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The first form of transport on land was, of course, WALKING

Around 3,500 BC, the wheel was invented

The oldest wheel that archaeologists have found came from Mesopotamia
The wheel is one of the most important inventions ever made
The first kinds of wheeled vehicles were carts (two wheels) and wagons (four wheels).
A carriage is a closed, horse-drawn vehicle with four wheels, used to transport people
The Homing Pigeon is a bird that is able to find its way home from very far off.
. It is estimated that over 100 000 pigeons were used to transport messages during WWI
Donkeys are domestic animals that were originally wild donkeys from Africa
The horse has been one of the most important beasts of burden for hundreds of years
An ox is a bull that has been castrated.
Camels were first domesticated in Arabia thousands of years ago.
Elephants are not only found in Africa.
The first bicycle was developed between 1790 and 1817.
During the 19th century the cycle developed quite a bit. First, the German, Karl von Drais developed a cycle whose
front wheel could be steered. In other words, it could turn in different directions so that the rider could go in the
direction he wanted simply by turning the handles bars. It was called the 'Draisienne' or 'Dandy Horse'
Scotsman Kirkpatrick MacMillan made the first cycle with pedals in 1839.
the bicycle as we know it today was invented in England in 1885. Known as the first ‘safety’ bicycle, it was invented
by John Kemp Starley
A cycle with three wheels is called a tricycle
There are also other ways to travel with wheels. One is by rickshaw, a two-wheeled cart in which one or two or so
people can ride. It is pulled by another person.
The rickshaw was invented in Japan and also became popular in China and India. In South Africa, people can take
rickshaw rides in Durban for fun.
The train was first invented in the beginning of the 19th century
The first practical steam engine capable to pump water was built by Thomas Newcomene in 1712. Known as the
Newcomene steam engine, it was improved by Scottish inventor James Watt
. Trains were the product of the Industrial Revolution and were aided by the growth of coal mining.
The first major railway was built in 1830, between Liverpool and Manchester in England

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