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Learning Area English Grade Level 9

W1 Quarter 3 Date

I. LESSON TITLE Differentiating Biases from Prejudices (Part 1)

MELC 6: Differentiate biases from prejudices
III. CONTENT/CORE CONTENT Enabling Competencies:
- Reflecting on the speaker’s ideas
- Sharing personal opinions on the ideas listened to
- Forming decisions based on ideas mentioned

IV. LEARNING PHASES Learning Activities
A. Introduction Day 1 Through accomplishing the learning tasks on this lesson, you will be given
(30 mins.) opportunities to reflect on speaker’s ideas, share opinions, and form decisions
based on ideas presented to you. Eventually, it will help you be more critical on
evaluating ideas such as differentiating biases from prejudices to form keen
judgment and stand on social related issues at present.

Read the following comics. Decide to which of the characters you agree with
and state your reason.

Created with Storyboard That Created with Storyboard That

I agree with _________ because I agree with _________ because

_____________________________. ______________________________.

In various occasions, you are asked to express your views or opinions on

particular matters. When you do this, your statements may contain factual
information or subjective content defined below:

Factual information are statements that can be verified or proven to be true.

Subjective content involves judgment, feeling, opinion, intuition, or emotion
rather than factual information.

Look at the following examples:

Factual Information Subjective Content
Jose Rizal wrote Noli Me Tangere. For me, Jose Rizal’s Noli Me Tangere is
an eye opener that helps us realize
the ills of the society.

About 4.5 Filipinos have lost their jobs In my opinion, the government should
this year, with unemployment rate at extend additional assistance to
10.4% - the highest in 15 years, the Filipinos who suffered from
government reported, due to the unemployment due to the pandemic.
Covid-19 pandemic.

Garnering 70% of the viewers’ vote, I believe the winner deserves victory
the finalist from Visayas won the reality due to his commendable social skills
show. when dealing with others.

The statements on the first column contain established facts, figures, and
proven evidence to claim that the statements are true. On the other hand, the
statements on the second column are about one’s impressions, suggestions, and
personal judgment on situations, respectively.
IV. LEARNING PHASES Learning Activities
In the activity earlier with the comics, you might have provided factual
information or expressed subjective content to justify your choice. It is equally
important to know how to distinguish the two when listening to a speaker or
reading an article when gathering information. For situations that call for a
valuable input from you, it is important that you know these two important
concepts so that you may be able to balance them to form a strong argument.
B. Development Days 1-2 Read the video transcript of America’s President Barack Obama which you
(90 mins.) can also find on pages 528-529 if you have your English 9 LM. If you have internet
access and gadget at home, you may watch the video on this link:

Learning Task 1
Statements below are taken from President Obama’s address. Identify which
among the statements contain factual information or subjective content. Write F
for factual and S for subjective. Write your answers on pad paper.
1. There were no winners in this government shutdown.
2. At a time when our economy needs more growth and more jobs, the
manufactured crises of these last few weeks actually harmed jobs and growth.
3. The Senate has already passed a bill with strong bipartisan support.
4. First, we should sit down and pursue a balanced approach to a responsible
budget, one that grows our economy faster and shrinks our long-term deficits
5. Second, we should finish the job of fixing our broken immigration system. There’s
already a broad coalition across America that’s behind this effort, from business
leaders to faith leaders to law enforcement. It would grow our economy.

Learning Task 2
This time, read an excerpt from President Manuel L. Quezon’s speech. In your
pad paper, write down three (3) statements indicating factual information and
three (3) statements expressing subjective content from the speech.

[Radiocast from Malacañang Palace, Manila, on Rizal Day, December 30, 1937]

My Fellow-Citizens:
It affords me an indescribable satisfaction to be able to announce to you that on
this the 41st anniversary of the martyrdom of the founder and greatest exponent of
Philippine nationalism, I had the privilege of issuing, in pursuance of the mandate of
the Constitution and of existing law, an Executive Order designating one of the native
languages as the basis for the national language of the Filipino people.
IV. LEARNING PHASES Learning Activities
For over three hundred years that Spain exercised sovereignty over the
Philippines, Spanish was the official language; nevertheless, when the United States
took possession and control of these Islands, Spanish had not become the common
language of our people. With the establishment of the American régime, English
became the official language of our country; but despite the fact that English has been
taught in all our public schools for more than a generation, it has not become the
language of our people. Today there is not one language that is spoken and
understood by all the Filipinos, nor even by a majority of them, which simply proves
that while the teaching of a foreign language may be imposed upon a people, it can
never replace the native tongue as a medium of national expression among the
common masses. This is because, as Rizal asserted, the national thought takes its
roots in a common language which develops and grows with the progress of the
nation. We may borrow for a time the language of other peoples, but we cannot truly
possess a national language except through the adoption, development and use of
one of our own.
There was a time when it seemed that it would be impossible for the Filipinos to
agree that one of the native languages be chosen as the national language, but at last
we have all realized that if we are willing to accept a foreign language as the official
language of the Philippines, with more reason we should accept one of our own
languages as the national language of our common country. Without giving undue
importance to the role that a common language plays in the life of a people, we may
point to the fact that in the Orient the one nation which has made the greatest progress
and which has won a high place in the family of nations, is the only nation that has
one common language—Japan. And every other nation which has attained the
highest state of culture, solidarity and power, both on the American continent and in
Europe, and even in Africa, is a nation that possesses a common national language.
Today, with the adoption of Tagalog as the basis for the national language of the
Philippines, we have accomplished one of the most cherished dreams of Rizal.
In no better way could we have honored his sacred memory on this anniversary
of his immolation to the cause of our free nationhood.
I wish you all a Happy New Year.

Source: Official Gazette

C. Engagement Days 3-4 Learning Task 3

(90 mins.) An editorial is a journalistic piece of writing that expresses the writer’s thoughts
and opinions on a certain issue. For your task, choose only one (1) among the
current issues given below and write an editorial article about it.
 Administration of COVID-19 Vaccine
 Mental Illness Stigma in the Philippines
 Resumption of Face-to-Face Classes

Your article should consist of 200-300 words. It should contain at least two (2)
sentences stating factual information and three (3) sentences expressing
subjective content. Underline or highlight these sentences. Write your article in one
whole sheet of paper. Below is the rubric in evaluating your output.
IV. LEARNING PHASES Learning Activities
D. Assimilation Day 4
(5 mins.)

It is important to know how to distinguish factual information from subjective

content when listening to a speaker or reading an article when gathering
information. For situations that call for a valuable input from you such as when
asked about your stand on a particular issue (e.g., writing an editorial, making
a speech), it is important that you know these two important concepts so that
you may be able to balance them to form a strong argument.

V. ASSESSMENT Day4 Read the following pairs of sentences. Decide which is a factual and which is
(15 mins.) subjective between the two. Write F for factual and S for subjective. Write your
answers in pad paper.
1. _____ Catering to more than 6,000 students, Luis Palad Integrated High School is
the largest school in the Division of Tayabas City.
_____ It is a privilege to finish secondary education in Luis Palad Integrated High
2. _____ Tayabas City is a home to established Tayabasin artists such as Manuel
Jamilano, Tipin Rosales Eleazar, Delfin Antiola, and Jose Romero.
_____ I am proud of local artists from my hometown, Tayabas City.
3. _____ Online distance learning is more fun than modular due to virtual
interaction with teachers and classmates every now and then.
_____ Before the beginning of the school year, LPIHS conducted a survey to
identify students who can be subjected under modular distance learning
and online distance learning.
4. _____ The aisle of Basilica Menor de Tayabas is perfect for the bride’s most
memorable walk in her life.
______ The Basilica Menor de Tayabas is known for having the longest aisle
among the churches built during the Spanish colonial era.
5. ______ Malagonlong Bridge is one among the Spanish-era bridges in Tayabas.
______ The thought of children said to be kidnapped and their blood used in the
construction of bridges to make them strong and stand the test of time
is scary.
VI. REFLECTION Day 4 Directions: Reflect on what you learned on this lesson about factual information
(10 mins.) and subjective content by completing the statements below.
1. The aspect of the lesson I believe I learned most about is…
2. The task which I found the most challenging is ________________ because…
3. I realized that I can use the things I learned from this lesson when…

Prepared by: Checked by:

Josephine V. Cabulong – SDO TAYABAS CITY Maria Madel C. Rubia – Head Teacher III

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