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Name : .................

Subject : Computer Science

Class: 1 / Section : ..............
Attempt all the Questions.
All the Questions carry one mark each.

I. Tick (√) the tasks that you can do on a computer :

1. Draw 2. Type letters 3. Play music 4. Swim

5. Play games 6. Walk 7. Solve sums 8. Jump

II. Fill in the blanks choosing correct words from the box:

Sounds, computer, internet, homework, calculate, bills

1. A ............... is a very useful machine.

2. At shops, computers are used to print ................
3. You can use ................... to find information.
4. You can listen to ..............stored on a computer.
5. A computer can ....................very fast.
6. At home, a computer is used to do ........................

III. Answer in one word :

1. What can we type on a computer? .................................
2. Name a cartoon movie that you have seen on a computer? ...........................
3. Name any one place where computers are used? ...........................

IV. Guess the places where computers are used (Use the given hints) :
1. Teachers use computers in S C …… O O …… S [H, L]
2. Bankers use computers in B …… N …… S [A, K]
3. Doctors use computers in H …… S P I T …… L S [O, A]
4. Officers use computers in O F …… I …… E S [F, C]
5. Shopkeepers use computers in M …… L …… S [A, L]
6. To book flight tickets A …… R P …… R T [I, O]


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