst tarantula is an invitation to disaster. Like
king baboons in captivity have a nasty habit of other eumenophorine tarantulas, they shun
eating males rather than mating with them ! light. The Togo starburst tarantulas breed well

in captivity. Males are smaller than the females. marked leg surfaces are exposed during the
Like the adult males of other arboreal tarantula typical tarantula threat display, making the
species these males have extensive feathering already awesome display even more striking.
on their legs that presumably allows them to These spiders do not spin as much silk as most
glide if they fall (or to get away quickly from other arboreal spiders. They may rely more on
an unreceptive female!). They produce 100 to tree hollows and not have the need for a heav ¬

200 black spiderlings. ily silked retreat.

Red featherleg tarantula ( Stromatopelma Ornamental tarantulas exhibit much greater
calceatum) : This spider is similar in tempera¬ tolerance for each other than is usual for
ment and care to the Togo starburst. However, tarantulas. Reports describe people successfully
it is larger in size. Currently two subspecies are keeping these spiders in groups of young indi ¬

in the pet trade: S. c. calceatum and S. c. gri- viduals until the spiders matured. Very young
seipes. The first subspecies is the most com ¬ ornamentals have been seen feeding together
monly seen and is a beautiful light orange on prey. This kind of social tolerance is
color with dark markings on the legs that look extremely rare in spiders in general and taran¬

like spots. The second subspecies is a grayish tulas in particular. Any attempt to keep these
color overall. The red featherleg is faster and is spiders in groups should be viewed as experi¬
reputed to have a more poisonous bite than mental but would be well worth trying if you
the Togo starburst tarantula, so treat them found yourself with a group of hatchlings and
with a great deal of respect and be careful! were willing to risk losing a few to cannibalism.
Because these spiders come from habitats that
Subfamily Selenocosmiinae can be seasonally very dry, they may aggregate
Sri Lankan ornamental tarantula (Poe- in tree hollows to conserve moisture. Having a
cilotheria fasciata) and Indian ornamental group of tarantulas together in an aggregation
tarantula ( Poecilotheria reglais): The 13 mem¬ in a tree hollow could raise the humidity of the
bers of this genus are among the most beauti ¬ air in this kind of confined space and reduce
ful and interesting of all tarantulas. These water loss for all the spiders. If the risk of
spiders are arboreal and are found only on the death by dehydration were great enough, it
island of Sri Lanka and in southern India. Like might benefit these normally cannibalistic
other Old World tarantulas, ornamentals are spiders to tolerate each other and cluster in a
fast, high-strung, and have relatively short hair. moist place.
The markings are a fine pattern of dark gray The Sri Lankan and Indian ornamental taran ¬

and greenish brown with light gray. One of the tulas should be kept as other arboreal species.
most surprising aspects of these spiders are the They are more tolerant of dry conditions than
bright black and yellow markings on the most of the other ornamental tarantulas. I find
underside of the forelegs (the femora of the them among the easier arboreal species to
first two pairs of legs). This feature is particu¬ work around. They are much more deliberate in
larly well developed in the Indian ornamental their movements than the African arboreals,
tarantula ( Poecilotheria regalis ). These brightly for instance. However, they can still be very


I »runp of Cameroon red spiderlings feeding

& together on a mouse.
mm -
m Trinidad chevron tarantula ( Psalmopoeus
CtJ' ‘$ ?£ cambridgei ) and Suntiger tarantula
( Psalmopoeus irminia) : The Trinidad chevron
r 1,
- '
tarantula and closely related suntiger tarantula
5 are among my favorite tarantulas. The Trinidad

St chevron comes from the Caribbean island of

Trinidad just off the northeast coast of
8 Venezuela. Here it can be found in silken
fast. Be aware that reports detail extreme sys ¬ retreats along road banks, on houses, and in
temic reactions to the bite of these tarantulas! trees. The Trinidad chevron is an olive green
Do not get bitten ! Do not handle these spiders spider with dark stripes on the top of the
at all ! Breeding ornamental tarantulas is mod ¬ abdomen. They also have red stripes on the
erately difficult. The male will cohabit with the foot segments ( metatarsi and tarsi). After a
female for extended periods of time (up to sev ¬
molt, these animals can be the most beautiful
eral weeks). I have only once had a female can ¬ moss green. Males are the same general color
nibalize a male. After several months, the scheme as the females but are much smaller
female will lay her eggs, which will hatch into and have distinct feathering on the legs that
75 to 150 large spiderlings. allows them to parachute if they fall.

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An adult female king baboon laranI ill a \ n ailnlt female Sri Lankan ornamental
(( atliuriscliiii* crawshayi ). tarantula (Poecilollieria lasciala ).
£ 3 m &
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-. t An iiliillfi' iiuilc red fealherleg InrunInIn
I// adiill femnle Ibfio slnrlinrsl Inrnnliiln (

(I letcroscodra inaculala). (Stmnialopclma calceatuni).

One of the fascinating things about the where the Trinidad chevron has dark marks on
genus Psalmopoeus is that it is most closely a green background. I have seen suntiger
related to the ornamental tarantula genus Poe- tarantulas living in silken retreats along road
cilotheria of the Old World. In fact, when the banks in southern Venezuela near the Brazilian
Trinidad chevron was first described, it was border. At the time, I was struck with how
assumed to have come from the East Indies closely the red marks of the spider matched
and not the West Indies as was claimed by the the red of the earth.
collection label. Their overall appearance and These two spiders readily breed in captivity
demeanor is much more like the short -haired and have even been hybridized. I never recom ¬

and feisty Old World spiders. The suntiger mend crossing different tarantula species, but
tarantula is from Venezuela (and is often mar ¬ Arthur Bordes of Bronx, New York conducted
keted as the Venezuelan suntiger tarantula). It this interesting experiment in the 1970s. The
is very strikingly marked in orangey red and results were instructive as Bordes found that
black. It has a black to dark gray background the resulting young were infertile. (These
color with vivid red marks on the abdomen hybrid young were also not as attractive as
either parent species.) These two species each These genera are moderately difficult to breed
lay approximately 100 eggs and will double and produce between 100 and 200 small spider-
clutch. Trinidad chevron tarantulas grow lings that are very moisture sensitive. Unfortu¬
quickly, with males maturing in as little as 12 nately, because they are drab and wild caught
months. Females take a bit longer. These spi¬
specimens that are sold relatively cheaply, they
ders do well in an arboreal setup with a moist are not being bred with any regularity. This is a
substrate for humidity and good ventilation. shame as they are interesting spiders that will
Java yellowknee tarantula (Selenocosmia not be on importers’ price lists forever.
javancnsis) Malaysian black velvet tarantula
( Coremiocnemus species), and Mustard taran¬ Subfamily Theraphosinae
tula (Chilobrachys species): The Java yellowknee Goliath birdeater tarantula [ Theraphosa
tarantula is one of a large group of brown bur- blondi): The goliath birdeater is one of the con ¬

rowers from tropical Asia. They are an interest¬ tenders for the World's Largest Spider award.
ing addition to a tarantula collection because The record for a goliath birdeater is a 12-inch
they are representatives of a large subfamily. (30 cm) leg span, which is big! They are a rich
These are also marketed as the Java birdeater brown color that can fade to a bright cinnamon
tarantula. Each year, one or two new species of color just before a molt. Adult males and
selenocosmine are imported in large enough females are very similar looking except that the
numbers that they are not very expensive. male will have a more slender build and some ¬

Recent examples include the Malaysian black- times even a faint iridescent purple coloring on
velvet tarantula (Coremiocnemus species) and the carapace and femora. This genus is one of
the mustard tarantulas [ Chilobrachys species). very few in the subfamily Theraphosinae in
The taxonomy of this group is particularly diffi ¬ which the males lack tibial spurs. These magnif¬
cult because they are all dark brown to black, icent spiders are found in the northeastern part
medium-sized tarantulas with no distinctive of South America: southeastern Venezuela,
markings. Both adult males and females tend to Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana, and north¬
have a similar appearance. Adult males do not eastern Brazil. They are found in upland primary
have tibial spurs, which makes recognizing rain forest living in distinctive burrows. These
them a bit trickier. The boundaries between the burrows are variable in depth but all have a
different genera are determined by the struc ¬ large, open oval burrow mouth with a very
ture of elaborate sound-producing structures faint mat of silk at the opening. In French
between the bases of the front pair of legs and Guiana, I saw that the burrow mouth was
the outside surface of the chelicerae. All these always associated with some habitat structure;
species are active, high-strung, and sensitive to a log, root, or rock. They adapt preexisting fea¬
dryness. If maintained in a shoe box setup, they tures in burrow construction.
must have water at all times and they will fill The goliath birdeater is aggressive, has the
the box with silk. If allowed to burrow, they will ability to emit a loud hissing sound, and has one
make a tidy tubular burrow with an inconspicu ¬ of the most potent urticating hairs of any taran¬
ous entrance. tula (at least as far as humans are concerned).

They will definitely try to bite. There is no reason tarantulas in my experience and do poorly in a
to expect that their venom is particularly poiso ¬ dry cage. Keep the substrate moist, not wet. I
nous, but they are large and are likely to have a use a mix with lots of peat moss in it. These spi¬

lot of it. So being bitten by one would be a bad ders are found in very rainy areas. The highest
time to find out you were sensitive to its venom. population densities I have seen for goliath
The goliath birdeater makes its hissing noise dur ¬ birdeaters are the Roura Mountains and Kaw
ing the course of defensive displays by rubbing Mountains of French Guiana, which are among
the forelegs together. The surfaces of the legs, the rainiest places in the world. Despite their
which come into contact, are covered in specially large size, goliath birdeaters mature in about
shaped hairs that make the sound. The hairs three years. They hatch as very large spiderlings,
make the noise in a similar way that Velcro which gives them a head start on life. Goliath
clothing fasteners do. The hairs on the surface of birdeaters will eat a wide variety of prey,
one leg get tangled in the hairs on the opposite including vertebrates (such as small mice and
leg surface. The goliath birdeating tarantula is lizards) and nightcrawlers. They have a much
definitely not a beginner’s spider ! Their aggres
¬ larger appetite than most tarantulas from the
siveness coupled with their large size and sensi ¬
New World, so feed them well.
tivity to cage conditions make them a handful. The goliath birdeater tarantula is easy to
Goliath birdeaters do best in a larger terrar ¬ mate in captivity. I have even had males and
ium set up for an opportunistic burrower type females drumming to each other from adjacent
of tarantula. I prefer to use an aquarium tank cages. Flowever, they are moderately difficult to
marketed as a 20- gallon ( 80- L) long, but they get young from as the females are prone to
will live well and breed in a 10- gallon (40-L) eating their eggs. I have had good success
tank. They will usually readily adapt to an artifi ¬ breeding Theraphosa and attribute this success
cial burrow. They do not dig a vertical burrow to leaving the females entirely alone during the
but use a cavelike retreat. Because goliath bird- incubation period. The eggs can take over two
eaters are so heavy bodied and active, I would months to hatch. Privacy is the key to success:
particularly avoid using a tall tank. If they man ¬ Leave them alone! Keep the cage in a quiet
age to climb up the sides and fall, the
results could be disastrous. These spi ¬

ders are well worth the effort to give

them a well-designed home. They are J

more moisture dependent than most

I goliath birdeater tarantula Wy

(Theraphosa hlondi) in front of
its hnrroir. This is an e.vample
of (in opportunistic burrower.
\ -4.
It has dug out a retreat beneath # I\i
a root in its rain forest Inane.

\ n mini I female Inilian ornamental

,;A -
" tarantula (I’oecilolhcria rcgalis) .
r ijpfc -
place, and keep it covered with a dark cloth. If
?/ V Bs si
* you are looking for a tarantula species to work
with that can be dependably bred with care and
jr z *Sf 31 produce young that will always sell, this is it.
£& Captive breeding will (and should!) be our only
I 1
*- 3
source for goliath birdeater tarantulas in the
.aft, i
rijf- *
Is -•.
not - too-distant future.
Brazilian salmon tarantula ( Lasiodora
' parahybana): The Brazilian salmon is among
the largest of the regularly bred tarantulas and
n does very well in captivity. They are also mar ¬

.* 33

1 i
0M ft*
keted as Brazilian salmon pink tarantulas. Older
adult females are truly impressive in size. They
are drab in color, being a grayish black with
long pale hairs that may be a pinkish color, but

they are handsome spiders nonetheless. They
are not handleable and do best in an oppor
• .
tunistic burrower type of cage. They are not as

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I/ / mlill I female Jam vellowknee tarantula In adult female Mala ysian Idarkrelrel
(Selenoeosinia javanensis) . tarantula (Corciniocncimis s/ >.).


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I / / adult female goliath birdeater tarantula I n ailalt female sail liner tarantula
(Therapliosa lilomli) in its rain forest home (I salmopoeiis irniinia)
’ .
in French Guiana.
and current rumors indicate that Phormictopus
moisture dependent as the goliath birdeater species tarantulas may, in fact , be found in
tarantula. They are not legally imported as Puerto Rico, the Bahamas, and even Florida.
wild-caught stock since they are native to These allegations have not been confirmed.
Brazil, a country that prohibits the export of These spiders are similar in appearance to some
its wildlife. However, they are regularly bred of the South American tarantulas in the genus
in captivity and can produce over 3,000 eggs Pamphobeteus. Like many Pamphobeteus , they
in a clutch. No wonder we see them offered are also dark brown in color. Adult males are
for very low prices as captive- bred spiderlings. often covered in beautiful purplish iridescence
Males are similar in size and coloration to the on the carapace and basal segments of the legs
females. Females can be aggressive toward the (femora). Haitian browns are a favorite of mine
males. So make sure the female is well fed because they were the first of the large, tropi

before a mating and also make sure the male cal tarantulas I ever kept. They are not gener

can get away in the event she is unimpressed ! ally docile, and I do not recommend handling
Haitian brown tarantula ( Phormictopus them. Members of this genus are reported to
cancerides ) : The Haitian brown was formerly be wanderers rather than being tied to a par¬

imported in large numbers and is currently not ticular retreat as are most other tarantulas.
as readily available. These spiders are found on Biologists observing tarantulas in the genus
the island of Hispaniola (Haiti and the Domini ¬ Phormictopus in Haiti and Cuba report finding
can Republic). They have relatives (in the same them under logs and even boards during the
genus) on Cuba. Unverified published records day with no apparent retreat constructed.
These spiders do very well in captivity if spiderlings just as goliath birdeater tarantulas
given a larger cage and a moist substrate set and many other South American giants do. I
up as for opportunistic burrowing tarantulas. have produced one clutch of these spiders and
These spiders are moderately difficult to breed did so by providing the female with a large,
but are frequently offered for sale as captive- planted terrarium and leaving her entirely
bred spiderlings. They produce moderate-sized alone. In general, the care of these spiders is as
clutches of large, blue spiderlings. These spider- for the goliath birdeater.
lings will grow quickly if fed well. Chilean common tarantula ( Grammostola
Colombian lesserblack tarantula ( Xenesthis rosea) : The Chilean common tarantula is one of
immanis) : The Colombian lesserblack tarantula the best beginner's spiders. They are a pale
is one of the handsomest of tarantulas avail¬ tawny background color with varying degrees
able, being clothed in velvety black hairs with of pink metallic highlights. The adult males are
iridescent pink highlights and long red hairs on particularly brightly colored. A geographic
the abdomen. A freshly molted individual is a color variant of this spider has strong reddish
stunning sight to behold. Adult males are often coloring. These were formerly referred to as the
spectacularly colored in purple iridescence like Chilean rosehairs. These are wonderful spiders
the Haitian brown. They are reputed to range because of their docile, hardy nature and
from Colombia south to Peru. Despite this wide attractive coloring. They are unfortunately
range, they are rarely imported. These tarantu ¬ undervalued since they are imported in such
las unfortunately cannot be handled, the same large numbers from Chile and sold for ridicu ¬

as most of the large tropical tarantulas. Colom ¬ lously low prices. Because they grow so slowly,
bian lesserblack tarantulas are the focus of one this harvest level is not likely to be sustainable
interesting study done in Peru because they at current levels. There is no reason why we
share their burrows with toads. The researchers cannot support the desire for captive Chilean
proposed that the toad is protected from pre ¬ common tarantulas by breeding them.
dation by the tarantula by toxins in their skin A biological oddity of these spiders is that
and may benefit the spider by eating pestifer ¬ adult male Chilean common tarantulas have
ous insects too small for the tarantula to catch. been repeatedly reported to molt, which is some ¬

They also saw that adult female Colombian thing no adult male spider is supposed to do. In
lesserblack tarantulas also share their burrows most cases, these males lost the mating organs
with older offspring. on the ends of the pedipalps. Why this happened
The Colombian lesserblack tarantula is one I could not even guess. It is interesting to note
of the most difficult to breed of all tarantulas. that these spiders are very similar in appearance
Furthermore, what clutches they do produce and temperament to a group of tarantulas from
are small. I have found these spiders to be sur ¬ the northern limits of the range of tarantulas in
prisingly slow to shed and grow. They may just the New World: the Aphonopelma tarantulas of
have a longer life cycle than any of the other the United States and Mexico. Both North Amer¬
South American giant tarantulas. When they ican Aphonopelma and Chilean Grammostola are
do breed, they produce small numbers of large bulky, docile, long-lived, burrowing spiders. These
Tarantulas and the Law
Two regulatory bodies control the trade of origin. The United States Fish and Wildlife
live animals in the United States. One is the Service also requires that you declare the
United States Department of Agriculture, spiders upon entry into the United States.
which is not currently concerned with arach ¬
If the country of origin protects their arach

nids other than mites and ticks (which might nids from export, then you must have export
potentially be agricultural pests). The other is documentation when you arrive at customs.
the United States Fish and Wildlife Service Even if the countries do not specifically
(USFWS), which regulates the import of all protect their spiders (and most do not),
wildlife (live or dead), including tarantulas. At most regulate their export very tightly under
ports of entry, the USFWS officers are on the blanket faunal protection laws! In fact, the
lookout for the illegal import of species that country that freely allows the unregulated
are listed by CITES (pronounced sy-tees, The export of its fauna (even invertebrates!) is
Convention on International Trade in Endan ¬ very rare.
gered Species of Wild Flora and Fauna) and If you want to import tarantulas from
spiders being illegally exported from coun ¬
abroad, whether you are receiving them from
tries that protect their spiders. CITES is a an exporter or bringing a few back yourself,
treaty organization that recommends protec ¬ you need to declare them at the port of entry
tion of plant and animal species based on whether they are CITES listed or not. In addi¬

their risk of extinction due to human tion, you will need a document from the
exploitation. The CITES Appendix I lists species country of origin saying exporting the spiders
threatened with extinction. The CITES Appen ¬ is OK. Be prepared to work with officials who
dix II lists species that may become threat ¬ may not be well versed in the laws regulating
ened if current rates of exploitation are not the importation of live arachnids. Obviously,
regulated. The CITES Appendix III lists all it is not something that they deal with every
species protected, for whatever reason, in the day! Know the law before you leave the
country of origin. The importation of any country. I have found customs officials to be
listed species requires export permits from the genuinely curious about the spiders. It must
country of origin. Within the United States be a wonderful break from the tedium of
are endangered and threatened spider species, poking through the dirty laundry of returning
but none were ever of interest to the animal tourists to see some big, hairy spiders!
trade. At this moment (of the arachnids of When you pack the spiders in the country
interest to collectors), only tarantulas in the of origin, be sure that no vegetative debris or
genus Brachypelma and three species of scor ¬ soil is in the container. The USDA closely con ¬

pion (in the genus Pandinus-P. dictator, P. trols any import of plants or dirt since these
gambiensis, and P. imperatoi ) are listed by could harbor crop pests. Pack the tarantulas
CITES in Appendix II. Organisms in this cate ¬ in snug boxes with moist paper towel
gory can be traded only with export permits padding to protect the spider and provide
and CITES documents from the country of moisture.


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I// mini I frill air llrazilian salmon tarantula Ill mlalt malr Haitian brown tarantula
(l.asiodora paruhyhann) «v7// her egg sac. (Plioriniff opus cuiicrridcs).

traits may be associated with the ability to colo ¬

behavior except for the thickened patellae and
nize more seasonal climates, such as Chile and tibiae on the last pair of legs. Also, adult males
the American Southwest. and females are very similar in appearance.
Chilean common tarantulas can be main ¬ However, they are about half the size of the
tained in simple caging with a sandy substrate, goliath birdeater. They are from the Amazon
a cork bark retreat, and a water dish. They are region of Ecuador where they live in burrows.
more resistant to dry conditions than most These spiders are interesting in that they have a
tarantulas and do not need any special atten ¬
distinctive mating behavior. Receptive females
tion paid to humidity. They will attempt to dig, have a dramatic drumming display they perform
moving the substrate around the cage, but are for courting males. It is a loud and emphatic
rarely successful in constructing a burrow even " Yes!" When they mate, the males almost flip
if you give them a deep enough substrate. You the female over backward, so extreme is the
may have success getting them to adapt an flexion of her body during the actual mating.
artificial burrow. They have been bred and pro ¬
Ecuadorian brownvelvet tarantulas can be
duce large clutches. Because the mass exporta ¬ kept like goliath birdeater tarantulas. They are
tion of this species from Chile will not too active and aggressive to handle.
continue forever (nor should it), efforts to Colombian giant tarantula ( Megaphobenm
breed them should increase. robustum) : These are among the most hand ¬

Ecuadorian brownvelvet tarantula ( Mega- somely marked of all tarantulas, being dark
phobema velvetosoma): These spiders are similar bodied and having orange legs. Despite their
to goliath birdeaters in general body shape and name, these spiders are not as nearly as large

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I// adult female Ecuadorian broirnridnd I n adult female Colombian giant tarantula
tarantula (Mojrapliohcma volvelosoma) . (Mcfiapliolx'ina mluislum).

as the goliath birdeater tarantula. They are also front of the body. They are modest-sized taran ¬

marketed as Colombian redleg tarantulas. They tulas and are oddities for reasons other than
are a typical South American opportunistic their stunning coloration. Currently, only one
burrower : They like their habitat moist and will species is in the genus Chromatopelma, and its
use an artificial retreat. They are very rarely closest relatives are in the genus Cyclosternum.
exported from Colombia and also rarely bred. Cyclosternum species tarantulas are very sensi ¬

Imported spiders and captive-bred spiderlings tive to moisture. However, the greenbottle blue
are occasionally offered for sale. is an arid-adapted spider, and older juveniles
Greenbottle blue tarantula ( Chromatopelma and adults need relatively dry conditions. Only
cyaneopubescens ) : This spider was a sensation the youngest spiderlings need to be kept moist.
when it was first imported from Venezuela They live in arid scrublands in northern
because of its stunning coloration. It is the only •
• ' A
tarantula species I know of in which the v r '.
subadults and adults of both sexes are entirely */ .J

iridescent in coloration. The whole body, apart

from the bright orange abdomen, is a stunning
midnight blue shading into green around the

I pair of Holirian steelxblue tarantulas

(I ampobeteus untinoiis) courting.

The male is in the front . %

Venezuela where the adults spin silken retreats in getting egg sacs from several females, but
under debris on the ground. You can maintain they were all infertile. Others have had similar
these spiders the same as the genus experiences with them.
Pterinochilus : dry. Not only that, but the juve
Brazilian whiteknee tarantula ( Acan-
niles can be kept on the dry side as well. thoscurria geniculata): This spider caused a
The greenbottle blue has a reputation for sensation when it came onto the U.S. market in
being difficult to breed because they are a bit 1998 because it is arguably one of the most
highly strung and may mate only when left spectacularly marked of all tarantulas. The
alone. They are best paired by placing the markings are a stunning dark gray to black
female's cage into a large container and leav¬ background color with bright white leg bands.
ing the male loose in the larger enclosure. This This spider is also marketed as the giant
way he can get away if things go wrong! whiteknee tarantula. This species is native to
Bolivian steelyblue tarantula ( Pamphobeteus Brazil. Captive stocks are reportedly descended
antinous): This spider is a member of a fairly from egg sacs and spiders smuggled out of
large South American genus that contains some Brazil into Germany. The genus Acanthoscurria
of the most colorful of the New World tarantu ¬ is one of the most species-rich tarantula gen ¬

las. Despite being regularly imported and being era in the world at approximately 38 species.
considered desirable captives, Pamphobeteus This could mean that systematic revision will
species tarantulas are very rarely bred. The Boli
¬ result in breaking this genus into a group of
vian steelyblue is my favorite Pamphobeteus smaller genera. Most Acanthoscurria are small,
because of its coloring, which is similar to that stocky, and drably colored. The Brazilian black
of the Colombian lesserblack except that the iri ¬ and white is among the larger and perhaps the
descent highlights are a deep blue. Most other most strikingly colored.
Pamphobeteus species tarantulas are a dark The Brazilian whiteknee tarantula should be
brown color, but all are known for their often housed as other South American opportunistic
spectacular iridescent highlights. This species burrowers. Give them room, an artificial
apparently includes two different populations retreat, and keep them on the dry side. Thank ¬

that differ in size. Spiders imported from the fully, they are proving to be only moderately
Bolivian populations are said to be larger than difficult to breed, so captive populations will
those from the Peruvian populations. likely prove self-sustaining. They produce large
Pamphobeteus species tarantulas are all clutches (around 1,000) of tiny spiderlings.
opportunistic burrowers and need high humid ¬ These are dark and unmarked when very young
ity. Most species are too fast and high-strung but color up quickly and grow fast.
to be safely handled. I would consider the Boli¬ Costa Rican zebra tarantula ( Aphonopelma
vian steelyblue to be difficult to breed based seemani) : The Costa Rican zebra is one of the
on the lack of captive-bred spiderlings on the best of the pet tarantulas. They are also mar

market and my own experiences. The males are keted as the stripeknee tarantula. They com ¬

extremely nervous during courtship, and mat ¬ bine striking markings with hardiness to make
ing takes place very quickly. I have succeeded them one of the better beginner's spiders.
I Me.viran blniiil larmiliila (A|)hono|>clmn
chalcodes) sits by its burrow in Ihr
Sonoran ilrsrrl . This is an e.rainple of an
obligate borrower. Uccanse llieir burrow
rei/ nirenienls are so nnii/ ne these

tarantulas must dig their own rather

than use a pre e.risting burrow.

Unfortunately, many individuals are too
skittish to handle safely. The Costa Rican
zebra is a light to dark gray color with M c .
cream-colored stripes running down the
legs. Two color morphs of the Costa Rican
zebra are said to exist, one bluer than the
other. These tarantulas are common burrowers ing been placed both in the subfamilies Ischno -
in grassland areas of Costa Rica and other colinae and Theraphosinae. They lack urticating
countries in Central America. They are sporadi ¬ hairs, which argues against them being thera-
cally imported and are also available as phosines, but do have other attributes that they
captive-bred spiderlings. Adult males are darker share with the Theraphosinae. They are an
than the females in color. They dig vertical attractive greenish brown color with a dorsal
burrows in the wild and can be induced to take abdominal pattern. In captivity, they spin lots of
to artificial burrows in captivity. The life cycle silk. In the wild in Trinidad, they can be found
of these spiders is short for the genus, with under rocks and on road banks where they
males maturing in two to three years (com ¬ make a retreat by filling in crevices with silk
pared with males of some more northerly within which they have a tubular retreat. The
species maturing in nine years). adult males are very small. Spiderlings of this
Costa Rican zebra tarantulas tolerate a vari ¬ species are small and are among the oddest -
ety of conditions in captivity. They can be looking tarantula spiderlings in that they have a
maintained as an obligate burrower tarantula. black body with pale legs. Keep them moist
You are likely to have greater success in get ¬
with attachment sites for their copious silk.
ting them to accept an artificial burrow than Andean stripeleg tarantula ( Lasiodorides
inducing them to dig their own from scratch. striatus) : This spider is one of those species to
Trinidad olive tarantula ( Hapalopus incei) : show up only recently in shipments from Peru.
This spider is a small tarantula with attributes The genus is also very recently described,
that make it an interesting addition to a collec ¬ although the spider was known for a time as
tion. They are among the smaller tarantulas Pamphobeteus wallacei. They are leggy and
available to hobbyists, being only about 2 have a dark gray color fading out to brown
inches (approximately 5 cm) in body length. between molts, with longitudinal leg striping.
This species has been a taxonomic puzzle, hav ¬
They are much larger than the similar -looking
I 64

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\ n adult female llniziliiin irhiteknee [n adult female hr in id atI olive tarantula
Iuraiiluhi (Acanllioscurria jroniculala). (llupalopus incci).

Costa Rican zebra tarantula, with some females tarantula (L polycuspulatus ), which is smaller,
reaching a 7.5- inch (over 18 cm) leg span. This shaggier and a light brown color overall.
species is reputed to be easy to breed in captiv ¬ Mexican blond tarantula ( Aphonopelma
ity, and the egg sacs contain 350 to 500 spider- chalcodes) : The Mexican blond tarantula is one
lings. Spiderlings grow moderately quickly. This of the two most attractive tarantulas found in
is a less-aggressive but active species that needs the United States (despite the name). Imma -
the standard housing for opportunistic burrow - tures and adult females are a pale, tawny color,
ers. They don ' t need very moist conditions and with dark basal leg segments ( the femora).
will do well with moderate humidity. A closely Adult males are slate blue with a pale carapace
related species is called the Peruvian blond and reddish abdomen. The sexually mature
Mexican blond males and females have to be
• t >:
x mt one of the most differently marked (sexually
dimorphic) of any adult tarantulas. The Mexi
m • • ¬

m m
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can blond tarantula is found in the Sonoran
Desert of southern Arizona and northern Mex ¬
% ico. It used to be much more commonly seen in
The retreat of a Trinidad olive I aranI II la
on a road hank in the \ art hern llan" e of
Trinidad. Ante the le" s of the spider
- affr / risible in the entrance .

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slripeleg laranliila

( //
Mexican bloml laranlnln
I/ / arlult
(Lasiodoriiles sirialIIS). (Aphonopelma chalrodes).

the pet trade in the United States, and it was burrows for six months of the year, from Octo ¬

formerly referred to as the Arizona blond or ber to May. Adult males are seen in large num ¬

palomino tarantula. bers crossing highways during July and August

The first tarantulas I ever saw in the wild when they are searching for females. I have
were Mexican blond tarantulas in the vicinity of never seen hatchling Mexican blond tarantulas
Tucson. These spiders dig deep, cylindrical bur¬
in the wild, but I have heard of spiderlings
rows straight down into the hard, gravelly soil. being found living under dead and decaying
These burrows are distinctive in the desert, a cacti. They may live like this until they are large
place with lots of burrowing animals. The and strong enough to dig their own burrow in
mouth is almost perfectly round with a fine the hard desert soil. The longest life cycles of all
mat of silk around the edge. During the day, the tarantulas are recorded for North American
spiders cover the opening with a fine mesh of species. The Mexican blond tarantula is likely to
silk. This veil may limit airflow and thus evapo
¬ follow this model and take 9 to 10 years to
rative water loss in a place where water is hard mature. Adult females can live an additional 20
to come by. Burrows can be over 2 feet ( 60 cm) years or more, with adult males usually living
deep. Research has shown that the tempera ¬ only through the summer of their maturity.
tures found at the bottom of the burrow are Mexican blond tarantulas are extremely
very mild compared with the surface. These are hardy captives. They will do fine in a simple
among the most seasonal of the tarantulas cage with a sandy substrate. They are very
since they live in a seasonal environment. Mexi ¬ docile and can usually be freely handled.
can blond tarantulas in Arizona will plug their An additional advantage to owning the blond
tarantula is that their urticating hairs are not If you want to see tarantulas in the wild in
usually irritating to humans. Research suggests the United States, you need to go west. Ameri ¬

that the hairs are shaped to offer defense can tarantulas are distributed from central Mis¬
against predation by grasshopper mice. There is souri across to northern California and south to
scarcely a more benign tarantula then these. the Mexican border. In the eastern and north ¬

Breeding in captivity has proven tricky, per

¬ ern parts of their range, they are found in drier
haps due to the seasonal environment Mexican habitats, such as the cedar barrens of Arkansas
blond tarantulas come from. Important cues of
temperature or light may be missing in captiv ¬
and grasslands of Kansas and Missouri. In Cali-
fornia, they are widely distributed inland from

ity. Mexican blond tarantulas will eat a variety the coast. There are no confirmed records of
of insect prey. These spiders are capable of naturally occurring tarantulas from east of the
prodigious feats of fasting and are known to Mississippi River or north of the Missouri River. i
have gone over two years without food. They This may at first seem surprising, given that
have such low metabolisms, and can store so some states seem perfect for tarantulas, such as
much fat in their abdomens, that they often go Florida. However, tarantulas are not great trav- /

off feed for months on end, particularly during elers, and Old Man River may be a real barrier
the winter months. to their movement east. Rivers are well known
Most of what I said about the management to define the limits of species distributions,
of the Mexican blond tarantula is applicable to including spiders. An exception to this rule is
any of the other Aphonopelma species tarantu ¬ the population of Mexican redrump tarantulas
las found in the United States. Very few of the in east central Florida (see the species account). •

approximately 30+ species of Aphonopelma Locating tarantula burrows takes either very
native to the United States find their way into exact location information or persistence. In
the pet trade. These spiders are rarely offered the western states, I have found that tarantula
for sale since most are too drab in coloration burrows are mostly found on gently sloping r
to be considered desirable by a majority of col¬
ground. Dry streambeds will not do. I have also
lectors. An exception is the beautifully marked noticed that you almost never find just one.
Rio Grande gold tarantula (Aphonopelma mod- Because tarantulas are not very good travelers,
eratum) from southern Texas. In addition, the they rarely wander far from their mother's bur¬
Texas tan tarantula (Aphonopelma anax) is a row before settling down on their own. This
large, feisty captive that is handsome and means that you typically find tarantula bur¬
occasionally bred and offered for sale as spi- rows in local aggregations (sometimes called
derlings. Interestingly, the Texas tan tarantula colonies). Several alternative methods can be •
grows much more quickly than the Mexican used to collect tarantulas from their burrows.
blond. This may occur because the Texas tan Flushing tarantulas from their burrow is possi¬
tarantula lives in much moister, prey-rich habi¬ ble with water. This trick works well only if you
tats than the Mexican blond tarantula inhabits
in the Sonoran Desert; its life cycle is a bit
have not made the tarantula aware of your
presence by moving noisily around the burrow.
faster, from hatching to maturity. If you lose the element of surprise, the spider
will sit tight, even under water This is not a Brachypelma) are listed on CITES Appendix II.
great hardship for a spider in the desert ! You Because Mexico does not currently permit the
can also dig up the spider, which can be hard export of its CITES-listed wildlife, dealing in
going in the gravelly soils in some areas. At wild-caught Mexican tarantulas is illegal. Fortu¬
night, it is not too hard to tease them out of nately for tarantula aficionados, captive breed ¬

their burrows with a twig or blade of grass, ing has been increasingly successful. Not only
fooling them into thinking it is a struggling are Mexican redknees reproducing in captivity,
insect. If you find a population in an area safe they are very productive, producing up to 1,000
from development, please resist the temptation spiderlings at a time! So, while you might view
to collect all the specimens in your enthusiasm, the legality of any adult or subadult redknees
as these spiders have such a long life cycle -
offered for sale with skepticism, captive bred
wiping out the local population for a long spiderlings are regularly available. The life cycle
time, if not forever, would be possible. A good is long, but hatchlings begin to acquire the col¬
rule is never to take more than several (cer¬
oration of adults at the end of their first year.
tainly never more than 10 percent of the pop¬ Buying a hatchling tarantula that will not
ulation) from a given site. mature for years may seem like a long time to
Mexican redknee tarantula ( Brachypelma wait, but you will have the satisfaction of
smithi): The Mexican redknee tarantula is gen ¬ knowing you are not contributing to the
erally considered to be the most desirable of all decline of a vulnerable species and will have a
the pet tarantulas. The beauty and docility of pet that you can enjoy for many years.
the redknee is legendary. This species, more Mexican redknees are hardy captives that
than any other, is responsible for the advent of can be kept in a variety of cages. You can go
tarantula keeping in the United States. A for simplicity or attempt to induce your spider
healthy, recently molted redknee is strikingly to adopt an artificial burrow. They use an
marked in bright shades of orange and velvet opportunistic burrower type of retreat and a
black. Adult males have similar coloring as the sandy substratum. Older individuals can toler¬
females. During the 1970s, Mexican redknees ate relatively dry conditions, and attention to
were imported in vast numbers from their humidity is important only for very young
native haunts in the Pacific states of Mexico specimens (see the chapter about rearing spi ¬

(in the vicinity of Acapulco). Unfortunately, the derlings). Mexican redknees do have urticating
Mexican redknee has a relatively long life cycle hairs that cause a severe reaction in some peo¬
(taking five to seven years to mature) and it ple, so take care when handling them. Rinse
was felt that the demand for the pet trade your hands after handling a redknee to remove
began to overtake its reproductive rate. The any stray hairs.
spiders were being overexploited, and attempts Adult male Mexican redknee tarantulas look
were made to regulate the import of wild- very similar to the females. They are fairly easy
caught redknees. to pair, but getting eggs from the females is a
At the time of writing, the Mexican redknee bit harder. They will apparently breed in simple
tarantula (and all members of the genus housing with a shelter. The moderate difficulty
w # \ n mill 11 frinnlr Mexican reilriini / i InranInIn
#5 (Brachypelma vajrans) irilh her egg sue.
* This frinnlr was photngraplied in the irihl
in crnlrnl lioriiln .
Mexican redleg tarantula ( Brachypelma
emilia): Mexican redlegs are a more subtly col

ored relative of the redknee. They are also mar ¬

keted as painted tarantulas. Redlegs are known

£ r to be even more docile than redknees. They do
not get as large as the redknee and have a

& striking dark triangular marking on the cara
pace that is unmistakable. This species is also
native to western Mexico and is able to toler

in breeding these spiders is offset by their large ate drier conditions. Maintain the redleg the
clutch sizes. Spiderlings are very small and pale. same way as the redknee.
They need moist conditions. Small Mexican Several other species are in the Brachypelma
redknees get very, very fat between molts. This smithi species group, all stunningly marked in
is just their growth strategy. So, while over ¬ black and red. These spiders are all protected
feeding adults is a bad idea, if you want your by the laws of Mexico from export but are
spiderlings to grow quickly, feed them heavily, being bred in captivity. All these spiders have
even when they look like they might pop. similar housing requirements as the Mexican
Mexican redrump tarantula ( Brachypelma
r vagans) : The redrump tarantula is a very hand ¬

some spider that is well established in captivity

due to the relative ease of captive propagation.
Mexican redrump tarantulas look nothing like
the Mexican redknee and redleg tarantulas,

Qi *
being a black to dark gray color with long red
hairs on the abdomen. They are at least as
large as the Mexican redknee. These spiders are
native to tropical areas of southern Mexico.
The docility of the Mexican redrump is variable,
m but some individuals can be handled. They
r‘ need a more tropical environment than the
Mexican redknee and redleg tarantulas. They
All mluIt female I tin ( irnnile " uhl Inrunt uIn will do well with a moist substrate and an arti ¬

(Aplionopelinn modern turn). ficial burrow.


The Mexican redrump is the first tarantula

known to have been introduced into a new
region by people. In 1997, a colony of these
spiders was discovered in a citrus grove
approximately 30 miles ( 48 km) west of Fort
Pierce, Florida. The State of Florida responded
as they must when confronted by yet another i
exotic species within its boundaries by trying
very hard to exterminate the tarantulas. How -
ever, despite some intensive insecticide applica ¬

tions, the tarantulas persist. I went to the site

in 1999 and saw eight tarantulas. One female
I collected had an egg sac. While it was very
exciting to collect the tarantulas, it was also
troubling to see yet another exotic species in .
I pinhloe tarantula (Avicularia s/t ) on the
the wild in Florida, a state already overrun with underside of a / mini leaf in French (Inland .
exotic plants and animals. While the Mexican
redrump is unlikely to do any harm to the large clutches of small spiderlings. I had a small
Florida environment because they are slow female produce over 800 spiderlings, which is a
breeding and slow moving, some exotic species very large clutch by any standards.
have not been so benign. Rumors suggest that
these spiders were intentionally introduced into Subfamily Aviculariinae
the citrus groves as spiderlings hatching from Pinktoe tarantulas ( Avicularia species):
eggs laid by females imported from Mexico for Avicularia is the most widespread tarantula
the pet trade in the 1970s. genus in the New World, being found from
Curlyhair tarantula ( Brachypelma albopilo- Puerto Rico to southern Bolivia. Approximately
sum): The curlyhair was formerly imported in 20 species are described. Almost all species
great numbers from Honduras. These are one have pink (or light) marks on the toes (ends of
of the most unique - looking of all tarantulas as the tarsi), are very fuzzy looking, and are gen ¬

they have a dark brown background color with erally dark in color. They undergo one of the
longer, lighter -colored hairs all over the body. most extreme color transformations of any
The length and curliness of these hairs is tarantula when they mature. Immatures are
extreme. These spiders are still occasionally often more strikingly marked than the adults,
imported from Central America and are also with bold banding patterns on the top of the
regularly bred. They do best in a tropical envi
abdomen. Very young spiderlings can have very
ronment, with conditions similar to those for pale legs and dark feet, almost a reverse color
the Mexican redrump. They are moderately easy scheme to that of the adults. As noted in the
to breed. The spiderlings grow fast, with males chapter Understanding Tarantulas, the genus
maturing in as little as two years. They produce Avicularia has the distinction of being the first
of the tarantulas described by science. They are than earth banks like the Trinidad chevron
also one of the only arboreal tarantulas that tarantula. They will do well in an arboreal
possess urticating hairs. These hairs are unique setup. Pinktoes have been reported to be able
in their structure among all tarantulas. Five of to live in colony cages, like the ornamental
the six described types of urticating hairs tarantulas. Keepers have reported short-term
attach to the spider's body by a stalk on the success keeping them in groups, although they
opposite end of the hair from the penetrating are not as sociable as the ornamental tarantu ¬

end. For pinktoes, the urticating hair is las. Their docility also makes pairing them eas¬
attached to the cuticle of the spider by a stalk ier, and you can leave the males in with the
on the hair near (but not at) the piercing end. females for weeks. Pinktoes are generally easy
Pinktoe tarantulas can be abundant in parts to breed and produce approximately 50 to 200
of their range. They are the only tarantula I young. Raising very young pinktoe spiderlings
know that may benefit from human intrusion is a bit tricky since they need both good venti¬
into their habitats. I have seen them in very lation and moist conditions. Because of this,
high densities in and around human habitations they need closer attention than many tarantula
in French Guiana. They are commonly seen in spiderlings.
the eaves of houses, in shrubs, and on trees Antilles pinktoe tarantula ( Avicularia versi -
planted around towns. They are almost invari¬ co/or): This species is one of the all-time
ably seen in pineapple plants. The factors that favorites of collectors due to its stunning col¬
probably contribute to the success of the pink- oration. The metallic shades of green, blue,
toe are their ability to tolerate fluctuating purple, and pink are absolutely unreal. These
humidity (as they construct a very heavy silk spiders are native to the Caribbean islands of
retreat), their urticating hairs, and their arboreal Martinique, Guadeloupe, and Dominica. They
habit (which facilitates retreat placement are very rarely exported from the French island
around human habitation). Pinktoes have been of Martinique. However, they do breed in cap ¬

imported in large numbers from Peru and tivity. We can hope to continue to be able to
Guyana in recent years Take care when you pur ¬ keep them as captive-bred stock. Adult males
chase a pinktoe to note the country of origin or and females are similar in appearance, and the
scientific name since identifying the species can Antilles pinktoe is one of the smaller Avicularia
be very difficult or even impossible. They mature species tarantulas. Spiderlings are a beautiful
in two to three years They are usually docile blue and black coloration and get the adult
and can be handled. However, like the redknee, color pattern only when they are well grown.
watch for the urticating hairs that are employed Trinidad mahogany tarantulas ( Tapin -
by the spider in a very different way. When han ¬ auchenius plumipes) : Trinidad mahogany
dling a pinktoe, watch out for it raising and dip¬ tarantulas are related to pinktoe tarantulas and
ping its abdomen with its legs spread. It is trying look like pinktoes with a crew cut. They lack
to rub some of its urticating hairs onto you. the urticating hairs of the pinktoes. They are a
Pinktoe tarantulas are all arboreal and colo ¬
greenish brown color and have pale toes (tarsi).
nize human structures and vegetation rather Some populations in the Guiana region of
South America have a purplish sheen, and they evidently thought made them look like a spider
have been referred to as Tapinauchenius pur- in a skeleton Halloween suit. They have a simi ¬

pureaus. Whether these purple spiders are lar pattern of markings as the Costa Rican zebra
actually a distinct species from T. plumipes is tarantula but are even more strikingly marked.
not clear, but they are certainly worth main¬ Freshly molted individuals have jet-black legs
taining as a separate bloodline in captivity. with canary yellow stripes running the length
These spiders are small arboreal spiders with of the outer segments (patellae, tibiae, and
a slightly more nervous disposition than the metatarsi) and are a stunning sight. The cara ¬

pinktoes, They are rarely imported but are fre ¬

pace is light brown, the abdomen dark. The
quently offered for sale by breeders, indicating skeleton tarantula is a member of a unique
the ease with which they may be bred in cap ¬ genus of tarantulas that carry their urticating
tivity. These are hardy captives that can be hairs on their pedipalps. The urticating hairs are
maintained the same as pinktoes. One thing located on the inside surfaces of the long seg¬
unique about the genus Tapinauchenius is how ment (femora), and they shed these by rubbing
fast they will grow. They may be the fastest these hair-bearing surfaces against the bases of
growing of all tarantulas. Not only do they their mouth parts (the chelicerae). Skeleton
feed voraciously and shed quickly, they also tarantulas are obligate burrowers from French
come through a molt with tiny abdomens. They Guiana and northeastern Brazil. They are very
do not hold anything back in their race to aggressive and reminiscent of the Thailand
mature! Feed these heavily, and stand back! black tarantula in habits and temperament. I
Orange treespider tarantula (Tapinauche- have seen them in high densities on road banks
nius gigas): This tarantula is one of my per¬ in French Guiana.
sonal favorites because it is a beautiful pinkish Skeleton tarantulas are imported sporadically
red color. It is a native of French Guiana and and have been bred only rarely. Their striking
can be found living in trees in forested areas. markings make them well worth acquiring .
It is a similar size to the Trinidad mahogany A second species in the same genus in the
and can be maintained in the same way. I have pet trade is called the redskeleton tarantula
several times had small female orange treespi- (E rufescens) that is reportedly easier to breed
ders lay eggs without having mated. Because than the skeleton. The redskeleton tarantula is
of their small size, I thought they were imma ¬
an overall reddish brown color. They are too
ture and had not gotten them a male and one aggressive to be handled. Skeleton tarantulas
day found them with eggs. Needless to say, should be maintained in tanks set up for obli¬
these eggs did not hatch. Like the Trinidad gate burrowers with attention paid to humid¬
mahogany, this spider also grows very fast. ity. A deep peaty mix with bark chips for
Skeleton tarantula ( Ephebopus murinus): structure will do. They will spin a large silken
Skeleton tarantulas are so-called due to length ¬
funnel at the burrow mouth and sit there at
wise striping on the legs, which someone night waiting for prey.
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Breeding any wild cronhire in captivity can

** .
i 1,
be an extremely exciting experience bat it
presents many problems that simple pet
beeping does not . Bringing together an adult
pair of tarantulas, haring a successful mating,
/1 getting the female through the incubation period ,
ami separating ami rearing the spiderlings
all present challenges.

Sex and the Single .

1 Correctly identifying tarantulas to species
can be a challenge, and
Tarantula 2. Most adult male tarantulas do not live
The cannibalistic tendencies of tarantulas are very long.
generally overrated, and I have rarely lost a male The first problem means that you have to be
to a hungry female. Sexual cannibalism (as it is careful that you have tarantulas of the same
called) is only common among spider species in species, or a dead male could be the result. The
which the female is much larger than the male. second problem means that adult males are gen ¬

As it turns out, the trickiest part of the whole erally in shorter supply than adult females. Once
process is getting a female tarantula to lay a you learn to recognize adult males you will notice
sound egg sac and care for it. Many decide to that you rarely see them for sale. You are not
eat the eggs rather than care for them. If you likely to be able to find a sexual pair of adult
are willing to go through the process and per ¬ tarantulas in a pet store but it may be that your
haps end up with hundreds of hungry spider- pet shop owner could find an adult wild-caught
lings that all need separate housing and small pair from a wholesale dealer, although it is
prey items, here is how to get started. unlikely. An alternative to buying adults is to
acquire several immatures from the same source
of the same type and wait for males and females
Getting a Pair to mature. If the tarantulas came into the country
There are two major problems preventing in the same shipment and look alike as immatures,
you from putting together an adult pair of they may in fact be the same species. However,
tarantulas: just to cloud the issue, many tarantula species are
sexually dimorphic as adults. This means that
I pair of <solialli liirdealer tarantulas nhoiil adult males and females do not look very much
lo male . The male is in the front. alike. This is especially true of burrowing spiders

from the American Southwest. Females will be breeding to be able to keep these species
some shade of brown, whereas the males may be legally. If we allow hybridizing to continue
strikingly marked in steel blue and red. If you have unchecked we will soon have an array of
a group of spiders you are raising from the same unidentifiable hybrid spiders to keep. Ulti¬

clutch bred in captivity, you will not be able to mately, creating hybrids does not lead to some ¬

mate brothers and sisters because the males thing new to keep and breed ;it leads to the loss
mature at an earlier age than females, and die of of the parental species in captivity. Some peo ¬

old age before the females are mature. Anyway, ple justify hybridizing by arguing that in some
inbreeding is a poor management decision. Over ¬
cases hybrids occur in the wild. Yes, this may be
all, the best choice is to keep tarantulas bred in true, but such "hybrid zones" (as they are called
captivity and acquire individuals in successive by biologists) are usually found in a very small
years. The most widely kept types are fairly easy part of the two parent species' range where
to identify and breeders keep track of what they they overlap. In captivity we have far fewer
have. But never guess at identification. Putting tarantulas to breed from than are found in
tarantulas of different species together to breed nature and so a little hybridizing can do much
will increase the chance the female will see her more damage to captive gene pools. Given
suitor as a meal and not a mate. there are over 850 tarantula species out there,
and new species being imported all the time,
Hybridizing we shouldn’t need to engage in wasteful breed ¬

Some tarantula breeders have hybridized ing practices like hybridizing to produce nov¬
tarantula species in the genera Brachypelma elty. If you are tired of the “ same old species,"
and Poecilotheria. This is an extremely bad idea breed something new. While some of these
because we are entirely dependent on captive hybrids may be interesting to look at, they are

One of the host ways to determine if

m %% W4 fe
yon hare nn adult

female tarnat aIn
is to e raniine a shell shin. Heennse

1 \r mk
' 4 tarantulas shed the lining of their
& genitalia with their shin yon ran
m &
e.raniine the stage of development

of the s/ ierniatheea b y looking at

the moll. On the right hand

¥k \ jt ;
>- drairing the arroir is pointing
to the epigastric furrow rieired
e.rternally. On the left hand
drairing you ran see the same site
m rieired internally with the tiro
spennatheene (appearing ns the
hro ha!res of an " M") risible .
Shipping Tarantulas
Tarantulas ship amazingly well using com¬ The spider must not be exposed to low tem¬
mercial overnight express delivery services. .
peratures (below 50°F or 10°C) If you are
Because they have such low metabolisms and shipping in cooler weather, you can include a
do not require lots of fresh air, you can pack chemical hand warmer in the outer box. These
them snugly inside a box, send them off hand warmers are sold in sporting goods
overnight express, and expect them to arrive stores for people engaged in winter sports to
alive. The key to success in shipping spiders is warm their hands and feet. These chemical
to pack them snugly. It is absolutely crucial packs are very safe and generate heat by
that the spider cannot be slammed against using the chemical reaction of rusting iron. It
the sides of the shipping container when the is surprising that this would work, but all the
box is in transit. This kind of physical trauma pouches contain is sawdust, salt, iron filings,
is the primary killer of tarantulas being and water. When you cut the outer packet
shipped. Packing tarantulas takes steady open, oxygen can get in that allows the iron
nerves and swift hands because you need to to rust. The packets can get very warm to the
pack them tight. Convincing a large spider to touch. Because this reaction consumes oxygen
get into a small container can be tricky! I use (which the spiders also need), you may want
plastic vials or boxes that I line with paper to make sure you put a hole or two into the
towels. You need to have a small enough outer box. Before shipping, make sure the car¬
container and enough padding that the spi¬ rier will accept live spiders. You cannot get a
der can barely move at all. Then this inner guarantee of live arrival unless you use air
container is packed with lots of padding and cargo carriers. This is safer for the spiders,
placed into a sturdy cardboard box or, best of particularly in the winter months, but means
all, a foam-lined shipping box. a trip to the airport.

rarely as attractively marked as the parent males to other breeders. I have had a couple of
species. So don't waste important breeding male tarantulas stop off to meet my females
opportunities creating dead-end hybrids and before continuing on a nation- wide tour!
breed only within species! While it is true that for tarantulas adult males
are the traveling sex, these jet-setting studs
Males in the Mail are breaking all previous records for tarantula
A good way to get a suitable male for your paternity. As we inevitably turn to breeding
female tarantula is to arrange to get one on many species in captivity as our only source
breeding loan from another hobbyist. The for spiders, it is more and more important that
usual agreement is to share any offspring pro¬ you make any adult males you have available
duced 50:50. This can work out great and I for breeding. Just remember, there are no
have received, paired, and then sent on many guarantees! Males do get eaten by females
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without mating; females may never lay eggs or The Costa Itiron zebra tarantula (Aphoiiopclinu
eat the eggs before hatching. Most breeding seeinani) is commonly arailablr as both
loans come to nothing, but when they do irilil - raii ht imports from ( 'mitral Imerica
work, you may be the happy recipient of hun ¬ mill as rapt ire- brril sp itier Iia"s.
dreds of spiderlings for very little work, just
the shipping charges and a bit of luck. choices when it comes to telling if a female is
adult: you can ask the male (see section on
"Tarantula Sex," page 9), or you can check
Consenting Adults ? for fully developed reproductive organs.
The biggest pitfall in tarantula breeding is
the condition of the female. She not only has Reproductive Organs
to be sexually mature, but she has to be in The part you examine consists of the epigas ¬

good physical condition and "happy." By happy tric furrow and the spermatheca. The spermath -
I mean that she has to be apparently well eca is the part of the reproductive tract that
adjusted to captive conditions. There should be stores sperm. These only become fully devel ¬

no symptoms of poor acclimatization, such as oped at maturity. If you kept the last shed skin
pacing, excessive digging, bald abdomen, etc. for the spider, you can find these structures, as
The female should have been fed all she wants the tarantula sheds the old lining of the epigas ¬

and not approaching a molt. You have two tric furrow and spermatheca with her old

cuticle. You can examine the freshly shed skin female and he does nothing but pace. Some
( when it is still moist ) , or soften a dried molt by males may be so eager to mate that they will
soaking it in water with a little dish detergent court immatures of either sex. Sometimes this
in it. Spread the skin of the abdomen out on a mismatched pair will even mate. It may be that
flat surface. Be sure to use rubber gloves if this the vigorous courtship of an eager male con ¬

is a tarantula with urticating hairs! You can see fuses the immature spider. Female tarantulas
the pale-colored linings of the book lungs and , have their own courtship behavior called a
in between the book lungs, the epigastric fur ¬ receptivity display. Receptivity displays vary,
row and the spermatheca. The epigastric furrow but may be a wiggle of the first pairs of legs,
will look like a pocket that goes from back to or a vigorous drum on the substrate with the
front and it should be almost half as deep as it front feet. If you see this, you can be sure your
is wide. Attached to this ( in some species) will chances for success are high .
be small , paired spermathecae. These will vary If you have an adult female you intend to
in shape depending on the species. In imma - breed , there are several things you will want
tures there will be a small fold where the epi ¬ to do in advance of the pairing .
gastric furrow is, but it will not be anywhere as First, make sure the cage is the best you can
deep as the mature female's. provide. Females are much more likely to repro ¬
duce successfully if they have a retreat. This is
Signals not so tricky for arboreal species, but burrowers
When I said "ask the male ," I was not being are harder to accommodate, as I pointed out in
flippant , I mean that you can use the male 's the section on housing , beginning on page 20.
behavior as a cue as males know before they
even get near the female if she is ready to
mate , based on her pheromone. Spiders, like
many invertebrates, rely on a wide range of
chemical signals to exchange information.
Female spiders have a specific chemical signal © 9:
they secrete in their silk to let the male know
they are ready. Some spiders have even been
shown to have an airborne sex pheromone. r:\ tiM .V

While it is unknown if this is true of tarantu ¬
las, they do have scented silk. Often , an adult &
male presented with only silk from the cage of
a receptive female will begin courtship. It is a
bad sign if you put a male in the cage of a r
J mu piup spiders like this one from the
family Snllicidae are not tarantulas ,
hat they also do not build webs. ..

However, it is better to leave a well-adjusted tabletop. I then place the male's cage next to
female in a less-sophisticated cage (such as a the female's, and remove the lid. The male will
plastic sweater box) than to move her into a likely be pacing his cage if he is ready. Try to
large terrarium and then immediately attempt encourage him to climb into the female's cage
to mate her. If you do so, you run the risk of by gently prodding him with the cage lid. Also
having the change of cage stress the spider, try to arrange it so that he climbs into a part of
which will reduce your chances of a successful the female's cage away from the female. This is
mating Being well fed will put the tarantula in an important point because you want him to
the mood for motherhood, and eventually "scent" her before she feels his movements. If
result in more eggs. he does not have the chance to court the
Second, make sure the cage is in a quiet female first, she may grab him for dinner
place. Tarantulas are sensitive to the vibrations because she has not yet recognized him for
produced by people moving around the room. what he is. Try not to startle the male either.
The vibration of lots of activity will stress the Startled males blunder into females with disas¬
female and increase the chances she will eat trous results.
her eggs. Males should also be well fed, but
the important thing for them is spinning the The Courtship Dance
sperm web. In the weeks following the final So, you now have a male tarantula in the
molt, males will spin a hammock-shaped sperm female's cage. He should begin to slowly pace.
web in the cage (outlined on page 9.) They will When his feet contact the female's silk, he
also spin a sperm web after mating to recharge should begin to jiggle slightly. This first shake
their palps. of his body is the beginning of the courtship
dance. The actual display will vary, depending
on the species, but will be some combination
The Big Night -
of full body jiggles and taps with the front
So here you are it is early evening, you have pairs of legs and pedipalps on the ground. He
an adult pair of conditioned animals, and you will then start to search the cage for the
(and, we hope, they) are in the mood. When female. Remember that he is relying on scent
mating tarantulas, always introduce the male to at this point (being essentially blind) and may
the female's cage. Do not remove them both to seem to be ignoring the female, but he is
a third place; the female must be as calm as actually concentrating on nothing else but
possible. I usually place the female's cage on finding her. If you have a male that simply
the floor (if it is small), lower the lights, and walks around the cage, seemingly oblivious,
quietly remove the lid. You may find these then watch closely for the moment he
preparations melodramatic, but this attention approaches the female. If he stumbles on her,
can make the difference between success and she may attack. I keep an extralarge pair of
failure I place the cage on the floor so if things forceps handy to keep the pair apart if the
go wrong and spiders start running all over, you female gets aggressive but you can insert any ¬

will not have any of them taking a dive off a thing between a combative pair of tarantulas.
Receptivity to insert his embolus into her genital aperture.
If the female perceives the male's signal and Males mate with both palps alternately. He
likes what she hears, she should turn to face reaches down past her genital opening, flexes
him. In some species the females will drum on the terminal segment of the palp (bearing the
the cage bottom in an unmistakable manner, embolus) backward, inserts the tip into the
which is the receptivity display. Once the male opening, and pulls back toward the female's
has located the female and made physical con¬ front end, pulling the palp into the epigastric
tact, his tapping will become more frenzied. At furrow. The female has two spermathecae and
this point (unless you and the male are lucky the male inserts his left palp into the left side
and the female gave a receptivity display), the of her epigastric furrow, even though they are
female is deciding if she wants to mate or eat. face to face. The male will alternate sides, first
It is hard to describe the difference between a one palp, then the other. If both the female
female that is receptive and one that is and male are absolutely ready, they will mate
annoyed, as in both cases the female rears up. this way through several rounds of insertions.
Angry females will often lash out with their If the female is wavering in her decision to
front legs in a striking motion, as they will do mate, the male may get only a single (if any!)
when annoyed by a person. If receptive, she will insertion. If this is the case take the male out
flex at the abdomen-cephalothorax joint more. immediately and try again in a few weeks.
Once the male is finished, he will start to back
The Mating Act off. Watch closely at this point as the female's
The male will move in and begin to embrace trance is about to end, and quick! The transition
the female from the front. Their legs will inter¬ from receptive to annoyed is often so fast it is

twine quite a sight! The male will push the astounding. The male acts accordingly and the
female back and at this point hook his tibial swiftness with which he tries to distance himself
mating spurs under her fangs. Many people from the female is comical. Again, this is where
have suggested that the male is “ restraining" you will be glad to have the cage on the floor. It
the female with these spurs (even the term is worth trying to mate the spiders again in a
“spurs” suggests domination). However, I have few weeks. In the meantime, feed the female all
never believed this since I saw my first pair of she will eat. Wait for the appearance of a new
tarantulas mate. I believe that the spurs help sperm web in the male's cage, which may take a
the male position the female for mating. I do couple of weeks. Do not be anxious if the
not think the female could assume that posi ¬ female is not receptive the second time; this
tion alone. The female is so much bulkier and may be a sign she is gravid.
stronger than the male that if she did not
want to mate, the answer would be “ No!"
Females seem to enter a trancelike state at this After Mating
point that must make her seem less threaten ¬
Egg production and incubation is the tricki ¬

ing to the male. Flexing the body of the est part. Females of tropical species may lay
female to the degree he does makes it easier eggs within weeks after mating; species from
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. I // atlall nitilr Mexican lilnnil liiniiiliiln I / / ailnll female redskeleton tarantula

( Aphonnpclnia chalccxlrs). Ante how totally ( Kphchopus riil’csceiis).
different the male looks from the female.


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An atlall female Mexican redleg tarantula

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-"". This is from a

I " roup of Malaysian blaehrelrel laraiilnla

more seasonal areas may take months. With poslembryos. The eggsac was nil open In
spiders there is no accurately predictable time riew the ileveloping young.
period between mating and egg laying, and it
is not at all comparable to gestation in mam ¬ stop petting her. If you see her become really
mals. Females mature the eggs internally and fat, rejoice. If she starts to do a lot of digging
time to egg laying depends on age, time since and spinning silk in the cage, chill the cham ¬

the last molt, feeding history, and other fac ¬ pagne ! Terrestrial tarantulas lay eggs by mak ¬

tors. The eggs are not fertilized until they are ing a bowl- shaped depression in the cage floor
actually being laid. Female tarantulas can store
sperm (in the spermatheca), until the next
molt. As they shed the lining of their sper

matheca when they molt, they lose the sperm

and need to mate again to reproduce. So if r, f
you have a tarantula that lays eggs and has k
not been mated since she last shed, she is car ¬

rying "duds."
Laying the Eggs
The best you can do at this point is to
keep the spider well fed and quiet. If
the tarantula was a pet you handled, pi
&i iH
Three liiriinliilii eggsacs: from left lo A
right ) from Malaysian lilarhrelrel Holieian .
sleelylilue, anil rohall lilne laranliilas.
(preferably in the retreat). I have not seen than to peek eagerly into the cage of an incu¬
what arboreal tarantulas do as they are hidden bating female and see the egg sac gone. It is
in their retreats. The bowl shaped depression
- not possible with any certainty to say why
determines the size and quality of the egg they eat the eggs but it has been suggested
mass, so being able to dig this bowl is an that they can sense if the eggs are infertile.
important step in the process. The female will I think it is most likely that disturbance may
line this bowl with silk. This may take a while make them turn cannibal; however, many fac ¬

as the silk is quite thick. Then the female tors play a role.
deposits the eggs. They are yellow and in a lot
of fluid. Most tarantula eggs are approximately Artificial Incubation
the size of peppercorns, or smaller. The female The art and science of tarantula egg incuba¬

will lay silk over the eggs and then gather the tion is still in its infancy. There are almost as
edges of the lining and begin to roll her egg many techniques as there are people trying it.
sac. This is a crucial step in egg laying. If the I have had limited success with it myself and still
female perceives that the egg sac is misshapen, prefer letting the female tarantula do it. The
she may eat the eggs. This is why cage condi ¬
most widely used technique is the so-called
tions are important. If the female does not hammock method. In this case, what you do is
have the substrate and space to dig a bowl for suspend the eggs in a fabric hammock in a high-
egg laying, the prospects for success are poor. humidity environment. I have used material mar¬
Females will spend quite a lot of time rolling keted as bridal veil. This is a very fine mesh made
and silking the mass until it is roughly spheri
¬ out of a synthetic material. Synthetic stocking
cal. Then she will settle on it. Most tarantulas material (such as pantyhose) will also work. The
carry the eggs in their fangs and otherwise important thing is not to use a natural fabric
keep in constant physical contact with it. such as cheesecloth (made of cotton) since nat ¬

Some African tarantulas are reported to hang ural fibers will get moldy in a moist environment.
their egg sac from the roof of their retreat. If Next, take a round, plastic, food-storage box,
you are foolish enough to try to take the eggs .
and cut a large hole into the lid Put some sand
away from any female tarantula, watch out! or small stones into the box to stabilize it, and
She will be very aggressive. I would hold off loosely hang a piece of the bridal veiling over
feeding an incubating female, as the prey may the top. Then put the cut-out lid on top to
disturb her. Try a feeding only after a couple secure the fabric. You now have a weighted, cir¬
of weeks, and if the female does not immedi ¬ cular hammock for the eggs. Place the hammock
ately eat, take the prey out. Make sure there is inside a larger plastic box with wet paper towels
water at all times. on the bottom, and change the paper toweling
often to prevent mold growth. (Don't use free ¬

Eating the Eggs standing water because the hatching spiderlings

Sometimes tarantulas eat their eggs, even will eventually climb out of the hammock and
after weeks of careful incubation. There are fall into the water and drown.) This larger box
fewer sadder experiences in tarantula keeping should have pin holes put in the lid to admit air

but keep out scuttle flies. Don't take the eggs I would suggest that you do not remove
away from the female right away. Apparently the eggs from the female's care unless it is a spider
egg sac needs the almost constant massaging with a past history of eating her eggs. Until
that only the female can give them. If you take more is known about what does and does not
the eggs away too soon the eggs clump up and work with the artificial incubation of spider
won't hatch. After two or three weeks of mom's eggs an element of risk is involved. On the
close attention you can take the eggs way and other hand, if we do not try, we will never
place them in the hammock. The egg sac should learn.
be turned at least once a day. After a week or
two more you can cut the egg sac open and lay The Big Day
the eggs directly in the fabric hammock. The One morning after a month (or two or three
advantage of doing this is that you can more depending on the species) of nail biting, you
closely monitor the development of the eggs and will peer into the cage and see a mass of spi¬
remove the ones that go bad. The disadvantage derlings. Remember that bottle of champagne?
is that the eggs are now exposed to fungus Some tarantulas hatch as hairless postembryos.
spores and other infectious agents in the air At this stage they are all but helpless. In several
Eventually you will see the eggs hatch into the days they will shed into first instar recogniz¬

postembryonic stage, which looks like eggs with .

able baby tarantulas Others go through the
legs. They will molt again and start to show first molt in the egg sac. The females of some
darkening around the eyes and fangs and some species, such as pinktoes, are known to feed
hair. At this stage they may cannibalize any their young. Baby spiders are all much more
unhatched eggs in the hammock with them. tolerant of each other than adults. Only after
They need to shed again before they are ready to a period of weeks will you begin to see canni¬
move around on their own and feed like the spi- balism in the nursery. Because of the sheer
derlings they are. You can take a middle road numbers of babies some people leave the
and leave the egg sac intact The spiderlings youngsters together at this point to lighten
don't need any help to emerge from the silk bag. the load of rearing via cannibalism. If this
This may be the best trade-off between the risk sounds harsh, remember that some species
of maternal cannibalism and the chance for can lay over 1,000 eggs. Surely an embarrass¬
mold growth leading to losing the entire clutch. ment of riches!
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So , whether you bought it or bred it , you are

the proud owner of a hut elding Inruntula. Like
most baby animals , very young tarantulas hare
their charm: however, for the first few molts ,
they may not resemble their parents very much.

Starting Out keep the spiderlings together and even feed

In fact, your new little tarantula may not them. The length of time they will aggregate
look like much at all-small, pinkish gray, and peacefully will vary from days to weeks
not very hairy. Few species are very distinctive depending on the stage of development of the
when young. Examples of this category are spiders when they hatched. Some hatch out as
early instar pinktoe tarantulas and goliath small tarantulas, ready to go, while other
pinkfoot tarantulas. Young pinktoe tarantulas species hatch out as bald and nearly helpless
are strikingly marked in pale colors and reddish hatchlings in the postembryo stage and need
markings; young goliath pinkfoots have pink to go through a molt or two before they feed.
feet. In both these cases the markings fade
with age. But one thing all hatchling tarantulas When to Separate the
have in common is an appetite ! It is impossible
to feed a young tarantula too much. Another Spiderlings
common characteristic is their sensitivity to dry There are two sure signs that it is time to
conditions; keep them moist whatever the separate the spiderlings:
native habitat. .
1 they start eating each other, and
If you bred these baby tarantulas yourself, .
2 they start attempting to disperse.
you are faced with the dilemma of housing Cannibalism will almost always take place. In
and feeding all these spiders. Tarantulas, like fact, it has even been found to start inside the
most spiders, go through a brief period after egg sac. A symptom of the onset of dispersal
hatching when they cluster together on the behavior is pacing around the cage, looking for
web, crawling over each other like sociable ani¬ an escape. If you feed the aggregated spider¬

mals. Only later does their cannibalistic side lings in a group, you will benefit those spider ¬

show itself. During this truce period you can lings ready to eat and delay the day when you
have to go through the chore of separating
Or Uiit" ready 1» head aal an their air a . them, but you will also increase the cannibal¬

I " roup of Mexican redranip tarantula ism rate. The presence of food and the stimulus
spider! ings shedding . to hunt will accelerate the expression of the
more adult behaviors, including cannibalism. Bedding
Fortunately, tarantula spiderlings are fairly Any of the beddings recommended in the
docile and easy to separate. They will usually section on substrates (see page 22) will work.
just sit there and let you coax them into a vial I use peat moss; many use vermiculite. Never
or jar. If you separate them early, do not worry use sand or gravel. Even though sand and
if they do not immediately fall on their food, gravel are fine for adult tarantulas native to
as their hunting behaviors may still be sup ¬ dry desert regions, all spiderlings need to be
pressed by their young age. treated as the most delicate native of moist
tropical regions. If you keep the sand moist,
mold growth is much higher than for the sug ¬

Housing Spiderlings gested alternatives. If you are rearing the spi ¬

While adult tarantulas are hardy critters, the derling in a container too small for a water
youngsters are more delicate. Because of their dish, it is not a problem if the substrate is kept
small body size, they dry out easily; however, moist at all times. This statement may seem at
if you start with a healthy spiderling and first to fly in the face of all I have said about
watch the basics, you should have no problems . the importance of water; however, all small
Hatchling tarantulas are best reared in small spiders can drink what is called capillary water,
containers. You would be doing the little which is the water absorbed into the substrate.
tarantula no favors at all by putting it in a Because you will be keeping your little spider
larger cage and waiting for it to grow into it. at a higher humidity by keeping the substrate
I have used plastic sandwich boxes, disposable wetter than you would when it gets older, the
condiment containers (such as the type that substrate will be wet enough to drink from. For
holds side dishes in fast food places), pill vials, arboreal spiders spray the webbing regularly.
and baby food jars. Do not ever let the cage of a small tarantula
spiderling dry out, or it will die.
Container Setups
There are two basic kinds of rearing con ¬ Setting Up the Housing
tainer setups: those for arboreal species, and To set up the housing simply take the con¬
those for terrestrial species. In the container tainer you choose, put a half inch (13 mm) or so
for the terrestrial species you need only some of the moistened substrate at the bottom, and
kind of substrate kept moist. For arboreal put the spider in. The ventilation holes on the lid
species use a taller container and add a piece should be small and few. Don't use wire mesh as
of stick or bark for the little spider to attach a this will lead to too much air movement and
silk retreat. While terrestrial tarantula spider ¬ evaporation. Tarantula respiration takes place at
lings are not likely to attempt to dig a burrow a very low rate, so suffocation is not a problem
right away, arboreals will usually spin a retreat even with minimal ventilation, but water loss is a
right from the start. This is to be encouraged as big problem. Only immature-to-adult tarantulas
they will be less water-stressed and molt with can keep their water balance by drinking and
fewer problems in a retreat. not dry out.

I er r you iifi InrunI ill as in iniliriilniil rials in a

Ini in illififf I rase. Proper alien I ion In humidity
is crucial lo successfully rearing rery youii"
tarantulas because of llieir small size They .
can tpiickly dry out anil die of dehydration
or hare moiling problems

As I mentioned above, you cannot feed a
tarantula spiderling too much; they will eat far slower initial growth rate when fed and higher
more often than they will when adult. A hatch ¬
mortality rate. My advice is to feed them early
ling tarantula is busy growing and has an and often and give away any you cannot rear or
appetite that is hard to satisfy. Unlike adult spi ¬
sell. Even with the best of care you will notice
ders, very young tarantulas pause in their eating that in any group of spiderlings there are some
only to molt. Even then, the molt cycle is much that thrive and others that never seem to do
faster in younger spiders. They may go from pre ¬ really well. How much this is due to genetic dif ¬

molt lethargy to the shed and back to ravenous ferences or if those that do particularly well got
in less than a week when very young. The same a head start by eating their siblings is unknown.
process may last well over a month in an older If you have only one or a few spiderlings, you
spider. Hatchling tarantulas can starve to death can dote on them and feed them as often as
in weeks, even though adults can live years with they will eat. In any case, feed them at least
no food. I have noticed that spiderlings that are twice a week. You can also increase growth rate
not fed soon after they disperse from the by rearing them at warmer temperatures, such as
mother's web have a much higher mortality rate mid to upper SOs^ F (30s° C). The need for food
than spiderlings fed well immediately. None of will slow with age. If you restrict their food
this is in your control if you buy your spiderling when young, they will also not grow as large
from a breeder after a molt or two. If it looks fat when they mature. Also, the quality of diet is
and happy, it probably is. Be aware that the spi ¬ more important for younger than older spiders.
derlings of some of the more slow -growing Diversity is the key to success. Very small spiders
species may go off- feed for longer periods are hard to feed as it is very hard to find a reli¬

before the molt than others. able source for small food items. Thus, you may
If you are confronted with a hatch of hun ¬
have to raise your own. At first you can feed
dreds of hatchling tarantulas, you are best off them vestigial- winged fruit flies, then flour bee ¬

separating them as soon as you can and feeding tle larvae, small mealworms, and small crickets.
them immediately. Starved hatchlings have a A discussion of food follows in the next chapter.

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There are a variet y of options for feeding your
msm. fin hungry arachnids. Again, it 's import tail to
realize that a direrse diet is a balanced diet .
Jlpt /

What's for Dinner ? Finding Commercial

If you are feeding only one to a half- dozen
specimens, then you can rely on store-bought
Most pet shops stock crickets and meal ¬
foods, such as crickets and mealworms. You
worms, which are fine for feeding older juve ¬

can also catch foods in the wild if you are

lucky enough to live in a place where there nile or adult tarantulas as a basic diet. Some
are natural areas. One thing I advise is to stores that trade heavily in reptiles may offer
resist the temptation to offer potentially wax moth larvae as well. Other potential feeder
dangerous prey to the tarantula ’s cage in bugs for tarantulas are nightcrawlers that pet
order to watch a fight. Feeding larger beetles shops sometimes carry for feeding large fish
and grasshoppers, wasps, or even other arach ¬ such as cichlids. You will be lucky indeed to
nids can result in injury to your spider. A good find a pet store stocking fruit flies or very
rule of thumb is that the body length of the small crickets. If you have a large and aggres ¬

food item should be half the body length (or sive tarantula, you can even feed it small mice
less) of the tarantula. ( Obvious exceptions to and goldfish. Bait shops are a good source for
this rule are earthworms and beetle larvae.) cheap feeder bugs. Remember, the commercial
Food items should also be something you worm - and insect - rearing business got its start
can hold in your hand without fear of getting supplying the recreational fishing trade, not
bitten or stung. people feeding tarantulas! The bulk of the
business for these people is still for fishing
bait. I have found crickets, wax moth larvae,
mealworms, and, of course, earthworms at
. 1 skeleton hi null ill ( i filling u killedill. bait shops.
There are commercial sources for other types face. (They can jump, of course.) Crickets are
of feeder insects. Biological supply catalogs easily kept in a 10-gallon (38-L) aquarium. You
offer many kinds of insects for lab rearing. The will want to put on a lid if you are keeping
aquarium and reptile hobby magazines (see adult crickets. A strip of smooth-surfaced wide
Information, page 109) also run ads for indi ¬ tape (such as strapping tape) around the inside
viduals dealing in harder to find food insects top will keep the crickets from climbing out. A
such as vestigial- winged fruit flies and house -
2- to 3-inch (5 7 cm) band of petroleum jelly
flies; however, unless you have a large collec ¬ smeared around the top will also do the job.
tion you should not have to branch out too The tank does not need any kind of bedding. In
radically from a few basic insects for food. fact, a barren tank is far easier to clean. Put in
cardboard egg carton material or the cardboard
Domestic Gray Crickets rolls from paper towels and toilet paper for the
(Acheta domestica) crickets to climb on. Food can be just about
Domestic crickets are native to Eurasia and anything. Commercial cricket farmers recom ¬

are a pest there. Crickets are related to cock ¬ mend chicken feed, but you can use dry dog
roaches and share many of their traits. They food, breakfast cereal, raw potatoes, apples,
eat anything, they are hardy, and they breed carrots, or lettuce. Water should be supplied in
constantly. Crickets have not only been culti ¬ a glass vial with a plug of cotton in the end
vated in captivity but domesticated in the lying on its side. If you put the water in a dish,
sense that they have been selectively bred to put in gravel or a sponge so the crickets do not
enhance their growth rate and fecundity under drown. I recommend feeding a good- quality dry
commercial rearing conditions. Crickets are the dog food supplemented with raw fruits and
basic diet for any tarantula-rearing operation vegetables. Adult crickets live about two weeks
as they are relatively easy to keep and rear and so you cannot stockpile them. When handling
they are among the more nutritious food them for feeding, use your hand or tweezers. If
insects. I have reared tarantulas to a fertile you need to feed a lot of crickets you may find
adulthood on crickets alone, although I do not it worthwhile to chill them in the refrigerator
recommend it. There are many commercial for 15 to 20 minutes to slow them down. This
cricket farms across the country now supplying cuts down on crickets escaping.
crickets of all sizes year-round. No hatchling
tarantula is too small to eat a hatchling Fruit Flies (Drosophila melanogaster)
cricket. Unless you have a lot of tarantulas or A culture of vestigial- winged fruit flies is
are feeding reptiles too, you will not want to very handy for starting hatchling tarantulas .
order crickets directly from the supplier as they Unfortunately, fruit flies are deficient in amino
are sold in lots of 500 or 1,000. acids (such as linoleic acid) so they are not
Keeping crickets: Crickets need dry, warm suitable to feed as more than half the diet of a
conditions to do well. They like to sit near a growing tarantula. You can add linoleic acid to
heat source such as a light bulb. They are the fly culture medium, which helps, but the
flightless and cannot climb up a smooth sur ¬ usefulness of fruit flies is unfortunately lim-
ited. Spiders fed too long on fruit flies alone flies out of the culture bottle into a plastic vial
develop molting problems and curly legs, and putting the vial in the refrigerator until
which is too bad as fruit flies are so easy to they are lying on the bottom, perhaps 20 min ¬

raise once you have the rearing medium. You utes. If you chill the whole culture bottle, many
can catch wild fruit flies in most places, but of the flies will get stuck to the medium.
the wild winged variety is of limited use for
tarantula food unless the spiderlings are in Mealworms (Tenebrio molitor)
very small containers and can encounter the There was a time, not long ago, when the
flies. There are two routes to go with the fruit humble mealworm was all we had to feed cap ¬

flies: buying from a reptile food dealer, or tive spiders and reptiles from the pet shop.
spending the money to buy a starter culture of Mealworms are actually the larvae of a beetle.
the vestigial- winged strain of flies and rearing But, before you imagine them as "slimy creepy
medium mix from a biological supply house. crawlies," let me tell you that these larvae have
Keeping and breeding fruit flies: The folks a hard, dry cuticle and therefore are not slimy
selling flies through the mail send a well- like earthworms. Mealworms are pests of stored
started culture bottle that will produce flies for grain. Being pests, mealworms are ridiculously
weeks. If you buy flies this way, you will be out easy to rear, can be stored in the refrigerator,
of flies when the rearing medium dries up. The and are easy to buy. The only drawback is that
commercial rearing medium sold by biological they are not very active and therefore not as
supply houses comes as dry flakes. Mix these attractive to spiders for food. They have a way
dry flakes with water ( 1:1 by volume), sprinkle of slowly crawling out of sight (or should I say
a pinch of yeast on top, and add flies. After touch) of the spider. They are a fine food source
about two weeks you will have hundreds of and can be reared so that you have access to a
flies. You could try rearing the vestigial- winged variety of sizes, which is so important to feed ¬

flies on fruit, but wild fruit flies would come in ing those spiderlings.
(as they inevitably will), mate with the vesti¬
Keeping and rearing mealworms: To rear
gial- winged flies, and soon all your flies will mealworms buy several plastic shoe boxes and
have full wings. Buying the culture medium
and flies from a biological supply house is less
expensive in the long run. I mix the rearing tv Y
medium up in 16-ounce ( 500 mL) juice bottles ' '
to a depth of about an inch and a half ( 4 cm)
and stopper the bottles with a piece of foam or
cotton. The flies are easier to handle if you first
stun them with cold. I do this by shaking the

Domestic crickets ore cosily housed.
Ill they really need is food, water,
and a place to climb.

m- . I " roup of false tlealli s haul cockroaches .

. At The smaller, spoiled indiridiials are the

Sf. nymphs.

8mSi V Flour Beetles (Tribolium sp.)

Other pests of stored grain are flour beetles.
These are related to mealworms but are much
smaller and even easier to rear. Flour beetles
& are about one- fifth the size of mealworm bee


%' tles. I like to use flour beetle larvae to feed
$gt. ¥
very young tarantulas because of their size.
You can also buy flour beetles from biological

supply houses; there are two species used in
Vs- studies of population genetics, T. confusum
, a and T. castaneum. Flowever, as they are pests,
fill each two-thirds full of a mix of grain prod ¬ you can find them in bags of flour that have
ucts. Oatmeal, corn meal, or bran flakes are all been stored too long.
readily available in the grocery store. For mois ¬
Keeping and rearing flour beetles: As
ture, put a piece of carrot or raw potato on I said above, flour beetles are even easier to
top, add mealworms, and stand back. Make rear than mealworms because they do not
sure the box is well ventilated to keep the need a moisture source; flour is enough. Use
moisture levels down. Excess moisture will lead whole- wheat flour mixed with white flour in
to mold growth, and mold growth on the a one - to- one ratio. Because the larvae are so
cereal will kill the mealworms. I suggest stag ¬
small, the best way to use them as food is to
gering the start date for the cultures so you sift them out of the flour with a wire strainer,
do not wind up with all beetles in a few weeks. then pick them out of the strained material
After a few weeks you will see shiny black (concentrated beetles, pupae, and shed skins)
beetles about an inch long ( 2.54 cm) running with a tweezers. I do not use the adults, only
around on top of the cereal. Even if you do the larvae. One drawback to flour beetles as
not want to rear mealworms they will be bet ¬
food is that the larvae are hairy, which means
ter food for the spiders after fattening up. The that the flour will adhere to them. This flour
ones you buy in the pet shop in a little plastic will eventually grow mold in the tarantula ¬

cup are usually a bit dried out and thin from rearing container. I solved this by bouncing the
sitting around in the refrigerator. Also, the worms off the tabletop to get rid of the flour
activity level of the worms are increased if before feeding them to the spiders. You only
they are recently fed, making them a more need to drop them several inches to do the
attractive food for the spiders. trick.
Superworms (Zophobas sp.) Keeping and Rearing False Death's
The third beetle in the family Tenebrionidae Head Cockaroaches
is a recent arrival on the food bug scene-the I breed these in a 10- or 20-gallon (40- or
tropical "superworm." Superworms, as the 80-L) aquarium with a layer of dry pine shavings
name suggests, have the advantage of large on the bottom. I also put a band of plastic strap ¬

size. They are found in decayed wood in the ping tape around the inside so the cockroaches
wild but have been domesticated for feeding cannot climb out the corners of the tank. They
reptiles and are an excellent food source for will eat about anything but they particularly
larger spiders. They are not usually stocked by seem to relish lettuce, oranges, and bananas.
pet stores but can be found for sale in the
reptile-keeping magazines. Because they are Other Food Bugs
not pests of stored grain they are a little Wax moth larvae and cockroaches are good
trickier to culture than their poor cousins food sources for tarantulas. Wax moth larvae
the mealworms and flour beetles. are the caterpillars of yet another pest species,
Keeping superworms: Superworms cannot the greater wax moth ( Galleria mdlonella).
be refrigerated because they are tropical. This This moth is a pest in bee-keeping operations
means that you have to either use up any where it eats bees’ wax. The larvae are not
superworms you buy shortly after buying them relying on the wax alone for nutrition, but the
or keep them fed and healthy. Superworm lar¬ remains of bee larvae in the comb. Rearing
vae in nature feed on decayed wood but can be moths is more specialized so I recommend buy¬
kept in captivity on sawdust or peat moss. ing them. They are plump, soft larvae about
Moisture can be supplied by offering vegetables 1 inch (2.5 cm) in length. They are a good sup ¬

such as carrots or potatoes (as for mealworms). plement to a tarantula 's diet and can be pur¬
chased at some pet shops, bait shops, and from
False Death’s Head Cockroach hobby magazines. Unfortunately, they do not
(Blaberus discoidales) store well and are sold in cups of wood shav ¬

Perhaps the very best cockroach to breed for ings just before pupating. If you buy any you
tarantula food is the false death's head cock
¬ will need to use them up in a week or two as
roach. The adults are a handsome reddish gold they will soon pupate at room temperature
color, and the nymphs are attractively marked and they do not survive refrigeration well.
in light brown with light spots. They are native Earthworms are a good food source for the
to the New World tropics. These are leaf-litter larger spider. I have used nightcrawlers ( Lum-
cockroaches that cannot climb smooth surfaces bricus sp.) as a staple diet for large goliath
such as glass. This is an obvious advantage for birdeater tarantulas that ignored crickets.
keeping them. In this species, the adults do get Nightcrawlers are sold in small lots at bait
wings and can fly under some circumstances, shops and some pet shops and can be stored
but I have not had any escapes. in the refrigerator.
Tarantulas are certainly less their legs using blood pressure, Leg Loss
prone to sickness than tropical not muscles. Therefore, if they If a tarantula loses a leg it is
fish, reptiles, or amphibians, lose blood (more properly in far better shape than you
for example. This is just as called hemolymph), they need might imagine, as most can
well, as virtually no veterinar¬ to drink to replace the blood grow another one. Spiders
ian would know what to do if fluid volume lost. have the ability to shed legs
presented with a sick spider. the way some lizards shed
You might be lucky enough to Puncture Wounds tails. Better to lose a leg than
find an individual willing to Occasionally a tarantula will your life, especially if you have
experiment (all those dogs and receive a puncture in the eight to begin with! All spiders
cats do get a bit boring!) but abdomen, a much more serious have a specialized joint in their
most will be unable or even wound than any to a leg. If a legs near the base (between
unwilling to help treat an tarantula suffers a puncture the coxa and trochanter),
arachnid. So, you need to be wound, it can be plugged with which breaks away when the
willing to try for yourself. I an adhesion patch. You will leg is grabbed. The open stump
offer the following sugges¬ have to consider how to hold is closed off by muscular con¬
tions as guidelines for possible the spider so you can patch the traction at the joint and blood
treatments. I am not a veteri ¬ wound. One possibility is to use loss is immediately stopped.
narian, and the following the restrained handling proce¬ This process is called autotomy
information is based only on dures described on page 38. The (or autospasy by some authors)
my own experiences with shortcoming of this technique and is an important way for
tarantulas and other arachnids is that the spider will drive up the injured tarantula to save
and the experiences of col¬ its blood pressure when it blood. In fact, if a leg is
leagues. struggles and thus hasten injured in any way the taran¬
blood loss Another solution is tula may decide that it is more
Traumatized Tarantulas to anesthetize the spider by trouble than it is worth and
As I mentioned in the sec ¬ chilling it in the refrigerator for pull it off itself. Rather
tion on handling (see page 38), 15-20 minutes. For a bandage, bizarrely, tarantulas will often
you need to guard against I have used a small piece of eat the leg so as not to lose
falls The prognosis for recov ¬ plastic with petroleum jelly on the nutrients they invested in
ery for any tarantula that has it slapped over the leak. If the growing it in the first place.
had a fall severe enough to spider can reach the bandage, The leg will not be totally
cause bleeding from the pedi¬ it will pull it off, so you may replaced in one molt How well
cel or abdomen is poor. How ¬ need to try a blob of petroleum developed the leg is after the
ever, the most important thing jelly alone. An alternative is to first posttrauma shed will
to do for any spider that suf¬
use a fast-drying adhesive depend on how long before the
fers loss of body fluid is to get (such as Superglue). The actual molt the leg was lost. If
it a drink of water. As I men¬ wounded area will be com¬ they lose the leg just before a
tioned in the first chapter, spi ¬ pletely healed at the next molt, molt, they may not have time
ders have a partially hydraulic although you may notice a to grow a new leg under the
muscle system and extend slight discoloration. old cuticle. It is certainly amaz-
ing to see the size of the old leg stump and then
the size of the leg that appears after the molt,
small though it is. In any case, it will take several
sheds for the regenerated leg to match its mate
on the other side of the spider. Insults to the cuti ¬

cle can also speed up the timing of the next molt,

which is the spider's way of healing itself. X
Having a Bad Molt
Shedding is a big event for a tarantula, and
things can go wrong. For the geriatric tarantula
the best thing you can do is offer water. In many Petroleum jelly rail be lined to plug siniill puncture
cases the bleeding will clot on its own. All taran ¬ .
wonnils on n tiirniiliilii Only use it for nreiisof the
tulas, particularly young ones, can fail to shed old body the tnrnnluln rnnnot reach with its feet its

skin if they are kept too dry. For tarantulas that

you see here Also, keep it away from the openings
of the hook lungs or the spider may suffocate.
get stuck in the old skin, water is again the main
therapeutic agent. This can be as minor as having discoloration will not come off with a spray from
a patch of old cuticle stick to the abdomen. In a water bottle like dirt and is probably a fungal
this case you can soften the dry skin with water infection. Fungal infections most often occur in
and gently pull the old skin off. Do not just jerk moister caging situations. I do not know if the
the old skin off, but gently pull at it (with the spi ¬
fungus is attacking something on the cuticle of
der trying to go in the other direction by now), the spider or if it can go deeper. One of the first
and if it peels away, success is yours. Occasionally, things to do is let the cage dry out This will slow
tarantulas fail to free old legs. This can be a real or stop the growth of the fungus. You can try
crisis depending on how many legs are stuck and treating the fungus with a topical treatment, but
how deep it is. If the legs are most of the way out this should be considered experimental. When
and stuck, then you might be able to soften the the spider molts, the fungus will be shed with
old skin with water and gently pull the old skin the old cuticle and you should not see it again.
off. If the legs are stuck most of the way in, Lumps: I have had adult female tarantulas
forced autotomy may be your best choice. If only develop lumps on the abdomen for no apparent
one or two legs are stuck, you can induce auto ¬ reason. This seemed to be correlated with
tomy of the stuck legs by pinching them through advanced age in the spider. I have had tarantulas
the old cuticle using a tweezers. If most (or some¬ molt out of these, leaving a discolored area on
times all) legs get stuck and the new cuticle has the new cuticle. Tarantulas can develop bleeding
already hardened, I am sorry to say your best bet from the joints after a molt, particularly when
in this case is to euthanize the spider. I do this by older. I suspect that these lumps are areas where
placing the poor creature in the freezer. blood has leaked in between the layers of cuti¬
cle, which is in keeping with the leaky cuticle
Cuticular Conditions condition I mentioned earlier. Lumps on the
Fungal infections: Rarely you will notice a abdomen are more serious, but remain enigmatic
gray patch on the abdomen of a tarantula. This at this time.





If you like larunI ulus, you are likely to find

. other arachnids interestin'!. There are smaller
spider species that are often locally available,
easy to am intain , and fan to watch .

Other types of arachnids make an intriguing They are the trapdoor spiders (the family
comparison to spiders and are fairly easy to Ctenizidae), the purseweb spiders (the family
maintain in captivity. These are scorpions, Atypidae), and the foldingdoor spiders (the
whipscorpions (or vinegaroons), tailless whip- family Antrodiaetidae). Some arachnological
scorpions, and windscorpions (also called sun sources refer to all mygalomorphs as tarantu ¬

spiders, solfugids, or camel spiders). las, but this is a term I reserve for the Thera -
phosidae alone.
All mygalomorphs are an arachnological nov ¬

Other Spiders elty as they share many primitive features with

There are several types of spiders sometimes the hypothesized ancestral spider (see Under ¬

offered for sale, or encountered in the wild, standing Tarantulas, beginning on page 5). They
that you may want to keep. This includes the make an interesting contrast to tarantulas as
nontheraphosid mygalomorphs (trapdoor spi ¬ they are even more adapted to life in a burrow.
ders and allies) and the " true" or araneomorph They have shorter legs, are not as agile on the
spiders ( widows, large orbweavers, and various ground as a theraphosid, and are almost totally
hunting spiders). I categorize the araneomorph hairless. Trapdoor spiders are sometimes offered
spiders here for convenience as web-building for sale by dealers. If you live in the eastern
spiders and non - web -building, or hunting, United States or in Europe, these nonthera ¬

spiders. phosid mygalomorphs are the closest you will

get to seeing tarantulas in the wild without
Trapdoor Spiders and Relatives making a major trip. Unfortunately, most non ¬

Tarantulas are closely related to several spi

theraphosid mygalomorphs are obligate bur -
der families that are more widespread in distri ¬ rowers to an even greater extent than any
bution than tarantulas. These tarantula tarantula. As a result, keeping them without the
relatives occur as far north as New York State opportunity to burrow would be stressful to the
in the United States and Britain in Europe. spiders and shorten their lives. This means that
you will have to house them in a soil - filled
An ailiill female red willow (Lntrodectus cage and allow them to burrow, and, as a result,
bishopi). you will almost never see them.
Hunting wild mygalomorphs takes an ele ¬ be mimicking ants to avoid predation by visual,
ment of luck or exact location data. All these day-active predators such as birds. As always, a
spiders do an excellent job of camouflaging brief consideration of what little is known
their retreats and finding them is not easy about the mygalomorph spiders yields more
even if you have information on a locale. questions than answers.
The trapdoor spiders and foldingdoor spiders Keeping trapdoor spiders and relatives: If
are found in their highest densities on road you buy or collect mygalomorph spiders, I rec¬
banks or stream banks. The trapdoor is an ommend a tank setup as for the obligate bur ¬

amazing bit of spider engineering. The spiders rowing tarantulas. Let the spider build its own
make a perfectly fitting door of silk and soil, burrow. If you are lucky enough to have col¬
which they attach to the burrow mouth with lected the spider yourself, you can attempt to
a silk hinge. imitate the natural habitat. However, once the
The folding door of foldingdoor spiders is burrow is established, you may never see your
a collar of silk that the spider can pull shut. spider again. Any food you put in will disap¬

Foldingdoor spider burrows are easier to spot pear and that will be the only evidence that
than the cunningly constructed trapdoor of there is a spider living in the cage. You may be
the trapdoor spider. I have seen foldingdoor able to induce the spider to build next to the
spider burrows in high densities along a road glass, which would allow observation.
bank in east Tennessee and once found a
colony in a small city park in the middle of Widow Spiders
Cincinnati, Ohio. The widow spiders are a worldwide genus
Purseweb spiders build a silk tube up the that includes several species of widow spider
side of a tree and rarely emerge at all. These in North America [ Latrodectus spp.). The good
tubes are camouflaged with dirt and debris. news about widow spiders is that they are
The spiders wait inside and feed by pulling beautiful and hardy; the bad news is that their
insects through the silk. venom is dangerous to humans. I emphatically
You are likely to be made aware of these do not recommend any of the widow spiders
spiders in your area by the arrival of wander ¬ to anyone because of this. What is worse than
ing males in the late summer and fall. There is the risk of the bite of an adult kept in captiv¬
no mistaking adult male mygalomorphs for ity is that the spiderlings are minuscule and so
anything else. Their size, shiny color, bulky can readily escape from a container. If you feel
body, and short legs are all diagnostic. you must have a widow spider, please do your
Purseweb spider males wander during the day family and neighbors a favor-remove any egg
looking for the females' retreats. Because the sacs the spider lays and take them to a natural
female purseweb spiders build their retreats on area far from human habitation or pop them
the sides of trees, these males may be using into the freezer. The females grow much larger
vision to locate the tree trunks. Some of these than the males. In fact, male black widows
spider males are brightly marked in black and have very different markings from the adult
red and it has been suggested that they may female (as do the small immatures).
The Widows of North America ders is their egg sac. Most spiders in the family
Black widows are undeniably beautiful. The that contain the widows {the Theridiidae, which
shiny black and red markings of an adult also includes many common, inconspicuous,
female black widow spider are a sight to and harmless species) lay spherical, pale brown
behold. There are five species of widow spider egg sacs in their web. The brown widow's egg
in the United States: L mactans, the southern sac has all these features, plus conspicuous
black widow; L variolus, the northern black tufts all over the surface; there is no mistaking
widow ; L hesperus, the western black widow; it. If you go brown widow spider hunting, pay
L geometricus, the brown widow; and L bish - attention to any egg sacs you find hanging in
opi, the red widow. The first three, L mactans, tangled webs. They have become established in
L. hesperus, and L variolus, are typical black Florida and build their webs in and around
widows. The adult females are shiny black with buildings and junk.
red markings on the abdomen. The famous Red widows are the most beautiful and rare
hourglass marking on the ventral side of the of the American widow spiders. They have red
abdomen is best developed in the southern legs and cephalothorax, and a gray abdomen
and western widows and may be divided into marked with red. You are not likely to come
two red marks in the northern species. Black across red widows as they are found only in
widows are typically found in dry, sandy, or the dry, sandy upland habitats of Florida
rocky areas. In the western United States this (called "scrub") and are potentially threatened
includes a lot more territory than in the East. because scrub habitats are threatened. They
In the western states widows can become build their tangled web in the fronds of
amazingly common around human habitation. palmettos well off the ground.
They like our sheds and woodpiles for web Keeping widows in captivity: Widow spi¬
building and also like to eat the insects we ders are extremely easy to maintain in captiv ¬

attract. In the northern parts of their range ity. They will readily build their tangled web in
widow spiders are spotty in distribution. They any container you put them in. A generous
occur as far north as Canada at sunny, rocky container would be some kind of plastic jar or
sites, not because they like hot dry conditions,
but rather, they are sensitive to cold. Exposed,
box at least half a gallon (2 L) in volume with
an array of sticks for web attachment. You can
sunny sites stay warmer in the winter months. put in any substrate you like, although this is
Brown widow spiders have traveled with not necessary. Ventilation can be provided by
humans to the warmer regions of the world. several holes in the top. You will want to keep
They are thought to be native to Africa. They the container dry and supply water by misting
are humbly marked in browns with a red hour ¬ the web once every week or two. Unlike taran¬
glass and are not as strikingly marked as black tulas, widows need dryer conditions.
widows. If fact, they may be readily mistaken Fortunately for the keeper, female widows
for a common house spider (Achaearanea tepi- are clumsy off their web. If you need to transfer
dariorum) if not examined carefully. One of the a widow to another cage it is fairly easy to do.
most distinctive traits of the brown widow spi¬ You can either reach into the container with a

acquired an immature female and she will

remain infertile ( though she may still lay eggs).
Unmated widows do not present the hazard of
infestation that a fertile female would.
1 Giant Orbweavers
There are several families of spiders that
m spin orb webs, the typical wheel-shaped spider
web we think of when we say “ spider." Two
of these orbweaver families have spectacular

L? pi &gL
genera. The first is the genus Argiope, in the
family Araneidae, and the second is Nephila,
in the family Tetragnathidae. Spiders in the
genus Argiope (pronounced " r -guy - o- pee")

&>fe fet m §m
are called argiope orbweavers and the
Nephila are referred to as golden silk orb ¬

*>. weavers. Both these genera are worldwide
in distribution, with golden silk orbweavers
WMMm being restricted to warmer latitudes than
• -S3&7 argiope orbweavers.
IT - The argiope orbweaver is one of the largest
. .
Xoir you v /’P /7 // // // // // // iw/ don l ! and most conspicuous spiders in North Amer ¬

I lie trell - caniouflapeil burrow entrance ica. There are several species found in the
of n / rinilinlinn trapdoor spider. United States, with two being common: A.
aurantia and A. trifasciata. In Europe there is
stick, wind up the webbing, and transfer the A. bruennichi. Wherever found, argiope orb ¬

silk -eovered stick with the spider hanging on to weavers are inhabitants of open grassy areas.
the other container, or dump the now webless All are marked in metallic colors ( that reflect
spider into the new container. Obviously, do not heat) and yellow bands. All have the habit of
let the spider walk on your unprotected hand! spinning white silk banners (called stabili-
Also, be careful when you remove egg sacs as menta) in their webs, that are thought to warn
the female can be very defensive. birds from flying into their webs, which would
Widow spiders will eat just about any insect. destroy them. Because the argiope orbweavers
And they can take quite large insects, thanks are so big and strikingly marked, they are read ¬

to their web. Once the adult female widow spi ¬

ily noticed and, even if you don' t want to keep
der is fat, she will be able to survive many any, once your friends know you are "into"
months without food. If you have a female spiders they will want to tell you about seeing
widow laying egg sacs, she can lay many of these. The northern forms of argiope orb ¬

them in sequence. Ideally, you will have weaver are highly seasonal, with the big,

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I large fishing spider (l)oloincdes
Kfl t%
A common huntsman spider (Ilcteropodu
( cMiebrosus), common in Ihc eastern U S .. venatoria). This spider is found around
the world in tropical anil subtropical
conspicuous females being seen in late regions in human habitations .
summer. Dealers sometimes carry the tropical
species A. argentata, the silver argiope, which to 1 yard ( 1 m) cubed for golden silk orbweav ¬

is easier to breed in captivity. The silver argiope ing spiders. You can also use a design called a
orbweaver is also found in Florida and Texas in window cage. Window cages are generally two
the United States. panes of glass or pieces of sheet plastic held
The golden silk orbweaving spiders are approximately 6 inches (15 cm) apart by a
unusual in that they spin yellow webs. There is frame with wire mesh on it. These are some ¬

no clear reason for this. It has been suggested times offered for sale by biological supply
that they are getting rid of metabolic wastes in houses, but they are expensive. The important
their silk. The golden orbweavers are found in feature for any orbweaver cage is air move ¬

warmer climates; in the New World, N. clavipes ment, so any cage should be at least partially
is found from coastal South Carolina to Brazil. made of wire mesh. It is also possible to release
In the Old World, there are two species occa ¬ these spiders into a porch or sunny window
sionally seen for sale: N. madagascariensis from well and have them build their web there. Feed
East Africa and the islands of the Indian Ocean, these spiders by placing crickets in the web. If
and N. maculata from Asia. These last two the cricket will not stick to the web, you can
species are quite large, being the biggest orb ¬ sometimes gently hand- feed the spider by
weaving spiders. In nature the golden silk orb ¬
brushing the cricket against the spider 's mouth
weaving spiders can be found building their parts. It may help to crush the cricket's head.
webs in groups in areas with abundant food. Water is supplied by misting the webs daily.
Keeping orbweaving spiders: Both orb - Tropical species of both the golden silk orb ¬

weavers are fairly easy to keep in captivity. weaver and the argiope orbweaver can be bred
Any large, airy screen cage will do the trick. in large colony cages. The species from more
A cage can range in size from about 2 feet seasonal latitudes can be bred too, but the
( 60 cm) cubed for argiope orbweaving spiders eggs may hatch only if subjected to tempera -
ture and humidity fluctuations that match very long legs that are held flattened against
their native environments. These colony cages the substrate and bent forward at the patella
need to be very big, at least a yard and a half joint when the spider is sitting still. This posture
(150 cm) cubed, and well supplied with food is most notable in the giant crab spider, and
such as house flies. gives them their distinctive crablike posture.
While argiope orbweavers and golden silk Heteropoda venatoria is the species most
orbweaving spiders are fairly easy to please, commonly offered for sale. This spider has been
other types of web spiders can be hard (or very successful in following humans around the
impossible) to induce to build webs in captiv¬ warmer parts of the world, living in houses and
ity. If you collect a web spider yourself, be eating cockroaches. Both giant crab spiders and
warned that it may not cooperate. If the spider wandering spiders hide during the day and
does not build a web, it will not eat. If you get come out at night to sit by their retreat and
a spider that will not build a web, you can try wait for dinner. Trying to catch them is quite an
a larger cage. If you caught the spider yourself, exercise because of their speed and agility.
release it and try another one. These spiders can give a nasty bite, and are very
aggressive, so watch out. There is a ctenid in
Hunting Spiders the New World tropics ( Phoneutria ferox) that
There are many interesting spiders that do is very poisonous and potentially fatal to
not build webs and are not tarantulas Jump¬ humans. Female giant crab spiders carry their
ing spiders (family Salticidae), the nursery web disk-shaped egg sac under their body.
spiders (family Pisauridae), and wolf spiders Keeping giant crab spiders and wandering
(family Lycosidae) are worldwide and are com ¬ spiders: These spiders are easy to keep. They
mon. All these can be captured locally, housed are best housed the same way as arboreal
simply, and released when the keeper's interest tarantulas. They need a spacious cage with
wanes. Housing should mimic the natural habi ¬ pieces of bark to climb on. A 10-gallon (40 L)
tat of the spider. Usually a simple plastic box aquarium tank standing on end would be fine.
with some substrate and a small water dish Substrate such as bark chips can be added as a
will do the trick. source for humidity, although this is optional.
I am only going to treat two families of spi¬ The main thing to keep in mind is the speed
ders at greater length: the giant crab spiders and agility of these spiders; they are great
(family Heteropodidae) and wandering spiders escape artists. They will feed ravenously on
(family Ctenidae). These spiders are noteworthy crickets and other insects.
as they are large, hairy, found in the tropics,
and sometimes offered for sale by dealers. They
are frequently confused with tarantulas. How¬ Scorpions
ever, these spiders are fast!They are cursorial Scorpions are easily as famous (or infamous)
hunters (meaning running) of cockroaches and as tarantulas. Scorpions are among the most
are often found in human habitations in ancient lineages of all terrestrial life; the first
warmer regions, including Florida Both have animal to leave the primordial seas is thought
to have been a scorpion Scorpions are in the -
non, which is a by product of the molecular
order Scorpiones, having a taxonomic rank structure of the cuticle. This odd feature of
equivalent to the spiders (order Araneae), in scorpions has been exploited by researchers
the class Arachnida. If you are interested in and collectors who use a handheld black light
tarantulas, you have likely considered acquir ¬ to find scorpions in the field.
ing a scorpion as well. There are several species Scorpions have live birth and the young
that are easy and interesting to keep and I will scorpions climb up onto the female's back and
treat these here; however, there are many that ride around until their first molt. Newborn
are so dangerous and uninteresting looking scorpions (called nymphs) are soft and white,
that anyone seeking to buy one has to be and look very helpless. Female scorpions feed
doing it for all the wrong reasons. Many of the their young. Some genera of scorpions are
more striking looking scorpions are less dan ¬ somewhat social (such as Heterometrus and
gerous to keep. It is often the small, nonde¬ Pandinus] and the youngsters need to be fed
script ones that can kill you. If someone offers by the mother or they will starve. Male scorpi¬
you one of the small, yellow or straw-colored ons look just like females except that in many
scorpions from the Middle East or North genera they tend to be smaller and have
Africa, resist the temptation. There is no sensi ¬ longer, more slender tails (more properly called
ble reason at all for a beginner to keep one of the postabdomen). If you can look over a
the more dangerous species when the alterna ¬ group, you can usually spot the difference.
tives are so attractive. One of the large, shiny, Scorpions mate by passing a package of sperm
black scorpions from tropical Africa or Asia (called a spermatophore). The males and
makes a fine pet, and is not likely to kill you. females engage in an elaborate courtship
This seems like a simple choice to me! The dance, pincers clasped. The males deposit the
most dangerous scorpions are in the genera spermatophore on the ground and guide the
Androctonus (from the Old World) and Cen- female over it so she can pick it up in her gen¬
truroides and Tityus (in the New World). Cen- ital aperture.
truroides is found in the United States. Keeping scorpions: Scorpions are easy to
All scorpions spend most of their time in keep. They will do well in any container with
burrows or under rocks and fallen logs. They substrate, a piece of bark to hide under, and a
will come out at night only to forage, like water dish. How sandy the substrate is and
tarantulas. Some live in association with a bur ¬ how moist you keep the cage will depend on
row they construct and stay with it for life. whether it is a desert or rain forest species. I
Scorpions can live for years. They are generally will treat only four genera here: the Asian for¬
restricted to the warmer parts 6f the globe, est scorpions ( Heterometrus spinifer and H.
but do range up into southern Ohio in the longimanus), the African emperor scorpions
United States and the Alps in Europe. Scorpi ¬ ( Pandinus imperator, P. dictator, and P. gambi-
ons fluoresce under ultraviolet light. The glow ensis), the Arizona hairy scorpion (Hadrurus
is an eerie green or blue under a black light. arizonensis), and the South African rock scor¬
There is no clear function for this phenome ¬ pion (Hadogenes troglodytes).

1 hairy scorpion (lladrurus sp. ) sera under


Wm normal lighting

ference between Asian forest scorpions and

African emperor scorpions is that the claws of

B the emperors are very broad and have distinc

tive bumps all over them. The claws of Asian

forest scorpions are more slender and almost
— _-
S totally smooth.

# ^v 4 M£ :C
Both Asian forest scorpions and African
emperor scorpions exhibit primitive social

behavior in the wild. They live in groups in

is extensive burrow systems. Because of their
• sociality, these scorpions can be kept together
* in captivity. The immatures are dependent on
Asian Forest Scorpions and the mother for a much longer time than most
African Emperor Scorpions nonsocial scorpion species. If you find yourself
These scorpions are the big, blue- black scor ¬ with a very young Asian forest scorpion or
pions that make the best captives. Most of African emperor scorpion that will not eat, you
the scorpions currently available commercially can try to hand- feed it crushed food items
are the African emperor scorpions. This may (such as crickets) just like Mom does.
change as the emperor scorpions have recently Keeping Asian forest scorpions and African
been listed by CITES. I treat them here emperor scorpions: Both these species will do
together because their housing requirements well in a terrarium with a deep substrate to
and care are similar. The most distinctive dif- allow them to dig a burrow. You can also pro ¬

vide artificial burrows as for the opportunistic

burrowing tarantulas. I would keep the scorpi¬

ons in larger cages than for similarly sized

tarantulas, as scorpions in general are more
active. If you want to house a group, allow for
more than one retreat as there may be a squab ¬

ble between individuals in the group. If you

keep individual Asian forest and African
emperor scorpions in smaller containers, make

The same scorpion viewed under ultraviolet

light . The fluorescence is due to the
molecular structure of the cuticle; there
is no apparent reason for this phenomenon.
The Emperor Scorpion (Puiuliniis imperator)
mafciii" a meal of on unfortunate echo.
sure that it is well made. I have heard stories of
emperor scorpions unweaving wire mesh cage
tops and escaping! Yes, they have very strong
pincers. If you need to handle or transfer the
scorpion from cage to cage, you can easily pick
them up by the tail with a large forceps. Do not
do what some hurried individuals do, which is
to pick them up by the tail tip using bare fin ¬
dangerously poisonous to normal, healthy
gers! Even if you secure the stinger, they can adults. They are solitary dwellers in burrows
reach up and give quite a pinch. You should and come to the surface at night to feed.
have one of the extra - large forceps on hand for Keeping Arizona hairy scorpions: These
general bug wrangling in any case. animals need a drier caging situation than
In case one of the females gives birth, leave Asian forest and emperor scorpions. They will
her alone. If the cage is crowded remove the do well in a plastic shoe box or a small terrar¬

nonreproductive individuals. Otherwise, they ium with a sandy substrate and a piece of bark
may prey on the young. Sometimes female to hide under. They should have a dry environ ¬

scorpions with young, like incubating tarantu ¬ ment and do not need water available at all
las, turn cannibal for no readily apparent rea ¬ times. I would offer it every few weeks, but
son. Keeping them feeling safe, secure, and if they get the substrate in their cage wet,
well fed is your best bet. There is no reason to change the substrate or you will have a very
have to remove the juveniles, but if you need unhappy scorpion until it dries. They will eat
to, make sure they are feeding themselves first. insects of many kinds, particularly crickets.
These scorpions like a moist environment, so They can go on extended fasts but as long as
pay close attention to the water supply. The they look fat, there is no cause for concern.
scorpions will readily eat crickets and about
any other feeder bug. I have known people to South African Rock Scorpions
feed emperor scorpions young mice and rats, These scorpions have the most unusual body
but this is not necessary. shape of any scorpion; they are tremendously
flattened and elongated. They are a handsome
Arizona Hairy Scorpions light brown color and are fairly large, longer
Arizona hairy scorpions are among the than Asian forest scorpions. They are native to
largest scorpions in the United States. They are rock outcrops in southern Africa where their
native to the Sonoran Desert. They are a very body shape allows them to wedge themselves
handsome pale green -yellow color. And yes, into deep cracks in the rock, safe from predation
they look hairy, particularly on the claws. They and the burning sun. They share these habitats
have a heavy stinger but are not known to be with another oddly flattened animal, the
pancake tortoise. These scorpions are not cur ¬
notable for a unique chemical defense-they
rently often seen in pet shops, but are worth spray acetic acid. Their pincers have many
looking for because of their unusual appearance spines on them and they are carried tucked
and gentle temperament. They have a ridicu ¬ together in front of their bodies. Their first
lously tiny stinger for their body size. It may be pair of legs are modified as feelers, being long
that they have been shaped by evolution to and slender. While whipscorpions are found
defend themselves by hiding, not stinging. throughout the warmer parts of the world, you
Keeping African rock scorpions: South are most likely to see the species found in the
African rock scorpions need dry conditions as United States for sale. This is lucky because
do Arizona hairy scorpions. They are climbers this whipscorpion, the giant vinegaroon
and need a tall tank with a pile of flattened ( Mastigoproctus giganteus) is the world's
stones to climb on. They feed well on crickets largest, at over 2'l, inches (approximately 6 cm)
and other insects. body length. They live in the southwestern
United States and Florida. They dig deep bur¬
rows under stones and logs. Like scorpions,
Those Weird Spider whipscorpions mate by passing a sper-
Relatives matophore from male to female. Unlike scorpi ¬

There are many orders in the class Arach- ons, whipscorpions lay eggs that they carry in
nida- 11 to 17, depending on the source. I have a sac. The newly hatched young ride on the
talked about only two of these so far: the mother's back. The young stay with the
Araneae (spiders), and Scorpiones (scorpions). females through several molts in the burrow.
I also have mentioned the mites as pests. There Keeping whipscorpions: Whip-scorpions get
are three other arachnid orders worth mention ¬ over the acetic acid- spraying habit in captivity,
ing as they are of interest to collectors: the which is fortunate, because they can gas them ¬

Uropygi, whipseorpions; the Amblypygi, tailless selves if they spray in an enclosed container.
whipscorpions; and the Solifugae, windscorpi- Whipscorpions adapt well to captivity and are
ons. These three weird creatures are so strange best kept on a sandy substrate that is kept
to behold and observe feeding and moving moist. If you do not give them a substrate deep
around that it is a "close encounter of the third enough for retreat construction, then you
kind." They are so unearthly in appearance and should give them a cork bark shelter to hide
so unlike even the relatively familiar spiders and under during the day or they will wear them ¬

scorpions that having one is a real treat. None selves out trying to dig a burrow. They feed well
of them have venom glands, which makes them on insects and can become so fat that they may
less problematic to keep than many scorpions. actually eat themselves to a standstill.
All are restricted to warmer areas of the world.
Tailless Whipscorpions
Whipscorpions Tailless whipscorpions are among the weird ¬

Whipscorpions get their name from their est of the weird. They have a flattened body
antennalike tail (or flagellum). They also are and extremely long legs that are several

times their body length. The first pair of legs temperatures, such as the lower 70s°F (20s“ C)
are greatly modified as sensory organs and are and can be killed by overly warm temperatures.
even longer. It is the way they move these They can be kept in groups if they are similar
whips around, slowly feeling for what is in their in size (otherwise, the smaller ones will be
environment, that really puts them out there. lunch). They feed well on climbing insects such
Some tropical species are quite large, having a as crickets. They are fast and fragile and will
body length of about 2 inches (about 5 cm). shed legs if you try to handle them. It is best
They also have a whip span of over 1'A feet to use a hands-off approach due to their deli¬
(about 50 cm). Tailless whipscorpions are among cate nature.
the most delicate of the arachnids. The only
places I have seen tailless whipscorpions in the Windscorpions
wild were very moist, such as in piles of rotting Windscorpions are fast denizens of dry,
cardboard on the Florida Keys, and in a bat warm regions of the world. In the United
cave, a hollow tree, and a water cistern in the States they are found in the Southwest and
rain forest of French Guiana. Tailless whipscor
Florida. Some of the largest are from the
pions are climbers, not burrowers. They are deserts of North Africa. Windscorpions, more
extremely fast and tricky to keep. If you are than any other arachnid I have discussed, are
lucky enough to find one for sale (or luckier .
active and aggressive predators They have
still to see one in the wild) you will need to three pairs of running legs, the front pair of
treat it with extra care. Reproductive behavior legs modified as feelers (like the tailless whip ¬

is the same as in whipscorpions. Females carry scorpions), the pedipalps ending in grabbing
the eggs in a sac under the abdomen, and the appendages that lack the grasping claws that
youngsters stay on the female's back for a brief scorpions have but have adhesive hairs. These
period after hatching. sticky appendages pull the hapless prey into
Keeping tailless whipscorpions: Tailless the huge chelicerae that have been modified
whipscorpions are best kept as arboreal taran¬ into chopping tools. If there is a chain saw
tulas, with a bark chip or potting soil substrata murderer analog among the Arachnida, wind¬
for maintaining a higher humidity and pieces scorpions are it. Windscorpions either live in
of bark to climb on. For the larger species, use burrows or use retreats under stones. Males
one of the extratali aquaria. Rather than an actively transfer a spermatophore to females
open wire mesh top, I would partially mask the either directly, genital orifice to genital orifice,
open mesh with plastic to restrict airflow. They or use the chelicerae to transfer the packet .
need a secure climbing surface and high Females lay eggs in burrows in the ground.
humidity. The bark and substrate should always Keeping windscorpions: Windscorpions vary
be kept moist and a large water dish full of in how well they do in captivity. Most reports
water. Even though tailless whipscorpions are indicate that they live for only weeks, or at
from warm areas of the globe, they are noctur ¬ best months, in captivity. This is similar to my
nal and spend their days in caves and tree hol¬ own experience. One reason for mortality may
lows. They will do best at moderate be that these very active critters need much

more space than a similarly sized scorpion or

spider. There is definitely room for experimen¬

;u tation with windscorpions. They need a dry

mm cage with an opportunity to burrow. Give them
room, warmth, and solitude. There are indica ¬

m ]
*&£ }
K £ tions that air movement may be important to
i \ri
.< keeping them successfully. These creatures are
as arachnid shrews, hungry and aggressive. I
would not dream of handling them. They are
best transferred between cages using the
hands-off method. Remember, they are very
||p fast. They will eat a wide variety of insects and
A whipsrorpion or vinegaroott small vertebrates. Feed them a lot, much more
(IWastigoproHus gigantcus). than a scorpion of similar size.

V "
v\ V- '1 ,o



I /wi/r of Tanzanian tailless whipsrorpions Ante llw white spennatophore
fift' *
on the hark between them.
Following is a brief list of societies and sources of West Coast Zoological
information for tarantula and arachnid care. In addi¬ P.O. Box 16840
tion, there are multiple sites on the World Wide Web Plantation, FL 33318
as well as computer bulletin boards devoted to Phone (954) 327 -8504
arachnids. As these are likely to change frequently .
I will leave it up to the reader to locate current sites
Fax (954) 327-8264
West Coast Zoological is a world- wide importer that
and addresses. has good prices on wild-caught spiders.

Societies Sources for Supplies or Feeder Insects

The American Tarantula Society Carolina Biological Supply Co.
P O Box 756 2700 York Road
Carlsbad, NM 88221 Burlington, NC 27215
(800) 334-5551
The British Tarantula Society Carolina sells fruit flies and rearing media.
81 Phillimore Place
Radlett, Hertfordshire, WD7 8NJ Ward's Natural Science
England P.O. Box 92912
Rochester, NY 14692-9012
American Arachnological Society (800) 962- 2660
American Museum of Natural History Ward’s sells fruit flies, rearing media and window
Central Park West at 79 th Street cages (for web spiders).
New York, NY 10024
BioQuip Products
British Arachnological Society 17803 LaSalle Avenue
71 Havant Road Gardena, CA 90248
Walthamstow, London El 7 3JE (310) 324-0620
England BioQuip sells insect collecting equipment, including
sweep nets and black lights, insect cages, and books.
Sources for Tarantulas
Many vendors offer tarantulas for sale. I list three Top Hat Cricket Farm, Inc.
sources for tarantulas that I have worked with and 1919 Forest Drive
have had excellent dealings with over the years. All Kalamazoo, Ml 49002
(800) 638- 2555
have web sites you can find using any search engine.

Arachnocentric Fluker Farms

1107 W. Oak St.
P.O. Box 378
West Frankfort, IL 62896 Baton Rouge, LA 70821
(800) 735-8537
Phone (618) 932 3467
Fax (618) 932-6282
Arachnocentric specializes in captive-bred tarantula Grubco
P.O. Box 15001
Hamilton, OH 45015
(800) 222-3563
Glades Herp
5207 Palm Beach Blvd.
Ft. Myers, FL 33905
Phone (941) 693 1077
Fax (941) 693- 1901
Glades Herp has a diverse species listing, and often
has unusual tarantulas for sale.
African emperor scorpion, Crickets, 90 utilitarian, 25, 27 Reputation, 6-7
104-105 Curlyhair tarantula, 69 -
vivaria, 27 28 Respiratory organs, 11
African redrump tarantula, Curvedhorn tarantula, 48 Humidity, 19, 21-22
48 Hybridizing, 74-75 Scorpions, 102-106
Anatomy, 6-8, 10 Defense, 15 Scuttle flies, 33
Andean stripeleg tarantula, Diet, 34-36 Illness, 94-95 Sex, 9
63 -65 Digestion, 10 Indian ornamental tarantula, Shedding. See Molting
Antilles pinktoe tarantula, 70 51-52, 56 Shipping, 20, 75
Arizona hairy scorpion, 105 Earthworms, 93 Silk, 8
Asian chevron tarantula, 46, Ecuadorian brownvelvet Java yellowknee tarantula, Skeleton tarantula, 12-13, 71
48 tarantula, 60 54, 56 Soil substrate, 22-23
Asian forest scorpion, Eggs: South African rock scorpion,
104-105 artificial incubation of, King baboon tarantula, 50, 105-106
82-83 52 Sphagnum moss, 24
Bedding, 23 -25, 86 eating of, 92 Spiderlings:
Behavior, 26 27 laying of, 79, 81-82 Laws, 59 description of, 18, 83
Bite, 15 Equipment, 19 Leg loss, 94-95 feeding of, 87
Black widow, 98-100 Longevity, 10-11 housing of, 86
Bolivian steelyblue tarantula, False Death’s Head cock ¬ separating of, 85-86
61-62 roach, 93 Maggots, 33 Sri Lankan ornamental
Book lungs, 8, 11 Fangs, 11 Mail-order buying, 18 tarantula, 51-52
Brazilian salmon tarantula, Feeding: Mealworms, 91-92 Straighthorned tarantula,
56-57, 60 schedule for, 35-36 Mexican blond tarantula, 47-49
Brazilian whiteknee taran¬ spiderlings, 87 -
64 67, 80 Substrates:
tula, 62, 64 Flour beetles, 92 Mexican redknee tarantula, making of, 23-24
Breeding: Foldingdoor spiders, 97-98 -
67 68 soil, 22-23
considerations for, 27 Food: Mexican redleg tarantula, 68, Superworms, 93
description of, 78-79 amount of, 35-36 80 Systematics, 41- 45
pair for, 73-76 commercial sources, 89-93 Mexican redrump tarantula,
signals, 77-78 prey, 34-35 68-69 Tanzania dwarf tarantula, 45
Burrowers: Fruit flies, 90-91 Mites, 31-33 Temperature, 22, 87
obligate, 14, 28-29 Fungal infections, 95 Molting, 36-37, 95 Thailand black tarantula, 46
opportunistic, 14, 28 Fungus gnats, 33-34 Mombassa golden starburst Thailand zebra tarantula, 46,
Buying, 17-20 tarantula, 46-47 48
Giant crab spiders, 102 Myiasis, 20 Togo starburst tarantula,
Cage. See also Housing Goliath birdeater tarantula, 50-51, 53
bedding, 23-25, 86 15, 54- 57 Obligate burrowers, 14, -
Trapdoor spiders, 97 98
considerations for, 20-21 Greenbottle blue tarantula, 28-29 Trinidad chevron tarantula,
humidity in, 21-22 29, 61-62 Opportunistic burrowers, 14, 52-54
substrates, 22-25 28 Trinidad mahogany tarantula,
Cameroon red tarantula, 27, Habitat, 5-6, 14 Orange treespider tarantula, 70-71
48-50 Hairs, urticating, 15, 20 71 Trinidad olive tarantula,
Cannibalism, 73, 85 Haitian brown tarantula, Orbweavers, 100-102 63-64, 80
Characteristics, 5 57- 58, 60
Chilean common tarantula, Handling, 38-39 Panama blond tarantula, Usambara orange tarantula,
13, 26, 58, 60 History, 6 16 49
Cobalt blue tarantula, 45-46 Housing. See also Cage Peruvian blond tarantula, 13
Colombian giant tarantula, for arboreals, 31 Pinktoe tarantula, 12, 69-70 Venom, 15
60-61 considerations for, 20-21 Pompillid wasp, 12, 14 Vermiculite, 24
Colombian lesserblack taran ¬ dangers associated with, 31 Purseweb spiders, 97-98 Vivarium, 27-30
tula, 58 for obligate burrowers,
Costa Rican tigerrump taran¬ 28 29- Red featherleg tarantula, 51, Wandering spiders, 102
tula, 13 for opportunistic burrow ¬ 53 Whipscorpions, 106-107
Costa Rican zebra tarantula, ers, 28 Regulatory agencies, 59 Widow spiders, 98-100
62-63, 76 for spiderlings, 86 Reproductive organs, 76-77 Windscorpions, 107- 108
About the Author
Sam Marshall has kept and studied tarantulas since
1974, when he caught his first tarantula in Arizona.
Since then he has traveled to South America, Aus¬
tralia, and the Caribbean in search of tarantulas.
He has earned both Master's and Doctoral degrees
studying spiders, and has performed research on
tarantulas in the field and lab, studying their system-
atics, behavior and ecology. The results of his work
has been published in both popular and scientific
venues. Sam is currently the director of Hiram
College's J. H. Barrow Field Station in northeast Ohio, ® Copyright 2001 by Barron's Educational Series, Inc.
where he conducts research on tarantulas and wolf Prior edition © 1996 by Barron's Educational Series,
spiders with Hiram College students . Inc.
All rights reserved.
Photo Credits No part of this book may be reproduced
All photos by Samuel D. Marshall except page 56 in any form, by photostat, microfilm, xerography,
(bottom left) by Rick C. West. or any other means, or incorporated into any
information retrieval system, electronic or
mechanical, without the written permission
of the copyright owner.

Important Note All inquiries should be addressed to:

The subject of this book is the keeping and care Barron's Educational Series, Inc.
of a venomous animal Tarantula and scorpion 250 Wireless Boulevard
Hauppauge, NY 11788
keepers should be aware that any bite or sting,
even one where the spider or scorpion is not par¬ .
http:// www barronseduc com.
ticularly toxic, should be considered serious and --
ISBN- 13: 978 0 7641-1463-2
may have harmful consequences See a physician ISBN- 10: 0-7641-1463-8
immediately after any bite or sting Some species
Library of Congress Catalog Card No. 00-058576
have urticating hairs that they shed in defense
(see page 15). Such hairs can irritate the skin or
throat if inhaled Always guard against inhaling Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
these hairs or having them come in contact with Marshall, Samuel D.
the skin If there is contact, wash hands thor¬ Tarantulas and other arachnids : everything
about purchase, housing, care, nutrition, and
oughly and seek a physician's care immediately if
a persistent rash or inflammation occurs . health care / Samuel D. Marshall ; illustrations by
Keeping tarantulas and scorpions requires great Laura Barghusen.
care and responsibility Carelessness can lead to p. cm.
serious consequences Children should always be Includes bibliographical references (p. ).
supervised when observing your spider or scor¬ -
ISBN 0-7641 1463-8
pion, and individuals with small children are .
1. Tarantulas as pets. 2. Tarantulas. 3 Arachnida.
\ advised not to keep these animals. .
I Title.
Some vivarium plants may be harmful to the SF429.T37 M37 2001
skin or mucous membranes of human beings If . 639’.7 — dc 21 00-058576
you notice any signs of irritation, wash the area
thoroughly See your physician if the condition Printed in China
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BE 1. v14
Information and advice to help
you take good care of tarantulas
and other arachnids
Different species of tarantulas: anatomy, life cycle,
origins, and more

Despite its frightening Expert advice: feeding, housing, recognizing

reputation, the tarantula healthy specimens, breeding, and more
can be a wonderful and
interesting pet. Understanding arachnids: special needs,
body language and its meaning

- -
Step by step directions on everyday care of
tarantulas and other arachnids

- -
Informative, easy to understand checklists
and sidebars

Filled with handsome full color photos




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