The Sread of New Ideas

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Spread of New Ideas » -(d) 2. (dd) 3. (b) 4. (b) 5. (a) 6. (c) + (e) 2. (d) 3. (c) 4. (a) 5. (b) . Names of four Upanishads — Katha Upanishad, Isa Upanishad, Mundaka Upanishad and Aitareya Upanishad. . Mahavira was born in 540 BC at Kundagrama in Vaishali (Bihar). Buddha gained enlightenment beneath a pipal tree in Bodh Gaya. sata . Satyakama Jabala was a poor man who had a deep des; |. The main teachings of Buddha are compiled in the Trip; 5 j it or (the three baskets). They are written in Pali. takas it know about reality. He was accepted by a Brahmin ‘eae called Gautama. He became one of the learned thinkers of es le time. ‘ ‘The four noble truths of Buddhism are : (i) The world is full of suffering. (ii) The cause of suffering is desire. (iii) To end suffering one must get rid of desire. (iv) To end desire, one must follow the Eightfold path. . Those who belonged to the Hinayana sect followed Buddha’s teachings only. Those who belonged to the Mahayana sect believed that the Buddha was an incarnation of God. They started worshipping him in the form of idols and Bodhisattvas, . Three jewels (tri-ratnas) of Jainism are : (i) Right Faith (ii) Right Knowledge (iii) Right Action |. The Digambaras observed long fasts and did not wear any clothes whereas the Swetambaras were more liberal and wore white clothes. . All men could join the Buddhist Sangha. Children had to take permission from their parents. Women had to take permission from their husband. Only emancipated slaves or dasas could join the Sangha. . The main teachings of the Buddhism are explained in the four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path. The four Noble Truths are: (i) The world is full of suffering. Gi) The cause of suffering is desire. (ii) To end suffering one most get rid of desire. (iv) To end desire, one must follow the Eightfold path. The Eightfold Path are : G) Right belief (ii) Right thought (iii) Right speech (iv) Right action (v) Right livelihood (vi) Right effort (vii) Right memory (viii) Right meditation ee NOD scot wt eek 3 Following the Eightfold Path would purify the mind and help to attain Nirvana (or freedom from the cycle of rebirth). Buddha stressed on ahimsa or non-violence. Non-violence means that one should have no ill feelings against one another. It should be practised with purity of thought, speech and action. Buddha also criticised the caste system. He laid stress on love and compassion to living beings in thought, word and deeds. . Five doctrines of Jainism were the following : (i) do not commit violence (ii) do not speak a lie (iii) do not steal (iv) do not acquire property (v) observe continence (nigraha) The five Doctrines laid stress on the purity of life in action, speech and thought. They insisted on truth, non-violence and non-accumulation of wealth. The word ‘Upanishad’ consists of three words — ‘upa’ means near, ‘ni’ means down and ‘shad’ means be seated. Thus, Upanishad means ‘be seated at the feet of the Guru to receive the teaching’. The main topic of the ‘Upanishads’ is the ultimate knowledge : the identity of the Brahman and the Jivatma. These philosophical texts criticised rituals and laid stress on the value of right aes and knowledge.

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